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Name: Feezan Amjad

Father’s Name: Amjad Pervaiz

Roll No: 565840
Subject: Islamiat
Assignment of: Uloom-AL-Quran

Uloom al-Quran:
➢ The knowledge of ’Uloom Al-Quran, or 'The Sciences of the Quran',
deals with the knowledge of those sciences that have a direct bearing
on the recitation, history, understanding and implementation of the
Quran. It is, therefore, a vast field of Islamic scholarship, and one that
if of primary importance.
➢ With regards to the history of the Quran, ’Uloom Al-Quran deals with
the stages of revelation of the Quran, the compilation of the Quran, the
preservation of the Quran.
➢ With regards to its understanding and implementation, ’Uloom Al-
Quran covers the causes of revelation the knowledge
of Makkah and Madina revelations, the knowledge of the various
forms it was revealed in, the understanding of its abrogated rulings and
verses the knowledge of the various classifications of its verses, the
knowledge of its interpretation, the grammatical analysis of the Quran
and the knowledge of those words whose usage has become
uncommon over time.
➢ It has been said that the knowledge of ’Uloom Al-Quran is in reality
the knowledge that one is required to know in order to properly
interpret the Quran. Therefore, to call this branch of Islamic
knowledge ‘The Procedure and Methodology of Interpretation instead
of ’Uloom Al-Quran would not be far from the truth.

According To Shah Wali Ullah:

➢ In the vast field of Islamic studies, Shah Wali Allah’s
contribution gained unprecedented prominence for several
reasons. He is among those exceptional figures who delved
deep in the classic tradition of philosophy and logic, apart from
devoting themselves to pure Islamic disciplines of tafsir,
hadith, / iqb, and ñnjum. Additionally, through his mastery of
the spiritual sciences and practical initiation in almost all the
significant orders of tasawuf, Shah Wali Allah assimilated its
rich intellectual capital and fully benefited from various shades.
➢ Shah Wali Ullah was born on February 21, 1703 in Delhi, just when
the reign of Aurangzeb was nearing its end. Shah Wall Ullah felt
that Quran was not understandable by all Muslims as it Was in
Arable language and he said that Quran is not book of reading it is
the book for understanding so, he starts to translate the Quran in
Persian language as at that time Persian language was understood
by many Muslims at that time he realized that in Persian language
it would be easy for Muslims to understand that and to art upon it.
Shh Wal Ullah was one of the most important religious reformers
of subcontinent. There are other reformer as well but Shah Wali
Ullah is the most prominent amongst them He not only tried to
bring Muslims close to their region but also tried to ger Muslim's
power bock in the country He translated the Quran so every
person con easily understand the message of Allah mighty and con
be able to act on it his efforts for the Muslims in 1762. His sons and
followers were able to read and understand Quran more

Books Of Shah Wali Ullah:

➢ Shah Wali Ullah wrote about fifty books about Quranic Principals
Hadiah, Fiqh, Seerat, History, Tasawwuf, Philosophy, and other
Islamic sciences.
1. Al-Fauz-al-Kabir-fi-Usool-Tafsir.
2. Fathur Rehman
3. Comentray of Fathur Rehman
4. Al-Mugaddam-Fi-Qaween-al-Tarjammah
5. Ta-weel al Ahadith fi Rumuz Qasas al Anbiya
Knowledge Of Knowing Quran:
➢The Holy Quran is a divine book and the word of Allah. The meaning
that carries the Noble Quran is unmatchable and not to be found in any
other book in the world. In addition to the depth of meaning that the
verses of Quran carry, there is also its sublime language that it makes
it apart from any of the writings in the world in general and Arabic in
particular. The Holy Quran is the book in which Allah Almighty has
blessed us with a complete code of life. Quran includes every aspect of
life which a person needs to know about. The best of all education in
this world is the Quran and acquiring it is mandatory for every
Muslim. Being a Muslim, it is our belief that the learning of the Holy
Quran is the primary and highly signified learning which is the
solution to all problems and issues of our life.
➢ The Quran has revealed for guidance for all times and situations
coming to end. However various aayats were revealed at a particular
time and circumstances, the Arabic word Sahab means cause.
➢ Tafseer means explanation and aims at knowledge and
understanding concerning the book of Allah. To explain its meaning
Extract its legal ruling and grasp its underlining reasons. Tafseer
explain the outer Meaning of Quran.
➢ Tawil is the explanation of the inner and concealed meaning of Quran
as far knowledge person can have access to them.
Tafseer of Quran is the most important science of Muslims. All matters
concerning the Islamic way of life are concerned to. Without tafseer there
would be not right understanding of various passage of Islam.

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