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KIDNEY DISEASE (CKD)? Our blood consists mainly of
When someone has CKD, it means red blood cells, white blood cells
that their kidney function has and platelets. When a person
slowed down. These changes has anemia, it means that they
usually take place over time. have fewer red blood cells than
There are a variety of diseases or normal. Why is that important?
conditions that can lead to CKD. Red blood cells carry oxygen
Two of these are diabetes and high throughout the body. Organs and
blood pressure. A lot of people tissues need oxygen to function
have those diseases and are at risk and stay healthy. So, fewer red
for CKD. Other diseases, present blood cells cause low oxygen and
at birth, can cause CKD. Among low oxygen makes us feel weak
them can be Polycystic Kidney and tired.
Disease, Fabry Disease, among
There are five stages of CKD.
The stages show how well the
kidneys are doing their job. Your
healthcare provider can do a
blood test to see what stage you
are in. In Stage 1, there is very
little kidney damage. By Stage 5,
the kidneys will have lost most
of their function. Even though CKD STAGE-5
complications due to CKD, such
as anemia, can occur as early AND ANEMIA
as in CKD Stage 3, more serious The kidneys make a hormone
symptoms of anemia usually called erythropoietin (Er-wreath-
become noticeable in CKD Stage ro-po-i-tin). Often it is called ESA
5. Stage 5 patients, who do not for short. ESA coupled with iron
receive a kidney transplant, go make red blood cells in the bone
on dialysis; more serious anemia marrow. CKD affects the amount
symptoms occur in this stage of ESA that the kidneys make. As
of CKD. Ask your healthcare kidney function gets worse, the
provider to check your blood ability for the kidneys to produce
to see if you have any signs of ESA decreases in later stages of
anemia. CKD. Additionally, ESA needs iron

American Association of Kidney Patients: Understanding Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease 3

to make hemoglobin. Dialysis DOES ANEMIA EFFECT
patients lose blood during dialysis
as well as due to more frequent
blood testing. Not receiving If you have anemia, you may
enough ESA and not replacing lost experience a variety of symptoms.
iron are the main reasons dialysis The symptoms may be a lot like
patients suffer with anemia. those from other diseases. This
can make it hard to tell if the way
you feel is due to anemia or if
Other contributing factors that
there’s something else going on.
lead to decreased hemoglobin
Here are some of the ways people
say they feel when they have
• low Vitamin B12 anemia.
• low folic acid • I never have enough energy
• poor diet • I feel weak
• bleeding due to heavy periods • I feel tired
in women
• It’s hard to concentrate, I feel
• bleeding in the stomach or like I have “brain fog”
• It feels like my heart is beating
• diseases that affect the bone too fast
• Sometimes my heart skips
Some medications may play • I get short of breath
a role too. Your healthcare
• I am having headaches
provider should do a complete
review of the medications you • I am not sleeping very well
are taking. Usually, red blood • My appetite does not seem to
cells live for about 120 days. The be as good as it once was
reaction of some medications
• My hands and feet won’t stay
may shorten this. This can cause
the hemoglobin level in your
blood to fall. Blood thinners can • I may feel dizzy
cause bleeding that you can’t see • I sometimes feel sad or “down
because it is internal. in the dumps”
• It’s hard to do everyday tasks
like make a sandwich or walk
up stairs

American Association of Kidney Patients: Understanding Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease 4

Some people don’t have any Blood tests measure:
symptoms. However, as anemia • Kidney function (creatinine)
gets worse, a person may start
having more and more of these • The levels of the different cells
symptoms. in your blood
• The number, type, size and
shape of the cells in your blood
• Vitamin B12 level
• Folic acid level
If you have any or many of the
• Changes related to other
symptoms it may be because:
diseases Ferritin level (stored
• You are not getting enough iron in the body)
• Your iron levels may be low;
The complete blood count or
• You may not be getting enough CBC is the main test that tells if a
dialysis; or person has anemia. Two of the red
• You may have an infection or blood cell tests are:
inflammation. • Hemoglobin (Hgb) is part of
the blood cell that contains
So whether you are on dialysis
the iron that takes oxygen to
or not, a thorough check-up is
tissues and organs.
• Hematocrit (Hct) tells how
If you have any of the symptoms many cells are in a certain
of anemia, tell the healthcare amount of blood. This can be
professional who is doing your used to tell if the number of
check-up. Your check-up should red blood cells in the blood is
include: too low, just right or too high.
• Questions to find out how you
are feeling right now
Target hemoglobin value:
• Current health history
The optimal target Hgb level for
• Past health history patients with CKD is not well
• Medication review defined or “one size fits all”. In
patients with CKD on dialysis or
• Physical exam
not on dialysis, anemia treatment
• Urine test if indicated should be individualized. A
• Blood tests patient’s target Hgb level should

5 American Association of Kidney Patients: Understanding Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease

be determined based on a HOW IS THE ANEMIA OF
discussion between the patient
and their physician as to what is
best for him/her and how he/she The anemia of CKD is different
feels and can function on a daily than the other types of anemia.
basis at various Hgb levels. The primary reason of anemia in
For most CKD patients not on CKD is the decreased production
dialysis, who are anemic and are of ESA along with not enough iron
on ESA therapy, Hgb levels should to be incorporated into ESA to
be maintained between 10-11.5g/ produce sufficient hemoglobin.
dL using the lowest ESA dose. The
U.S. Food and Drug Administration PATIENTS WITH CKD NOT
(FDA) approved label on ESAs
states that, for patients with CKD ON DIALYSIS:
who are not on dialysis, one Your healthcare provider should
should consider ESA treatment check iron levels and if low, will
only when the Hb level is <10 g/dL likely prescribe oral iron pills
and reduce or stop the ESA dose if (iron pills take by the mouth). If
the Hgb level exceeds 10 g/dL. iron pills do not increase your iron
In most dialysis patients who are level, you may need intravenous
anemic and are treated with ESAs, iron (iron shot in the vein). If your
Hgb levels should be maintained Hgb is still low after iron shots,
between 10 -11.5 g/dL, using the you may need an ESA to replace
lowest ESA dose. your body’s natural production of
Other blood tests are done to erythropoietin. ESA shots are like
check how much iron is in the a person taking insulin shots for
body. Those tests are: diabetes. Your healthcare provider
should routinely check your Hgb
• Serum iron – level of iron and iron levels to adjust iron and
circulating in the blood. ESA doses as needed.
• Serum ferritin – amount of
iron stored in the body and PATIENTS WITH CKD ON
• Transferrin saturation or
TSAT – amount of iron that is HOME HEMODIALYSIS:
bound to transferrin and can Similar to patients with CKD who
be used to make red blood are not on dialysis, home dialysis
cells. patients should regularly have

American Association of Kidney Patients: Understanding Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease 6

their Hgb and iron levels checked. nurse intravenously through the
If a home dialysis patient has low machine during dialysis treat-
iron levels, they should start an ment.
iron therapy and if Hgb remains
low, they should be started on an OTHER TREATMENTS FOR
PATIENTS WITH CKD ON If the anemia is bad enough, it
HEMODIALYSIS: may need to be treated with a
blood transfusion. This is very
Hemodialysis patients tend to lose rare and you should not worry.
more iron and have low iron lev- This is not how most anemia is
els. This is due to blood loss dur- treated. Your healthcare team will
ing hemodialysis because of waste work with you to make a plan for
during dialysis treatment as well the best way to treat the condi-
as due to more frequent blood tions causing your anemia.
testing. Most, if not all, of patients
on hemodialysis require iron THINGS YOU CAN DO TO
treatment, usually given intra-
venously, in the machine. More HELP FEEL BETTER AND
recently a new therapy has been ENJOY YOUR LIFE
approved by the FDA and has
become available for patients on Even though you are being treated
hemodialysis. for the anemia of CKD, there are
some things you can do to help
The new iron therapy is mixed take care of yourself.
into a patient’s dialysis fluid
(dialysate) and delivered during  Keep all your appointments
treatment. This dialysate iron with your healthcare teams.
therapy does not require iron
 If you are on hemodialysis,
to be given intravenously, so no don’t miss or shorten your
needles are involved. Be sure to treatments.
ask your doctor or nurse about
all available iron therapies and  If you are on peritoneal dialy-
sis, keep doing it as instructed.
discuss which iron treatment is
right for you.  If you are using a catheter for
hemodialysis make sure the
In addition to iron treatment, most nurse is using a sterile field
hemodialysis patients also require and a clean pair of gloves to
an ESA be given by a dialysis

7 American Association of Kidney Patients: Understanding Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease

put you on and off of treat- of tests your healthcare
ment; this will limit the risk of provider can do to determine
infection and infections can the cause of your anemia.
make your anemia worse. Or • There are a number of ways
talk to your dialysis care team your healthcare provider can
to consider a fistula or graft. treat your anemia, be sure to
 Stick to your kidney-friendly discuss all options to determine
diet and include iron-rich which treatment option is best
foods. for you.
 Take your medications as
directed. WORDS TO KNOW
 Make sure to keep your flu Erythropoietin: A hormone
and pneumonia shots up-to- produced by the kidney that helps
date. the development of red blood cells
by the bone marrow.
 Try to get some exercise every
day. Ask your healthcare team Hemoglobin: The molecule in red
what exercises might work blood cells that carries oxygen.
best for you. Vitamin B12: A water-soluble
 Get enough rest. vitamin that has a key role in the
normal functioning of the brain
SUMMARY and nervous system, and the
formation of red blood cells.
• Anemia can be caused by Folic Acid: A form of Vitamin
many conditions, however B that is needed for normal
most individuals with Chronic production of red blood cells.
Kidney Disease get anemia
due to not producing enough Bone Marrow: Flexible tissue in
red blood cells to carry oxygen the interior of bones where red
throughout the body and low blood cells are produced.
iron levels. Blood Thinners: Medication that
• The kidneys naturally helps blood clots from forming.
produce a hormone called Ferritin: A protein that stores
erythropoietin which helps iron and releases it in a controlled
create red blood cells. fashion as your body needs.
• There are a number of Dialysate: Dialysis fluid used
questions your healthcare during treatment that removes
provider can ask and a number waste in the blood.

8 American Association of Kidney Patients: Understanding Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease


American Association of Kidney Patients: Understanding Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease 9

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