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Deep margin elevation

versus crown lengthening:
biologic width revisited
Alexandre Sarfati, DDS
Department of Periodontology, Service of Odontology, Rothschild Hospital, AP-HP, Paris
7-Denis Diderot University, U.F.R. of Odontology, Paris, France
Member of European Federation of Periodontology
Private Practice, Paris, France

Gil Tirlet, DDS, PhD

Senior Lecturer, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Surgery,
Paris Descartes University, Sorbonne Paris Cit., Montrouge, France
Department of Restorative Dentistry, AP-HP, Charles Foix Hospital, Odontology Service,
Ivry-sur-Seine, France
Private Practice, Paris

Correspondence to: Dr Alexandre Sarfati


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Abstract elevation (DME) instead of crown length-

ening as a change of paradigm for deep
This article revisits the concept of bio- cavities. The intention of this study was
logic width, in particular its clinical con- to overview the literature in search of
sequences for treatment options and scientific evidence regarding the conse-
decisions in light of modern dentistry quences of DME with different materials,
approaches such as biomimetics and particularly on the surrounding perio-
minimally invasive procedures. In the dontium, from a clinical and histologic
past, due to the need to respect biolog- point of view. A novel approach is to
ic width, clinicians were used to remov- extrapolate results obtained during root
ing periodontal tissue, bone, and gum coverage procedures on restored roots
around deep cavities so that the limits of to hypothesize the nature of the healing
restorations were placed far away from of proximal attachment tissue on a prop-
the epithelium and connective attach- er bonded material during a DME. Three
ments, in order to prevent tissue loss, clinical cases presented here illustrate
root exposure, opening of the proximal these procedures. The hypothesis of
area (leading to black holes), and poor this study was that even though crown
esthetics. Furthermore, no material was lengthening is a valuable procedure,
placed subgingivally in case it led to its indications should decrease in time,
periodontal inflammation and attach- given that DME, despite being a very
ment loss. Today, with the more conserv- demanding procedure, seems to be well
ative approach to restorative dentistry, tolerated by the surrounding periodon-
former subtractive procedures are be- tium, clinically and histologically.
ing replaced with additive ones. In view
of this, one could propose deep margin (Int J Esthet Dent 2018;13:334–356)

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Introduction The biologic width

During the past decade, most dental The biologic width is defined as the gin-
procedures have moved toward a more gival attachment along the root surface,
conservative approach. Today, whatev- from the most coronal portion of the epi-
er the depth of the cavity, pulp capping thelium attachment to the most apical
has replaced automatic root canal treat- portion of the connective attachment
ment, partial preparation shapes are (Fig 1). This is based on studies led by
used instead of peripheral preparations, (BSHJVMPFUBM1 on cadavers that detailed
and root post-and-core treatments are the composition of the biologic width. It
less frequently indicated. However, one is noteworthy that in these studies, the
of the difficulties of a conservative ap- sulcus was not included in the biolog-
proach is determining its limits, and ic width. It was measured at a mean of
knowing exactly what situations demand NNNNGPSUIFFQJUIFMJVNBU-
changing the tissue shape around a tachment, and 1.07 mm for the connec-
tooth to restore it, or extracting a tooth tive attachment below. Above, the sulcus
instead of restoring it. This article looks XBT NFBTVSFE BU B NFBO PG NN
at the consequences on the surrounding However, there was high variability re-
periodontium of deep margin elevation garding the epithelial attachment, rang-
(DME) for posterior teeth. The possibili- JOHGSPNUPNN XIFSFBTUIFDPOOFD-
ties of keeping the periodontium intact tive attachment height remained fairly
and the need for crown lengthening are constant. This variability was confirmed
discussed. in a study by Schmidt et al,2 which
showed that a standard measurement
could not be defined, given the litera-
ture and meta-analysis available, and
2.30 mm. It should be noted that the epi-
0.5 mm
thelium attachment is weaker than the
connective tissue attachment because
0.97 mm
the former is a hemidesmosomal attach-
ment on the root surface, whereas the
1.07 mm latter is made of horizontal collagen fib-
ers inserting into the cementum on one
side and into the connective tissue on
the other. Thus, from a histomorphomet-
ric point of view, in a healthy gum, the
periodontal probe penetrates into the
coronal part of the epithelium attach-
ment and is stopped at its most apical
portion, where the density and layers of
Fig 1 Schematic representation of a normal bio- epithelial cells are higher, without getting
logic width. into the connective tissue. Then, in case

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of periodontal healing or regeneration, Periodontium reaction

the more connective tissue attachment to different materials
one achieves, the better.
It is widely accepted that this biologic There is very little scientific data on the
width must be respected when restora- reaction of the periodontium to different
tive procedures are performed, other- materials, and much that exists is based
wise it could lead to an inflammatory on studies conducted on materials no
response from the periodontium due to longer in use.  There are few studies
microbial biofilm on restorations placed on materials in use today. Dragoo7,8 pro-
in deep areas. Clinically, this reaction posed that the ideal characteristics of a
leads to gingivitis or periodontitis, in- subgingival restorative material include,
cluding a loss of attachment, periodon- but are not limited to, biocompatibility,
tal pockets, bleeding, suppuration, dual-cure set, adhesiveness, fluoride
swelling, and gingival recessions.3(JW- release, radiopacity, compactness, sur-
en these principles, in 2010 Veneziani face hardness, insolubility in oral fluids,
edited a classification of proximal cavi- absence of microleakage, a low coef-
ties and clinical situations (three-grade ficient of thermal expansion, and low-
scale), where it was possible for the clin- cure shrinkage. Unfortunately, none of
ician to control the isolation in a deep the materials available today present all
area as well as the limits of the cavity these characteristics at the same time.
compared to the position of the biologic
width. These three clinical situations (PME
led to three different treatments, from a
simple coronal replacement of the mar- In a study on dogs, Frank et al per-
gin to a crown lengthening to expose formed subgingival preparations on
the limits of the cavity, taking care to re- class V cavities. In group 1, gold res-
spect the biologic width without placing torations were performed normally, and
limits on it. in group 2 a flap was raised so that the
On the other hand, in case of deep gold restorations could be perfectly
cavities, there is already a destruction adapted to the limits of the cavity. His-
of the gingival attachment facing the de- tology was conducted after 3 weeks.
cay. If a restoration can be performed (SPVQ  TIPXFE BO JOnBNNBUPSZ SF-
on a deep dentin margin with proper modeling in the epithelium and the con-
isolation and bonding procedures, how nective tissues, and the presence of
would the periodontal attachment heal? dental plaque between the material and
Would it tolerate the restoration, or is UIFTVMDVMBSFQJUIFMJVN(SPVQTIPXFE
crown lengthening mandatory to get no inflammatory remodeling. The au-
a healthy periodontium around the re- thors concluded that these differences
stored tooth? were due to the presence or absence of
dental plaque on the restoration, which
correlated with the operator ensuring the
perfect adaptation of the restoration to
the limits of the cavity. From a material

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surface point of view, in a study based (MBTTJPOPNFST

on proximal golden inlays with a rough
or smooth surface, Mörmann et al10 From a gingival point of view, Lewis et
showed an increase in the production of al12 examined the effects of components
crevicular fluid compared to unrestored released from glass ionomer cements on
teeth, and a higher plaque accumulation the growth and metabolism of hamster
for the rough surface inlays. The study oral epithelial cells. They observed that
concluded that surface texture is a ma- the leachable components of these ma-
jor factor in the tolerance of the material terials affected the rate of progression of
by the gum. these cells through the cell cycle rather
than cause cell death due to toxicity. In a
Ceramics case report, Dragoo8 histologically ana-
lyzed hopeless teeth presenting exter-
There is no longer a debate about the nal resorptions. A flap was raised and
biocompatibility of ceramics, which are the cavity treated and filled with a glass
very well tolerated by the gum. Ariaans ionomer. After 1 year, the teeth were ex-
et al11 compared gum inflammation tracted. Results showed that the con-
around sound teeth, teeth restored with nective tissue was joined to the material,
bonded lithium disilicate restorations, with very few inflammatory cells. A long
and zinc phosphate cement-sealed junctional epithelium and a shallow sul-
zirconium restorations. No difference cus were found. On the contrary, in an-
could be observed clinically in terms of other study on dogs, Santamaria et al13
plaque index, probing depth, or bleed- showed bone resorption and an apical
*OUIFDSFWJDVMBS migration of the epithelium 100 days af-
fluid, levels of inflammatory cytokines ter a restoration. The test group restored
(IL-1Ra, IL-1beta, MMP-8) were com- with glass ionomer showed a signifi-
parable. These materials were used cantly higher bone loss than the control
for indirect restorations with limits that group, and the junctional epithelium was
were mostly supragingival or intrasulcu- longer. Clinically, both groups presented
lar. The main event occurred in deep- a significant clinical attachment loss and
er areas, where margin elevation was an increased probing depth, but differ-
performed using direct bonding of the ences between the groups were not sta-
restorative material. The two main ma- tistically significant. Histologically, a sig-
terials, glass ionomers and composite nificant difference between groups was
resins, made contact with the healing observed for the length of the epithelium.
gum. The discussion concerned the Interestingly, in another study on dogs,
kind of healing that was expected on (PNFT FU BM showed that when plac-
these substrates, and how they were ing glass ionomer on a root subgingivally
tolerated by the gum. and supragingivally, with the restoration
going through the gingival attachment,
inflammation was not induced from a his-
tologic point of view. The study demon-
strated that if connective tissue is joined

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(not attached) to the material and a bone Composite resins

reparation, the material is well tolerated.
topic, and with all due precautions, the of glass ionomer and the weakness of
results of gum healing after root cover- its long-term adhesion on tooth surface,
age procedures on roots restored with composite resins seem to be an inter-
glass ionomer must be extrapolated. esting alternative for deep subgingival
#BTFEPOUXPSBOEPNJ[FEDMJOJDBMUSJBMT  bonding procedures if the clinician is
Santamaria et al  compared con- able to get an adequate isolation. Then,
nective tissue grafts on healthy roots the behavior of the gum in contact with
and roots treated with glass ionomer at this material must be analyzed.
UIF NPOUI BOE NPOUI GPMMPXVQT Studies on this topic  have shown a
There were no significant differences higher plaque index around cavities filled
clinically between both procedures for with composites compared to a healthy
the percentage of root coverage, pock- enamel surface. The gingival index and
FU EFQUI  BUUBDINFOU MFWFM  BOE #01 the production of crevicular fluid were
Thus, based on clinical observations, it also higher, demonstrating a gingival
seems that glass ionomer is very well inflammation more pronounced around
tolerated subgingivally. These clinical restored teeth. No differences could be
outcomes were confirmed for the same found between conventional, hybrid or
patients immunologically through the microparticle composites. In the second
analysis of the crevicular fluid compo- study, based on an experimental gingivi-
sition, the subgingival plaque, and its tis, there were no significant differences
bacteria from red complexes (such as in term of plaque accumulation, gingi-
Tannerella forsythia or Prevotella inter- WBMJOEFYPS#01CFUXFFOBSFBTNBEF
BMTPGPS'VTPCBDUFSJVNOVDMFB- of healthy enamel, glass ionomer, and
tum and Streptococcus sanguinis, and composite. It is noteworthy that most of
for the presence of inflammatory mark- the composites used in these studies
FST *-CFUB  *-  *-  *-
 BU  are no longer available, and the quality
days. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of the materials used today is superior
analysis failed to show any difference in terms of bonding procedure, polish-
between both groups for any of these ability, and mechanical properties.
factors. In their study showing that glass Martins et al20 conducted a study on
ionomer was well tolerated by the gum, dogs in which a flap was raised on the
Santos et al17 explained these excellent roots, the bone removed, and a cavity
clinical and microbiologic results by the created and filled with composite or
good marginal adaptation, the reduced glass ionomer, or nothing in the control
surface roughness, and the fluoride and HSPVQ"UEBZT UIFIJTUPMPHJDBOBMZT-
aluminum release by the glass ionomer. is showed the presence of an inflam-
These properties could interfere with the matory infiltrate in the three groups.
adherence of bacteria onto the material This infiltrate was more important in the
surface, thereby inhibiting bacteria me- cervical third, without any differences
tabolism and growth. between groups. In the control group,

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the junctional epithelium was shorter, UIF DPOUSPM HSPVQ   EFDSFBTFE JO UIF
the connective attachment longer, and composite group, and all showed a ten-
the bone resorption less important, with dency to decrease in the glass ionomer
sometimes a bone formation into the group. The authors thus concluded that
cavity. There were no differences be- these materials, placed subgingivally,
tween the test groups with regard to the seemed to be well tolerated by the gum.
long junctional epithelium on the ma- According to the authors, the reduced
terial, and the small connective attach- GSFRVFODZPG#01JOUIFJSTUVEZ EFTQJUF
ment on the root that started underneath the presence of visible plaque, might
the apical limit of the material. None of be explained by plaque composition,
them exhibited bone regeneration. Ac- and also by the fact that the evidence
cording to the authors, these materials showed that gingival response to bio-
seem to have been tolerated subgingi- film may vary between individuals, with
vally, given their good adaptation on the neither quantitative nor qualitative differ-
cavity walls (direct vision through raised ences in plaque accumulation.22 Even
flap in this case), the careful finishing though the roughness of the material
and polishing of the restorations prior surface influences plaque accumula-
to flap closure, and the care taken with tion, there was no evidence of biofilm
bacterial plaque control throughout the composition on it. In this study, the de-
experiment. crease in periodontal pathogens from
Information on the gingival reaction to the red and orange complexes was
subgingival composite can be found in more evident in the glass ionomer group
studies on root coverage procedures. In after 6 months than in the composite
fact, in many clinical situations of gingi- group. The initial pellicle biofilm forma-
val recession, the loss of gingival tissue tion on composite resin could influence
exposing the root can also be associated the adhesion mechanisms of some bac-
with the wearing of the cervical portion terial species. Although the microbio-
of the crown. Thus, as the gum cannot logic results with composite were not as
be replaced higher than the cemento- good as those with glass ionomer, the
enamel junction, the loss of enamel must interesting clinical finding is that the de-
be restored prior to the root coverage crease of pathogens may be related to
procedure.21 the surface aspect of the material after
In 2007, Santos et al17 compared finishing and polishing. This capacity to
coronally advanced flaps performed on obtain a very smooth surface could lead
such roots restored with glass ionomer to a lower plaque adherence and soft
or microfilled composite, and on sound tissue inflammation. Regarding bacter-
roots in the control group. At 6 months, ial adherence and dental plaque accu-
there were no differences between the mulation on these materials, Quyrinen et
HSPVQT JO UFSNT PG QMBRVF JOEFY  #01  al23 studied the influence of roughness
and pocket depth. There were also no and surface free energy on these par-
differences in the percentages of root BNFUFST (JWFO BMM LJOET PG TVSGBDFT JO
DPWFSBHF "NPOH UIF  QFSJPEPOUBM the healthy mouth, there is a dynamic
pathogens studied, 10 decreased in balance between retention forces and

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the removal forces of bacteria. Adhesion clinical parameters, and seemed to be

and stagnation are the two mechanisms well tolerated.
in favor of dental plaque accumulation. One must be careful when extrapolat-
Rough surfaces favor formation and ing because in all these root coverage
maturation of the dental plaque, and studies, restorations were placed on the
high surface free energy attracts more buccal aspect of the roots, where they
plaque to link to it and to select specific are easy to fill, polish, and control. More
bacteria. Even if these two factors are difficulty is experienced in cases of pos-
present, the surface roughness domi- terior DME. Also, it is more difficult for
nates the surface free energy. a patient to perform good interdental
In 2008, Santamaria et al conducted brushing on posterior teeth presenting
a randomized clinical trial and made the a composite margin than on the buccal
same comparison with a nanofilled com- aspect of anterior teeth, given that these
posite on canines and premolars with a two factors have been demonstrated to
12-month follow-up. Results showed a have a major impact on the tolerance of
comparable percentage of root cover- these materials by the periodontium.
age. The group treated with composite (JWFO UIJT EBUB  JU TFFNT UIBU HMBTT
showed slightly deeper pocket depth ionomer and composite resin can be
than the group treated with a connective used subgingivally for DME, provided
tissue graft only, whereas all the other the clinician can ensure a proper isola-
periodontal parameters were not signifi- tion, sufficient adaptation of the material
cantly different. The same biologic re- to the dentin limit, and that the smooth-
sults were found by Konradsson et al est surface is in contact with the gum. It
in an observational study on an experi- must be emphasized that no real perio-
mental gingivitis in humans. They ana- dontal attachment can be obtained on
lyzed the concentrations of the inflam- the material except with the epithelium.
matory marker IL-1 in the crevicular fluid Although we cannot comment on the
around restorations made of composite biocompatibility of composites, they
or calcium aluminate cement on class V seem to be the main choice today, given
cavities compared to healthy enamel. No the quality of their adhesion compared
difference was found between both ma- to glass ionomer. They are also reported
terials in healthy gum or in experimental to be well tolerated subgingivally.
gingivitis conditions. Thus, even in the In these situations, where the pres-
presence of gingivitis, these materials ence of subgingival proximal caries
do not seem to be a factor affecting the leads to the destruction of periodontal
increase of crevicular fluid production attachment, DME could lead to another
or peripheral inflammation. In another kind of biologic width that is healthy, with
study26 conducted over 2 years, the a longer junctional epithelium along the
authors bonded dental fragments sub- material, and a smaller connective at-
gingivally after traumas with a three-step tachment along the remaining dentin
adhesive and a flowable composite. The height beneath the composite.
presence of the materials at a depth and
close to the bone had no effect on the

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Deep cavities in posterior Crown lengthening

teeth: DME or crown
The different crown lengthening proced-
ures (not detailed in this article) all aim
Posterior proximal cavities present many to recreate the space necessary to re-
clinical complexities such as limited ac- establish the biologic width when deep
cess, difficulty of isolating and control- restorations are needed, so that the nec-
ling the material adaptation, and the essary margin between prosthesis and
quality of the emergence profile in or- biologic tissues is respected (Figs 2 and
der to get an efficient interdental brush 3). In a literature review, Pilalas et al32
cleaning. All these factors influence the showed that crown lengthening is an ef-
extent and severity of caries and perio- ficient procedure to increase the height
dontal diseases. From an epidemio- of the crown, but that predicting the ex-
logic point of view, even when conduct- act position of the marginal gum after
ed on the buccal and palatal aspects healing is complicated. Recurrence is
of healthy or restored teeth, Yotnuengnit frequent and usually occurs during the
et al30 showed that supra- and subgin- first 3 months, particularly in patients
gival emergence profiles influence loss presenting a thick biotype or when the
of attachment, whereas only the subgin- surgery comprises a gingivectomy on-
gival emergence profile correlates with ly.33 Moreover, recurrence would lead
pocket depth. The authors emphasize to restoration limits being replaced sub-
that it may not be the emergence pro- gingivally, whereas the surgery aims to
file itself that had this influence, but the place them supragingivally. Also, the
fact that its shape makes hygiene more crown lengthening procedure leads to
or less difficult, which in turn affects the the opening of the proximal area and may
periodontal parameters. Treatment must complicate hygiene, especially as some
then be adapted to each clinical situa- authors have shown an increase of bone
tion: almost straight for very tight teeth, loss at the 6-month follow-up. Dibart
and more flared and rounded when the et al conducted a study on the conse-
proximal area is more important. Thus, quences of crown lengthening proced-
the issue is the possibility of controlling ures on mandibular molars. It seems that
these factors, since previous studies the consequences of such procedures
have shown that overhanging proximal are not limited to proximal areas, even
restorations are statistically correlated when a crown is not planned. Results
with the extent and severity of periodon- showed that all treated teeth presenting
titis.  This is one of the key points to a distance between the bottom of the
consider when choosing between DME cavity (or the temporary crown) and the
and crown lengthening, because the [FOJUI PG UIF GVSDBUJPO JOGFSJPS UP NN
clinician must be able to place the tools presented an opening of the furcation
allowing for a proper shaping of the ma- BSFBBUZFBST

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Fig 2 Crown lengthening surgery showing a deep Fig 3 Sutures after crown lengthening exposing
cavity. the cavity subgingivally.

Deep margin elevation (DEM) the biotype surrounding the tooth before
choosing this procedure. In fact, Stetler
Dietschi and Spreafico36-38 proposed et al showed that among teeth treat-
a new approach for deep cavities. In- ed with subgingival restorations, those
stead of relocating the margin of the presenting < 2 mm of keratinized tissue
periodontium according to the limits of showed a higher gingival index.
the cavity, they relocated the margin of A randomized clinical trial compared
the restoration coronally to adapt it to the clinical results of crown lengthen-
the periodontium and make the restor- ing and DME in posterior teeth. At 180
ation procedure easier. They called this days, clinical attachment loss was obvi-
cervical margin relocation (CMR), later ously higher in the surgery group, but
called deep margin elevation (DEM) by QMBRVF JOEFY  QPDLFU EFQUI  BOE #01
Magne and Spreafico. This procedure were similar in both groups, suggest-
is based on the ability to get a proper ing that DME was well tolerated by the
isolation after carious tissue removal and periodontium.
the bonding of several layers of com-
posite onto the deep margin, creating Case 1
a new, more coronal restoration margin. "ZFBSPMEQBUJFOUMPTUBOPMENFUBMMJD
(JWFO QSFWJPVT EBUB  JU DBO CF TQFDV- inlay on her first maxillary left molar. Clin-
lated that the gum heals along the com- ical examination revealed an important
posite. However, one must also analyze cavity on the distal aspect of the tooth,

Fig 4 Occlusal view. Fig 5  #VDDBMWJFX

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extending to the middle of the palatal

aspect and becoming deep close to the
pulp. Old material remained on the scle-
the tooth was still vital. Rubber dam was
Fig 6 Radio-
placed and the teeth ligatured with den-
graph showing a
deep cavity close tal floss containing Teflon, which gives it
to the pulp. more elasticity. In Figure 7, the difficulty
of placing the floss properly on the distal
cavity area is shown. The old restoration
was removed and the carious tissue re-
moved. On the distal aspect, the cavity

Fig 7 Rubber dam isolation. Fig 8 Carious tissue removal.

Fig 9 Teflon impaction revealing the true limits of

the cavity.

Fig 10 Matrix positioning. Fig 11 Ultrasonic tip to finish carious tissue removal.

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Fig 12 Sandblasting. Fig 13 Flowable composite input on distal aspect

of the cavity.

Fig 14 Flowable composite input on palatal as- Fig 15 Flowable composite input on buccal as-
pect of the cavity. pect of the cavity.

Fig 16 Removal of the matrix. Fig 17 Preparation and polishing of the edges of
the cavity.

was so deep that its limits were not vis- and highlight the remaining carious tis-
ible (Fig 8). A Teflon strip was rolled and TVF 'JH
placed between the cavity wall and the OPUZFUSFNPWFEJUXBTSFUBJOFEUPIFMQ
rubber dam to improve deep isolation the placement of the matrix that slips

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along the wall and goes deeper into the

healthy dentin area (Fig 10). Then, an ul-
trasonic tip with a smooth distal aspect
and a rough mesial aspect was used
to eliminate the remaining carious tis-
sue (Figs 11 and 12). Immediate dentin
Fig 18 Radio-
graphic control of sealing (IDS) could be performed.
the DME. Dental tissues were then sandblasted
with 27-μm alumina oxide particles,
and etched with orthophosphoric acid.
A three-step etch-and-rinse adhesive
was used, and filled flowable composite
was used in several intakes to respect
the C factor and decrease the polymer-
ization stress as much as possible by
placing each intake on a single dentin
tion was performed under a glycerin gel
Fig 19 Limits of the preparation on the cast (Tech-

to isolate the composite from oxygen
and improve the polymerization of the
top layer of composite. The matrix was
then removed (Fig 16), the edges of the
preparation polished, and the available
peripheral enamel slightly re-prepared
to obtain sound tissue on which to bond
the indirect restoration (Fig 17). A radio-
graph was taken to check the margin el-
evation and emergence profile (Fig 18).
Fig 20 Waxing the overlay.

Fig 21 Preparation for ceramic pressing. Fig 22 Ceramic pressing.

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A pressed lithium disilicate overlay was


placed again, and the remaining cav-
ity comprising peripheral enamel and
composite from the IDS procedure was
the collateral teeth were protected with
Teflon (Fig 26). The intaglio surface of the
ceramic restoration was etched for 20 s
with hydrofluoric acid (Fig 27), and for
30 s with orthophosphoric acid (Fig 28),
and then placed for 3 min in ethanol and
an ultrasound bath to eliminate mineral
Fig 23 Ceramic staining.
60 s and heat activated with a lamp for
1 min (Fig 30). Adhesive was placed in
the cavity and on the lower aspect of the
ceramic, and solvents were eliminated
by air spray. Preheated filled composite
was placed in the cavity, and the indirect
restoration inserted using an ultrasonic
Teflon tip. Excesses were removed, con-
tact points checked, and a brush used
to improve the margins. Polymerization
was performed under air spray for 30 s
per face in a progressive mode, 1  min
in a high-intensity mode, and then 30 s
Fig 24 Final lithium disilicate overlay.

Fig 25 Rubber dam placement prior to bonding, Fig 26 Collateral teeth protection.
sandblasting, and etching.

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Fig 27 Hydrofluoric acid etching. Fig 28 Orthophosphoric acid etching.

Fig 29 Ultrasound bath and ethanol. Fig 30 Silanization.

Fig 31 Final bonding. Fig 32 Palatal view showing the composite of the
DME and ceramic overlay.

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in a high-intensity mode under glycerin

gel. Margins were then polished and a
radiographic control performed before
checking the occlusion (Figs 31 to 33).

Case 2
The same procedure was performed.
At the 1-year control, the healthy gum
against the mesial composite was ob-
pocket depth higher than 3 mm, and no

Fig 33 Radiographic control.

Fig 34 Clinical view of old composites. Fig 35 Radiograph showing cavity under the

Fig 36 Deep cavities. Fig 37 IDS and DME with filled flowable composite.

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Fig 38 Lithium disilicate inlay. Fig 39 Preparation for bonding.

Fig 40 Preheated composite bonding. Fig 41 Final view.

Fig 42 Radiographic control. Fig 43 1-year control showing a healthy gum

around the restorations.

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Case 3 ceramic being in continuity with the

The same procedure was performed. composite, and allows for the proper
"U ZFBS DPOUSPM  OP CPOF MPTT XBT shape of a proximal restoration, which
seen even though the composite limit in turn allows for proper proximal clean-
was close to the bone crest. Importance ing, with the avoidance of food accumu-
must be given to the emergence pro- lation and the benefit of healthy gums
file provided by the composite of the 'JHTUP

margin elevation, which facilitates the

Fig 44 Cavity under old composite. Fig 45 Radiograph showing distal deep cavity.

Fig 46 Carious tissue removal. Fig 47 IDS and DME with filled flowable composite.

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Fig 48 Final restoration. Fig 49 Immediate radiographic control.


showing no bone loss around the composite.

Case 4
The same procedure was performed. In
this case, the decay was very deep, so
that the rubber dam was pierced dur-
ing its removal. Teflon was used not only
to improve the isolation but also to visu-
alize the exact limits of the carious le-
sion. Two-year control showed an ideal
periodontal integration of the restoration
Fig 52 Deep cavities under old restorations. 'JHTUP

70-6.&t/6.#&3tAUTUMN 2018

Fig 53 Radiographic view prior to Fig 54 Carious tissue removal and rubber dam
treatment. piercing.

Fig 55 Isolation improvement with Teflon and Fig 56 IDS and DME with filled flowable compos-
cavity limits visualization. ite.

Fig 57 Preheated composite bonding. Fig 58 Final view.

70-6.&t/6.#&3tAUTUMN 2018

From a clinical point of view, DME seems
to be well tolerated by the periodontium
when a good bonding with a proper
isolation is performed, leading to very
few or no signs of clinical inflammation.
From a histologic point of view, it is clear
that no connective attachment could be
obtained on the material, and that DME
did not lead to the recreation of a nor-
mal periodontal attachment, but rath-
er to a different biologic width, mainly
Fig 59 Immediate radiographic control.
composed of a long junctional epithe-
lium and a slight connective attachment
on the dentin below the material. Even
though it is far from the ultimate goal of
a regeneration of a normal attachment
apparatus, this situation seems healthy
and well tolerated by the organisms.
Further clinical and histologic studies
are needed to confirm this conclusion.

Fig 60 2-year clinical control showing a 3-mm

pocket depth probing in a healthy sulcus.

Fig 61 2-year radiographic control showing no

bone loss around the composite.

70-6.&t/6.#&3tAUTUMN 2018

 'SBOL3. #SJPO. %F 16. Santamaria MP, Queiroz

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