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Digitization and

Content Creation
in India Rolls On

Digital solutions providers are To get a quick snapshot of what is happening and where the

digital solutions industry is heading, PW speaks to three com-

ramping up to meet new and panies in different parts of the globe—Lapiz Digital, Newgen
KnowledgeWorks, and Westchester Publishing Services—from
growing publishing demands their offices in India, the U.K., and the U.S., respectively.

while executing their social Adopting new ways of working and

obligations For Lapiz Digital, a blended office model is now the modus
operandi. “We have a flexible arrangement in which there is a
pool of staff working from home and another at our production
By Teri Tan facility,” says head of operations Meena Prakash, adding that the
staff involved in critical projects will be in the office at least

three days out of the work week. “Going forward, for established
here is no question that the pandemic has accelerated work processes and project types, we see the work-from-home
the pace of content digitization even as it has deci- (WFH) option continuing even after this pandemic lockdown
mated revenues in both the digital solutions and period ends. Naturally, to ensure a smooth workflow with max-
publishing industries. Virtual learning, edtech, and imum security and data integrity within this blended model,
e-books saved the day. But between prolonged school we have been investing much more than before in our IT
and bookstore closures and the slow progress of new infrastructure.”
publishing projects in 2020, optimism was in rather short Increased communications and daily reviews between WFH
supply. Add in pandemic uncertainties, and the picture was and work-from-office (WFO) staff have resulted in better con-
quite gloomy. trol of the deliverables while fostering closer working relation-
But good news is in store, literally, for both industries: in the ships and higher organizational performance. “Day-to-day
AAP StatShot report for the first half of 2021, the K–12 seg- huddles for WFH employees further break the monotony and
ment posted the biggest sales gain, at 35.2% higher than the social isolation,” Prakash says. “Our team leaders and managers
same period in 2020. The higher-ed segment expanded as well, have also made it a point to speak to everyone regularly to check
showing a 15.1% sales increase. News for the trade book seg- on their health and on their families.”
ment was also positive, with NPD BookScan reporting that “When we started this blended model,” Prakash says, “we
bookstore sales jumped 30% over what was a miserable first six thought that people would be happier working from home and
months of 2020. that attrition would decrease. Well, that did not happen.
Attrition continues in this dynamic industry, and employees
This feature is published with the support of the relocate or jump to better opportunities regardless of the coro-
vendors covered in these articles. navirus or WFH advantages.”

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Digital Solutions in India

ore than 90% of Westchester Publishing

M initiatives have helped staff to stay connected. We
Services’ 400-plus employees (from locations in are investing heavily in and expanding our Pubkit
India, the U.K., and the U.S.) continue to work workflow management system to make it the entry
from home. “Prior to the pandemic, we already had point for everyone’s working day. We also have new
the capabilities to support distributed work, which HR systems that enable us to keep in touch with
was built around our global nature but largely our staff in more meaningful ways.”
driven by the impact of severe storms on our U.S. Bottrill has seen huge benefits to being able to
and India offices in recent years,” says chief revenue bring a larger constituency of Newgenites together
office Tyler Carey. in online meetings in the WFH mode. “It has
The WFH situation, Carey says, has generated a improved timely and open communication across
greater degree of empathy among publishers, ven- the teams,” he says. “Our onshore staff in the U.S.,
dors, and, most importantly, employers. “Whether U.K., and Continental Europe offices are definitely
it’s been talking with a co-worker, manager, client, more closely connected with their teammates in
Meena Prakash, head of
or partner over the past year, I think we all can relate our production facilities in India. On the other
operations at Lapiz Digital
to anecdotes of Zoom meetings that featured pets hand, our clients have more immediate and open
walking across our desks or children passing by on-screen,” he access to the entire Newgen team, which helps us to form even
says. “The Zoom dynamic at work humanized a lot of what we closer partnerships and be more responsive and connected to
do together as an industry and has adjusted the way many of us their needs.”
will return to work, with hybrid models and flexible schedules
more common in our space than ever before, even as some regions Helping and giving back to the community
are prepping to more widely return to the office next year.” The Diwali celebration early this month was indeed a joyous
The WFH model has transformed Newgen KnowledgeWorks event throughout India. New Covid-19 infections, averaging
in many ways. “We have been able to recruit from a much wider 12,000 cases, are now a fraction of the peak in May, when the
geographic pool,” says Jo Bottrill, managing director of opera- country’s public-health systems buckled under a massive wave
tions in the U.K. and the U.S. “Many of our staff have also moved of deaths. More than one billion doses of vaccine have been
away from crowded metropolitan areas. While we have to work administered, and private and public entities are rallying to drive
harder to foster team spirit and the sense of togetherness, our up vaccination rates and support local communities in need.
smaller client-focused teams, quality circles, and company-wide In recent months, Prakash and president V. Bharathram, for

Lapiz Digital Focuses on Online Products

The rapid growth of online products has more than compensated volume of accessible content with interactivities for a major chil-
for the dip in print deliverables for the K–12 and higher-ed segments dren’s book publisher, as well as an extensive content-rendering
at Lapiz Digital in the past year, says president V. Bharathram. project across different subject matters with varying complexity
“K–12 publishers, especially, have shifted their focus and busi- levels for another educational publisher.
ness strategies to meet the rising demand of virtual learning New contracts signed with several independent publishers
and edtech products during this pandemic era,” he says. “We bode well for the coming months. “Some of our current print-
have seen more inquiries for content authoring and rendering for based clients have also started allocating digital projects with
different digital formats and platforms in recent months.” us,” says Bharathram, whose sales team has added several
The benefits of offering online products—which manifest pri- small- and medium-sized journal publishers from the Middle
marily as savings on print production costs and the ability to pro- East and Africa to the client roster last year. “All in all, it was a
vide new content and information updates speedily—are attractive good start for 2022. We are confident that print-based educa-
to K–12 publishers. “They have increased their investments in tional products will rebound once schools fully reopen in the
digital products and content, and we fully expect to see the digi- U.S. and other major economies.” For now, Lapiz Digital’s major
tal side of our business picking up even more going forward,” target markets continue to be North America and Europe.
Bharathram says. “Educational publishers were moving from Meanwhile, investments in security and cloud-based infrastruc-
print to digital even before the start of the pandemic, but this ture for maintaining data integrity and protecting confidential
momentum has accelerated in the past 16 months.” His team information are taking center stage. “This is particularly crucial in
is gearing up to deliver more interactive e-books and AI-based our blended working environment, given the rise of hacking activ-
adaptive learning tools, aside from content-authoring projects. ities and security breaches in different parts of the world,” says
On the trade publishing side, there has been a significant Bharathram, who is busy expanding his team’s capabilities in pro-
increase in e-book conversion projects. “We also saw more viding accessibility solutions for the publishing segment. Diversi-
accessibility-related conversions for educational publishing last fication into the healthcare business, for which VR/MR and niche
year,” says Bharathram, whose team had completed a large analytics services are being offered, is picking up speed.

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instance, have arranged for Lapiz Digital home while staying connected to the
employees several talks by senior epide- team has been essential to preserving staff
miologists on the importance of vacci- well-being and playing our part in
nation. “We’ve also created a long list of reducing the spread of the virus in the
FAQs to address issues that some may wider community,” Bottrill says, adding
want to ask but are either reluctant or that the company has supported its staff,
too shy to voice,” Prakash says. their families, and their communities
“Hopefully, these activities will push with medical assistance, including the
the vaccination rate to 100% for both establishment of a bank of oxygen con-
doses soon.” Around 90% of Lapiz centrators that were rapidly deployed to
Digital staff have received at least one the sick and needy during the height of
vaccine dose, she says. the pandemic.
Lapiz Digital has also joined in the Jo Bottrill, managing director of Newgen Then there is the Nandavanam Center
KnowledgeWorks in the U.K. and U.S.
efforts to educate the public about the o f Excellence for Children with
pandemic. “Last year, many of our staff, along with others from Developmental Challenges, a Newgen CSR initiative that was
our sister companies, distributed free self-care packets in rural launched in 2014. “During these difficult times, it has provided
communities and helped to design and disseminate posters on food parcels to families and supported online learning, keeping
Covid-19 awareness,” Prakash says. “This year, we are con- needy children and their families connected to the important
tinuing these efforts alongside local communities and govern- lifeline that this center provides,” Bottrill says.
ment in addition to donating oxygen cylinders to local hospitals Westchester Publishing Services, on the other hand, has pro-
for use in their Covid-19 wards.” actively worked with organizations in India to provide free
Extending the WFH policy and encouraging staff to work vaccines to all of its staff, covering any costs incurred and even
flexibly and from anywhere have been important parts of keeping providing transportation, if required, to vaccination sites. “As
people safe during the pandemic over at Newgen a company, we have also financially supported the efforts of
KnowledgeWorks. “Supporting staff in moving out to their United Way, which is supporting vaccination programs in
native places and in working confidently and efficiently from India,” Carey says.

Further Growth at Newgen KnowledgeWorks

The growth of digital products at Newgen’s K–12 education unit XML. Our tools, including SilkEvolve, allow us to do the work
has been dramatic during the pandemic. “We have rapidly very efficiently and at scale.”
reskilled our K–12 and English language teaching [ELT] project Meanwhile, the company’s DigitalWorks division is busy pro-
managers, designers, and editorial staff to enable them to work viding digital marketing, design, and development services, as
across the myriad platforms and workflows involved in bringing well as content distribution strategies. “The team creates and
digital projects to life,” says Jo Bottrill, managing director of the promotes brands as well as providing ongoing digital marketing
U.K. and U.S. operations. “We also launched a separate English services,” Bottrill says. “Combining these services with our
language learning [ELL] unit in September to emphasize ELL and Nova publishing platform, for instance, gives publishers the
ELT content, which is so important to our publishing clients and edge in making their content more discoverable in new markets.
the learners.” The Newgen team also offers services ranging from website
Publishers are taking pure digital projects to the market more audits to accessible site development. We partner with publish-
confidently, a shift driven by considerable demand from learners, ers to assess their outputs and optimize processes from the
teachers, and parents, Bottrill says. “Printed resources remain very beginning so that all systems and workflows can be
successful where they support self-learning and revision, with designed with accessibility in mind. This isn’t just an issue of
the backup of online assessment and test-bank materials,” he compliance but one of opening up new markets and ensuring
says. “Since digital projects are often more complex, being that the content is available to the widest possible community
multi-format and multi-platform, investing in digital project man- of readers.”
agement skills remains a focus in our company.” Bottrill sees huge growth opportunities in the coming years
The M&A activities across the industry have brought about across the K–12 and academic markets, with ample room for
more conversion or repurposing projects. “We have converted product innovation and new distribution models, especially to
backlists for several large publishers and prepared the content the all-important library market. “We focus on supporting pub-
for incorporation into new publishing platforms, including our lishers in scaling up their operations quickly and efficiently,” Bot-
content distribution platform Nova,” Bottrill says. “This process trill says. “Increasingly, this will see Newgen KnowledgeWorks
often involves content and metadata from myriad sources, providing more value-added services, such as content commis-
including print PDFs, ePubs, hard copies, and fully structured sioning, writing, development, and acquisitions support.”

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Digital Solutions in India

Meeting new demands arising education unit. As the father of three kids in dif-
from the pandemic ferent stages of development, it is very empowering
Now that different industries are shifting and for me to see our team working alongside publishers
evolving owing to the pandemic, quality career to foster the healthy emotional and social growth of
training and professional development programs the younger generation.”
are expanding and changing too. In May, During the pandemic, Westchester’s Client
Westchester expanded its career and technical edu- Portal dashboards have become even more useful for
cation (CTE) content development services unit by tracking ongoing projects. “Our close collaboration
identifying further specialists within different with Dropbox to implement the latest technologies
industries and bringing in Debbie Allen to lead and address emerging client needs is ongoing,”
the team. Carey says. “Most recently, we hired Deb Taylor,
“Our clients, including CareerPath, work closely who has extensive background in software develop-
with districts, education and training centers, and Deb Taylor, director of business ment, sales, and client support, as our director of
professional groups to define CTE programs, and development at Westchester business development to work proactively with
we play a role in recruiting subject matter experts Publishing Services clients to explore further use cases for our Client
and creating and editing content that can be used in these pro- Portal, as requests for editing tools and various added services
grams,” Carey says. become ubiquitous.”
The pandemic also exerts its toll on children’s emotional devel-
opment. “Pre-pandemic, educational publishers had begun Ongoing trends and emerging market
including in their content more materials specific to social and opportunities
emotional learning [SEL] principles to help students navigate Automation, says Bottrill, of Newgen, will continue to push
their emotions and address the challenges of socialization,” Carey efficiency and speed in academic content production. “It will be
says. “During the past year and a half, these challenges were vital in helping publishers adapt to the shift to Open Access,”
exacerbated by the pandemic, with lockdowns and school clo- he says. “While the craft of copyediting will still see editors
sures deepening the sense of loneliness that many kids were polishing language and helping authors communicate clearly
experiencing. Westchester’s team has worked closely with the and concisely, tools for automating parts of the editorial process
CASEL Framework to ensure that these standards are considered will reach maturity quickly.” Newgen’s language assessment
and applied in the content we create for children through our tools, for instance, are already helping publishers assess and

Continued Expansion at Westchester Publishing Services

Adding more than 150 companies to its client roster since 2019 creators are able to identify, and address, the errors of omission,
is not just a reflection of Westchester’s business success, says representation, or insensitivity and improve their content. “The
chief revenue officer Tyler Carey. “It is indicative,” he says, “of the open dialogues and recommendations have helped our clients to
expansion within the publishing industry, the number of titles not just ‘fix’ their backlists but also create more relevant and
released in different formats, and how publishers are able to sus- appropriate new content going forward,” Carey says.
tain—and grow—their businesses during this pandemic.” The team has been busy working with trade book publishers
Many publishers “are investing in new distribution methods, worldwide, including Bloomsbury (U.K.), Macmillan, and Crooked
content areas, and file formats,” Carey says, “and we are helping Lane. “Increasingly, when we typeset a trade book, we are also
these publishers via the creation, editing, design, and production generating digital galley files, POD files, ePubs, web PDFs, and
processes. Accordingly, we invest in our own infrastructure and accessible ePub files,” Carey says. “Publishers are using these dif-
bring in industry experts to help us continue to grow our internal ferent file types to minimize their risks and prepare for future and
and client-facing technologies, as well as offerings to address emergency use cases. For instance, if there is a backlog at the
these needs.” printing companies, they have the POD files to go for digital print-
Westchester’s education groups in the U.S. and the U.K. have ing. Or they can do a digital release using ePub files while awaiting
posted higher growth than ever in the past two years. “One key an initial print run. They now have all the file formats they might
factor is the creation of our culturally responsive education [CRE] need, ready to go.”
rubric, as our response, as parents and educators, to the current Then there was the acquisition of U.K.-based River Editorial in
market,” Carey says. “Many parents had not seen much of their March, which has been “transformative,” Carey says. “We can
children’s classroom content until their kids were distance-learn- now offer U.K. clients onshore project management and editorial
ing during the pandemic. And not all parents liked what they saw, services. We continue to look out for strategic opportunities and
especially the underrepresentation of cultures and the dated and key hires to expand our services and capabilities and offer our
offensive language that persists in some content.” best to the publishing, education, media, and communications
Through this proprietary CRE rubric, publishers and content markets.”

68 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y ■ N O V E M B E R 2 2 , 2 0 2 1
Westchester Publishing Services partners with publishers in trade, academic,
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Digital Solutions in India

validate language quality, ensuring that resources are directed opmental editing, pre-production support, and even content
to content that will most benefit from editorial intervention. commissioning.” The company’s media-related services (cov-
Publishers are looking at how more of the production and ering audio, video, and animation) and manufacturing services
editorial processes can be automated, Bottrill says. “Our innova- (including print and asset management) have also grown rap-
tive workflows and platforms are helping to unlock automation idly, he says. “There is a growing interest in accessibility among
while leaving the publisher, project manager, and author in publishers, and anyone with digital content is waking up to
control of their content. We are rapidly integrating in-house their legal obligations to make content accessible.”
tools such as Pubkit [for workflow management], Redshift [for And for publishers looking to access the vibrant and diverse—
automated typesetting], and Nova [for content publishing and and challenging—Southeast Asian markets, Bottrill and his
distribution] to provide an end-to-end solution for publishers team are ready to assist. “Our deep market knowledge across
across academic, trade, and professional publishing segments.” this region coupled with our network of sales agents and dis-
Nova, for instance, allows publishers to form direct relation- tributors put us in a great position to confidently open up this
ships with their customers, build important communities of market for academic, trade, and K–12 publishers,” Bottrill says.
users, and retain more of the revenues from their direct sales. “We have the capabilities and expertise—having sold legal
(Check out the Expert Series online article, “Improving content across this market for many years—to support a wide
Outcomes Using Agile Learning.”) range of publishers in this region.”
Meanwhile, supply chain woes, printer backlogs, and paper Over at Lapiz Digital, the demand for online testing and
shortages have created a renaissance in digital products. “Now assessments from both overseas and domestic markets in the
that print products are having their supply chain challenges, publishing segment is growing fast. “There is also a huge
backlist and frontlist ePub files are becoming increasingly demand for online training courseware from corporate clients,”
important for distribution,” says Carey, of Westchester. “Many says Bharathram, whose team is also busy auditing projects done
publishers are seeing ePubs contributing more to their bottom by other vendors to ensure both quality and content accuracy.
lines in the past 18 months. This was raised in our recent webinar “This pandemic has essentially accelerated the implementation
cohosted with PW about the state of the supply chain and ways and adoption of online education in different industries.” (Read
to navigate getting products to market. This wider usage of the Expert Series online article, “The Audit Process Prior to
ePubs has also revealed the lack of support for communities that Publication.”)
use adaptive technology to engage with the content.” These digital solutions vendors and their counterparts are
So Westchester is now working with the nonprofit organiza- continuing to aggressively automate, innovate, reengineer, and
tion Benetech, which operates the largest library of accessible transform to meet the moment. The times are tough and the
e-books in the world and acts as a third-party evaluator for competition, tougher.
accessible content, to become a GCA-certified partner for cre- For publishers, going digital is a must—not an option—for
ating accessible digital files. “We are upping our game to create long-term survival and healthy bottom lines. Publishers must
better and more accessible ePub 3 files that will help to address have their best products available in both print and digital
the needs of all readers, no matter how they engage with their formats to maximize revenues. They need to ensure that “XML,”
content,” Carey says. (More in the Expert Series online article, “HTML5,” “ePub 3,” “accessibility,” and “discoverability” are
“Accessibility and Digital EPubs.”) integral parts of their business, strategy, and process lexicons.
“We see a continuing trend toward end-to-end project man- While such transformation doesn’t happen overnight, no one
agement and a greater focus on offshore project management,” can afford to ignore the digital path. As Stewart Brand so aptly
Bottrill, of Newgen, says. “At the same time, publishers are said, once a new technology rolls over you, if you’re not part of
partnering with us on more upstream services, including devel- the steamroller, you’re part of the road.  ■

This coverage is also available online at

Articles in the Expert Series, penned by vendors themselves, examine critical topics impacting both publishing and digital solutions
● Accessibility and Digital EPubs by Deb Taylor, director of business development at Westchester Publishing Services
● The Audit Process Prior to Publication by Meena Prakash, head of operations at Lapiz Digital
● Improving Outcomes Using Agile Learning by Jo Bottrill, managing director of Newgen KnowledgeWorks in the U.K. and U.S.

Related Reads from PW:

● AI Comes to Audiobooks ● Publishers Need to Think Digital First
● Digital Marketing Will Become Central for Publishers ● Why 2021 Is Setting Up to Be a Pivotal Year for Digital
● The Power of UNICEF’s Learning Passport Content in Libraries
Visit to find out more about the vendors featured in this coverage.

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