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Escola Secundária de Monserrate

Tipologia Material Apoio

Curso Animador Sociocultural e Técnico de Turismo Ambiental e Rural
Disciplina Inglês Continuação
Módulo/UFCD 1- Eu e o mundo profissional
Turma 10M/T Data: 21/09/2021


Excuse me … You’re welcome. Please. I’m sorry. / Sorry.

Thank you. Pardon? No, thank you. May/ Can I …?

Student to teacher
I don’t understand.
I didn’t catch/hear the last part…/ the part about…
Can you repeat it/ say that again, please?
Can you speak more slowly?
What does “chair” mean?
How do you say “casa” in English?
How do you spell that?
Is this correct/ right?
How do you pronounce “schedule”?
I didn’t understand the homework.
Can I throw this away?

Teacher to student
Open your notebooks, please.
Listen and repeat… again…
Read/ Write the sentences.
Answer the questions on the worksheet.
Copy this into your notebooks.
Work alone/ in pairs/ in groups of three
Have you finished?
Ask your partner these questions.
Please be quiet/ speak louder/ stay still
I’ll collect everything at the end of the lesson.

ORG. Prof. MApoio 005/02

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