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Department of Computer Science and Engg.

3rd Sem ‘A’ Sec Object Oriented Programming with JAVA (P18CS36)
Assignment -2
Qn. Bloom’s Course
No. Questions Level outcome
Define inheritance with an example. Discuss the different
1. L3 CO3
types inheritance supported in Java
Define method overriding. Write a JAVA program to
2. L3 CO3
illustrate method overriding.
Define an interface. Declare an interface with a method to
calculate the volume with one double parameter.
3. L3 CO3
Implement the same for finding the volume of a sphere
and cube by two different classes.
Write JAVA programs to illustrate three uses of keyword
4. final. L3 CO3

Write a JAVA program in which an abstract class

declares an instance variable and an abstract method
5. Area ( ). Two subclasses are declared which define area L3 CO3
of square and area of a circle respectively. Display the
area of square and circle.
Define a package. Discuss the purpose of defining a
6. package. L3 CO4

Write a JAVA program to illustrate the application of

7. L3 CO4
atleast two methods of Object class.
Design an enumeration for student data and print the data
in the following format
8. L3 CO4
Name Grade Status.

Explain auto-boxing and un-boxing. Write a JAVA

9. program to illustrate auto-boxing and un-boxing L3 CO4

Illustrate the working of try, catch and finally block with

10. L3 CO4
a diagram..
Write a JAVA program to illustrate the output when a
11. negative number is placed as argument for sqrt( ) method L3 CO4
of Math class
Write a JAVA program to illustrate the throwing of
12. L3 CO4

Last date for submission 11/11/2019

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