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ELSEVIER Journal of Geochemical Exploration 78-79 (2003) 313-316

Basin-scale analysis of variable-density groundwater flow:
Nisku Aquifer, Westem Canadian Sedimentary Basin
Arif Alkalali a'*, Benjamin Rostron b'a
aSaudi Aramco, P.O. Box, 5741, Dhahran 31311, Saudi Arabia
b University o f Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Density-related groundwater flow effects can occur in aquifers through a variety of ways. Using only equivalent freshwater
heads to map groundwater flow in structurally sloping aquifers hosting non-fi'eshwater can lead to errors. A simple technique
has been implemented using a spreadsheet, a Visual Basic code, and mapping software, to appropriately represent flow
directions and correct for density differences in the aquifer.
The method was applied to characterize groundwater flow in the Nisku Aquifer in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin.
A variety of scenarios of density-related flow effects occur in the aquifer that can be properly mapped using this technique.
© 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Driving force ratio (DFR); Variable-density flow; Sloping aquifers; Software

1. Introduction ponents must be corrected for in order to correctly

interpret fluid flow in aquifers. A method of handling
Results from a recent study of the Nisku Aquifer in the effects of density variations on groundwater flow
the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (Alkalali, forms the focus of this paper, using examples from the
2002) show that the unit is influenced by a variety of Nisku Aquifer.
basin-scale hydrogeological factors including variable- The interest in correcting for groundwater density
density groundwater flow. The salinity of groundwater variations in analyzing flow has been the focus of
in the Nisku Aquifer varies drastically with total dis- several previous studies (Lusczynski, 1961; Davies,
solved solids (TDS) between 20 and 320 g/1 across the 1987; Oberlander, 1989; Bachu, 1995; Bachu and
basin. Density variations in groundwater can create Michael, 2002). Darcy's law for variable-density
buoyancy driving force that can significantly alter the groundwater systems can be written (Garven and
flow magnitude and direction inferred from maps of Freeze, 1984; Davies, 1987) as:
equivalent freshwater heads. Density-driven flow corn-
q = - K [ V h f + - ' ~ VE] (l)
* Corresponding author. Fax: +9663-862-5099. /of
E-mail addresses:,
(A. Alkalali), (13. Rostron). Where q is the Darcy flux, h f is the equivalent
i Fax: +1-780-492-2030. freshwater head calculated at a reference density pf, E

0375-6742/03/$ - see front matter © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
doi: 10. I 016/S0375 -6742 (03)00093 - 1
314 Abstract

is the elevation of the top (or bottom) of aquifer, Ap is variations on groundwater flow. According to Davies
the difference in density between the reference and the (1987):
formation water densities, and K is the hydraulic
conductivity. The quantity between parentheses, which DFR-- Ap VE
is a vector, is the total driving force for groundwater. It pf Vhf (2)
is composed of both Vhf, which is the hydraulic
gradient, and (Ap/pf)VE which is the buoyancy driv- Davies (1987) identified the value of DFR = 0.5 as
ing force (Hubbert, 1953). Thus, the factors that can the threshold at which the density effects may become
influence the flow direction are: the magnitude and significant, and thus correction is necessitated, but
direction of structural gradient, the magnitude and elaborated that this thxeshold may vary according to
direction of hydraulic gradient, and the density differ- flow conditions.
ence between the reference density and the ambient A procedure has been developed using simple tools
groundwater density. to measure effects of density variations in sloping
In order to characterize the degree of influence of the aquifers on groundwater flow direction. This procedure
density variations in an aquifer, Davies (1987) defined can also be easily modified to characterize flow fluxes,
the driving force ratio (DFR), which is a criterion to groundwater velocities, and incorporate aquifer and
measure the possible degree of influence of density groundwater parameters such as permeability, porosity,

-1 O0

reas where DFR>.,

ydraulic head contoul


nset for Figure 2

- - " 1


47.0fin ?
' ................... ¸¸¸¸ 1
{Tt T T t I

-i20 ......... I I [ -I00

-115 -110 -105

Fig. 1. Map showing the distribution of hydraulic head in the Nisku Aquifer, with calculated DFR>0.5 superimposed as the shaded areas
(C.I. = 200 m).
Abstract 315

52.65 --

- 15.3 Longitude ~ -113.55

Groundwater driving force ~: "".

f600 ~.. Hydraulic head Contours (rn)

100 krn

Fig. 2. Map showing an example of the effect of density on flow direction (the location of this map is shown in Fig. I; C.I. = 50 m). Note that in
the areas of high hydraulic head gradient, the groundwater driving force is normal or near normal to contour lines. In areas of low hydraulic head
gradient, groundwater driving force is significantly diverted from being normal to the contours of hydraulic head.

anisotropy, and viscosity. The method makes use of tion at each point in the flow domain. The magnitude of
three commercially available software packages: A the groundwater driving force is also given for the
mapping software (e.g., Rockworks99), a spreadsheet, calculation of fluxes, or for hydrocarbon migration
and a Visual Basic routine. First, inputs of hydraulic vector analyses. The spreadsheet also offers a suite of
heads, structural elevations (top or bottom of aquifer), other measurements that can help in analyzing the
pressure, TDS, and temperature are mapped and turned effects of density variations on groundwater flow such
into discrete grids. Second, using the directional anal- as the DFR, etc.
ysis tool of the mapping software, grids of hydraulic
head gradients and structural gradients are created.
Third, the grids of pressure, TDS, hydraulic head 2. Results and analyses
gradients, and structural gradients are exported to a
spreadsheet. The spreadsheet2 is linked to a Visual Mapped hydraulic head distributions for the Nisku
Basic routine, which carries out the vector resolution Aquifer are shown in Figs. 1 and 2.
and addition required to calculate the groundwater The variable hydrogeological conditions in the
driving force (Eq. (1)), while accounting for temper- Nisku Aquifer and the variable relationships between
ature, pressure, and TDS to calculate the density of structural gradient and hydraulic gradient have created
groundwater at every grid node location. The result is basin-wide recognizable influences (or lack thereof) of
the groundwater driving force at every grid node, density variations in the aquifer. Areas that are affected
whose orientation represents the corrected flow direc- by density, where the DFR>0.5, are shaded on the map
in Fig. 1. These areas are created as a result of interplay
2 The spreadsheet and related instructions are available upon between four factors. Those are (i) the magnitudes of
reqnest. the structural gradients, (ii) the magnitude of the
316 Abstract

hydraulic gradient, (iii) the density difference between corrected for to obtain correct picture of ground-
freshwater (or reference density) and grotmdwater, and water flow in the aquifer.
(iv) the angle difference between structural gradient 2. A procedure based on Davies (1987) has been
and the hydraulic gradient. implemented using simple software packages to
Depending on the configuration o f these four account for density variations.
factors, the resulting groundwater driving force vector . The technique presented in this study, when
may enhance, reduce, or divert the groundwater flow applied to the Nisku Aquifer, assisted in the
compared to that inferred from maps of hydraulic interpretation of groundwater flow in a variable-
head. In areas of down-dip flow, and if the water density aquifer.
density is higher than that of freshwater, density will
enhance the groundwater driving force, but will not
significantly change its direction. In areas of up-dip
flow, such as that in the upper left comer of Fig. 2, the References
buoyancy vector will reduce the magnitude of the
groundwater driving force, or may reverse its direc- Bachu, S., 1995. Flow of variable-density formation water in deep
tion if the magnitude buoyancy vector is higher. In sloping aquifers: review of methods of representation with case
studies. J. Hydrol. 164, 19-39.
areas of low hydraulic head gradient (such as the basin Bachu, S., Michael, K., 2002. Flow of variable-density formation
margin), or in moderate hydraulic head gradient (such water in deep sloping aquifers: minimizing the error in repre-
as deeper parts of the basin), large structural gradients sentation and analysis when using hydraulic-head distributions.
or large density differences can drive the DFR values J. Hydrol. 259, 49-65.
up above 0.5. Davies, P.B., 1987. Modeling areal, variable density, groundwater
flow using equivalent freshwater head--analysis of potentially
Fig. 2 shows details of an area where DFR values
significant errors. Proceedings of the NWWA/IGWMC Confer-
increase above 0.5. The effect of diverting flow can be ence--Solving Groundwater Problems with Models. 10-12
seen from the groundwater driving force in the middle February 1987, Denver, Colorado. National Water Well Associ-
of the figure, where arrows are coming more parallel ation, Dublin, OH, pp. 888-903.
to the contours of hydraulic head, rather than normal Garven, G., Freeze, R.A., 1984. Theoretical analysis of the rate of
groundwater flow in the genesis of strata-bound ore deposits.
them. However, in areas of high hydraulic head
AJS 284, 1085-1112.
gradients, such as areas of recharge, the groundwater Hubbert, M.K., 1953. Entrapment of petroleum under hydrodyna-
driving force is dominated by the gradient of mic conditions. AAPG Bull. 37 (8), 1954 2026.
hydraulic head. Lusczynski, N.J., 1961. Head and flow of ground water of variable
Such case is similar to the one shown at the lower density. JGR 66 (12), 4247 4255.
Oberlander, EL., 1989. Fluid density and gravitational variations in
left comer of Fig. 2; the vectors are more normal to deep boreholes and their effect on fluid potential. Groundwater
contours of hydraulic head due to the dominance of 23 (3), 341-350.
hydraulic head gradient on the groundwater driving

3. Conclusions

1. Density-related flow effects can occur in aquifers

through a variety of means. These must be

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