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The Disadvantages of Metal Packaging

By: Simon Fuller

Updated September 26, 2017

Metal packaging ranges from tin biscuit containers and aluminum to steel beverage cans. Metal
is useful because it’s durable, doesn’t cost too much and is non-toxic, making it highly suitable
for storing food. However, this kind of packaging also has a few disadvantages. Problems with
metal packaging vary according to the specific type of metal used.

Some types of metal packaging, such as steel, are vulnerable to the effects of corrosion, which
can cause the metal to deteriorate. Corrosion takes place as the metal begins to transform back
into its original state; for example, steel turns back into the iron ore it came from. Corrosion is
caused by oxidation, brought about when the metal is exposed to air and water. One example
of corrosion is rust, which occurs on steel packaging and causes it to flake away. Metal
packaging is typically coated in other materials, such as chromium, to prevent corrosion from

Can’t See Contents

Metal packaging may keep a container’s contents secure and fresh, but it does pose a
disadvantage in that it is not transparent, and so consumers can’t see into the packaging to
check the contents or to further inspect a potential purchase. This limits the uses for metal
packaging within the retail sector, since other packaging materials—such as plastic—are better
in some situations. For example, the plastic used in a blister pack used to store nails allows
consumers to check the size and type of nails inside the packaging, which wouldn’t be possible
with metal packaging.


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Storage Issues
Tin is often used for certain types of containers, including those for biscuits. Becuase the metal
packaging isn’t easily bent or squashed by hand, the containers are difficult to store effectively,
both during and after use. On the other hand, a paper or plastic container might be easier to
fold up or squash and tuck away in a cupboard or other storage facility.
Aluminum and Acidity
Aluminum is another common choice for metal packaging. While aluminum is impervious to
corrosion when used to store food products, it does have an issue with acidic foods such as
rhubarb and tomatoes. These foods are especially acidic and can be affected by aluminum if
the metal is used to store them. The result of using aluminum packaging for these foods is that
the food will end up tasting of aluminum

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