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Key points of Mahatma Gandhi's Essay "What is true civilization?


In his essay, "What is true civilization?" Mahatma Gandhi discusses the attributes of a civilized
society. Gandhi's definition of a civilized society includes food, clothing, shelter, and education, and
sports. He argues that without these necessities there is not much else to be attained in life; therefore,
for a civilized society to exist one must prioritize them first.

Mahatma Gandhi begins his essay with the question: "What is true civilization? And in support, he
lists four basic qualities in any civilized society: First, a civilized society must have enough food to
provide adequate nutrition for each of its members. Second, it must have enough clothing to protect
from the elements and diseases spread by lice and fleas. Third, a civilized society must have good
sanitation so that people are safeguarded from disease. Last, a civilized society must have enough
buildings to house its people.

After giving his argument for his assertions, Gandhi continues by discussing the concept of
civilization within the context of individual communities. He explains that every person must control
their own body and mind; therefore, they must understand what is happening in their community; they
must be able to distinguish moral right from wrong, and understand the consequences for their

Gandhi agrees that no one person has the authority to dictate the morals of another. He explains, "We
must understand that man is not born to subdue his fellow man but to help him subdue himself".
Therefore, to establish what is true civilization within the context of an individual community, Gandhi
believes that each individual must learn what he can from past generations and apply them to their

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