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The following text is Stirner's first publication, which previous collections of Stirner's writings do

not contain.

Review of: Theodor Rohmer: German occupation in the present. Zurich and Winterthur:
Publishing house of the literary Comptoirs 1841 in: The railroad. A support leaf for the formed
world (Leipzig), 4th Jg., no. 77/78 (28./30.12.1841), S.307-308, 310-312

Max Stirner: "You only have the courage to be destructive"

How happy I was as a child to lie on green belonging to the constitutional monarchy
fields and look up into blue skies. The of the great polity of Europe" (pg. 169).
sweet smells of Spring would waft Alas, one must be incapable of desiring
through the air as dreamed of my bright blossoming hopes and one must cash in all
future. I dreamed of becoming a great sweet enthusiasm for homeland and
man. I would throw fistfuls of gold out of humanity, if one did not want to longingly
my carriage and masses of poor and demand, contemptuously despise,
stunned people would worship me. I joyously expect, and youthfully dream
would build fairy palaces and alhambras. with the author. And I demanded,
Rosy girls would attend to my every need despised, expected and dreamed with him.
in flowering gardens. Had I been able to I nourished my love on his enthusiasm
throw myself directly into the work force I and strengthened my beliefs on his hopes.
should have indeed become a rich and I have lived in rich abundance -- Then
famous man. But alas, I would have only why am I still discontented, discontented
have had the possibility of becoming it, with this book?
and was therefore not a great man. ---
Therefore, because I do not find passion
Afterall who does not feel great Hope fill
here, the passion that wakes the soul of
his breast? Whose heart does not ache
men, therefore, because even here I meet
with sweet impatience when he reads page
the same well-meaning half-measure, that
after page about the great things the
wants to reconcile before dividing that has
German people could do and about how
come not to send the sword like Christ
everything could potentially become? Yes,
did, but rather to send peace. therefore,
we are referred to the following quote:
because wrath and hate do not burn here;
"Hegemony: the German nature carries
therefore, because even this enthusiasm is
the stamp of intellectual supremacy and is
nothing more than fleeting excitement and
uniquely blessed with an abundance of
even this prediction of revival is nothing
talent. Yet how is it that in such a union
more than the political and diplomatic
there is no nation? We are politically and
sayings of sly politics. Finally, I am
militarily, philosophically and
discontented because instead of
scientifically, poetically and artistically,
demanding us to look inside ourselves and
musically and linguistically, industrially
to look at the disgrace of our broken souls
and nautically, and technically gifted. We
the author speaks only of our future
are so rich in our talents that we outdo
prospects. On a single page (pg. 171; for
other peoples in uniting the individuals
the flimsy second chapter is hardly worthy
pieces of society. Germany identifies as
of our attention), the author dismisses our that burns everything to the ground will
afflictions, and what horrid afflictions they brink clarity and light. Already, I see a
are! The "Stader Zoll", Hannover's and little cloud rising on the horizon. To be
Mecklenburg's refusal to step up to the sure it is still inconspicuous and desperate.
German Customs Union ect.; is only But many others see it too, although it is
incidentally thought of in court only visible to the Sunday children. There
constitution and press terms. Then he could be a pretty thunderstorm after the
swiftly concludes : "Let us turn away from muggy days.
this sad view and look to the vision the
A book has appeared in the press-free
future has to offer us." He excuses this
country of Switzerland that we should not
tenderness with the following: "It is of
ignore just because we are ashamed.
less use to illuminate single deficiencies
Rather, we should allow it to dismantle the
where evil has taken root, not because it
hypocritical priesthood of the wolf soul.
isn't necessary or worth the effort, but
Neither tirades, admonitions, nor boring
rather because the Illumination of said
discussions gnaw at the heart and kidneys
deficiencies here is less effective than
of the naked child. So exposed is this
anywhere else; Because the nation has the
child that the cutting winter frost begins to
clearest insight on countless things, whose
freeze his limbs until his spirit begins to
repeal imposes the most simple
hunt helplessly for protection and shelter.
understanding, and which in spite of the
There is a forty-seven page book, which I
most outspoken will of the public voice
cannot name, but that has become as
spreads nevertheless.
popular as the "Spener'she" Newspaper
"The nation has the clearest insight!" Tell and has extinguished more than twenty
me, where is the nation supposed to have years of this revolution.
attained this insight? For example, how
Paper: which is to this day unsurpassed in
many Prussians read more than just the
the incomparably simple manner by which
national newspaper or other popular
to revolutionize the spirits and awaken
newspapers of the inland? Nothing is
conviction. There is nothing that proves
discussed in these newspapers but
that we belong to the best race and that
frivolous festivities. The atrocities
this race is blessed by God. But this was
committed by the rotten people are
asked four times and answered four times.
completely ignored. When will the
The author could have taken a hint from
decisive ideas of our modern age, like
this and been more popular. But he is a
freedom of press, transparency, and self-
German with skin and hair. On page 201
determination be discussed in an inclusive
he says, "First the human soul must be
manner. So far these ideas have only been
dissected, its structure known, its
negotiated in alienated chambers, as if
functions described, its development
these notions had no direct impact on us.
explained; first we should work out the
Go into the provinces and be shocked to
lessons we can learn from the spirit, the
learn about the inexpressible efficacy of
individual, races, nations, tribes, and
censorship. Such a widespread ignorance
families. Only then will humanity be able
in regard to the holy as well as unholy
to open its eyes for the first time: It will
questions of political life is hard to find
get to know itself, the time of its
elsewhere. And this ignorance is so
emancipation has arrived. The more their
ingrained that no quiet ray of reason may
self awareness grows, the more generally
ever penetrate this wild darkness, and only
the psychological consciousness of the
a blazing bolt of lightning that starts a fire
masses can understand themselves, the What for does Mr. Rohmer plea we need
greater the possibility of attain the best of connection? Are we Germans not
history -- the perfect country. It must connected? Do we not sing the same song:
appear almost deceitful that I selected this "what is our German Vaterland"? Do not
laughable passage, in which the author all Germans happily great one another as
recommended that the masses study friends and trust each other, and do we not
psychology, in order to finally arrive at the feel connected in the idea or meaning of
"perfect State". Unfortunately this is no the word "German"? This Mr. Rohmer
incidental idea, no excusable side note, knows as well as we do; and still he says
but rather it forms the base of the book. we do not possess this connection. With
Can it amaze us that the Author is so what right? Sadly, with one that is all too
enthusiastic about German-nature, when true! We are as connected as a herd of
we recognize that he himself is such a sheep. We graze in incomparable calm
thoroughly German man? Understand next to one another and defecate in masses
(this is about how Mr. Rohmer speaks) the in the barnyard and eat our meals while
character and the meaning of the Russians we allow our coats to be cut. From time to
and Polish, the Frenchmen, Englishman time, a wolf takes one of us as his meal,
and Spaniards, the Chinese and Indian, and in these times the cowardly insidious
indeed all peoples of the earth, understand rascal might dress up like one of the
and compare yourself to them: then you sheep, as though this were necessary, and
will see that you are called to hegemony be unable to choose his meal because
as the "most blessed" people, and you will none seem to mind being chosen.
fly on this knowledge and obtain it
through unity. My book should help you
come to every understanding in which Sheep are connected, but they have to
peoples are reviewed and measured and it will. Rip one of our submissive people
should seep into your heart. In this way into shreds and we will all be filled with a
unity will be found, and then you my feeling of connectedness with that
German People cannot fail to be individual.Show the horrors committed by
comfortable, for "the greatness in you the authorities elected by the people, those
must and will awake". living in their comfortable homes with
their children and do not wish to be
No matter what, the "Holy Ghost" will
imposed upon with these events, and these
come but no sooner than the time is right.
people will undermine every belief short
And does the time come without any
of the one in the spirit to forget what they
reason? We must make the time come.
have heard and so they are dependent.
Pass through the country, go into each
Only when a human feels lost and alone
cottage, preach discord and even violence,
will he rise up and realize such things; an
not dull unity and comfortable
urge will then flow through his muscles
contentment. We must wake the drowsy
and his courage will swell and he will
souls, not with fleeting hope of comfort,
realize who he is and the power he
no, and with the knowledge that you are
possesses. Bravely he will no longer
informing them of the gruesome
follow with blind trust and beliefs, and
happenings, the secret, forbidden stories,
only those stripped of their blind will to
keep in mind that these trusting citizens
follow will experience freedom. Have the
didn't even know to suspect such things.
courage to be destructive and you will
soon see which wonderful flowers grow
out of the ashes of what you have torn that it must compare itself to other
down. nations, to ask them what to do in order to
establish a national character. In the
Nothing can heal a person better than the
introduction, the German consciousness is
power of a great thought, the kind that fills
designated as that "more politically minor-
our souls with an incredible will that
ness"; out of the story on the one hand, the
pushes us to act. Where in us lies this
German's intellectual salaries are indicated
obligated desire that comes from a great
henceforth in rather wide
idea, that no matter what, is unstoppable
comprehensiveness and with witty
in creating a new world and being within
reflection. The situation with Europe, on
ourselves? We Germans have great pride,
the other hand, whose view forms the
which can become vanity and bring us to
second part of the story, the occupation of
shame. But pride --- pride we can only
Germany is supposed to be demonstrated.
possess for one thing: we can only be
From this story, which was written with
proud of a freedom we have accomplished
fairly clear detail and reflection, the
through thought, pride for the meaning of
opinions of Europe, which can be found in
"I". And still we are only free in a matter
the second part of the book, should finally
of thought and we are not yet proud of this
become the opposite of those of Germany.
freedom. No civilization has a greater
The story shows that Germany always
right to describe their "I" with larger
made decisions and stood as the heart of
letters than the Germans, but we do not
Europe; now, finally, the Germans should,
capitalize it: we leave it hidden and allow
now that other nations are facing
the English language to have the capital
destruction, grow and build.
advantage. Let us accept the German "Ich"
Protestantism, like someone who has
as the most important because the English
searched high and low for truths, must be
"I" remains under the despotism and
at the center of principles as the only
authority of the Church and the French is
answer to the deepest questions and the
fading under the influence of the gloire ---
solution to the most extreme problems.
let us internalize this right and become
Protestantism must be freely accepted as
proud. The pride is what we lack and the
part of the German identity. This principle
pride alone. Away with the humility, that
will become the greatest yearning for all
harms itself! A man is independent! Stop
mankind, the kind of longing for a
asking for duties that become offerings;
righteous word view, a knowing that there
make your owns laws and then follow
is a connection between man and God
with your own will, knowing that you are
(Verf.). But it is not so simple; the longing
then free.
does not occur for a correct or righteous
/311/ world view, not for a theoretical
contentment; instead, the longing is for a
But the time is coming that I address the
right to one self, and the ability to act as
reasons for this book: the groups that have
oneself. Each of Goethe's hardships was
refreshed my faith and if it were radical
absolved through the following and
enough, and it must be because all else is
Shiller's bragging was thereby
too mainstream, I would attempt to
extinguished. The question is not how
explore these deep thoughts. The idea that
should man behave towards God but how
Germany may be obligated to reach
should God as a free entity be viewed by
hegemony becomes like a red thread
man and this is a question of yearning for
through the whole thought process. This
time. "The millennium brings a ring of the
same idea brings Germany a worldview
natural reasoning for the true state" says violently convulsive, though gradually
Verf. (44). This goal, in regard to Mr. borrowed, has depicted the story of
Rohmer's idea, misleads us many times Europe (not to say: the earth) since 1789."
over and only so long as we want to
In the fourteen chapters of the second part,
produce something other then ourselves,
European unity is discussed multilaterally.
we must make ourselves, manifest
The most important of these uncovered,
ourselves. To inform us and become
would bring the reader an enjoyment, to
honest souls will create a true state. We
whom we urgently summon to be minded
cannot create the state because the state is
insofar; it would also be in vain effort, to
made up of the souls of its people that
want to hint at such rich material so
offer themselves freely as souls of the
briefly and unpleasantly. The sum is as
state. It is necessary for the people to
follows: "Unite -- and two great powers
come together, to see what belongs to
will be inspired out of your will, and it
themselves as belonging to the state and
will become a single power with two
the other people and this is what is known
arms. Unite-- and Holland will sacrifice
as a state; the free connection of the
the old rigid spirit for you, and, what in
people. The type of state that one can
Belgium and Switzerland is German
make like a college course pales in
nature, will itself become the new light
comparison to the former in terms of
with or without the desire to do so. Unite
freedom just as the Church would. With
-- and Scandinavia will grasp your hand.
such lack of freedom the church and the
Unite -- and England will seek your
state become invisible. Mr. Rohmer
alliance at the first sign of danger. Unite --
asserts, however, that men should move
and Russia will tremble, while Poland
ever more towards a stage in which their
finds hope. Unite -- and Austria, the
worth and health is established and the
substructure that supports Germany and
freedom of trade is theirs. It is to be
Hungary, will rise at your will to the law
accomplished through a condition focused
in the question of the orient. Unite -- and
on the persons (status -- country), in
Italy will desire the support of your forces
which they should find its welfare and
in the future; and yes through your unity,
Portugal, Spain and France will be
If on their part, the story now showed to compelled to unite as well. If only you
which important roll Germany is were to unite -- you would be the first
appointed, the same results from a review people of the earth". (Pg. 161)
of the loyalty of other peoples. "The
But how do we achieve this unity? By
political situation of Europe, the role of
what means is it supposed to be created?
the people and countries, the state of its
"One principle requires time, in order to
ambitions, should show us their
destroy the demands of falsehood, and to
occupation, as is inferred by Germany's
create and proclaim the new truth. "And
central position in Europe. In truth, since
the creator of this principle -- that even
the Reformation, at least for those given a
Mr. Rohmer himself recognizes, that no
sharp impression and see only the surface,
philosopher can in any manner name ---
since the revolution, Europe is seen as an
this is how the philosophy should be. "We
incessant fermentation pot: Everything
all know that only the German philosophy
only transitional, only crisis or
can lay for us the cornerstone of a higher
intermezzo; the new Age in which strives,
future." (pg.188) We arrived at this
the innumerable spasms of humanity, must
conclusion in the final chapter of the book.
yet be born. The pains of birth, here
How one must regret here, that the author understands under psychology, is already
knows so little of the subject that he indicated above. This he calls "the
discusses! He wants only to describe to be apprenticeship of the spirit", and expects
sure, the "general effect of the philosophy its implementation in the golden days. On
on the time and people;" however, how pg. 200 he prescribes not only the problem
would he recognize the effects without of the philosophy, but rather also the
understanding the causes? He will not results to which it must lead; that wholly
look at the innumerable effects of the arises out of the needs of the heart,
philosophy or see all its effluences in the although shortly before (pg.196) he did
same way, because his eyes have never not want to hold scholasticism for
perceived the [its] source. As a spectator philosophy as such. -- Certainly the
from a distance he makes ingenious philosophy and newer development does
observations and opens us up to many a not have all the effects, that the author
bitter truth; he does not however, touch on wishes would become fulfilled; but what
the essence anywhere, and, what pertains lies just in these wishes, is that, as already
uniquely to the meaning of Hegelian mentioned, reconciliation comes without
philosophy. In so doing his negligence divisiveness, and the old concepts from
allows for naivety and ignorance-- traits of "the unification of country and church,
which we already so long are accustomed sovereign force etc." separate of new, or
to by our most valiant southern brothers. rather not -- are radical.
"Spruce" is to him "an entirely other and
only man", and certainly "he should
reverently hold the German nation Unfortunately we cannot fend off the sad
eternally as one of the rescuers arising out outlook that the author preaches his
of deep need; if however Hegel is prophetic world view throughout the
admittedly of the same motto, certainly entire book to mostly dumb ears. Those
the people are no longer under the foreign who, enthused by it (i.e., the world view)
currency: For King and Homeland! might move toward its implementation,
Igniting a war of revenge, he knows -- yet have only a sense for their own violence
in the whereto I become lost. Should I, and its justification, without thinking and
like the author, only factor in the effects of intending anything cosmopolitan. The
the same right of Hegel and philosophy? I others, however, who are only to be won
esteem him highly but repeat that his over to it (i.e., the author's world view),
book, with all its joy, does not come from are still far away from freeing themselves
inertness of the heart --- for of those from their subservience
matters he understands nothing. He, who (Bedientenhaftigkeit) of opinion to think
knows for example only a "Burdachian" of ideas as something more than an
or "Schubertian" psychology, not to entertaining fancy/enthusiasm. Only the
mention Hegelian and subsequent youth and the youthful spirits remain, and
psychologies, the psychology that we now in their hearts, this sowing -- that we hope
possess, can only as "a miserable for -- so luxuriously, will rise that the
conglomerate of notices and observations" weeds of the selfish power-holders -- and
and that "none can name a science that they amount to millions -- cannot
would possess that courage"? The proliferate any further.
fantasticalities Mr. Rohmer generally

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