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Sedentary Workers Safety and Health Bulletin

第 二十期 二零零三年 一月

辦公室的 =風險評估
Risk Assessment In Office
Many people may think that risk assessment is a term that only relates to
major disasters. This is not necessarily the case, a small fire can, in some
cases; cause a company to cease trading. Obviously one of the most
significant things about fire risks is that they cannot (normally) be predicted.
If we knew when fire was likely to strike, we could take precautions! What we
can do is to attempt to assess the possible or likely range of incidents which
any given premises is liable to suffer and then try to rate these according to

風險評估是什麼? What a risk assessment involves?

當進行火警的風險評估時,有 5 項因素需要留意: In carrying out the fire risk assessment, it may be helpful to consider the five
• 人:數量、出現地點、年齡及心理狀態 main factors:
• 建築物的用途:進行工作的性質及存在的物料 • People: their number, location, age and state of mind.
• 傢俱:傢俬的種類及用料、及其他存在的窗簾和地毯 • Use of the building: the nature of the work that is being undertaken and the
等 materials involved.
• 修飾用料:各種表面的修飾用料可加速熱力及煙火的 • Furnishings: the type and nature of the furniture, curtains, carpets etc. that
蔓延 are present.
• 結構:有否存在不合格的結構問題 • Finishes: the presence of surface finishes which could cause the rapid
build up of heat and smoke.
• Structures: The presence of unsatisfactory structural features.

6 個步驟的方法 The six-step method

這個方法包括兩個部份: This method entails a two-fold process:
1. 識別引起火警的危害,例如一些易燃的物料、熱力的 1. Identifying the fire hazards, that is to say the readily combustible or highly
源頭、不合格的結構問題 flammable materials, sources of heat, and unsatisfactory structural features,
2. 評估火警的風險,例如火警發生的機會率及火警帶來 2. Assessing the fire risk, which is the likelihood that a fire will occur and the
的後果包括火警地點內的員工。 consequences of such a fire on the staff in the office.

整個過程包括 6 個步驟: The overall process may carry out in six-steps:

1. 識別引起火警的危害 Step 1: Identify the fire hazards,
2. 識別受火警影響的人 Step 2: Identify the people at risk,
3. 消除或減少火警的危害 Step 3: Remove or reduce the fire hazards,
4. 將風險分門別類 Step 4: Assign the risk category
5. 決定現有的防火安全措施是否足夠及須改善之處 Step 5: Decide if the existing fire safety arrangements are satisfactory or
6. 紀錄評估結果 need improving,
Step 6: Record the findings.
Quantifying the fire hazard and the fire risk
火警的危害 Fire Hazard 火警的風險 Fire Risk

程度 Description 值 Value (H) 程度 Description 值 Value (R)

可忽略的Negligible 1 沒有可能 Unlikely 1

輕微 Slight 2 可能 Possible 2
中等 Moderate 3 很可能 Quite possible 3
嚴重 Severe 4 有機會 Likely 4
十分嚴重 Very Severe 5 機會很大 Very likely 5

計算風險因素的方程式 A formula for the risk factor

風險因素(F) = 火警危害的值(H) x 火警風險的值(R) Risk Factor (F) = Fire Hazard Value (H) X Fire Risk Value (R)
如果我們將風險因素都計算出來,我們可得出 25 組數 If we apply the risk factor formula to all possible combinations of fire hazard
字,並列於表內。 values and fire risk values, we obtain a set of 25 numbers which could then be
displayed as a 5 x 5 risk factor matrix.
Fire Hazard Value

5 4 3 2 1
5 25 20 15 10 5
火警風險值 4 20 16 12 8 4 風險分類
Fire Risk Value
3 15 12 9 6 3 Risk Category

2 10 8 6 4 2 低 中 高
1 5 4 3 2 1 Low Medium High

火警危害的嚴重程度,可用其後果對人造成傷害的程度來 The various levels of severity of the fire hazard, negligible, slight etc, could, more
衡量,例如對阻礙業務的時間、財政上及資產上的損失。 specifically, be quantified in terms of the degree of harm to people, the duration of
business interruption, the amount of financial loss or the extent of property damage.

火警危害對人造成傷害的嚴重性 Severity of the fire hazard in terms of harm to people

可忽略的 Negligible 輕微碰傷 / 不舒適 Minor bruises/discomfort
輕微 Slight 少許輕微損傷 Some minor injuries
中等 Moderate 很多輕微損傷 Many minor injuries
嚴重 Severe 有些重大損傷 Some major injuries
非常嚴重 Very Severe 很多重大損傷甚至死亡 Many major injuries and death

風險評估最後的步驟是要決定風險因素的範圍及所屬的風 The final task in this method is to decide the ranges of the risk factors that will
險分類,如果風險因素是屬於高及中等,便須採取措施以 correspond to the three categories of risk. If the assessed risk factors are
減低。總括而言,風險評估並不是一次完成的工作,而是 belong to high and medium, measures must be taken to reduce them. Finally,
要持續檢討及定期作出改善。 a risk assessment is not a one-off exercise, but one that needs to be reviewed
and updated regularly.

簡單的火警風險評估 A simple fire risk assessment

以上較為詳盡複雜及可數量化的風險評估未必適合規模小 A simple form of fire risk assessment that may be used by owners or managers
的公司應用,相反,可回答以下所列的問題來進行風險評 of small companies where an elaborate or quantified form of risk assessment
估,如果答案為“否”,便須盡快採取措施去改善有關的 as described above is not appropriate. The answers to all the below questions
不足之處。 should be ‘Yes’ or ‘not applicable’. If the answer to any question is ‘No’ then
steps should be taken to rectify the deficiency as soon as is practicable.
Stage 1: Identifying the fire hazards
1 辦公室日常是否有指定地方供進行熱力處理的工序,例如煮食或使用焗爐? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Is there a designated area provided for the office activity involving hot processes such as cooking Yes/No/not applicable
or the use of ovens?
2 燈泡、霓虹燈及其配件是否遠離易燃物料? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Light bulbs, fluorescent light tubes and fittings are kept away from combustible materials? Yes/No/not applicable
3 沒有使用活動式電爐? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Portable heaters are discouraged to use. Yes/No/not applicable
4 是否盡量減少使用拖扳及萬能插頭? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Is the use of extension leads and multi-point adapters kept to a minimum? Yes/No/not applicable
5 有沒有活動式電力裝置損壞或破損? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Portable electrical appliances are properly maintained? Yes/No/not applicable
6 是否禁止吸煙? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Is smoking prohibited? Yes/No/not applicable
7 是否設有吸煙區及備有足夠煙灰缸? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Is there a designated smoking area provided with adequate ashtrays? Yes/No/not applicable
8 傢俱的材料是否完整無缺? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Is the upholstery of furniture in good condition? Yes/No/not applicable
9 辦公室是沒有垃圾及易燃廢料? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Is the office free of rubbish and combustible waste materials? Yes/No/not applicable

Stage 2: Identifying the people who could be at risk

10 是否有足夠且合適闊度的出口? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Are there a sufficient number of exits of suitable width for the people present? Yes/No/not applicable
11 出口是否通往安全地點? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Do the exits lead to a place of safety? Yes/No/not applicable
12 通道及逃生路線是沒有阻礙物? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Are passageways and escape routes free from obstructions? Yes/No/not applicable
13 通道及逃生路線是沒有滑倒、絆倒的危害? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Are the passageways and escape routes free from tripping and slipping hazards? Yes/No/not applicable
14 階梯是否有維修妥當? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Are steps and stairs in a good state of repair? Yes/No/not applicable
15 辦公時間內,最後出口的門鎖是否保持開啟? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Are final exits always unlocked when the office premises are in use? Yes/No/not applicable
16 最後出口的門鎖裝置是否可以緊急開啟而毋須使用鑰匙? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Are the devices securing final exits capable of being opened immediately and easily without the Yes/No/not applicable
use of a key?
17 防煙門是否經常關閉及有註明提示? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Are internal fire doors labeled as such and normally kept closed? Yes/No/not applicable
18 防煙門的門鼓是否操作正常? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Are the self-closing devices on the fire doors operating correctly? Yes/No/not applicable
19 逃生路線是否有清晰標示及足夠照明? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Are escape routes clearly signed and adequately lit? Yes/No/not applicable

Stage 3: Eliminate, control or avoid the fire hazards
20 員工是否有接受訓練關於召喚消防局、使用滅火器及基本防火知識? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Have staffs been trained in how to call the fire brigade, the use of the fire extinguishers and basic Yes/No/not applicable
fire prevention?
21 是否確保所有電線及流動電力裝置有定期作檢查? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Ensure that the electrical wiring and portable appliances are inspected regularly. Yes/No/not applicable
22 是否設有吸煙區及於區內使用合適用料的傢俱及備有足夠的煙灰缸? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Designate an area where smoking is permitted and provide suitable furniture and an adequate Yes/No/not applicable
number of ashtrays.

Stage 4: Consider whether the existing fire safety provisions are adequate or need improvement

23 逃生時使用的後備照明系統是否操作正常及有定期維修? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Where escape lighting is installed is it in working order and maintained regularly? Yes/No/not applicable
24 火警鐘系統是否操作正常? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Is the fire alarm system in working order? Yes/No/not applicable
25 是否有足夠數量的合適滅火器? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Is an adequate number of suitable fire extinguishers provided? Yes/No/not applicable
26 滅火器是否放置適當位置及可隨時使用? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Are fire extinguishers located suitably and ready for use? Yes/No/not applicable
27 滅火器是否由合資格人士每年保養? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Are the fire extinguishers serviced annually by a competent company or person? Yes/No/not applicable
28 固定滅火裝置或火警自動感應系統是否操作正常? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Is any fixed firefighting installation or automatic fire detection system in working order? Yes/No/not applicable

Stage 5: Record the findings
29 你是否有紀錄火警風險評估的結果? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Have you recorded the findings of the fire risk assessment? Yes/No/not applicable
30 你是否有通知員工有關的結果? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Have you inform your staff about your findings? Yes/No/not applicable
31 如果你是與別的公司合租辦公室,該公司的員工是否知道有關的結果? 是 / 否 / 不適用
If you share the office with others do they know about the risks that you have identified? Yes/No/not applicable
32 如果你有辦公室的直接控制權,你是否有通知有關結果給業主? 是 / 否 / 不適用
If you do not have direct control over the premises have you made your findings known to the Yes/No/not applicable
owner or landlord?
Stage 6: Prepare an emergency plan

33 有關防火計劃的通告是否有張貼於辦公室的當眼處? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Are fire action notices displayed prominently throughout the office premises? Yes/No/not applicable
34 是否有緊急逃生計劃以應付大型火警? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Has an emergency plan been drawn up in case of a major fire? Yes/No/not applicable
35 如果有很多人在場,尤其是公眾人士,是否有足夠受過訓練的員工確保快捷及有秩序的逃生? 是 / 否 / 不適用
If there are a large number of people present, particularly members of the public, is there a Yes/No/not applicable
sufficient number of trained staff to ensure speedy and orderly evacuation?
36 如果辦公室時常有行動不便的人士出入,是否有足夠受過訓練的員工確保他們可安全逃生?而逃生 是 / 否 / 不適用
路線是否適合他們使用? Yes/No/not applicable
If the office premises is used regularly by people with impaired mobility:
Is the number of trained staff adequate to ensure safe evacuation?
Are the escape routes suitable for the people who have to use them?

Stage 7: Carry out a periodic review of the assessment

37 是否有制訂程序定期對火警風險評估作出檢討? 是 / 否 / 不適用
Has a procedure been established to review the fire risk assessment periodically? Yes/No/not applicable

答中以下三條問題,便可參加抽獎,有機會獲得價值 $200 購物禮券壹張,名額共 5 個。
The Sedentary Workers Safety & Health Committee has included a prize quiz to this bulletin to help raise awareness of work
safety. We look forward to your participation. If you can answer the following three questions correctly, you can enter the lucky
draw and have an opportunity to receive one of a total of 5 shopping vouchers to the value of $200.
1. 風險評估只與嚴重災難有關
Risk assessment is a term that only relates to major disasters.
a) 是 True b) 否 False
2. 計算風險因素的方程式是:
A formula for risk factor is :
a) 風險因素(F) = 火警危害的值(H) x 火警風險的值(R)
Risk factor (F) = Fire Hazard Value (H) x Fire Risk Value (R)
b) 風險因素(F) = 25
Risk factor (F) = 25
c) 風險因素(F) = 低風險 + 中風險 + 高風險
Risk factor (F) = Low risk + medium risk + high risk
3. 風險評估的過程是否包括紀錄評估結果?
Does the process of risk assessment include recording the findings?
a) 是 Yes b) 否 No

請圈出正確答案及填妥下列表格,郵寄或傳真回本局總辦事處,信封面請註明「文職系安全健康通訊問答遊戲」。截止日期:2003年3 月31 日。
Please circle the correct answers and fill in the following form and send it or fax it to the Council. Please write “Sedentary Workers Safety
& Health Bulletin Prize Quiz” on the envelope. Closing date: 31 March, 2003
姓名 Name: 身份證號碼 Identity card number:

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地址:香港北角馬寶道 28 號華㶅中心 19 樓 Address: 19/F, China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, Hong Kong
電話 Telephone: 27399377 傳真 Facsimile: 27399779 © 2003 職業安全健康局版權所有 1/2003
電子郵件 E-mail: 網頁 Homepage: © 2003 Occupational Safety & Health Council 1/2003

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