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Will it contribute to the

Facilities Description students’ learning and

development? Why?

It does not directly contribute to

a student’s learning and develop
but there are safety measures in
The office of the school's place to keep kids and instructors
principal, often regarded as the safe while also establishing clear
location where disciplinary performance expectations. The
Office of the Principal
measures are implemented or process is also monitored to
discipline-related decisions are verify that the objectives are met.
taken and publicized. Teachers and staff are under the
supervision of school
administrators, who keep tabs on
student progress.

Student learning is aided by

research consultations in the
Students, faculty, and parents at library. Lessons at the library
public and private schools may help students improve their early
use school libraries to access a academic performance. Using a
Library wide range of resources. A library improves your chances of
school library acts as the hub and succeeding in school. When it
central authority for all school- came to academic achievement,
related materials. pupils who used the library had a
huge advantage over those who
did not.

Counselors monitor students'

development and provide them
Individual areas in which the with the necessary support, such
counselor may meet with kids as assisting them in
one-on-one and bigger rooms in understanding themselves and
Counseling Room which they conduct small-group their needs, solving problems,
sessions, including the student's making realistic decisions,
family, are common features of improving their abilities and
school counseling offices. skills, and adjusting themselves
and their environment in a
healthy manner.
Most institutions include a
school canteen as part of their
overall food and health services
since they understand how
An institution like a camp,
important it is throughout these
college, or military installation
Canteen/Cafeteria developmental periods. The
has a canteen where food and
school canteen is seen as a
drink may be purchased.
distinct kind of health education
since it encourages students to
acquire good hygiene practices
and eat nutritious meals.

School clinics keep kids in

school and learning. Instead of
missing school for medical or
mental health visits, kids may see
a doctor and be back in class in
An outpatient diagnostic,
an hour. Without missing class,
therapeutic, or preventive
kids may have a well-child
medical service provided by a
checkup, teeth cleaned, go to
Medical Clinic clinic is known as a clinic. A
counseling or visit a doctor for
medical teaching hospital may
an urgent need like a sore throat
have both inpatient and
or stomachache. Involvement
outpatient services.
and readiness to learn increase
the prospects of academic
achievement, graduation, and
becoming healthy individuals
and community citizens.
Students are more engaged while
using technology and audio
Through the utilization of visuals, and as a consequence,
different AV materials and they spend more time on
technology, the Audio Visual fundamental learning activities
Rooms seek to offer a range of than students who utilize a more
Audio Visual/Learning Resource
learning methods and stimuli. conventional method. Students
The center's materials are diverse that utilize technology and audio
in order to support and ensure a visuals on a daily basis take more
successful teaching-learning pleasure in their work, have more
process at all times. confidence in their skills, and
develop better levels of self-

Enhancing mastery of science

subject matter, developing
scientific reasoning abilities,
Science labs allow students to increasing understanding of the
engage directly with the material complexity and ambiguity of
world (or with data derived from empirical work, developing
Science Laboratory the material world) while practical skills, increasing
utilizing scientific instruments, understanding of the nature of
data collecting methods, models, science, cultivating interest in
and theories. science and science learning, and
improving teamwork abilities are
some of the science learning
goals of laboratory experiences.

Gym class teaches students the

fundamentals of maintaining a
A gymnasium is a room
healthy lifestyle and emphasizes
dedicated to sports or athletic
the value of keeping active.
activity. A gymnasium is a space
Gymanasium Students acquire the skills
at a school where students may
required to create a fitness
go for physical education and
regimen that they will take with
play basketball and other sports.
them into adulthood throughout
physical education.
From regular announcements to
An auditorium is a venue where spectacular concerts, an
people may go to see a sporting auditorium is a vital meeting
event or a play. An auditorium is space. All of these situations
a big space where parents may have one thing in common: you
congregate to see their child's want the students or attendees to
musical performance at school. be able to clearly hear what is
being spoken on stage.

School gardens come in different

forms and sizes, but they always Students learn about
have one thing in common: they photosynthesis through seeing
concentrate on cultivating plants. plant leaves in the garden and
Outdoor/Garden A school garden may be as little studying chemical formulae in
as a few pots of herbs growing textbooks. The written record
on a windowsill or as big as a also allows instructors to better
half-acre vegetable patch in the monitor learning and growth.

Guide Question Class Observation Report

1. Describe the community or neighborhood At San Vicente, Urdaneta City University is

where the school is found. situated in a tranquil setting surrounded by woods
and a few homes. The fresh air and quiet
surroundings captivate one's wandering thoughts.
Meal sellers sell outside the school gate but do not
cause any problems; kids have a variety of food
options. UCU is also well-known for instilling a
culture of excellence in its students.

2. Describe the school campus. What colors do The school site is made up of many buildings for
you see? What is the condition of the building? several institutions. Green hues overwhelm the
eyes from the outside. The walls are painted green
to match the school's color. The school gardeners
look after the plants and trees surrounding and
within the school grounds. There are also signs
nearly everywhere around the campus. The
buildings are in outstanding shape, and the
utilities crew takes excellent care of them.
3. Pass by the offices. What impressions
School do youObservations
Facilities On my wayChecklist
to and from the offices, I saw that
have these offices? they are well-suited to both school members
(faculty & students) and guests. You will find it
accommodating, well-organized, and formal all at
the same time here.

4. Walk through the school halls, the library, and As I went around the campus, I saw numerous
the cafeteria. Look around and find out the other amenities that help students succeed, such as the
facilities that the school has. gazebo outside the school's cafeteria. Students are
welcome to use the space during free periods to
relax and eat some refreshments.

1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are posted on the walls? What heroes, religious
figures, lessons, visual aid, announcement, do you see posted?

Due of the Covid-19 virus, classroom rules such as maintaining cleanliness, wearing a face mask at
all times, and using hand sanitizer were posted. Other notifications, such as gatherings or activities,
required pupils to attend.

2. Examine how the pieces of furniture are arranged. Where is the teacher’s table located? How

An Observation Guide for the Classroom Visit

are the tables and chairs/desks arranged?

Front and center on the chalkboard is a teacher's workstation. There are 40 semi-rusted seats for the
pupils, which are placed in two columns with five rows in each column and row.

3. What learning materials/equipment are present?

The classroom was equipped with a flat-screen television in the top center of the board as well as a
teacher's podium, which was located in front of the classroom.

4. Observe the students. How many are occupying one room?

One room holds 40 pupils.

5. Is the room well-lit and well-ventilated?

The room has plenty of natural light and is well ventilated. The windows are open, allowing in plenty
of fresh air and creating a cheerful atmosphere.

Classroom Facilities Description

(location, number, arrangement, condition)

1. Wall Displays There are four wall displays spread across the
four classroom walls; they are arranged according
to size and aesthetically appealing for
students/anyone to read.

2. Teacher’s Table There is just one teacher's table that faces the
Classroom Facilities Matrix
class, and it is in excellent shape.
3. Learner’s Desks Unfortunately, there is no learner's desk
4. Blackboard There is just one chalkboard in front of the room,
and it is in excellent shape.
5. Learning Materials/Visual Aids There is a single flat-screen television/monitor in
the top middle of the board, and it works well.

Name of the School Observed: Urdaneta City University

Location of the School: San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

According to my observations of the classroom, it is a really pleasant place to learn. The interior
design aided in motivating pupils to study. The room's location and ambiance are lovely, and it's properly
ventilated. I've seen a school that is favorable to learning. They have all of the required equipment and
facilities. The availability of educational resources, facilities, and equipment allows instructors to
communicate important knowledge with their pupils while also encouraging active and enjoyable

Observation Report
discussion inside the four walls of the classroom. To learn and comprehend my objectives as a future
teacher, I need to be more patient and understanding.

How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of students
going to school? What are your conclusions?

A school's campus serves as a visual reminder of the value of education. In order to motivate the
student, it has to be exceptional in some way. Excellent pupils are more likely to be produced if
the learning environment is favorable. Class attendance increases, students become more
engaged, and they grow into better people as a result.

How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development/ How does this
relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?

Students' views and behaviors vary widely, as shown by what I've seen. This is an important
consideration while helping students learn so that their differences do not get in the way of their
progress. Because of these instances, I know that many things may affect whether or not a kid
goes to school in the future as an educator. Knowing these variables also allows me to better
meet the requirements of my pupils.

1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why? Why not?

Yes, if given the opportunity. It's easy to get there and quiet because of the school's location;
there are plenty of cool-looking green trees to look at, making for a pleasant atmosphere.

2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?

A school campus that is favorable to studying is one that is clean, spacious, safe, and devoid of
background noise.

3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?

A classroom that is favorable to learning is one that is well-ventilated, safe, well-lit, well-stocked
with necessary teaching resources, and provides a pleasant atmosphere in which students may study.
4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?

When it comes to future classroom management, I'll need to have an open mind to observe and
comprehend the distinctions amongst kids, a sensitive heart to recognize their needs, and a broad variety


of solutions to fulfill those requirements. For the sake of my pupils and the school, I am ready to make
some sacrifices, as I have done in the past.

5. Write your additional learnings and insights here.

Students like us, who are aspiring teachers, need to know about this topic. It helped me view the
environment, such as a school campus, as an essential element for student learning, something I had
previously overlooked. To encourage kids to study and feel at ease in school, every classroom should be
favorable to learning, as well.

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