SLB-HSE-M026 COVID 19 Management BOOK A01 18mar20 - 7498140 - 02

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

Reference: SLB-HSE-M026
Version: A01
Release Date: 18-Mar-2020
Produced: 18-Mar-2020
Owner: SL VP HSE
Authors: Health SMA


Legal Information
Copyright © 2020 Schlumberger, Unpublished Work. All rights reserved.
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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

Document Control

Owner: SL HSE VP

Author: Health SMA

Reviewer: Director of HSE Practices

Approver: SL HSE VP

Contact Information

Name: Health SMA

LDAP Alias:

Revision History

Version Date Description Prepared by

Dr. G. Cauchi , R. Cordoba, R. Groves,
A01 18-Mar-2020 First release L. Hinai, K. Walker

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

1 Schlumberger COVID-19 Risk Exposure Level Determination 7

Schlumberger Country COVID-19 Exposure Risk Level 7
Location COVID-19 Exposure Risk Level 7
Individual COVID-19 Exposure Level 8
1.3.1 Self- assessment Exposure Forms 8
2 Fundamental Controls 11
Awareness Training 11
Good Practice Hygiene Practices 11
Schlumberger Defined COVID-19 Country Exposure Risk Level 12
3 Risk–based Controls 15
Information and Engagement 15
3.1.1 Digital approach to COVID-19 Management 15
Digital Framework 15
COVID-19 Schlumberger SAFE Power App 16
Digital and Online Training and Assessment 17
Virtual HSE Engagement Visits 17
3.1.2 Internal Communications 17
Posters and Communications Materials 18
Internal Email Communications Templates 18
Travel Tracker Communications 18
3.1.3 External Communications 18
Customer Communication 18
Contractor, Supplier and Third Party Communications 19
Personal Social Media 19
Schlumberger Spouses Association (SSA) Communication 19
HSE for Youth 19
Reduce Exposure 19
3.2.1 Travel 19
Schlumberger Travel Restrictions 19
Commuting Transport 21
Personal Travel 21
3.2.2 Social Distancing and Limiting Contact with Potentially Contaminated Surfaces 21
Personal Vulnerability 22
Training 23
Personal Time Behavior 23
3.2.3 Work practices 24
Remote/ Home working 24
Safe Work Practices in a Work Location 24
3.2.4 Quarantine and Isolation 25
Quarantine 26
Isolation 26
Quarantine or Isolation Facilities 28
Company Support for Personnel in Quarantine or Isolation at a Worksite 28
Telemedicine 29
Workflow for Unwell Personnel Outside of the Workplace 29
3.2.5 Workflow for Temperature Screening 31
Workflow for Personnel Temperature Screening 31
Workflow for Temperature Screening of Visitors 32
Case Management and Response 33
3.3.1 Case Investigation and Contact Tracing 34
Close Contact 35
3.3.2 Restriction of Access to Company Locations 35

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

Temperature Screening Equipment 36

Visitor questionnaire 36
3.3.3 Suspected-Positive Case Management 36
3.3.4 Cleaning and Disinfection 38
Crisis Management Preparedness 39
3.4.1 SL Crisis Management Team 39
3.4.2 GeoMarket Crisis Management Team 39
Example COVID-19 Holding Statements 39
3.4.3 Country COVID-19 Emergency Management Plans 39
Stakeholder Mapping 39
3.4.4 Location COVID-19 Emergency Response Plans 41
Location Emergency Response Kit 42
Drills, Review and Revision 43
Field Location Contractor Requirements 43
Customer Interface Requirements 43
Business Continuity Planning 44
4 Field Product Line Controls 47
5 Legal Controls 49
Data Privacy 49
6 Human Resources Controls 51
7 Responsibilities and Monitoring 53
Responsibilities 53
Monitoring 55
7.2.1 Monitoring - Adherence 55
7.2.2 Monitoring Results (KPIs) 55
8 Appendices 57
Appendix A – Glossary and Definitions 58
Appendix B – Useful External Resources 62
Appendix C – Schlumberger COVID-19 Self-Assessment Exposure Forms 65
8.3.1 North America (SLB-HSE-S026-F001) 65
8.3.2 Rest of World (RoW) (SLB-HSE-S026-F002) 66
8.3.3 EUR and SCA (SLB-HSE-S026-F003) 67
Appendix D – Example COVID-19 Holding Statements 69
Appendix E SLB COVID-19 Risk Level Controls 70

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.


B.O.O.K. Book of Organizational Knowledge

C-HRL Country Health Risk Level

C-HMP County Health Management Procedure

CDC US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

EAP Employee Assistance Program

ECDC European Center for Disease Control

FTW Fitness To Work

GM GeoMobile

HCC Home Country Commuter

HCF Health Care Facility

HCM Home Country Mobile

HCR Home Country Resident

HCS Health Care Specialist

HM High Mobility

IC International Commuter

ILO International Labour Organization

IOGP International Association of Oil and Gas Producers

IM International Mobile

MERP Medical Emergency Response Plan

PPE Personal Protective Equipment

RWP Remedial Work Plan

WHO World Health Organization

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

Scope of the B.O.O.K.

This B.O.O.K. (Body of Organizational Knowledge) is an indispensable resource for the
implementation of the Schlumberger COVID-19 Management Standard SLB-HSE-S006 PLUS.

The Schlumberger COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K is a resource provided to assist HSE

Managers and company Health Care Specialists to evaluate country and operational location
health risk levels and implement appropriate control measures.

The information provided in this document is based on accepted international health organizations
recommendations and good practice guidance.

This B.O.O.K. provides the:

 Methodology for conducting COVID-19 exposure risk assessments

 Fundamental controls
 Risk-based controls
 Guidance for the implementation of controls

Additionally, the B.O.O.K. contains guidelines, which supplement the fundamental controls and risk
based health controls. These include definitions, specification documents and references.

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

Section 1.0

COVID-19 Risk Exposure Level

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

1 Schlumberger COVID-19 Risk Exposure Level Determination

The risk-based approach taken addresses COVID-19 exposure according to the following criteria:

 Country exposure level: for the purposes of this Standard, States or Territories in larger
countries are subject to the country level controls described below e.g. USA, Canada,
Australia, Russia
 Location exposure level: suspected or confirmed cases at a location, this may be at a
manufacturing center, office, field operational location, vessel etc.
 Individual exposure level: personal exposure, based on close contact with confirmed
COVID-19 cases, recent travel to a high-risk country (i.e. Level 3 according to the
Schlumberger classification) or symptoms

Schlumberger Country COVID-19 Exposure Risk Level

The COVID-19 country risk levels are based on number of reported positive cases according to
WHO, CDC and Johns Hopkins University (all links are made available in the app). The risk levels
are up-dated daily based on the information available from these reputable health resources. The
App can be used to find current country risk levels. Many health organizations and countries have
developed their own risk matrices, Schlumberger’s approach has been developed with our health
partner advice, previous company experience such as, SARS, H1N1, etc.

To establish the risk-based health controls to be applied in each country, four levels have been
defined to set geographic actions to help us minimize health risk while also minimizing business
impact. These are:
 Level 0: No confirmed COVID-19 cases reported in the country
 Level 1: For clusters of less than 25 confirmed COVID-19 cases reported in a country
 Level 2: Limited impact countries where between 25 and 100 confirmed COVID-19 cases
have been reported
 Level 3: Significantly impacted countries where more than 100 confirmed COVID-19
cases have been reported
Note: Additional levels may be added as required.

Additional risk factors may be used to raise a country exposure risk level, such as the availability
and effectiveness of local health authorities to test for confirmation of cases or provide medical
support, guidance from international health organizations, such as the World Health Organization,
company health service providers etc. Such circumstances shall be assessed on a case by case
basis at SL level. Country exposure risk levels will be downgraded, based on similar sources of
information, such as reduced infection rate, increased recovery rate, improvements in mortality per
capita, advances in treatment or vaccination etc.

Location COVID-19 Exposure Risk Level

The risk-based approach at location level is dependent on suspected or confirmed cases at a

location, specific actions shall be required in accordance with the Location COVID-19 Emergency
Response Plan and SLB-HSE-S006-P001 to limit further exposure.

Location exposure level for sites which are not owned or managed by Schlumberger requires co-
ordination with other parties to monitor exposure levels, such as:
 Customers and/ or drilling contractors for operational locations where Schlumberger
personnel are working e.g. offshore installations, remote land operations

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

 Landlords and third party occupants of leased or rented facilities, where Schlumberger
has partial occupancy

A suspected case requires actions to be taken to restrict access to a location, and/ or potentially
the temporary quarantine of one or more persons in an designated room on site, depending on the
remoteness of the location and location of available accommodation, or self-isolation e.g. at home.

A confirmed case may involve complete access restrictions to a location and disinfection/ deep
clean e.g. office. One or more confirmed cases may require the quarantine of all persons on a
remote location e.g. offshore installation, remote land rig with accommodation, vessel etc. until the
results of testing are available.

Investigations of close contact to confirmed cases shall be conducted to determine the need for
location closure, quarantine or self-isolation on a case by case basis, in co-operation with involved
stakeholders e.g. local health authorities, customers, transportation providers etc.

Individual COVID-19 Exposure Level

As a global organization with frequent international and domestic travel and personnel in contact
with frequent travelers, a Self-Assessment process is used to determine an individual’s exposure
risk. The results of this assessment are used to determine exposure related risk-based controls.

Note: It is irrelevant to the exposure self-assessment process if travel involving a high risk country
or exposure to a suspected or positive case was for business or personal reasons.

1.3.1 Self- assessment Exposure Forms

The self- assessment exposure forms are required to be completed as part of the travel
exemption process and also serve to identify any high risk eposure to COVID-19 as a result of:
 Travel by the individual (whether business or personal travel)
 Close contact with people who have been in a Schlumberger defined COVID-19 Level 3
country within the previous 14 days
 Close contact with a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases within the previous 14 days

Different assessments are available, all are in the COVID-19 Schlumberger SAFE Power App,
based on geographic legal requirements:
 North America (USA and Canada)
 EUR and SCA GeoMarkets (subject to additional data privacy regulations)
 Rest of the World

The self-assessment for the individual’s assigned location should be completed. See Appendix C
for the content of the questionnaires. These forms are available in the COVID-19 section of the
HSE Communications Toolkit and can be completed directly in the COVID-19 Schlumberger SAFE
Power App.

Note on Confidentiality: Caution must used to keep the identity of any positive or symptomatic
employees confidential and only involve people with a need to know as part of the appropriate
protective measures. Additional legal guidance on data privacy is available to ensure the
confidentiality of information provided is maintained, in accordance with Data Privacy Guidelines
for COVID-19 Protocols, available from the COVID-19 section of the HSE Communications

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

Section 2.0

Fundamental COVID-19 Controls

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

2 Fundamental Controls

This section describes the details of the fundamental health controls and how they should be
applied in all countries and operational locations, for all employees and locations. These measures
will strive to ensure that people are compliant with company requirements in relation to COVID-19.

The fundamental COVID-19 controls which apply to all Schlumberger employees and contractors
are as follows:
 COVID-19 awareness training
 Adopt good hygiene practices
 Schlumberger defined COVID-19 Country exposure risk level

Awareness Training

The fundamental health controls include the following health training, required for all Schlumberger
employees in all locations:

COVID-19 Level 1 (Basic) – 10 minute online presentation session with the objective of providing
understanding of the basics of COVID-19 prevention of infection. Records are maintained in

Good Practice Hygiene Practices

Resources are available from the COVID-19 section of the HSE Communications Toolkit

 Be COVID-19-socially responsible and practice good personal hygiene habits

 Wash hands often for 40-60 seconds every time, scrub hands with soap for at least 20
o Before and after preparing food
o After going to the toilet
o Before and after eating
o After coughing and sneezing
o After removing personal protective equipment (PPE) e.g. mask and disposable
 Use hand sanitizers if soap and water are NOT available
 Maintain good indoor ventilation
 Avoid contact with live animals including poultry and birds, and consumption of raw and
undercooked meats
 Avoid crowded places and close contact with people who are unwell or showing symptoms
of illness
 Avoid sharing food, cutlery, crockery, utensils and other personal hygiene items
 Maintain social distancing (try to stay 2m/ 6ft from other people – the “2m rule”):
o Avoid physical contact such as shaking hands, embracing, kissing
o Avoid large public gatherings, crowded places, busy public transport
o Avoid close proximity and conversations with anyone displaying symptoms e.g.
coughing, sneezing etc.
o Avoid sharing cups, glasses, utensils, cutlery, pens, keyboards/ computer
equipment etc.
o Do not share P.P.E. e.g. respirators, surgical masks, gloves, safety glasses,
coveralls with others

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

 Avoid touching your face or rubbing your eyes

 Wear a surgical mask if you have respiratory symptoms such as a cough or runny nose.
Note: CDC does not recommend that people who are well need to wear a facemask to
protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19
 Cover your mouth with a tissue paper when coughing or sneezing, and dispose of the soiled
tissue paper in the rubbish bin immediately
 Seek medical advice promptly if you are feeling unwell
 Avoid unnecessary business related gatherings e.g. conferences, large meetings, seminars

Schlumberger Defined COVID-19 Country Exposure Risk Level

As the lifecycle of the pandemic develops, each country is assigned a Schlumberger COVID-19
exposure risk level, based on the process described in Section 1.1.

Medical SME’s shall be engaged to assist with communication briefings and monitoring of epidemic
progress throughout the lifecycle, including a review and update of medical evacuation processes
and advice with 3rd party primary health advisor. Updated information shall be provided to EMTs/
CMTs at each country exposure risk level.

This information is updated on a daily basis, see Section 1.2 for the definitions and criteria used for
these Schlumberger defined levels.

This risk level for each country can be identified from the COVID-19 Schlumberger SAFE Power

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

Section 3.0

Risk-based Controls

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

3 Risk–based Controls

The risk-based controls shall be implemented based on the exposure level for the country and
location and/ or the results of an individual’s exposure self-assessment:
 Information and Engagement
 Reduce Exposure
 Crisis Management Preparedness
 Business Continuity Planning
Information and Engagement

The Schlumberger COVID-19 communications strategy is dedicated to managing data, information

and documentation aimed at improving understanding of the company’s response to managing the
COVID-19 pandemic and increasing employee engagement.

3.1.1 Digital approach to COVID-19 Management

In a large scale crisis such as the global COVID-19 pandemic and a global operational footprint
Schlumberger has, it is critical to effective management of the crisis to maximize the use of all the
available Information Technologies, resources and digital solutions. These tools help our crisis and
emergency management teams respond rapidly on the ground while enabling critical
communication connections between leaders, teams and all involved stakeholders throughout the
lifecycle of such an event.

The company’s infrastructure and digital framework have been fully deployed, providing all global
users with the necessary capacity in terms of:
 Local and regional Gateways
 Uninterrupted Global Service Desks in different areas and time-zones, ready to handle
real-time support to all type of end-users
 A fully dedicated Cyber-Security Center in different areas and time-zones to cope with
themed cyber-attack, phishing and malware attacks
 A dedicated IT Crisis Management Team to respond to any incident and provide
continuity to business, 24 hours 7 days a week

Digital Framework
Our current digital framework of tools and applications not only enables all employee in every
corner of the world to engage with the centralized global and specific GeoMarket Crisis
Management Teams. These tools provides the teams with accurate real-time data and information,
communication and planning tools to better respond and make the right decisions at the right time.
The development of a global application, the COVID-19 Schlumberger SAFE Power App, that acts
as an content-management tool for information from trustworthy sources to help guide the
employees to take timely and well-informed decisions.

In this way Schlumberger not only conveys reliable and timely information but also helps reduce
the possibility of having employees access or download unreliable or misleading information from
high-risk sources, posing an ideal opportunity for cyber-attacks.

The COVID-19 Schlumberger SAFE Power App has been designed to encompass information
grouped in several topics, including:

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

 Live updates
 General awareness Information
 Frequently asked questions and answers
 Prevention and mitigation measures
 How to respond to different scenarios
 Emergency contacts
 Real time risk-assessment resources
 Links to reliable resources and sources of information

In addition to the centralized app as the go-to resources to manage the crisis, the organization as
relied on additional support the IT framework can provide, evidenced in the following digital tools
and applications:
 Silverpop: a mass email application to broadcast key messages and call for action from
the corporate executive team
 myHub: dedicated site at the corporate’s intranet for timely updates on the global situation
 QUEST: dedicated HSE learning and competency management for awareness tracking and
multi-cultural content-management. The COVID-19 Awareness Certification was
embedded in this tool and assigned to every single employee in the organization
 Yammer: a social networking tool for off-script updates and fast interaction, such as the
HSE Global Group, and many others at geography, Function, business and region level
 PowerBI: a data visualization tool to provide users with relevant data dashboards, analytics
and insights, like all the COVID-19 Data Analytics Dashboards and the COVID-19 Power
App Usage Dashboard
 PowerAutomate: a digital automation tool to guarantee seamless interaction between
different platforms like social network, online-forms, email, data-visualization
 Sharepoint: a centralized cloud-based site for the management of crisis and emergency
preparedness documents, guidelines and processes, such as the in the COVID-19 section
of the HSE Communications Toolkit
 Teams: a single tool aimed to increase the work-from-home experience, maximizing
productivity between teams. This allows regular and crisis-oriented teams to handle large
quantities of information, notes, resources, links and others related to specific projects and
improve overall collaboration compared to previous meeting platforms, amongst many other
 Power Apps: the centralized platform to develop not only our company COVID-19
Schlumberger SAFE App, which is our global pandemic focused app, but also other crisis
management apps like the Incident Response TeamSpace App, for centralizing the
operating rhythm during the lifecycle of a crisis. Many other apps allow administrators to
push news to mobile devices, improve daily updates and check on employee’s status,
amongst many other functionalities.

The key advantage of leveraging a crisis response with a solid and resourceful digital basis
translates into reliable and sustained support, optimizing the engagement and the communication
efforts, despite the changes in the features of the crisis, allowing the daily operation and company
leaders to adapt to further logistics disruptions, government instructions, and to act diligently and
respond not only during the challenging times of a crisis evolving but also during the recovery

Innovative technology solutions to promote safe COVID-19 behaviors will be trialed and
implemented as they become available.

COVID-19 Schlumberger SAFE Power App

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

As part of our digital HSE strategy, a Power App (with record-breaking deployment rate) was
developed to centralize real time updates and disseminate information as the preferred channel of
communications for the company efforts and updates.

The app was developed to include the following information and updates:
 Schlumberger COVID-19 risk level updates
 World Health Organization video
 Daily update
 General Information on the outbreak
 Useful links (WHO, CDC, links to documents)
 Preventive measures
 Global emergency contacts list
 Glossary
 Q&As
 Self- assessment exposure forms
The content and frequency of update of the information and data in the COVID-19 Schlumberger
SAFE Power App is monitored and controlled by the SL HSE Function. The information within the
app is available in multiple languages.
Guidance materials have been developed with instructions to download the COVID-19
Schlumberger SAFE Power App to mobile devices, available from the COVID-19 section of the
HSE Communications Toolkit.
Digital and Online Training and Assessment
Consider digital and online training and assessment options, rather than face to face training.

GreenRoad driver performance can be used as an alternative to a face to face commentary drive
assessment as validation for low/ medium driving risk countries.

Virtual HSE Engagement Visits

The focus of an HSE Engagement Visit is to demonstrate HSE Leadership through employee
engagement by showing that we do care for their safety. Virtual field engagement visits can be
conducted as an alternative to travelling to a field location. This option can be utilized by managers
to engage with Schlumberger field crews via webcam or other mobile enabled device when a face-
to-face visit cannot be conducted. The template to conduct a virtual HSE engagement visit is
available for completion from the audit downloads area in QUEST, named “HSE Engagement Visit
Template”. The completed template can be uploaded to QUEST in the same manner as for a face
to face engagement visit.

3.1.2 Internal Communications

The internal communication strategy has been based in the following actions:
 Use of centrally managed screensavers and Internal Communications Hub
 Global digital signage (in every facility)
 Awareness package released via the HSE Learning Management System
 Mass communication (via email and social media)
 Centralized communications toolkit

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

GeoMarkets are required to implement communication plans using the available Schlumberger
resources to improve information management and promote engagement. The Schlumberger
resources can be supplemented with applicable local health authority or health service provider
information and tools, as required. The frequency and intensity of communications shall be risk-

Posters and Communications Materials

A variety of posters and global communications materials have been developed by the HSE
Communications team to raise awareness of good practices for deployment across the
organization. The following are examples of materials available from the dedicated COVID-19
section of the HSE Communications Toolkit:
 Posters
o Early Stage
 Live posters
o General Health Message
 Screen saver
o Early Stage (automatically pushed to company computers)
Internal Email Communications Templates
Email templates have been developed for mass communication across Schlumberger or from
GeoMarkets or countries, these templates have standardized banner headings to highlight the
communications specific to COVID-19. Examples of internal communications which may use these
 Change in country exposure level
 New training material available
 Update of location COVID-19 status
 Communication with HQ

The available set of email templates are available from the COVID-19 section of the HSE
Communications Toolkit.

Travel Tracker Communications

Travel Tracker is the main mass communications system, the system shall be tested in each
country to familiarize personnel with the process, as part of a country ERP drill.

3.1.3 External Communications

The external communication strategy has been based in the following actions:
 Interaction with stakeholders (contractors, national and international oil and gas
associations, local authorities)
 Awareness outreach with employee’s spouses and children
 Updates through international partners and travel agencies
 Best practices shared across the industry (checklists, assessments, etc.)
Customer Communication
The public Schlumberger website has been used to provide approved external
communications in a specific COVID-19 page this

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

link can be provided to customers and other interested parties requesting information on
Schlumberger’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Contractor, Supplier and Third Party Communications

The required communications for contractors, supplier and third party stakeholders, should be
developed in accordance with the stakeholder mapping process, with the type of communication,
frequency of communication and message

Personal Social Media

Personnel are expected to act responsibly when sharing information on their personal social media
and not discuss company locations, company controls or disclose names or any other information
relating to the COVID-19 status of their colleagues, in accordance with the Blue Print Code of
Conduct. See Social Media Best Practice and the related Hub article for additional company

Public statements on behalf of the company shall be approved by the SL CMT Communications
Coordinator and made by designated and approved company spokespersons.

Personnel should be cautious of inaccurate or misleading information available on the internet or

shared via social media. The COVID-19 pandemic is the subject of many cybersecurity threats and
phishing attempts.

Schlumberger Spouses Association (SSA) Communication

Specific guidance has been produced to share with the Schlumberger Spouses Association
members, these communication materials are made available in the COVID-19 section of the HSE
Communications Toolkit.

HSE for Youth

Communications materials will be made available for children to raise awareness of COVID-19.
This material will be designed to be provided without the need for a face to face session.

Reduce Exposure

Our key efforts on reducing exposure have been focused on defining risk-based levels to enable
us to manage the related geographical risk and to facilitate effective communications and
management of crisis/emergency processes.

The risk-based controls to reduce the risk of exposure to the COVID-19 virus include:
 Travel
 Social distancing
 Work practices
 Quarantine and isolation

3.2.1 Travel

Schlumberger shall comply with international travel authority e.g. IATA and IMO etc. and national
government and local health authority bans on restrictions on domestic or international travel by
any mode.

Schlumberger Travel Restrictions

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

Schlumberger will adopt the following approach, based on the Schlumberger defined country
COVID-19 exposure risk levels, the following global travel restrictions have been implemented.

DOMESTIC TRAVEL To Level 0 Country To Level 1 Country To Level 2 Country To Level 3 Country
From Level 0 Country
From Level 1 Country
From Level 2 Country
From Level 3 Country

TRAVEL To Level 0 Country To Level 1 Country To Level 2 Country To Level 3 Country
From Level 0 Country
From Level 1 Country
From Level 2 Country
From Level 3 Country

Business critical travel permitted subject to exposure self-assessment

Note: Do not travel if you feel ill or have any COVID-19 symptoms
Business critical travel by air, sea, road and rail (except road transport between states/ territories within the
same geographic country) requires an approved exemption in QUEST and an exposure self-assessment -
any Yes answer to the exposure questions - follow up and an additional risk assessment and discussion
between various stakeholders including HSE.
Schlumberger travel ban in place
Note: Any travel bans put in place by governments for lock-down areas, specific travel routes, border
closures, specified nationality restrictions must be complied with by Schlumberger personnel.
For the purposes of this Standard, the term Country is also used to describe States and Territories
(Australia, Canada and USA) therefore, domestic travel may involve travel from a State or Territory at
different COVID-19 risk levels.

 International Travel Restriction - All travel across the company is restricted to Business
Critical only, regardless of the risk level. An approved exemption in QUEST is required,
together with the traveler’s completed COVID-19 exposure self-assessment to help the
subject matter approver evaluate the related conditions. As an example of the approver
required levels:
o Direct manager
o Subject matter approval – GeoMarket HSE Manager, or designate
o GeoMarket Manager, or designate

 Domestic Travel Restriction - All domestic travel is restricted to Business Critical only, for
those countries (also means States and Territories in relation to domestic travel) in
Schlumberger COVID-19 risk Levels 2 and 3. An Exemption must be in place, together
with the traveler’s completed COVID-19 exposure self-assessment to help the approver
evaluate the related conditions. As an example of the approver required levels:
o Direct manager
o Subject matter approval – GeoMarket HSE Manager, or designate
o Country Managing Director

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 Travel Restriction - All travel into and out of a Level 3 country (Territory or State in Australia,
Canada or USA). Any Exemption to this ban will have to be approved at the GeoMarket/
senior management level.
Note: For COVID-19 travel exemptions, the GeoMarket Manager may approve delegates, as
defined in the lists of authorized travel approvers, maintained and communicated by the

All travel exemptions shall be approved in QUEST, in accordance with the Management of Change
and Exemption Standard (SLB-QHSE-S-010) process.
Any travel bans put in place by governments for lock-down areas, specific travel routes, border
closures, specified nationality restrictions must be complied with by Schlumberger.

Commuting Transport
If working remotely e.g. from home is not possible or practical, if distances are not too far, consider
walking or cycling to work. If commuting is necessary, choose commuting transport to avoid public
crowds, particularly avoid peak travel times and the metro where ventilation is not as effective. AS
much as possible methods should be considered:
 Personal car or shared personal car
 Company provided transport e.g. commuter bus – temperature screening may be required
before entering the bus, buses and company provided transport should be cleaned and
disinfected in accordance with the cleaning and disinfection procedure, as required
 Use an approved taxi service
 If you have difficulty in getting to work, contact your line manager for advice

In a vehicle, open windows to promote air flow, if using heating or air conditioning in the vehicle,
set the airflow to fresh air.

Personal Travel
Act responsibly during personal travel. Any personal travel to a high risk country, include any
vacation/ personal travel when conducting your exposure self-assessment. The reason for having
been in a high exposure risk country does not matter, it is the potential for exposure that will
determine the need for self-quarantine.

3.2.2 Social Distancing and Limiting Contact with Potentially Contaminated Surfaces

Reducing exposure to COVID-19 by social distancing, limiting person to person contact and
avoiding contact with frequently touched and potentially contaminated surfaces can be used to
delay the spread of the virus. It is strongly recommended that personnel follow these restrictions in
their personal time as well as during working hours.

These controls are triggered by the Schlumberger country COVID-19 exposure risk level:
 Avoid public gatherings, compliance with local health authority requirements and national
restrictions on public gatherings etc. Limits may be set by local authorities for indoor and/
or outdoor events

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 Limit attendance at non-business critical events e.g. conferences, training etc. even in Level
0 countries, as third party attendees may have travelled from or had exposure to people
who have been in level 3 countries
 Arrange for videoconferencing and the opportunity for remote working, distance learning,
flexible working hours
o Use personal headsets for online conference calls rather than gathering around a
speaker phone
 Limit face to face meetings and reduce to the minimum the number of attendees
o Promote the use of Skype, Microsoft teams to conduct virtual meetings
 Arrange for videoconferencing and the opportunity for remote working, distance learning,
flexible working hours
 Use Skype, Microsoft Teams to conduct virtual meetings whenever possible
o If face to face meetings cannot be avoided, then minimize the number of
attendees to essential personnel only
 Avoid shaking hands or other forms of person to person contact in the workplace
 When in rooms with other people, follow the “2 meter rule” by maintaining a 2 meter/ 6 ft
distance between people:
o Position chairs facing the same direction this way in meeting rooms, canteens,
reception areas etc.
o Also apply this rule to open plan work areas and shared offices
 Stagger working hours at large occupancy offices/ hubs, to avoid all personnel arriving and/
or leaving at the same times, particularly where entry to the location involves temperature
screening and the potential for people to have to queue
 Use stickers rather than visitor badges or provide wipes to disinfect the badges
 Consider alternative administrative methods for locations and activities rather than a hard
copy visitor book to be signed with a shared pen or hard copy meeting/ training attendance
sheets to be signed
 Avoid skin contact with commonly touched surfaces and disinfect shared items with a
hygiene wipe after use:
o Shared work items such as pens, scissors, staplers, printers, copiers, headsets,
phones etc.
o Elevator buttons, handrails, door handles, light switches, remote control pads etc.
o Avoid “hot desks”, if conference rooms and shared desks are used, use disinfectant
wipes on surfaces before and after use
 Encourage good ventilation in buildings and check ventilation in internal rooms where
windows can't be opened
 Do not share personal protective equipment with others or reuse disposable items e.g. ear
plugs, disposable gloves, single use masks, shoe covers, disposable coveralls
 Avoid using public transport if possible:
o Minimize travel at busy times
o Cycle or walk to work
 Go to the gym at a quiet time when fewer people are there and disinfect equipment with a
hygiene wipe, consider going outside for a walk or runs or cycle in areas where there may
not be many people
 Avoid gatherings or queuing in public places e.g. shops, ticket machines
 Schedule use of those common areas of buildings or locations when fewer people are
 Stay at home as much as possible

Personal Vulnerability

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Increase vigilance in social distancing and limiting contact protection controls when people may be
more vulnerable to developing more serious effects from COVID-19 infection, including the elderly
and those with underlying health conditions.

Underlying medical conditions that may increase the risk of serious COVID-19 for individuals of
any age, these conditions include:
 Blood disorders (e.g., sickle cell disease or on blood thinners)
 Chronic kidney disease as defined by your doctor. Patient has been told to avoid or reduce
the dose of medications because kidney disease, or is under treatment for kidney disease,
including receiving dialysis
 Chronic liver disease as defined by your doctor. (e.g., cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis) Patient
has been told to avoid or reduce the dose of medications because liver disease or is under
treatment for liver disease.
 Compromised immune system (immunosuppression) (e.g., seeing a doctor for cancer
and treatment such as chemotherapy or radiation, received an organ or bone marrow
transplant, taking high doses of corticosteroids or other immunosuppressant medications,
 Current or recent pregnancy in the last two weeks
 Endocrine disorders (e.g., diabetes mellitus)
 Metabolic disorders (such as inherited metabolic disorders and mitochondrial disorders)
 Heart disease (such as congenital heart disease, congestive heart failure and coronary
artery disease)
 Lung disease including asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (chronic
bronchitis or emphysema) or other chronic conditions associated with impaired lung
function or that require home oxygen
 Neurological and neurologic and neurodevelopment conditions [including disorders of
the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerve, and muscle such as cerebral palsy, epilepsy
(seizure disorders), stroke, intellectual disability, moderate to severe developmental delay,
muscular dystrophy, or spinal cord injury].

Any person scheduled to attend or teach face to face training shall conducted an exposure self-
assessment (including any external instructors and commentary driver assessors) and not attend
should any of the exposure question responses be yes. Face to face training should not be
conducted in the following situations:
 Schlumberger COVID-19 Level 3 countries
 At a location where there has been a recent suspected or positive case

Digital and online training and assessment alternatives shall be used to reduce exposure, where
possible e.g. using GreenRoad driver performance as an alternative to a scheduled commentary
drive assessment.

Operational personnel need to check with their customers for mandated face to face training
requirements and how these will be managed e.g. BOSIET and HUET certifications for offshore
workers. Industry association guidance will be provided for commonly required face to face training

Personal Time Behavior

There is no benefit in following strict COVID-19 controls in the workplace and behaving differently
in personal time, there is an expectation for personnel to behave responsibly when not at work.

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3.2.3 Work practices

Review work practices to determine if these can be modified to reduce exposure.
Remote/ Home working

 Implementation of virtual working practices and/ or home working, wherever practical

 IT connectivity Guidance has been provided “Important Steps to Support Your Connectivity
While Working from Home” available from the COVID-19 section of the HSE
Communications Toolkit
 Refer to local HR guidance and requirement documents and practices on the specific
requirements for home working on a temporary or prolonged basis
 Check with your line manager and Product Line for permissions to take company
information/ data and/ or IT equipment etc. from a Schlumberger location prior to remote/
home working:
o Ensure IT security for computer equipment is also practiced at home e.g. computer
locks and securing
o Any removal of non-mobile IT equipment from Schlumberger locations i.e. not
laptops shall be notified to IT, to ensure the location of company assets is
maintained, as per site security protocols
o Company confidential/ secret data and/ or information is properly secured and

In preparation to work from home due to an escalation of a COVID-19 situation, it is important that
you validate your readiness.

Readiness for Working from Home

 Check that you have the Green S and your PC is up-to-date with all patches and updates.
 Check that Global Protect is working and you can remotely connect to SINet (Green S is
 Take home your laptop and accessories (i.e. charger, cable lock)
 If additional peripherals are needed (i.e. monitors, docking stations), please obtain your
managers approval beforehand and ensure the model and serial numbers are recorded.
 Ensure your password has an extended date range before expiry. If your password expiry
is coming soon (within a month, check in LDAP), complete your password renewal while in
the office on SINet.
 Take with you all physical materials/documents you may need if not available in digital
format (e.g. manuals, paper notes, design sketches, etc.)

Expectations for Working at Home

 You are available via Skype and your phone number in LDAP is correct
 If you are not online on Skype, you are reachable via phone call or SMS and you respond
in a timely manner
 If you have planned meetings on the target date, you adjust them ahead of schedule to
support remote working
 If you have planned out of office activities, your team and manager should be aware of this

Safe Work Practices in a Work Location

Additional information on Product Line specific COVID-19 controls detailing any specific
requirements for work practices are available in Section 4 of this B.O.O.K.

Removal of Potentially Contaminated Gloves

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When wearing disposable or rubber gloves, wash hands with soap before taking the gloves off, this
will reduce the potential for contamination when removing them. Hands can also be washed
regularly with soap and water while wearing gloves to reduce accidental contamination e.g. by
touching face. Always wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after removing protective
gloves, hand sanitizer can be used as an alternative if running water is not available.

Company Supplied Meals

 Meals should be will be provided in a wrapper, box or covered. It is recommended that
a person to collect meals provided from canteen and personnel eat it in their own office
or cubical.
 Masks and safe distances should be maintained (2m rule) when queuing for meals
 Canteen seating should be arranges facing one direction and 2m/ 6 ft apart
 Personnel are advised to bring their own meals, where possible and convenient
 Disposable cutlery provided should be individually wrapped

Waste Management of Potentially Infectious Materials

If the mask is used by a person in quarantine, waste materials should be disinfected first and can
be treated as normal waste.

For waste materials which have been in close contact with a person in isolation, these need to be
treated as clinical waste, collected in clearly marked disposal bags and disposed of by approved
waste management provider.

3.2.4 Quarantine and Isolation

Self-quarantine and isolation risk-based controls are triggered by any of the following:
 Recent travel from a Schlumberger defined COVID-19 Level 3 country
 Exposure self-assessment
 Development of COVID-19 like symptoms

Self- assessment Exposure Action Required

Close contact with a suspected case Self-monitoring, 14 days, temperature screening twice daily
Close contact with a positive case Self-quarantine, 14 days
Travel from a Level 3 Country Self-quarantine, 14 days
Unconfirmed symptomatic case Self-isolation until 7 days after recovery from symptoms *
Positive case Self-isolation until 7 days after recovery from symptoms *
* Follow return to work guidance provided from Schlumberger and local health authorities
Local authority guidance shall be followed if quarantine guidance is stricter

Note: People without symptoms pose little or no risk of transmission, COVID-19 may develop
gradually with non-specific symptoms. The control measures to be taken depend on the probability
of being infected (close contact or low risk contact). People with symptoms pose a high risk of
infecting others.

Schlumberger self-quarantine guidance has provided for personnel and managers in the COVID-
19 section of the HSE Communications Toolkit.

Quarantine means the temporary restriction of movement / social interaction for people who have

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

been exposed to an infectious agent but who have not yet developed a clinical disease. This can
apply to individuals, for example, in their own home (home quarantine) or to larger groups in an
apartment block, camp, vessel, village or city.

Isolation is most often used as a term when a person with a confirmed infection is isolated in their
own room e.g. in a hospital, home or other forms of accommodation e.g. a hotel or offshore
installation, man camp or crew camp.

The same principles for quarantine and isolation apply when these controls are introduced outside
of the home.

Quarantine, generally at home, applies for the following groups and members of their household:
 Close contacts of confirmed cases of COVID-19
 People who have been in countries covered by the quarantine decision

People who are in quarantine and who develop symptoms of respiratory infection should be in
home isolation until they are healthy, and for a minimum of 14 days after quarantine began.

People in home quarantine may leave their home, but should avoid close contact with others.
This means:
 Do not go to work, children who have been in close contact should not go to school
 Avoid travelling and do not use public transport
 Avoid places where you can come into contact with others
Anyone who needs to visit people in home quarantine should follow basic infection control
measures and do not need extra protection as long as nobody else in the household has

Home quarantine is intended for people without symptoms of COVID-19 but who have been in
close contact with a confirmed case or have been in countries covered by the quarantine decision
during the last 14 days.

Be alert for symptoms such as cough, sore throat, breathing difficulties or fever. If you are a close
contact of a person with confirmed COVID-19 and develop symptoms, contact local health

If a person is sick, follow the advice for isolation. This means staying at home (or equivalent “home
away from home”). Anyone who visits the isolated person (or any other member of the household
or person that has been in close contact) must follow recommended infection control measures,
including the use of personal protective equipment.

Do not leave the contained area where you are isolated, obtain help to obtain any necessary
provisions. Depending on the situation, this could be a neighbor or other Schlumberger personnel
if in company provided accommodation e.g. “home away from home”.

Contact your direct manager and the local health authorities, preferably by phone, if your condition
deteriorates e.g. difficulty breathing.

If you need to see a doctor or healthcare provider, contact them and tell them that you have, or are
being assessed for, COVID-19. This will help the healthcare service to take measures to prevent
others from being infected. Do not use public transport or taxis. Inform the healthcare service if you

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

do not have access to your own vehicle. If you are not isolated in a “home away from home” contact
your direct manager and request assistance from the HR Function.

Limit close contact with other people in your home (or “home away from home”). If possible, stay
and sleep in a separate room to others. If several bathrooms and toilets and available, try to use a
separate bathroom and toilet. If you only have one, make sure that you only use your own towel.

Cover your mouth and nose with a paper tissue while coughing/ sneezing, or cough/ sneeze into
your elbow. Throw away used paper towels immediately, and then wash your hands.

Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water. You can also use an alcohol-
based hand disinfectant containing 70 per cent alcohol if soap and water are not readily available.
Laundry and cleaning. Place used textiles and bedding directly in the washing machine, if possible
(a fabric laundry bag can be filled and placed directly into the washing machine) and wash at a
minimum of 60 ⁰C using normal laundry detergent.

Clean surfaces such as bathroom sinks, toilets, door handles and hard surfaces e.g. counter tops
frequently. Ordinary cleaning products are sufficient.

Advice for household members or others living near an isolated person

If someone you live with is ill with COVID-19, you are considered to be a close contact and you
should be in quarantine. Close contacts do not need to use protective equipment in the home but
you should try to limit close contact with the isolated person.

You will be in quarantine until the isolation of the infected person ends, and minimum of 14 days
after quarantine started. Do not go to work (or children go to school) and avoid public areas. Do
not use public transport or taxis and avoid places where you can easily come into contact with
others. Monitor your own health on a daily basis for signs of respiratory infection such as fever and
cough. Contact local health services by telephone if you develop symptoms.

Where possible, there should be as few people in the house (or accommodation) as necessary.
Limit social contact and avoid visitors.

You can help by observing the symptoms of the person infected or suspected of being infected with
COVID-19. Contact the relevant health services if their condition worsens and inform them that the
person has, is being assessed for, or is likely to have COVID-19. This will help healthcare
professionals to suggest the appropriate treatment and take measures to prevent others from being

Good hand hygiene with frequent hand washing with soap and water is recommended, especially
after toilet visits, before cooking and before meals. Wash or disinfect your hands:
 When you leave the room where the isolated person is staying
 Before leaving the house
 After contact with the isolated person or any equipment they have used, such as bedding,
cutlery etc.
Caring for Yourself at Home

If you have possible or confirmed COVID-19:

1. Stay home from work, and away from other public places. If you must go out, avoid using
any kind of public transportation, ridesharing, or taxis.

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

2. Monitor your symptoms carefully. If your symptoms get worse, call your healthcare provider
3. Get rest and stay hydrated
4. If you have a medical appointment, call the healthcare provider ahead of time and tell them
that you have or may have COVID-19
5. For medical emergencies, call your local health authorities and notify them that you have or
may have COVID-19
6. Cover your cough and sneezes
7. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or clean your hands
with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol
8. As much as possible, stay in a specific room and away from other people in your home.
Also, you should use a separate bathroom, if available. If you need to be around other
people in or outside of the home, wear a facemask/ surgical mask.
9. Avoid sharing personal items with other people in your household, like dishes, towels, and
10. Clean all surfaces that are touched often, like counters, tabletops, and doorknobs. Use
household cleaning sprays or wipes according to the label instructions.

Quarantine or Isolation Facilities

Adequately ventilated, spacious single rooms, with dedicated toilet (hand hygiene and toilet
facilities). If single rooms are not available, beds should be placed at least 1 m/ 3ft apart:

 Suitable environmental infection controls, such as adequate air ventilation, filtration systems
and waste-management protocols
 Maintenance of social distancing (more than 1 meter) of the persons quarantined
 Accommodation with an appropriate level of comfort, including:
o Food, water and hygiene provisions
o Protection for baggage and other possessions
o Appropriate medical treatment for existing condition, symptoms
o Communication in a language that they can understand explaining: their rights;
provisions that will be made available to them; how long they will need to stay; what
will happen if they get sick; contact information of their local embassy or consular
 Assistance for quarantined travelers, isolated or subject to medical examinations or other
o Assistance with communication with family members outside the quarantine facility
o If possible, access to the internet, news and entertainment
o Psychosocial support; and
o Special considerations for high vulnerability people e.g. age, pre-existing conditions
due to their increased risk for severe COVID-19 symptoms

Regardless of the setting, an assessment must ensure that the appropriate conditions for safe and
effective quarantine are being met. Possible quarantine settings are hotels, camps, other facilities
catering to groups, or the home.

Company Support for Personnel in Quarantine or Isolation at a Worksite

The HSE and Supply Chain Functions will work with customers and/ or authorities to identify a
suitable hotel for a quarantine to take place. The Cost of hotel will be covered as per current travel
expenses policies with the person’s line manager responsible for the approvals

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

For personnel at worksite accommodation (rig-site accommodation, vessel, camp, staff house)
requiring to be quarantine or isolation, the following controls are required:
 During the quarantine period, do not allow the person to go out, except those having
symptoms to see a health care provider
 Visits are not allowed
 The quarantine area shall be as independent as possible (single room for each person)
access to any common area shall be minimized to reduce exposure
 During the quarantine period, the company is responsible for providing meals and daily
necessities, to be delivered without contact
 Strengthen ventilation in the quarantine area, keep the room clean, disinfect the room
regularly, keep the room door closed and open a window for ventilation before opening the
door to leave the room
 During quarantine period, each person should be provided at least 15 surgical/ face masks,
a thermometer, a bottle of disinfectant, a bottle of hand sanitizer and a box of disposable
ethyl alcohol cotton pads
 Monitor temperature at least twice a day, and keep personal records for review by medical
 In case of fever, fatigue, dry cough, dyspnea or other COVID-19 symptoms, contact person
in charge to arrange for timely medical treatment
 A mask does not need to be worn inside the quarantine/ isolation room. If there is a need
to leave the room, put on the mask first, wash/ disinfect hands before leaving and when
coming back to the room.
 The quarantined/ isolated person shall eat and drink alone in their room, disposable cutlery
and tableware is recommended
 If possible, provide a dedicated toilet/ washing facilities, always provide dedicated towels
and soap. If sharing of a bathroom/ toilet is necessary, it must be ventilated and disinfected
after each use (including door handles, lock, sink/ basin, taps/ faucets, counter tops etc.).
 Person in charge shall maintain contact with the quarantined/ isolated person on a daily
basis by means of video-call, telephone, etc., and promptly report any concerns to HSE. By
using the Manager Daily Call Tracking Sheet (available from the in the COVID-19 section
of the HSE Communications Toolkit)
 Other people living in the same accommodation can communicate by phone or internet e.g.
video call
 After quarantine for 14 days, if the person’s temperature is normal and they have no
symptoms, the quarantine can be removed after authorization from the person in charge
and recommendation from heath care specialists, with confirmation from local authorities,
as required
 Follow local health authority requirements for a person in isolation with a positive case of
COVID-19, ensure a medical ERP is in place and all provisions for the transportation of an
infected person are in place (including any paperwork, medications, security requirements
etc.) should the person require to be taken to a hospital for additional medical care.

Telemedicine services can be used to provide advice to personnel who think they may be infected
with COVID-19.

Telemedicine services can also provide medical advice and assistance for other illness and injury
treatment, to avoid people having to go to a hospital or other health care service provider in person,
which can reduce exposure patients with COVID-19.

Workflow for Unwell Personnel Outside of the Workplace

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

The following flowchart is available to download from the in the COVID-19 section of the HSE
Communications Toolkit.

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

3.2.5 Workflow for Temperature Screening

Monitoring of symptoms may include temperature screening of personnel entering a Schlumberger

location. For this purpose, entrances to a building may be restricted to allow screening of personnel.
Workflow for Personnel Temperature Screening
The following flowchart is available to download from the in the COVID-19 section of the HSE
Communications Toolkit.

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

Workflow for Temperature Screening of Visitors

The following flowchart is available to download from the in the COVID-19 section of the HSE
Communications Toolkit.

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

Case Management and Response

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

The Procedure Handling Positive COVID-19 case (SLB-HSE-S026-P001) provides information on

further actions and recommendations for handling suspected and positive COVID-19 cases.

3.3.1 Case Investigation and Contact Tracing

Investigation of suspected and/ or confirmed COVID-19 cases is conducted to identify close contact
exposures, as defined below.
The trigger for this control is either a notified positive case or the location exposure level for positive
case or a suspected case in the workplace, which may be indicated by temperature screening
If a person tests positive result for COVID-19, contact tracing is conducted to identify potentially
infected people and prevent the virus spreading further. As part of this process, person involved is
contacted to identify anyone who might have had close contact with them during the time period
that they may have been infectious.
If there are people who are considered as having had close contact, particularly those at higher
risk, contact is made with these personnel to take appropriate action, which may involve self-
quarantine for 14 days and health monitoring for symptom progression, as per the flowchart shown

Contact tracing is a very effective and informative method for delaying the spread of the virus. In
the event of high transmission rate in a Schlumberger COVID-19 Level 3 country, where there may
be a high potential of general community transfer of infection, or in the event of a large number of
cases in a location, contact tracing may be determined to be an ineffective use of resources, this
decision will be made on a case to case basis.

Note: In countries where testing for all suspected cases is not being undertaken, the decision to
conduct contact tracing will be made on a case to case basis and may be based on temperature
screening results, as no confirmation of positive cases is possible, self-quarantine based on
symptoms may still be required.

Note on Confidentiality: While conducting tracing minimize disclosure of the affected employees’
names. Avoid large group emails, postings, or creating open access spreadsheets or Team sites
identifying employees with elevated temperature, symptoms or positive Covid-19 result. Ensure
that records and sharing of names between those conducting the tracing are secure and access

The following flowchart is available to download from the in the COVID-19 section of the HSE
Communications Toolkit.

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

Close Contact
Close contact is defined as being within approximately 6 feet (2 meters) of a person confirmed as
having a positive case of COVID-19, from 48 hours before the symptoms show up as well as after
symptoms are present. Close contact can occur while:
 Caring for, living with, visiting, or sharing a health care waiting area or room
 Having direct contact with infectious secretions of a COVID-19 positive case e.g. being
coughed on, etc.
People having had close contact with positive COVID-19 case, shall be traced during the
investigation of each case by the location Emergency Management Team. Anyone who has had
close contact with a positive case should be contacted and recommended to:
 Self-quarantine for a period of two weeks, following the detailed quarantine guidelines
 Monitor their body temperature during the self-quarantine period
 Contact the local authorities if their symptoms develop (cough, fever and/or breathing
difficulties) to disclose their close contact and the potential for their contamination from
contact with a confirmed COVID-19 symptomatic or asymptomatic case.
 Reminded to keep the identity of the positive case confidential unless part of the tracing
3.3.2 Restriction of Access to Company Locations

The location exposure level (suspected or positive case e.g. indicated by temperature screening)
may require the closure or restrictions on access to a location e.g. to vulnerable personnel who are
are at higher risk. This decision for location closure e.g. for cleaning and disinfection will be taken
on a case by case basis.
The following guidance applies:

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 Anyone entering a company locations needs to cooperate with temperature screening

processes, self- assessment exposure formsand visitor questionnaires
 Any person refusing to check body temperature is NOT allowed entry
 Follow Schlumberger requirements for self- monitoring, self-quarantine or self-isolation
based on exposure self-assessment

Temperature Screening Equipment

The preferred equipment is contactless, this enables a safe distance to be maintained. Follow the
manufacture’s guidance for equipment operation, maintenance and calibration, as required.

A backup method using a normal digital thermometer/ meter or mercury thermometer can be
used to take an underarm temperature. This method is not preferred as it does easily enable a
safe distance to be maintained.

Visitor questionnaire
Schlumberger requires all visitors to complete a specific visitor exposure self-assessment
questionnaire prior to being authorized access a Schlumberger location. The questionnaire is
available from the COVID-19 section of the
HSE Communications Toolkit.
Note: The information provided in the questionnaire is classified “personal data confidential” and
will be treated as such.
3.3.3 Suspected-Positive Case Management

The flowchart below provides information on the handling of a suspected positive COVID-19 case.
The following flowchart is available to download from the in the COVID-19 section of the HSE
Communications Toolkit.

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

3.3.4 Cleaning and Disinfection

Refer to the procedure for disinfection and deep cleaning of company locations (SLB-HSE-S026-
P002) and the flowchart, which is available to download from the in the COVID-19 section of the
HSE Communications Toolkit.

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

Crisis Management Preparedness

Understanding the need for standardized requirements across the different geographies and in
order to provide consistent support, Schlumberger has released the following documentation:
 Standard Emergency Response Plan
 Standard Incident Response TeamSpace on the Schlumberger intranet to manage the
 Self-assessment forms and visitor questionnaires
 Standard global guidelines for:
o 14-days self-quarantine guideline for Employees
o 14-days self-quarantine guideline for Managers
o Temperature screening
o Quarantine rooms
o Suspected-positive cases management
o PPE and emergency response kit equipment
o Cleaning and disinfecting procedures
o Key facilities with large headcounts (Hubs, Training Centers)
3.4.1 SL Crisis Management Team

SL CMT will provide co-ordination for multiple GeoMarket involvement, with sharing of lessons
learned and best practices communicated to all GeoMarkets. Regular updates will be provided to
all GeoMarket CMTs throughout the lifecycle of the pandemic. The frequency and content of the
updates shall be risk based.
3.4.2 GeoMarket Crisis Management Team

GeoMarket Crisis Management Team preparedness planning is required, in accordance with the
requirements of the Schlumberger Emergency Response, Crisis Management and Business
Continuity Standard (SLB-QHSE_S004)
Example COVID-19 Holding Statements
Examples of COVID-19 external communications approved holding statement are available in
Appendix D. As each case may require a specific holding statement, ensure the GM CMT and SL
Communications Coordinator’s approval of any statement made publically.

3.4.3 Country COVID-19 Emergency Management Plans

A template for a Country COVID-19 Emergency Management Plan has been provided in the
COVID-19 section of the HSE Communications Toolkit. For the purposes of this Standard, a
Country may also be a Sub-GeoMarket, State or Territory, as appropriate for the scope of the ERP.

Stakeholder Mapping
Generic stakeholder mapping has been conducted and included in the Location COVID-19
Emergency Response Plan templates, which are available to download from the in the COVID-19
section of the HSE Communications Toolkit.

When developing their specific response plans, locations can add additional stakeholders, as
required, examples are provided for:
 Office/Hubs

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 Manufacturing Centers
 Field Locations

Offices/ Hubs – Example Stakeholder Map

Manufacturing Center – Example Stakeholder Map

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Field Location – Example Stakeholder Map

3.4.4 Location COVID-19 Emergency Response Plans

The COVID-19 Location Emergency Response Plan (MERP) should be risk and scenario based
and needs to be kept up to date to take into account the progressive spread of COVID-19 and the
subsequent decline in new cases. The plan should include at a minimum:
 Objective
 Response Team information
 Responsibilities
 Preventive controls and best practices, which may include:
o Temperature screening,
o Recommended hygiene practices and resources
o Social distancing protocols, work related and recommendations for personal time
o Management of common building area, catering services and food preparation areas
 Travel
 Quarantine and response to suspected and/ or confirmed cases
 Access controls for the location, including employees, contractors and visitors
 External events and mass gathering guidance
 COVID-19 emergency response kit
 Cleaning practices
 Communication
 Appendices with relevant flowcharts and additional information

Example COVID-19 Location ERPs are provided in the COVID-19 section of the HSE
Communications Toolkit.

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

In addition, for remote operational areas and locations which do not benefit from comprehensive
national or local authority healthcare provisions, the following information should be considered for
inclusion in the Location COVID-19 ERP:
 Identify the designated health care provider(s) involved in the plan, together with their
capabilities and limitations (these providers could be under the direct control of the company
or a third party)
 Determine the likely evacuation route(s) and means of transport from the incident location
to the place(s) of medical care. Particular attention is required regarding transportation
limitations e.g. distances, mode of transport, weather limitations, etc. and consideration
should be given to requirements for local authority/ government authorization prior to
evacuation out of the country.
 Isolation and quarantine provisions for medical evacuation and receiving at the health care
 Set up reliable means of communication in order to liaise with company approved Health
Care Facility, ambulance services and eventual medical assistance companies
 Include contact details for key personnel.
 Include contact information for all individuals who are covered by the MERP, such persons
should be advised that they must have a valid passport and appropriate visa in case
evacuation out of the country is required.
 Include the MERP evacuation form which shall be systematically completed by the Health
Care Specialist (HCS) – Medical Professional managing the Clinic (Type A, B or C Field
Clinic) and which shall accompany the emergency patient, with a copy retained on site by
the HCS.

A flowchart for an example generic Medical ERP is shown in Figure 4 of the Health Management
B.O.O.K. (SLB-HSE-M006).

To be effective, the Location COVID-19 ERP shall be:

 Systematically developed and updated throughout the lifecycle of the pandemic, to
incorporate the latest best practices and most recent information
 Communicated effectively and well understood
 Designed so that critical actions can be taken at the same time i.e. actions should not be
taken one after the other or dependent on one person
 Integrated into the location’s other emergency response plans
 Under the responsibility of line management
 Organized in collaboration with both company and relevant stakeholders e.g. customer or
contractor health-care professionals, specialist health service providers, local health
authorities etc.
 Reviewed and regularly tested through drills and assessments

Location Emergency Response Kit

Determine the requirements for the location to effectively manage the spread of the virus, the
following should be considered:
 Temperature scanners – one per each main entrance to a location and a back-up unit. If
required personnel may be restricted from using additional entrances to ensure all entrants
to the location receive temperature screening. Locations with high numbers of personnel
may require additional units to ensure personnel screening can be accomplished without
queues forming and prolonged waiting times.
 PPE required for general use:
o Disposable face masks (N95 or equivalent) or surgical masks
o Impervious disposable/ single use gloves e.g. latex or nitrile

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

 PPE Required for cleaning general vs post positive case:

o Masks Respirator or face mask (N95 or equivalent)
o Goggles/ face shield
o Disposable coveralls
o Footwear covers
o Chemical resistant gloves/ gauntlets
 Hand sanitizer – quantities and location located in reception area, toilets, food preparation/
canteen area, access and entrances to the location
 Hygiene wipes –packs distributed around the location, for disinfection of office equipment,
as required
 Cleaning equipment (general vs post positive case):
o Single use cloths/ mop heads
o Chemical disinfectants, see Procedure for Cleaning and Disinfecting – COVID-19

Drills, Review and Revision

Once the Location COVID-19 ERP has been developed it should be drilled and reviewed
throughout the lifecycle of the pandemic and if Schlumberger, local health authority, customer or
other relevant stakeholder recommendations and provisions significantly change.

It is important for locations in currently unaffected countries to conduct drills to check their
preparedness, including a Travel Tracker mass communication message test.

The results of drills shall be reviewed and the plan revised as necessary. The extent of resource
deployment during drills should be predetermined by the relevant EMT.

This shall include scenario planning, as well as simulated events addressing multiple suspected
and/ or positive cases, followed by a thorough debriefing, to enable improvements to be made, as

Field Location Contractor Requirements

Where suitable, contractor companies should develop their own ERP, compatible with that of
Schlumberger. This includes having a contract with a medical evacuation provider.

Alternatively, Schlumberger may include contractors in its own Location COVID-19 ERP but this
must be subject to contractual terms and conditions, which are formally agreed between all relevant

In either case, it is highly recommended that the contractor company’s local and international
employees have the necessary travel documents (e.g. up to date passport) and are insured for
hospitalization and medical evacuation, with provision for evacuation and treatment outside of the
country of work.

Customer Interface Requirements

Location COVID-19 ERP and evacuation resources shall be contractually agreed between
Schlumberger and our customers and documented e.g. in contract, bridging or interface document.
For example, customer provided helicopter evacuation from an offshore rig-site may be
contractually to a heliport and not the nearest medical facility. Operational personnel need to fully
understand the Schlumberger and customer obligations in advance of a medical evacuation being
required to ensure appropriate isolation and containment protocols and services can be made
available when required.

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

Ensure national border closures, local lock-down areas and nationality immigration restrictions as
well as customer requirements for quarantine of travelers is taken into consideration when planning
rotation schedules and personnel assignments.

Schlumberger personnel permanently based in, temporarily working in or visiting customer offices
shall follow the Schlumberger requirements for COVID-19 as a minimum, and comply with
customer specific protocols, should these be more stringent.

Ensure BCPs include a business impact assessment related to international rotators including any
specific controls and monitoring required, particularly when involving countries where national
border closures, nationality immigration restrictions and government enforced lock-down areas are
in place and/ or proposed.

Business Continuity Planning

The business continuity planning and implementation risk-based controls are triggered by country
exposure risk level, these include:

 Implement the tools to minimize business disruption and forward planning

o GeoMarket, Product Line and Manufacturing Center Business Continuity Planning,
prioritized by Business Impact Analysis
o Regular BCP review and update during the lifecycle of the pandemic
The following actions and processes have been carefully implemented by the HSE and the
Corporate Risk Management teams; these shall be deployed in countries upgraded to
Schlumberger COVID-19 Risk Level 3 and subject to drills for those countries under Level 2:
 People analysis:
o Headcount (PoB) lists for all countries/locations
 Business impact on assets and the environment (by Business Unit):
o Review of technical aids to minimize impact of travel restriction
o Review per geography and per customer within affected geographies

 Ability to operate analysis:

o Measures to be implemented in local facilities
o Domestic logistics impact
o Local supply impact
o International logistics impact
 Global supply impact analysis and delivery-impact analysis (for countries with
manufacturing centers)
 Periodic Emergency Response Plan review
 Review of travel restrictions and further impact on business
 Continuous review of business impact and effectiveness of measures

Address Personnel Illness Absences in Business Continuity Planning

 Begin to cross train people for business critical roles in anticipation of staffing shortages
 Identifying the key roles and critical people to keep a facility operating – these people need
particular protection

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

 Protection of personnel in business critical roles – segregation of personnel with unique of

specialist skills
 Conduct shift/ job handover meetings being between 2 people and not the whole team

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

Section 4.0

Field Product Line Controls

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

4 Field Product Line Controls

This section expands on the “Social Distancing and Limiting Contact with Potentially Contaminated
Surfaces” controls described in Section 3.2.2 and applies them specifically to the field environment.

The Product Line Specific COVID-19 Field Controls are divided into 2 parts. The controls listed in
the first part are common to all Product Lines (PL) while the second part provides Product Line
specific controls.

To obtain the full complement of controls a PL shall combine the common controls listed in the first
part with their PL specific controls listed in the second part. When no PL specific controls are
provided in part 2 then only the common controls apply for that PL.

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Section 4.0

Legal Controls

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5 Legal Controls

Many countries are issuing special announcements and requirements during the Covid-19
pandemic. With these ever-changing local requirements, it is important to involve the legal counsel
that supports the GM, country or location in the customization of the GM CMT, County CMP and
Location ERPs.

Data Privacy

As new protocols for thermal scanning or collection of health data are developed in locations,
please send them to for review by the Data Privacy & Protection (DPP) team.
Please see for more guidance: Data Privacy Guidelines for COVID- 19 Protocols, available from
the COVID-19 section of the HSE Communications Toolkit: Data Security: protect all personal and
health data provided to us by our employees during this time.
Access Control: access to this information must also be limited to those with a need to know.

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Section 6.0

Human Resources Controls

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6 Human Resources Controls

Content to be added.

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

Section 7.0

Responsibilities and Monitoring

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

7 Responsibilities and Monitoring


Schlumberger Personnel

Shall comply with the company requirements for:

 COVID-19 training requirements
 Familiarization with COVID-19 updates provided on the Hub and via the COVID-19
Schlumberger SAFE Power App and via internal social media channels
 Implementing good personal hygiene practices
 Conducting honest exposure self-assessments
 Travel approval, restrictions and ban compliance (Schlumberger and national requirements)
 Location access restrictions and self-isolation, as required
 Reporting symptoms and confirmation of positive COVID-19 status to your local health
provider or health authority per your local requirements. Also, please inform your HR
representative so that any needed protective measures can be undertaken confidentially at
your location.
 Assisting in positive case investigations and close contact exposure tracking

Personnel are strongly encouraged to act responsibly in their personal time and comply with any
local health authority or government restrictions on travel and/ or attendance at high risk social
gatherings etc.

Crisis/ Emergency Management/ Response Teams

In accordance with SLB-HSE-S004, shall ensure:

 Early engagement to assess the potential for the outbreak to escalate (potential crisis
o Identify strategic sites
o Identify key people essential for the operation of business critical tasks, consider
and implement social distancing protocols as soon as possible
o Conduct appropriate drills
 Suitable and sufficient COVID-19 Emergency Management and Response Plans are
prepared, with the required resources for successful implementation to minimize personnel
exposure to COVID-19 and support personnel with confirmed cases
 Stakeholder requirements such as governmental, local health authority requirements for
notification and decision making authorities as well as customer requirements are known
and complied with
 They work with the Product Lines to conduct Business Impact Analysis and develop
effective Business Continuity Plans to minimize operational disruption and meet customer
 Maintenance of crisis and emergency related documentation and records in the Incident
Response Team portal, including the sharing of best practices and lessons learned

Line Management

Shall ensure compliance with this Standard and the associated COVID-19 Emergency Response
Plan and Business Continuity Plans, preparations, provision of resources and implementation of
controls as well as legal compliance that apply in the geographic areas where they have authority.

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

HSE Function

The Schlumberger Health Advisor shall ensure the accuracy of information, guidance and medical
advice being provided by the company, including liaison with specialist health service providers.

HSE Function shall ensure that:

 Up to date communications and training materials are made available for use via existing
company channels e.g. Hub, in the COVID-19 section of the HSE Communications Toolkit,
COVID-19 Schlumberger SAFE Power App, internal social media channels etc.
 Up to date documentation is provided on the company COVID-19 strategy and guidance
for personnel and managers e.g. the B.O.O.K. and app accompanying this standard
 Monitoring of stakeholder COVID-19 strategies, national and international health
organization recommendations

GeoMarket HSE Managers shall track all positive cases and the number of self-quarantine cases
in the respective online systems.

The HSE Function shall assist line management in achieving and maintaining compliance.

Procurement and Sourcing Functions

Shall ensure that all contracts and support needs conform to the relevant controls set out in this
Standard as well as involvement in the Business Impact Analysis and Business Continuity Plan
development and requirements in the geographic areas where they have authority.

Facilities Function

Shall coordinate with stakeholders such as landlords, other building occupants, contractors to
coordinate hardware and procedural controls, such as:
 Temperature scanning, temporary quarantine facilities etc.
 Routine cleaning activities and post-case confirmation deep clean and dis-infection
 Security services and reception services to effectively control access to locations, buildings
or Schlumberger occupied areas within multi-occupancy buildings

HR Function

 Maintain communications with personnel suspected of being infected
 Follow up with suspected and confirmed cases in quarantine
 Support the CMT/ EMT with information and personal data as required

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

Travel Function

Shall maintain communications with travel service providers and regulators (national and
international e.g. IATA) to ensure up to date information on company travel restrictions and bans
are made available within online booking tools and complied with, including avoiding company
specified transit countries to company approved destinations. Maintain the travel hub sites and
internal social media channels, as required by the CMT/ EMTs.

Legal Function

Shall provide guidance for labor employment issues and data privacy compliance to applicable
Schlumberger and legal requirements e.g. requirements for temperature screening records and
personal data confidentiality in accordance with the legal guidance.


7.2.1 Monitoring - Adherence

The following monitoring can be conducted during the lifecycle of the pandemic:
 Self monitoring of temperature, symptoms
 Location monitoring of personnel temperature, as per Location COVID-19 Emergency
Response Plan requirements
 Data monitoring of confirmed case at global and country level, including recovery rates
etc. on a day to day basis using publicly available resources, available via the company
 Tracking of training compliance via QUEST
 Tracking of app adoption via PowerBI dashboard
 Headcount tracking per country
 Travel compliance monitoring via Travel Tracker

7.2.2 Monitoring Results (KPIs)

The Schlumberger Health Advisor, with support from specialist health service providers will monitor
all positive cases, to be reported as ISOS Assistance cases.

Reporting of cases in QUEST, record in QUEST of all positive cases, reported as non-occupational
illnesses with the severity classification to reflect the actual case severity e.g. number of lost or
restricted work days, medical treatment etc. QUEST records must be access controlled to those
with a need for access. No identification of individuals with COVID-19 or other personal data should
be in an open QUEST record.

Tracking of all positive cases and the number of self-quarantine cases in the respective online
systems with security and access control.

Records of event investigation and close contact tracing shall be maintained in the respective
Incident Response Team Space with security and access control.

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Section 8.0


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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

8 Appendices

Appendix A Glossary and Definitions

Appendix B Useful External Resources

Appendix C Schlumberger COVID-19 Self-Assessment Exposure Forms

Appendix D Example Holding Statements

Appendix E SLB COVID-19 Risk Level Controls

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

Appendix A – Glossary and Definitions

Term Definition
Activity Any part of a job-specific task or process, associated with a
Schlumberger managed and controlled service or product.

ALARP – As Low as To reduce a risk to a level which is “as low as reasonably practicable”
Reasonably Practicable involves balancing reduction in risk against the time, difficulty and cost
of achieving it.
Experiencing breathing difficulty describes discomfort when breathing
Breathing Difficulties
and feeling as if you can’t draw a complete breath.
Cleaning The removal of dirt and impurities, including germs, from surfaces.
Cleaning alone does not kill germs. But by removing the germs, it
decreases their number and therefore any risk of spreading infection.

COVID-19 Also known as Coronavirus and 2019nCoV (novel CoronaVirus). An

acute respiratory syndrome: An acute respiratory distress syndrome
(ARDS) is a life-threatening condition where the lungs can't provide the
body's vital organs with enough oxygen. It's usually a complication of a
serious existing health condition. Most people have therefore already
been admitted to hospital by the time they develop ARDS. Symptoms
include severe shortness of breath, rapid, shallow breathing, tiredness,
drowsiness or confusion, feeling faint.

Disinfecting Using chemicals to kill germs on surfaces. This process does not
necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove germs. But killing germs
remaining on a surface after cleaning further reduces any risk of
spreading infection.

Exposure The amount of the hazard to which a person is subjected (dose). This
is a combination of magnitude, frequency and duration.

Fatigue Lack of energy resulting from prolonged, extensive mental or physical

activity, illness or insufficient sleep, or the side effects of medication.
Fever is when a human's body temperature goes above the normal
range of 36–37° Centigrade (98–100° Fahrenheit). It is a common
medical sign. When a fever reaches or exceeds 38° Centigrade
(100.4° Fahrenheit), it is no longer mild and should be checked every
couple of hours Breathing difficulties.
Fitness A desired state of positive health in which the body and mind feel
physically, psychologically and socially well. Also known as wellness,
being in shape or being in good health.

Hazard Any Object/Body/Effect, Substandard Act or Substandard Condition

that has potential to cause an incident.

Hazard Analysis and A simple, standardized form that captures the Hazard Analysis and
Risk Control (HARC) Risk Control process.

Health hazard The potential to cause harm to health. Health hazards are also known
as “hazardous agents”. Health hazards may be physical, chemical,
biological, ergonomic or psychological in nature.

Health risk The likelihood that a health hazard will cause harm in the actual
circumstances of exposure.

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

Health risk = Health Hazard x Exposure

High mobility employees are individuals, who by nature of their
High mobility employees
business assignment or travel have the potential to spend significant
amount of time outside of their country of permanent residence. For
Schlumberger, high mobility employees are defined as follows:
• All IM, IC, GeoMobile and HCM employees
• HCC and HCR employees who are assigned or travel for periods
exceeding 30 days per year outside of their country of permanent
• Dependents of IM, IC, GeoMobile and HCM employees (spouse
and children) who travel or live with their employee spouse/parent
for periods exceeding 30 days per year outside of their country of
permanent residence are considered as high mobility

Home Country Mobile Individuals, who by nature of their business assignment or travel have
(HCM) the potential to spend significant amount of time outside of their
country of permanent residence.

Home Country Resident Individuals who are assigned to work in their home country.

Incident Any discrete occurrence that has potential for a single loss.
The incubation period is the time before the symptoms of a viral
Incubation Period
infection appear. Whether or not an infected person is contagious (i.e.
is shedding virus) during the incubation period depends on the virus.
Isolation Quarantine is intended for people with symptoms or a positive case of

Likelihood How likely it is that a particular ill-effect will occur, based on past

Location, Operational A location can be defined as any operation(s) which can be

individualized geographically on a map. (e.g. base, rig
(onshore/offshore), seismic crew (land or marine), offices, or other
installation) Various bases, rigs or operations within a few kilometers
from each other should be considered as one location since they are
exposed to the same location health exposures.

Medical evacuation It is the transfer, generally by airplane, of a life threatening medical

(International) case from one country to another country in order to obtain adapted
and/or better quality medical or surgical care to save the patient's life.
Depending on the severity of the medical problem this evacuation may
be organized using a commercial flight or a specialized air ambulance
An international medical evacuation must be approved by the
Schlumberger International Health Coordinator prior to its organization.

Medical evacuation It is the transfer of a life threatening medical case from one
(Internal or In-country) geographical location within a country to a medical facility within the
same country in order to obtain adapted and/or better quality medical
or surgical care to save the patient's life.
Depending on the severity of the medical problem and the
transportation available this internal medical evacuation may be
performed by road or air.

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

Whenever possible, the internal medical evacuation must be approved

and organized by the Schlumberger Location/ Country/ GeoMarket

Medical transportation It is the transportation of a person suffering from a non-life threatening

medical issue, usually within a non-rural location and generally by road
(e.g. taxi, car, ambulance), from one location (e.g. home, base, office)
to an adapted medical facility (e.g. hospital) in order to obtain a
specialized consultation, second opinion or in order to undergo tests
(e.g. CT scanner, MRI, etc.).

Mitigation Measure(s) Any Risk Control measure(s) that reduce(s) the Severity of, or allows
recovery from, the consequences of an incident.

Non-occupational Illness An undesirable event caused by a person’s previous health condition

not related to the working environment or a Schlumberger process.
(Note: Heart attacks and strokes should be considered as non-
occupational illnesses unless determined otherwise by the company-
approved health professional).

Non-Schlumberger All offices, bases, vessels, rigs and rig-less crew temporary camps,
Controlled Site and permanent camps, not owned by Schlumberger, leased or rented.

Occupational Injury Any injury such as cut, fracture, sprain, amputation, etc. which results
from a work-related activity or from an exposure involving a single
incident in the work environment, such as deafness from explosion,
one-time chemical exposure, back disorder from a slip/ trip, insect or
snake bite.

Occupational Illness Any abnormal condition or disorder, other than one resulting from an
occupational injury, caused by exposure to environmental factors
associated with employment. Occupational illness may be caused by
inhalation, absorption, ingestion of, or direct contact with the hazard,
as well as exposure to physical and psychological hazards. It will
generally result from prolonged or repeated exposure.
Pneumonia is an infection that inflames one or both lungs. The lungs
may fill with fluid or pus (purulent material), causing cough with phlegm
or pus, fever, chills, and difficulty breathing. A variety of organisms,
including bacteria, viruses and fungi, can cause pneumonia.

Quarantine Quarantine is intended for people without symptoms of COVID-19 but

who have been in close contact with a confirmed case or have been in
countries covered by the quarantine decision during the last 14 days.

Risk Matrix A two-dimensional matrix used to quantify Risk Level by plotting

Exposure versus Severity.

Potential Risk Risk Level (as defined on the Risk Matrix) before the implementation of
Risk Control measures.

Prevention Measure(s) Any Risk Control measure(s) that reduce(s) the Likelihood of an
incident occurring.

Residual Risk Risk Level (as defined on the Risk Matrix) after the implementation of
Risk Control measures.

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

Risk A measure of the likelihood of occurrence of an incident and of the

severity of the consequences. Risk is the outcome of the combination
of activities when performed in the presence of Hazards.

Risk Control A systematic process applied to reduce Potential Risk by the

application of Risk Control Measure(s) in order to reach a Residual
Risk which is at least ALARP.

Risk Control Measure(s) Any Prevention and/or Mitigation Measure(s) applied in order to reach
a Residual Risk which is at least ALARP.

Schlumberger All offices, bases/warehouses, research, manufacturing, product and

Controlled Site technology centers, seismic vessel, rig and rig-less crew temporary
camps, permanent camps, whether owned, leased or rented by

Severity The degree to which an agent hazardous to health can cause harm.

Shiftwork A term used to describe working time outside of what would be

considered normal working hours (07:00 – 18:00). In Schlumberger,
the term shiftwork would include call-off services outside normal
working hours.

Surgical face masks These mainly protect from exhaled droplets. If marked ‘IIR’ (surgical
masks Type IIR), they are also splash-resistant and protect the
wearer's mucosae and skin from fluid splashes. Surgical masks don’t
require fit testing.

Workplace Usually considered to be the place where an employee performs their

assigned professional task (e.g. office, field, rig, ship, lab and base).
High mobility dependents that are abroad are considered to be in their
workplace from the time of departure from home to the time of return.
This factor can influence occupational and non-occupational incident

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

Appendix B – Useful External Resources

Informative International Guidance

COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions

World Health Organization (WHO)

General Information

Technical guidance reference page

Clinical management of severe acute respiratory infection when novel coronavirus (CAUVID-19)
infection is suspected Interim guidance

Infection prevention and control during health care when novel coronavirus (nCoV) infection is

Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)

European Commission

Information and Engagement

Power Apps template to develop your own rapid-response app

Training Resources
Qatar Educational material:
Reduce Exposure
For travelers who have been in mainland China, Iran, Republic of Korea and Italy
Coronavirus (COVID-19) information for people with a suspected case

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For international travelers

Coronavirus (COVID-19) information for international travellers
Coronavirus (COVID-19) information for drivers and passengers using public transport
Social distancing and limiting contact with potentially contaminated surfaces
Work practices
Coronavirus (COVID-19) information for employers
Workplace Guidance COVID-19
Guidance for preparing workplaces for COVID-19
Monitoring of symptoms
Risk of Transmission of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Quarantine and isolation


Home isolation and care

Coronavirus (COVID-19) isolation guidance
Coronavirus (COVID-19) information about home isolation when unwell (suspected or confirmed
Coronavirus (COVID-19) information about returning to your community

Norway – Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Advice for people in home quarantine

Advice for people in home isolation

National interim guideline quarantine measures for COVID-19 containment
National infection prevention and control interim guideline for COVID-19
Guidance for environmental cleaning in non-healthcare facilities in relation to COVID- 19

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Resuscitation Council Guidance UK statement on COVID-19 (coronavirus) CPR and Resuscitation
Public Health England: Guidance for first responders and others in close contact with symptomatic
people with potential COVID-19
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). Safe use of personal protective
equipment in the treatment of infectious diseases of high consequence.

Case Management and Response

Resource estimation for contact tracing, quarantine and monitoring activities for COVID-19 cases
in the EU/EEA
Interim List of Household Products and Active Ingredients for Disinfection of the COVID-19 Virus

Crisis Management Preparedness and Implementation

CDC Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers (Plan, Prepare and Respond to
Coronavirus Disease 2019)

WHO Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) training: Simulation exercise
Business Continuity Planning and Implementation
All the flight and travel restrictions in one place

International Maritime Organization (IMO)
International Maritime Health Association (IMHA) - advice for shipping companies
International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance for Ship Operators
for the Protection of the Health of Seafarers
European Union - Advice for ship operators for preparedness and response to the outbreak of

International Airline Transport Association
European Aviation Safety Authority
Federal Aviation Authority

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

Appendix C – Schlumberger COVID-19 Self-Assessment Exposure Forms

Different assessments are available, all are in the COVID-19 Schlumberger SAFE Power App,
based on geographic legal requirements:
 North America (USA and Canada)
 Rest of the World
 EUR and SCA GeoMarkets (subject to additional data privacy regulations)

8.3.1 North America (SLB-HSE-S026-F001)

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8.3.2 Rest of World (RoW) (SLB-HSE-S026-F002)

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8.3.3 EUR and SCA (SLB-HSE-S026-F003)

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

Appendix D – Example COVID-19 Holding Statements

Scenario 1: Employee has been exposed to COVID-19 risk, either due to coming from a high-risk
area or having been in proximity to somebody who has tested positive for the virus. They are
otherwise well.
Statement: An employee has travelled from/through an identified COVID-19 area. [or, an
employee has come in contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case]. While the employee does
not display flu-like symptoms, they continue to monitor their health and to follow the advice of the
local health authority. Our top priority remains the health and safety of our employees. We continue
to provide timely guidance for employees and take appropriate actions in accordance with national
and international health authority protocols.

Scenario 2: Employee displays symptoms that could indicate COVID-19

Statement: An employee working in the xxx facility has reported flu-like symptoms. As a matter of
precaution that person has consulted the local health authority and is in self-quarantine for 14
days. Our top priority remains the health and safety of our employees. We continue to provide
timely guidance for employees and take appropriate actions in accordance with national and
international health authority protocols.

Scenario 3: Employee has tested positive for COVID-19

Statement: An employee working at one of our facilities in <country> has tested positive for the
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) disease. The affected employee remains in quarantine and is being
treated by the local medical authorities. We are providing full support to our employee and his
family, and we wish <him a speedy recovery.
Our top priority remains the health and safety of our employees. We continue to provide timely
guidance for employees and take appropriate actions in accordance with national and international
health authority protocols.

Scenario 4: An office-based employee has tested positive for COVID-19

Statement: An employee working at one of our offices in <country> has tested positive for the
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) disease. The employee is currently in quarantine and is being treated by
the local medical authorities. We are providing full support to our employee and <his/her> family,
and we wish <him/her> a speedy recovery.
As a precaution, we have taken the decision to close the office until further notice and have
requested impacted employees to work from home. Our top priority remains the health and safety
of our employees. We continue to provide timely guidance for employees and take appropriate
actions in accordance with national and international health authority protocols.

Scenario 5: Employee displayed symptoms but has tested negative for COVID-19
Statement: An employee who had been displaying flu-like symptoms has tested negative for the
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) disease. As a precaution, the employee remains at home in observation
until they are fully recovered. Our top priority remains the health and safety of our employees. We
continue to provide timely guidance for employees and take appropriate actions in accordance with
national and international health authority protocols.

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COVID-19 Management B.O.O.K.

Appendix E SLB COVID-19 Risk Level Controls

Fundamental First indication of an Raise awareness: Communication and training

epidemic, > 100  COVID-19 awareness training
cases globally  Hygiene practices, encourage protective measures e.g., stay home when sick, hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette
 Communication via the COVID-19 Schlumberger SAFE Power App – requirements for exposure self-assessment
SL CMT monitoring of epidemic outbreaks and country exposure risk levels
SLB Country COVID-19 Risk Levels defined and assigned
Medical SME’s engaged to assist with communication briefings and monitoring of epidemic spread
Review and update medical evacuation process and advice with 3 rd party primary health advisor. This shall be
updated with EMTs/CMTs at each country exposure risk level.
Level 0 No confirmed Exposure Self-assessment mandatory for travelers from Level 3 countries, if in close contact with travelers from
COVID-19 cases Level 3 countries or have symptoms to notify manager and self-isolate/ quarantine as per employee/ manager
reported in the guidance
country Identify sources for emergency response and monitoring equipment
Business Continuity Plan development, conduct BIA and identify strategic sites, key personnel, business critical
processes and vulnerabilities e.g. supply chain issues, communicate with customers
Know where to find local information on COVID-19 and local trends of COVID-19 cases.
Planning for Country crisis and emergency management development of Location COVID-19 ERP
Know the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and what to do if staff become symptomatic at the worksite.
Designate quarantine rooms on SLB locations
Review, update, or develop workplace plans to include:
 Flexible working, remote/ home working policies within BCP framework
 Self-quarantine for anyone with COVID-19 symptoms
 Consider alternate team approaches for work schedules/ rotation patterns
 Encourage employees to stay home and notify workplace administrators if sick
 Clean/ disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. Ensure hand hygiene supplies are readily available in buildings.
 Communicate COVID-19 information to dependents and Schlumberger Spouses Association
Household plan of action in case of illness or disruption of daily activities due to COVID-19 in the community.
 Consider having a 2-week supply of prescription and over the counter medications, food and other essentials. Know
how to get food delivered if possible.
 Avoid contact with high vulnerability family members, visitors or Individuals at increased risk of severe illness
Medical SME’s engaged with local medical authorities, customers and other relevant stakeholders
Level 1 For clusters of less Create a Country IRT implement country ERP and BCP, send out test Travel Tracker message communication
than 25 confirmed Exposure Self-assessment form for travel to specified countries
COVID-19 cases International Travel Restrictions/ Ban – Travel by approved exemption – Business essential only
reported in a country Purchase of required emergency response and monitoring equipment e.g. temperature scanner

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Conduct drills for suspected cases, confirmed cases, loss of strategic locations, business continuity issues
Finalize COVID-19 ERP to include; confirmed case procedures, designate quarantine rooms on SLB locations
Review, update, or develop workplace plans to include:
Liberal leave and telework policies with BCP framework
Leave policies for people with COVID-19 symptoms
Consider alternate team approaches for work schedules.
Encourage employees to stay home and notify workplace administrators when sick
Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily.
Ensure hand hygiene supplies are readily available in building.
Level 2 Limited impact Exposure Self-assessment form for travel to specified countries
countries where International Travel Restrictions/ Ban - Travel by approved exemption – Business critical only
between 25 and 100 Review medical evacuation planning for countries with limited health resources to respond, consider Repatriation for
confirmed COVID-19 non-essential personnel - manager
cases have been Deploy emergency resources and monitoring equipment and start compulsory location temperature scanning for all
reported staff and visitors
Encourage personnel to work at home (when feasible), particularly individuals at increased risk of severe illness.
Implement social distancing measures: 2 meter (6 ft) rule, no physical contact
Use video conferencing, Skype, Teams avoid face to face meetings, unless essential and minimize the attendees,
avoid meeting for lunch in a canteen/ break room, etc. Staggering work schedules
Limit large work-related gatherings (e.g., staff meetings, after-work functions).
Review and consider Cancelling work-sponsored conferences, tradeshows, trainings at 3rd party locations etc.
Level 3 Significantly Exposure Self-assessment form for travel to specified countries
impacted countries Stop all travel into and out of a Level 3 country - Exemption be approved at Company executive level.
where more than Schlumberger domestic and international Travel Restrictions/ Ban to specified regions/ countries
100 confirmed Cancel work-sponsored conferences, tradeshows, training at 3rd party locations etc.
COVID-19 cases Implement extended home or remote virtual working arrangements (when feasible)
have been reported Stop work-related gatherings e.g., meetings, after-work functions, face to face training etc.
Consider voluntary repatriation for expatriate families if required
Additional Government regional Total travel bans to specified regions and/ or countries based on government/ local authorities
Risk Factors lock-down, national, BCP focus – review extended work plans for rotators, People and Ability to Operate.
international travel Review of crisis management planning for non-COVID-19 issues e.g. security, operational, injury medevac etc.
ban, border closure, Review non-essential personnel lists and relocate before border closure or enforced travel ban imposed, if enough
nationality warning is given.
restrictions Keep updated on charter and commercial flight options for medical and welfare cases.
Countries with Consider planning to discuss with host nations for bringing personnel into the country to support strategic assets –
limited health care oil and gas as special case.

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