00 Determination of Twist Per Unit Length of Staple Yarn by Contraction and Direct Method

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National Textile University

B.S Textile Engineering

Lab Report Fall 2K19

Code course TE-3113

Mechanic of Fiber Structure

Practical No 03

Title of the practical determination of twist per unit length of staple yarn
by contraction and direct method
Name Iqbal Hussain

Registration No 17-NTU-0068

Department/Semester TPD/5th

Date of Practical Sep 07 2K19

Date of Lab Report Submission Oct 14 2K19


Determination of twist per unit length of staple yarn by contraction and direct method


This experiment was conducted to determination twist per unit length of staple yarn by
contraction and direct method. In direct method we have find the twist per unit length using
twist tester with the yarn length of 5 inches for five samples. Then by contraction method we
have find the twist per unit length using digital twist tester with the length yarn of 500mm The
SD and CV value for direct method is 0.37 and 2.37 while the SD and CV value for the
contraction method is 0.820 and 4.05


Twist may be defined as the spiral disposition of the components of a thread which is usually
the result of relative rotation of the two ends. Twist is generally expressed as the number of
turns per unit length of yarn, e.g. turns per inch (tpi), turns per meter (tpm), etc. The two
common methods used in twist measurement are straightened fiber method untwist method
involves counting of the number of turns required to untwist the yarns until the surface fibers
appear to be straight and parallel to yarn axis. This method is mainly used for
ply and continuous filament yarns. This is the common method used for staple fiber yarns. It
is based on twist contraction (hence also known as twist contraction method).
In the manufacture of staple fiber yarns, twist is inserted into the fine strand of fibers to hold
the fibers together and impart the desired properties to the twisted yarns. Without twist, the
fine strand of fibers would be very weak and of little practical use. A change in the level of
twist also changes many yarn properties, such as strength and softness. A twist can be either
in Z direction or S direction as indicated in the following figure, depending on the orientation
of the surface fiber in relation to yarn axis
Table 1 twist direction

Experimental Procedure
In this experiment we have determined the twist per unit length of staple yarn by both
contraction and direct method. In direct method first we have set manual twist tester at five
inches from the fix end. Then find twist per unit length using twist tester with the yarn for five
samples. The handle of the twister turned around until the twist is removed and observed with
magnifying glass and the needle is moved from end to another to clarify that the twist is
removed the twist is measured from twist tester reading. Then by contraction method we have
find the twist per unit length using digital twist tester with the length yarn of 500mm. In digital
twist tester Z-twist and S-twist were removed automatically and value were displayed.

The SD, CV and TPI value for direct method is 0.37, 2.37 and 15.6

The SD, CV and TPI value for the contraction method is 0.820, 4.05 and 20.20

Table 1 for direct method

S/No Twists Length in TPI SD CV =

inches 𝑆𝐷
∑ (X−𝑋̅)2 ×100
=√ 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛

01 78 5 15.6 (15.6-15.6)2
02 80 5 16 (16-15.6)2
03 75 5 15 15-15.6)2
04 78 5 15.6 15.6-15.6)2
05 79 5 15.8 (15.8-15.6)2
Mean 78 5 15.6 0.37 2.37%

Table 2 for contraction method

S/No TPM Length in TPI SD CV =

yarn(mm) 𝑆𝐷
∑ (X−𝑋̅)2 ×100
=√ 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛

01 740 500 19 (19-20.20)2

02 783 500 20.07 (20.07-20.20)2
03 815 500 20.89 (20.89-20.20)2
04 780 500 20 (20-20.20)2
05 821 500 21.05 (21.05-20.20)2
Mean 787.8 500 20.20 0.820 4.05%

Figure 2 twist tester Figure 1 digital twist tester


Twist is the number of turns per unit length (cm, m or inch). In the manufacture of staple fiber
yarns, twist is inserted into the fine strand of fibers to hold the fibers together and impart the
desired properties to the twisted yarns. Without twist, the fine strand of fibers would be very
weak and of little practical use. A change in the level of twist also changes many yarn
properties, such as strength and softness. This section discusses the nature of yarn twist, the
effect of twist on yarn properties, as well as twist measurement. So we have twist per unit
length of staple yarn by contraction and direct method. In direct method we have find the twist
per unit length using twist tester with the yarn length of 5 inches for five samples. Then by
contraction method we have find the twist per unit length using digital twist tester with the
length yarn of 500mm The SD, CV and TPI value for direct method is 0.37, 2.37 and 15.6
while the SD and CV value for the contraction method is 0.820, 4.05 and 20.20


we concluded from the experiment that we can find twist per unit length of staple yarn by
contraction and direct method. In direct method SD, CV and TPI is 0.37, 2.37 and 15.6 while
in contraction method SD, CV and TPI is 0.820, 4.05 and 20.20. From the calculated value of
SD, CV and TPI it is concluded that direct method is more accurate than contraction method
for finding twist per unit length.

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