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 To separate the starch in the potatoes

 To see how much starch we can get on a potato
 To know what color will it turn when we put iodine


 Potatoes
 Knife
 Mortar and pestle
 Weighing scale
 Muslin cloth
 Beaker
 Petri dish
 Test tube


1. Cut thin slices of potato

2. Weight 25g
3. Triturate it well
4. Add little water then triturate again
5. Filter it with a muslin cloth
6. Repeat the same procedure 2 to 3 times
7. If done with 3rd time leave the beaker for 30 min.
8. Wait till whitish material gets to settle down. It takes 20-30 min.
9. Decant it carefully the after that discard the decanted water
10. Shift the white substance in a clean petri dish
11. Dry the potato starch to perform qualitative analysis
12. take 1g starch powder
13. Shift into a beaker
14. Add 50 to 60 ml. Water in a beaker
15. Heat it and continuously stir
16. Take a little amount or approximately 1ml from the solution
17. Cool under topwater
18. Put 1-2 drops of iodine solution
19. See the result

Result and Discussion:

Now we can see the starch that had been extracted from the potatoes.

The cells of the root tubers of the potato plant contain leucoplasts or starch grains that is the reason
why we can extract starch in potatoes. When we put the iodine into the substance, we can see that the
substance turns into color blue this indicates that the substance has a presence of starch. Potato starch
provides important nutrition for humans and animals as well as being utilized for coatings in numerous
industrial processes.


We conclude that potato starch or starch is a substance that can be obtained. Along the course of the
experiment, we had learned the basic steps on the isolation of starch from potatoes with its
corresponding materials. In order for us to collect the starch in the potato, we need to triturate it well
and filter it for 2 to 3 times, then decant the water and put the starch in a separate container. This also
includes the identification of starch through the iodine test which will give a deep blue color.

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