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9/4/2021 History & Background | The 40

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History & Background

In Memorium

NasrineRasheed Karim

Founder of Noor e FaridNasrine Academy 1/5
9/4/2021 History & Background | The 40

1948 – 2010

The Noor E FaridNasrine academy is the birthplace of founder, Nasrine R Karim. The house belonged to
her maternal grandmother and is a place she always considered home. She also chose the family
graveyard outside the academy as her eternal resting place.

We Hope to honor and uphold her vision for the Noor E FaridNasrine Academy.


Nur e Farid Academy was a personal initiative of NasrineRasheed Karim. She strongly believed that
children are the future and wanted to empower young children with a happy home so that they may have a
fair chance at succeeding in life. Her zeal to give back to her community led her to establish Nur e Farid
Academy at her ancestral home with the help and support of friends, Salim Ismail and Saker Maloo.

The mission of Noor e Farid Academy is to raise and nurture these young boys into successful, contributing
members of society. We believe that children are our future and that all children have a right to happy home
and equal opportunities in childhood so that they have the tools to realize their personal dreams and

NasrineRasheed Karim passed away in 2010 but her work and her vision for the Noor e Farid Academy
lives on. 2/5
9/4/2021 History & Background | The 40


The purpose of the academy is to help the children grow up in a caring environment which helps them
develop strong ethics and sense of character. Everyone in the academy receives special education through
which they can eventually hope to serve various important roles in our society. They are taught to compete
with each other in a healthy manner which, in the long run, can help their communities move forward. The
special education they receive ensures that these children will not be left behind in any way, compared to
the children who receive education in regular schools and eventually grow up to become the main players
and leaders of our country. The academy aims to establish its students in dignified positions across our
society when they grow up, which helps them inspire and give hope to others who come from poor,
deprived communities of our country. The Executive Board of the institution does its best to assist the
children whenever required, and they carry out this responsibility until the children grow up. What started
with just 20 children, will include many more over the course of time. Our quest to provide a better life for
them will hopefully give rise to future role-models who make our nation proud! 3/5
9/4/2021 History & Background | The 40


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About Charity Quick Link

The Noor E Farid Nasrine academy is the Message from Secretary General
birthplace of founder, Nasrine R Karim. The house
Mission & Vision
belonged to her maternal grandmother and is a
place she always considered home. She also Projects
chose the family graveyard outside the academy
as her eternal resting place. We Hope to honor The Academy
and uphold her vision for the Noor E FaridNasrine

Archives Contact Us

November 2016  Head Office:

House 67/A, 3rd FloorRoad 4,

November 2015 Block C Banani, Dhaka 1213

Noor e FaridNasrine Academy

Holding 347/306

October 2015
North Chartha

Daroga Bari, Comilla

 09611699462 4/5
9/4/2021 History & Background | The 40


© 2016 – 2020 The 40. All Rights Reserved 5/5
9/4/2021 Mission and Vision | The 40

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Mission and Vision

To take in 40 under privileged boys and in due course 40 girls and give them the support they
need up until and beyond graduation from University so they can be inspirational individuals
who will lead the way to make a better Bangladesh. The Academy strives to develop these
boys in to productive members of society that will be given the tools they need to reach for the
stars should they aspire to do so.

Goals and objectives of the project 1/4
9/4/2021 Mission and Vision | The 40

In order to achieve the goals of the academy, the following objectives were initially adopted.
The objectives are subject to change, based on the children’s and/or institutional
The academy aims to build honest, educated and driven individuals who possess emotional
intelligence. They are given proper education and training so that they can help each other
as well as others in their society. They are taught in a way so that they are able to receive all
kinds of opportunities like any other citizens of our country, despite their socio-economic
context. Such education and development opportunities are important for the underprivileged
children of Bangladesh and it will also give them hope and inspiration. The Executive Board
is committed to provide all kinds of benefits to all these children growing up. The academy
started with just 20 children but over the course of time, more and more children will become
a part of it and go on to become ideal citizens of our society.
The academy will provide nutritious food and conducive environment for the well-being of the
children inside the academy.
Experienced midwives and matrons will be put in charge of the children’s day-to-day care,
who provide them with the best childcare, nutrition, and education. As a result, they can grow
up top become competent leaders.
Special attention will be paid to the physical condition of the children, and whenever needed,
doctors and medicines are provided for them.
Arrangements will be made to send them to good schools in the area.
Foreign language lessons will be provided to the children, which benefit their future by
bringing them more opportunities.
The children will be encouraged to develop new hobbies by being offered lots of books to
read along with the option of trying out various extra-curricular activities.


1. It is an orphanage rearing and education program.

2. Our biggest achievement is to establish 20 children in the academy from 2010 to Adyabadi
and to establish them in the society through education.
3. Out of 20 children in the academy, 18 will be enrolled in the academy from November 2010.
By 2020, 05 children will be transferred from 8th class to 8th class, 08 from 6th class to 8th
class and 08 from 4th class to 5th class.
4. Through the implementation of this program, commitment has been made to develop the
neglected orphans of our society which will benefit our entire nation tremendously in the long
run. 2/4
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9/4/2021 Mission and Vision | The 40

About Charity Quick Link

The Noor E Farid Nasrine academy is the Message from Secretary General
birthplace of founder, Nasrine R Karim. The house
Mission & Vision
belonged to her maternal grandmother and is a
place she always considered home. She also Projects
chose the family graveyard outside the academy
as her eternal resting place. We Hope to honor The Academy
and uphold her vision for the Noor E FaridNasrine

Archives Contact Us

November 2016  Head Office:

House 67/A, 3rd FloorRoad 4,

November 2015 Block C Banani, Dhaka 1213

Noor e FaridNasrine Academy

Holding 347/306

October 2015
North Chartha

Daroga Bari, Comilla

 09611699462


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9/4/2021 The Academy | The 40

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The Academy

Noor e Farid is located in a picturesque town of Comilla’s Doroga Bari. The building is reminiscent of British
Raj era and is surrounded by a pond and tall trees. The interiors of the Academy have been renovated and
equipped with modern boarding facilities. The Academy has a dormitory, communal dining space, library
and study room and a large playground. 1/3
9/4/2021 The Academy | The 40


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9/4/2021 The Academy | The 40

About Charity Quick Link

The Noor E Farid Nasrine academy is the Message from Secretary General
birthplace of founder, Nasrine R Karim. The house
Mission & Vision
belonged to her maternal grandmother and is a
place she always considered home. She also Projects
chose the family graveyard outside the academy
as her eternal resting place. We Hope to honor The Academy
and uphold her vision for the Noor E FaridNasrine

Archives Contact Us

November 2016  Head Office:

House 67/A, 3rd FloorRoad 4,

November 2015 Block C Banani, Dhaka 1213

Noor e FaridNasrine Academy

Holding 347/306

October 2015
North Chartha

Daroga Bari, Comilla

 09611699462


© 2016 – 2020 The 40. All Rights Reserved 3/3
9/4/2021 18 Boys | The 40

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18 Boys

Akbar Arman 1/7
9/4/2021 18 Boys | The 40

Joy Kholil

Maruf Mededi-Hasan 2/7
9/4/2021 18 Boys | The 40

Mubarak Omar-Faruk

Rafi Rana 3/7
9/4/2021 18 Boys | The 40

Rifat Ripon

Sabbir Shameem 4/7
9/4/2021 18 Boys | The 40

Shanto Sifat

Sohag Tamjid 5/7
9/4/2021 18 Boys | The 40


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9/4/2021 18 Boys | The 40

About Charity Quick Link

The Noor E Farid Nasrine academy is the Message from Secretary General
birthplace of founder, Nasrine R Karim. The house
Mission & Vision
belonged to her maternal grandmother and is a
place she always considered home. She also Projects
chose the family graveyard outside the academy
as her eternal resting place. We Hope to honor The Academy
and uphold her vision for the Noor E FaridNasrine

Archives Contact Us

November 2016  Head Office:

House 67/A, 3rd FloorRoad 4,

November 2015 Block C Banani, Dhaka 1213

Noor e FaridNasrine Academy

Holding 347/306

October 2015
North Chartha

Daroga Bari, Comilla

 09611699462


© 2016 – 2020 The 40. All Rights Reserved 7/7
9/4/2021 Global Dignity Day 2016 | The 40

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Global Dignity Day 2016

Friendship, a non-governmental organization, organized the closing ceremony of ‘Global

Dignity Day-2016, Bangladesh’ on Tuesday, marking Global Dignity Day’s first institution in the
capital. Participants including JAAGO Foundation, Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center
(BYLC), Leaping Boundaries and The40 shared their stories and celebrated this day together.
This movement has reached over 60 countries and continues in its mission to have Dignity as a
right for all people.

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9/4/2021 Global Dignity Day 2016 | The 40

About Charity Quick Link

The Noor E Farid Nasrine academy is the Message from Secretary General
birthplace of founder, Nasrine R Karim. The house
Mission & Vision
belonged to her maternal grandmother and is a
place she always considered home. She also Projects
chose the family graveyard outside the academy
as her eternal resting place. We Hope to honor The Academy
and uphold her vision for the Noor E FaridNasrine

Archives Contact Us

November 2016  Head Office:

House 67/A, 3rd FloorRoad 4,

November 2015 Block C Banani, Dhaka 1213

Noor e FaridNasrine Academy

Holding 347/306

October 2015
North Chartha

Daroga Bari, Comilla

 09611699462


© 2016 – 2020 The 40. All Rights Reserved 2/2
9/4/2021 Online School | The 40

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Online School

Online Art School is to improve the skills and knowledge of the 40 kids by teaching general
knowledge, book reading, communication English and additional necessary lessons that is hard
for the teachers to provide during school times. As well as help the house tutors to improve
their soft skills in teaching and learning by supporting the online teacher.

Over the year, we will look forward to improve the student’s soft skills and link them with the
mainstream platforms like spelling bee, Bangladesh Youth leadership Junior Program, Debate
competitions and other national level programs.

Online School 1/4
9/4/2021 Online School | The 40


From the very beginning we have struggled to find a good teaching solution for English in
Comilla. Going forward, we have introduced English tutorials and other more General
Knowledge enhancement classes through the internet. We installed a projector, computer and
install internet connectivity in the class room located in Annex Building. Classes are talking by a
qualified teacher based in Dhaka. Ms. JannatulFerdous, Fellow, Teach for Bangladesh from
September 2016.

Ms. Jannatul Ferdous is joining us as the online general knowledge teacher. Her career in
education began as a fellow of Teach for Bangladesh where she taught Bangla, English, Math,
General Sciences and Social Science. Jannatul chose education because she believes that
education is the best medium to multiply its impacts which in turn provides a long-term
outcome. She aspires to provide a challenging and well-rounded learning environment which
will enhance the children’s eagerness to learn. Her creative, colorful and fun approach towards
learning is bringing out the enthusiasm and excitement in all of us.

Why Online Schooling?

Supplementing homeschool education with online classes can help students learn self-
discipline, self-motivation, independence, time management, and 21  century skills. Your
students will learn how to find information, synthesize it, and formulate an answer to any
question type on their own.

Students share perspectives

Students experience a sense of equality
Instructors are more accessible
Accommodations for different learning styles
Provides opportunities for exploration
Encourages additional information rehearsal
Provides 24/7 accessibility to course materials
Continual access to materials
Provides just-in-time methods to assess and evaluate student progress.
Added educational benefits

More interaction and greater ability to concentrate

Timeline: The fund is allocated for one year. But we are expecting to extend the project for next
year if we receive support from the donors. The art school project will be expired on October
2017 and online school will expired on September 2017.

Online School Objective: is to improve the skills and knowledge of the 40 kids by teaching
general knowledge, book reading, communication English and additional necessary lessons 2/4
9/4/2021 Online School | The 40

that is hard for the teachers to provide during school times. As well as help the house tutors to
improve their soft skills in teaching and learning by supporting the online teacher.

Over the year, we will look forward to improve the student’s soft skills and link them with the
mainstream platforms like spelling bee, Bangladesh Youth leadership Junior Program, Debate
competitions and other national level programs.

Art School

To develop their creativity from October 2016 we have started our art school. The Art Teachers
is also Dhaka based and completed his education from Fine Arts, Dhaka University.

Mr Dhiman Sardar will be joining us as the online art and design teacher. From the beginning
of his career he has been involved in illustrating children’s stories and picture books, which led
to his interest in child psychology and education. Dhiman believes an education in arts helps
children be more aware of history and culture and enhances their creative capacity.

Timeline: The fund is allocated for one year. But we are expecting to extend the project
for next year if we receive support from the donors. The art school project will be
expired on October 2017 and online school will be expired on September 2017

Online Art School Objective: The kids are already very good in art by learning by
themselves. So our objective is to organize an art competition in Dhaka. 

An Art competition that will be organized to increase cultural exchange between children from
different economic and social status. The exhibition will take place on November 2017. Five
different themes will be given. One participant can pick one theme and work on it. Painting
students from Charukala will participate in the completion and encourage the kids. The
objective is to Create Awareness, Publicity, Brand Promotion of The40 and Raise Funds from
the Paintings.


To continue the program The40 have to collect fund a fund raising plan which includes initiating
an annual fund drive targeted to individuals; an annual banquet/auction; funding requests to
area civic clubs and organizations; and corporate and foundation grants.

We are glad that you have contributed for the project and be all time supporter for the kids. It
would be a pleasure if you spread the news among your peers, friends, co-workers, so that
they can also contribute for the next years project as well for other projects related to The40.

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9/4/2021 Online School | The 40

About Charity Quick Link

The Noor E Farid Nasrine academy is the Message from Secretary General
birthplace of founder, Nasrine R Karim. The house
Mission & Vision
belonged to her maternal grandmother and is a
place she always considered home. She also Projects
chose the family graveyard outside the academy
as her eternal resting place. We Hope to honor The Academy
and uphold her vision for the Noor E FaridNasrine

Archives Contact Us

November 2016  Head Office:

House 67/A, 3rd FloorRoad 4,

November 2015 Block C Banani, Dhaka 1213

Noor e FaridNasrine Academy

Holding 347/306

October 2015
North Chartha

Daroga Bari, Comilla

 09611699462


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9/4/2021 Online School Competition | The 40

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Online School Competition

Initially we started with Reading and Learning Skills development. Our goal, was to complete
the curriculum from levels A to J. But because of the varying skill sets of the students we were
only able reach level D. The basic strategy was to engage their listening and viewing skills
through child friendly YouTube videos. It also taught them how to communicate thoughtfully in a
well behaved manner. This competition took place on March 2016 to observe their improvement
after six months’ operation of the online school. Two students from two different age groups
won the contests with flying colours and got two schools bags donated by Captain Nazma
Islam Mony, Bangladesh Army. 1/2
9/4/2021 Online School Competition | The 40

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About Charity Quick Link

The Noor E Farid Nasrine academy is the Message from Secretary General
birthplace of founder, Nasrine R Karim. The house
Mission & Vision
belonged to her maternal grandmother and is a
place she always considered home. She also Projects
chose the family graveyard outside the academy
as her eternal resting place. We Hope to honor The Academy
and uphold her vision for the Noor E FaridNasrine

Archives Contact Us

November 2016  Head Office:

House 67/A, 3rd FloorRoad 4,

November 2015 Block C Banani, Dhaka 1213

Noor e FaridNasrine Academy

Holding 347/306

October 2015
North Chartha

Daroga Bari, Comilla

 09611699462


© 2016 – 2020 The 40. All Rights Reserved 2/2
9/4/2021 Play with Clay by DAAGI ART Garage | The 40

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Play with Clay by DAAGI ART Garage

A day long workshop to celebrate Pohela Boishkah with The40 kids. The day long workshop
was organized by The40 and DAAGI ART Garage in Comilla. The objective was to expose the
children to art and culture. The workshop was conducted by five experts in different fields of Art.
This event was also organized by some generous donors and their support. The workshop was
conducted by……

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9/4/2021 Play with Clay by DAAGI ART Garage | The 40

About Charity Quick Link

The Noor E Farid Nasrine academy is the Message from Secretary General
birthplace of founder, Nasrine R Karim. The house
Mission & Vision
belonged to her maternal grandmother and is a
place she always considered home. She also Projects
chose the family graveyard outside the academy
as her eternal resting place. We Hope to honor The Academy
and uphold her vision for the Noor E FaridNasrine

Archives Contact Us

November 2016  Head Office:

House 67/A, 3rd FloorRoad 4,

November 2015 Block C Banani, Dhaka 1213

Noor e FaridNasrine Academy

Holding 347/306

October 2015
North Chartha

Daroga Bari, Comilla

 09611699462


© 2016 – 2020 The 40. All Rights Reserved 2/2
9/4/2021 EXCURSIONS | The 40

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The boys have not seen a world outside of Comilla. We want to take them out on supervised
trips to museums,are, music and sporting arenas, places of historical and cultural importance
etc. These excursions will help build lasting and fond memories of childhood while widening
their horizons and giving them the exposure they need to be successful at University and
beyond. 1/3
9/4/2021 EXCURSIONS | The 40

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About Charity Quick Link

The Noor E Farid Nasrine academy is the Message from Secretary General
birthplace of founder, Nasrine R Karim. The house
Mission & Vision
belonged to her maternal grandmother and is a
place she always considered home. She also Projects
chose the family graveyard outside the academy
as her eternal resting place. We Hope to honor The Academy
and uphold her vision for the Noor E FaridNasrine

Archives Contact Us

November 2016  Head Office:

House 67/A, 3rd FloorRoad 4,

November 2015 Block C Banani, Dhaka 1213

Noor e FaridNasrine Academy

Holding 347/306

October 2015
North Chartha

Daroga Bari, Comilla

 09611699462

 2/3
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9/4/2021 EXTRA CURRICULARS | The 40

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Extra Curriculars

The success of the online school has emboldened us to grow and develop this area. We want
to introduce the boys to music and further the sports initiatives so that they may be able to
compete with boys of their own ages.

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9/4/2021 EXTRA CURRICULARS | The 40

About Charity Quick Link

The Noor E Farid Nasrine academy is the Message from Secretary General
birthplace of founder, Nasrine R Karim. The house
Mission & Vision
belonged to her maternal grandmother and is a
place she always considered home. She also Projects
chose the family graveyard outside the academy
as her eternal resting place. We Hope to honor The Academy
and uphold her vision for the Noor E FaridNasrine

Archives Contact Us

November 2016  Head Office:

House 67/A, 3rd FloorRoad 4,

November 2015 Block C Banani, Dhaka 1213

Noor e FaridNasrine Academy

Holding 347/306

October 2015
North Chartha

Daroga Bari, Comilla

 09611699462


© 2016 – 2020 The 40. All Rights Reserved 2/2
9/4/2021 Computer Labs | The 40

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Computer Labs

Computer Labs
To be successful in today’s world, the boys have to be comfortable with using technology. We
have plans to build a modern library with personal computers so the boys are able to learn and
harness and the power of the internet. 1/2
9/4/2021 Computer Labs | The 40

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About Charity Quick Link

The Noor E Farid Nasrine academy is the Message from Secretary General
birthplace of founder, Nasrine R Karim. The house
Mission & Vision
belonged to her maternal grandmother and is a
place she always considered home. She also Projects
chose the family graveyard outside the academy
as her eternal resting place. We Hope to honor The Academy
and uphold her vision for the Noor E FaridNasrine

Archives Contact Us

November 2016  Head Office:

House 67/A, 3rd FloorRoad 4,

November 2015 Block C Banani, Dhaka 1213

Noor e FaridNasrine Academy

Holding 347/306

October 2015
North Chartha

Daroga Bari, Comilla

 09611699462


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9/4/2021 Constructing the new building | The 40

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Constructing the new building

Constructing the new building

The biggest challenge we are taking on is the construction of a new building to accommodate
twenty more boys. The older boys will be moved to this new building making room for twenty
new two year old boys to be enrolled in to the academy. We will be approaching companies for
furniture, construction materials like metal rods, cement, paints and so on so forth. The new
building will be designed to look similar to the colonial façade of the main building which is was 1/3
9/4/2021 Constructing the new building | The 40

constructed almost a 100 years ago but the interior will remain modern, functional and most
importantly durable.

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About Charity Quick Link

The Noor E Farid Nasrine academy is the Message from Secretary General
birthplace of founder, Nasrine R Karim. The house
Mission & Vision
belonged to her maternal grandmother and is a
place she always considered home. She also Projects
chose the family graveyard outside the academy
as her eternal resting place. We Hope to honor The Academy
and uphold her vision for the Noor E FaridNasrine

Archives Contact Us

November 2016  Head Office:

House 67/A, 3rd FloorRoad 4,

November 2015 Block C Banani, Dhaka 1213

Noor e FaridNasrine Academy

Holding 347/306

October 2015
North Chartha

Daroga Bari, Comilla

 09611699462

 2/3
9/4/2021 Constructing the new building | The 40

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9/4/2021 Donate Garments | The 40

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Donate Garments


Late Nasrine Karim believed that children are the future and wanted to create equal opportunity
for underprivileged children to live in a healthy and safe environment and have a fair chance to
succeed in life. The Noor E FaridNasrine Academy, based in Comilla took in 20 underprivileged
boys, mostly orphans, aged between 2 and 4 and pledged a commitment to house, educate 2
and feed them until they graduate from university and join society and individuals that can lead
and contribute. In phase 2, we plan to take another 20 boys and expand the facility. The project
is registered with the NGO Bureau of Bangladesh and has been operated successfully now for
five years. The boys are now between the ages of 6 and 8. 1/4
9/4/2021 Donate Garments | The 40


One can imagine funding this initiative requires the support and generosity of many kind
individuals and conscious institutions. We require donors for both one-off donations and also
donations made on a regular basis based on yearly requirements for the children. The items we
require are:

1]Shirts, full and half sleeved

2] Full pants

3] T-shirts

4] Winter-wear such as Cardigans, Jumpers, Sweaters and such

5] Sleepwear

6] Innerwear/Undergarments

We have the detailed sizes and specifications of all 20 boys which is provided with this


Helping these boys secure their future will result in them being responsible members of the
society, contributing considerably to our country’s growth and poverty alleviation.Our initiative in
Comilla is both credible and uniquely bold in its objectives, where the children will be allowed to
develop themselves in their own unique skill sets with full support of the academy and all its

Shirt Full & Half Size:

Length Chest Shoulder Sleeve Quantity Required

26 35 16 23/9 1

23 32 15 19/6 6
22 30 13.5 13/5.5 6

21 30 13.5 17/5.5 5 2/4
9/4/2021 Donate Garments | The 40

19 25 12.5 15/5 2

Full Pant Size:

Length Waist Quantity Required

37 27 1

33 25 6

32 24 6

28 23 5

27 22 2

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About Charity Quick Link

The Noor E Farid Nasrine academy is the Message from Secretary General
birthplace of founder, Nasrine R Karim. The house
Mission & Vision
belonged to her maternal grandmother and is a
place she always considered home. She also
chose the family graveyard outside the academy
as her eternal resting place. We Hope to honor The Academy
and uphold her vision for the Noor E FaridNasrine
Academy. 3/4
9/4/2021 Donate Garments | The 40

Archives Contact Us

November 2016  Head Office:

House 67/A, 3rd FloorRoad 4,

November 2015 Block C Banani, Dhaka 1213

Noor e FaridNasrine Academy

Holding 347/306

October 2015
North Chartha

Daroga Bari, Comilla

 09611699462


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9/4/2021 Donate for a Healthy Childhood | The 40

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Donate for a Healthy Childhood


Late Nasrine Karim believed that children are the future and wanted to create equal opportunity
for underprivileged children to live in a healthy and safe environment and have a fair chance to
succeed in life. The Noor E FaridNasrine Academy, based in Comilla took in 20 underprivileged
boys, mostly orphans, aged between 2 and 4 and pledged a commitment to house, educate
and feed them until they graduate from university and join society and individuals that can lead
and contribute. The project is registered with the NGO Bureau of Bangladesh and has been
operated successfully now for five years. The boys are now between the ages of 7 and 9. 1/4
9/4/2021 Donate for a Healthy Childhood | The 40


One can imagine funding this initiative requires the support and generosity of many kind
individuals and conscious institutions. We require donors for both one-off donations and also
donations made on a regular basis based on yearly requirements for the children. The items we
require yearly are:

SL Product Quantity

1. Aerosol 6pcs

2. Odonil 12pcs

3. Mosquito coil 20pkts

4. Oil 8 bottles

5. Tooth paste 20 pcs

6. Tooth brush 60 pcs

7. Bath soap 100 pcs

8. Shampoo 20 bottles

9. Lotion 20 bottles

10. Powder 10 bottles

11. Tissue 20

12. Blue (Nil) 12pkts

13. Body Spray 10

14. Toilet paper 50 rolls

15. Harpic 12 bottles

16. Trix 12 bottles 2/4
9/4/2021 Donate for a Healthy Childhood | The 40

17. Savlon 15 bottles

18. Fenail 4 pcs

19. Bleaching powder 4 kg

20. Vim 12 pckts

21. Vim Bar 20 bars

22. Brush for Kitchen 12 pcs

23. Broom for Cleaning 4 pcs

24. Cleaning soap 40pcs

25. Wheel powder 20kg


Helping these boys secure their future will result in them being responsible members of the
society, contributing considerably to our country’s growth and poverty alleviation.Our initiative in
Comilla is both credible and uniquely bold in its objectives, where the children will be allowed to
develop themselves in their own unique skill sets with full support of the academy and all its

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9/4/2021 Donate for a Healthy Childhood | The 40

Message from Secretary General

The Noor E Farid Nasrine academy is the Mission & Vision

birthplace of founder, Nasrine R Karim. The house
belonged to her maternal grandmother and is a Projects
place she always considered home. She also
The Academy
chose the family graveyard outside the academy
as her eternal resting place. We Hope to honor Contact
and uphold her vision for the Noor E FaridNasrine

Archives Contact Us

November 2016
 Head Office:

November 2015 House 67/A, 3rd FloorRoad 4,

Block C Banani, Dhaka 1213

October 2015 Noor e FaridNasrine Academy

Holding 347/306

North Chartha

Daroga Bari, Comilla

 09611699462


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9/4/2021 Donate Shoes | The 40

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Donate Shoes


Late Nasrine Karim believed that children are the future and wanted to create equal opportunity
for underprivileged children to live in a healthy and safe environment and have a fair chance to
succeed in life. The Noor E FaridNasrine Academy, based in Comilla took in 20 underprivileged
boys, mostly orphans, aged between 2 and 4 and pledged a commitment to house, educate
and feed them until they graduate from university and join society and individuals that can lead
and contribute. The project is registered with the NGO Bureau of Bangladesh and has been
operated successfully now for five years. The boys are now between the ages of 7 and 9.

9/4/2021 Donate Shoes | The 40

One can imagine funding this initiative requires the support and generosity of many kind
individuals and conscious institutions. We require donors for both one-off donations and also
donations made on a regular basis based on yearly requirements for the children. The items we
require are:

1] Sandals

2] Sports shoes

3] Everyday-wear shoes for school

We have the detailed sizes and specifications of all 20 boys which is provided below.

SL  Shoe Size Remark

 1  10  1nos

 2  9.5  6nos

 3  9.0  6nos

 4  8.0  5nos

 5  7.5  2nos


Helping these boys secure their future will result in them being responsible members of the
society, contributing considerably to our country’s growth and poverty alleviation.Our initiative in
Comilla is both credible and uniquely bold in its objectives, where the children will be allowed to
develop themselves in their own unique skill sets with full support of the academy and all its

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9/4/2021 Donate Shoes | The 40

About Charity Quick Link

The Noor E Farid Nasrine academy is the Message from Secretary General
birthplace of founder, Nasrine R Karim. The house
Mission & Vision
belonged to her maternal grandmother and is a
place she always considered home. She also Projects
chose the family graveyard outside the academy
as her eternal resting place. We Hope to honor The Academy
and uphold her vision for the Noor E FaridNasrine

Archives Contact Us

November 2016  Head Office:

House 67/A, 3rd FloorRoad 4,

November 2015 Block C Banani, Dhaka 1213

Noor e FaridNasrine Academy

Holding 347/306

October 2015
North Chartha

Daroga Bari, Comilla

 09611699462


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9/4/2021 Shoe Donation Drive | The 40

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Shoe Donation Drive

30 Generous donors donated shoes to The 40 in January 2017.  An online event page was
created and we gathered donations for 20 school shoes. Many people showed their interest
and donated more than asked. With the extra money, we purchased bags and water bottles for
our kids.

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9/4/2021 Shoe Donation Drive | The 40

About Charity Quick Link

The Noor E Farid Nasrine academy is the Message from Secretary General
birthplace of founder, Nasrine R Karim. The house
Mission & Vision
belonged to her maternal grandmother and is a
place she always considered home. She also Projects
chose the family graveyard outside the academy
as her eternal resting place. We Hope to honor The Academy
and uphold her vision for the Noor E FaridNasrine

Archives Contact Us

November 2016  Head Office:

House 67/A, 3rd FloorRoad 4,

November 2015 Block C Banani, Dhaka 1213

Noor e FaridNasrine Academy

Holding 347/306

October 2015
North Chartha

Daroga Bari, Comilla

 09611699462


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9/4/2021 Budget | The 40

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Budget in Details

Unit Unit
Items Validity year

no. price

01 Food 69,285 831,420

02 Salary and conveyance Annual 61,283 735,400

03 Cosmetic items 7,940 95,280

04 Cleanliness 5,535 66,420

05 Education Annual – 557,980

Medicine and 12
06 5,000 60,000
healthcare months

07 Printing and stationery Annual – 24,500

08 Utility bills 12,000 144,000

09 Children’s clothing Annual – 100,260

10 Maintenance bills – 255,700
months 1/4
9/4/2021 Budget | The 40

Unit Unit
Items Validity year

no. price

11 Furniture Annual – 21,400

12 Travels and flights Annual – 174,000

13 Sports Annual – 47,370

14 Miscellaneous – 30,000

15 Travel expenditure – 12,800

16 Bank charges Annual – 4,800

17 Audit Annual – 30,000

18 Annual – 352,000

Grand Total 3,543,330

The annual budget for each child is BDT 196,850 (One Lac Ninety-Six Thousand Eight
Hundred and Fifty. 2/4
9/4/2021 Budget | The 40


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9/4/2021 Budget | The 40

About Charity Quick Link

The Noor E Farid Nasrine academy is the Message from Secretary General
birthplace of founder, Nasrine R Karim. The house
Mission & Vision
belonged to her maternal grandmother and is a
place she always considered home. She also Projects
chose the family graveyard outside the academy
as her eternal resting place. We Hope to honor The Academy
and uphold her vision for the Noor E FaridNasrine

Archives Contact Us

November 2016  Head Office:

House 67/A, 3rd FloorRoad 4,

November 2015 Block C Banani, Dhaka 1213

Noor e FaridNasrine Academy

Holding 347/306

October 2015
North Chartha

Daroga Bari, Comilla

 09611699462


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9/4/2021 Message from Secretary General | The 40

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Message from Secretary General

The Noor E Farid Nasrine Academy was a project I inherited from my late mother, Nasrine Karim. We took
20 under privileged boys aged two years old and have pledged to look after them till they graduate from
University. The Academy undertakes the responsibility to house, feed and educate the boys while providing
them with the emotional support and guidance they will need as they transgress from boyhood to becoming
men that will contribute to society.

Going forward, the focus of the academy will be to develop the educational and learning platform for the
boys to help them broaden their horizons. We plan to introduce the boys to computers, the world-wide web
in due course. The academy will slowly start building their level of exposure to the rest of the world and
general knowledge. We have built a nice facility with a playground, cricket and football pitch and a
basketball court. The academy has regular sports coaching the boys are in good health and good at sports.
The academy will remain focused on sports, nutrition and health ensuring good physical development of
the boys.

It is my hope to now increase efforts to generate more awareness and support for the academy and start
engaging more people that can add value to help develop the boys in to well-rounded individuals. We plan
to introduce field trips, visits to the academy by teachers, artists and musicians. To achieve all of the
aforementioned, we will need to raise funds through donations and product sponsorship, which will require
us to be more focused on marketing the academy and the good work we are trying to do here. Our single
biggest challenge will be to raise enough funds to build a second building that will house another twenty
children taking us to our target of housing forty children. Again, we will take in two year olds who will be
mentored by their older brothers. Our mission is a bold one, but we hope we will get the support we need
from friends, family and Donors so that we can achieve all that we are setting out to do. 1/4
9/4/2021 Message from Secretary General | The 40 2/4
9/4/2021 Message from Secretary General | The 40


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9/4/2021 Message from Secretary General | The 40

About Charity Quick Link

The Noor E Farid Nasrine academy is the Message from Secretary General
birthplace of founder, Nasrine R Karim. The house
Mission & Vision
belonged to her maternal grandmother and is a
place she always considered home. She also Projects
chose the family graveyard outside the academy
as her eternal resting place. We Hope to honor The Academy
and uphold her vision for the Noor E FaridNasrine

Archives Contact Us

November 2016  Head Office:

House 67/A, 3rd FloorRoad 4,

November 2015 Block C Banani, Dhaka 1213

Noor e FaridNasrine Academy

Holding 347/306

October 2015
North Chartha

Daroga Bari, Comilla

 09611699462


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9/4/2021 Caregivers | The 40

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We have trained and quality caregivers to be one of the most important tenets of the project. Child
psychologist have related that the bigger problem in orphanages is that high employee with adults. Later
this problem manifests in school and work behavioral issues. 1/3
9/4/2021 Caregivers | The 40


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9/4/2021 Caregivers | The 40

About Charity Quick Link

The Noor E Farid Nasrine academy is the Message from Secretary General
birthplace of founder, Nasrine R Karim. The house
Mission & Vision
belonged to her maternal grandmother and is a
place she always considered home. She also Projects
chose the family graveyard outside the academy
as her eternal resting place. We Hope to honor The Academy
and uphold her vision for the Noor E FaridNasrine

Archives Contact Us

November 2016  Head Office:

House 67/A, 3rd FloorRoad 4,

November 2015 Block C Banani, Dhaka 1213

Noor e FaridNasrine Academy

Holding 347/306

October 2015
North Chartha

Daroga Bari, Comilla

 09611699462


© 2016 – 2020 The 40. All Rights Reserved 3/3
9/4/2021 Send Us Message | The 40

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Send Us Message


Email Address




 Address:
Head Office:

House 67/A, 3rd FloorRoad 4, Block C

Banani, Dhaka 1213

Noor e FaridNasrine Academy

Holding 347/306 1/3
9/4/2021 Send Us Message | The 40

North Chartha

Daroga Bari, Comilla

 E-mail:
 Phone:

H#99 Rd No 11, Dhaka 1213 Directions
4.9 7 reviews

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Map data ©2021

About Charity Quick Link

The Noor E Farid Nasrine academy is the Message from Secretary General
birthplace of founder, Nasrine R Karim. The house
Mission & Vision
belonged to her maternal grandmother and is a
place she always considered home. She also Projects
chose the family graveyard outside the academy
as her eternal resting place. We Hope to honor The Academy
and uphold her vision for the Noor E FaridNasrine
Academy. 2/3
9/4/2021 Send Us Message | The 40

Archives Contact Us

November 2016  Head Office:

House 67/A, 3rd FloorRoad 4,

November 2015 Block C Banani, Dhaka 1213

Noor e FaridNasrine Academy

Holding 347/306

October 2015
North Chartha

Daroga Bari, Comilla

 09611699462


© 2016 – 2020 The 40. All Rights Reserved 3/3

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