Drugs and Addiction

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Drugs and Addiction

ard-drinking heroes, deities of wine and Use Addiction. How much of a particular substance needs
celebration, and the hazy halls of oracles and to be consumed in order for an addiction check to be rolled.
wise men stand alongside the most Use Increase. After the initial use if the character uses the
memorable tropes of myth and classic fantasy substance again within the aloted days the chance of
literature. Thus it's no surprise that the addiction increases by the listed amount.
adventures of fantasy roleplaying games are For example, if a character uses Dreamlily there is a 30%
filled with similar characters and locales. chance of becoming addicted. If they use it again within 2
After all, countless campaigns have been launched around a days the chance increases to 34%.
tavern table and all adventurers know the infamous potency Abstinance. For a character that is not yet addicted to a
of stout dwarven ale. substance, time away from the substance will lower the
For better or worse, all things that one might find in the chance of addiction.
real world multiply and take on wondrous and lethal qualities For example, continuing the the example used above, if the
in fantasy settings, and the vices of alcohol and chemical character then does not use Dreamlily for 4 days the chance
abuse are no different. While many games have no place for of addiction should they use it again would drop to 32%. If
realistic bouts of drunkenness or the soul-scouring depths of they did not use it for two weeks the chance of addiction
addiction, such elements hold great potential for adventure. would have dropped back to the base chance of 30%.
Whether one seeks to reenact a feat of fortitude like the
drinking contest between Hercules and Dionysus, have an Addiction
encounter with lotus-eater-like decadents, or recreate the
Once a character fails a check under the substance abuse
entheogens of religious mysteries, these rules cover the highs
section, the character becomes addited to the drug. A
and lows.
character starts with a minor addiction in the drug. Every
From dreamlily to dragon's blood, the shadow markets of
time the drug is used, the character succeed on the DC listed
Khorvaire deal in a wide variety of opiates and elixirs that are
under that addiction. After two consecutive failures, the
better left alone. Many of these are harmful when used over
addiction progresses to a moderate addiction. The DC after
the course of months or years—but there are a few
each use becomes more difficult, and again after two
substances that can have a terrible effect on the mind or body
consecutive failures the addiction progresses to a severe
of a character after a single use.
Each time the user takes the drug to which he is addicted,
Addiction he is satiated and staves off withdrawal symptoms for the
given period of time. After the satiation period wears off, the
Drug addiction is somewhat of a mysterious thing. Someone
character must make a saving throw every day to resist the
can become addicted to somethign after one or two uses,
compulsion of the addiction. If the character fails the saving
while another spends a life time as a hard user never
throw, they are affected as if by a Suggestion spell to seek out
developing an addiction. Also one might find a waif girl
a fix for the addiction. However the duration of the
drinking heavily that does not become addicted, while the
Suggestion is either till the addiction is satiated, or the
barbarian quickly becomes addicted to alcohol. So these rules
character recovers from their addiction. The dose in which a
try to decouple high Con saving throws with proficiency
character becomes addicted counts for satiation. The peroid
setting a standard that the character rarely becomes addicted
of satiation becomes shorter the more severe the addiction.
to something.
For example, a becomes addicted to Mushroom Powder,
As such everytime someone engages in a drug or alcohol
then suffers two failed DC 10 Wisdom saving throws. They
there is a flat chance that the person becomes addicted to the
now suffer from the effects of a moderate addiction to
substance. Frequent use of the substance will increase the
Mushroom Powder.
chance of being addicted, while time away from the substance
A character who recovers from an addiction and later
will set that chance back to the base chance.
becomes readdicted does so at the addiction rating the drug
While not addicted to a substance the character will not
had just prior to his recovery.
suffer withdrawal impacts when off the substance. However
For example, if a character has a moderate addiction to
once addicted the character will suffer withdrawal effects in
Muchroom Powder and they take a dose of it again. Will need
addition to the normal side effects of the substance. As
to make a DC 13 Wisdom save to avoid becoming readdicted
addictions progress these withdrawal sysmptoms may
at the moderate addiction level.
increase, and the characters addiction becomes stronger and

Substance Abuse
Each drug has some information listed under Substance
Abuse. This is the information that details the chance that a
character can become addicted to a particular drug.
Base Chance. If a character should use the drug this is the
base chance that they may become addicted to the substance
in question.


Recovery Drug Effects
When a character tries to recover from his addiction, the All drugs have basic effects. The specific details of these
recovery section lists the number of consecutive saves that effects are listed under the particular drug, but the heneragl
will need to be made after a long rest to fight off her effects are listed as follows.
addiction. The number of saves tends to be higher the more Price. How much the drug costs on a normal market per
severe the addiction. Only one saving throw can be made dose.
after each long rest. If the character fails the saving throw to Availability. How available on the (black) market are the
recover, they are affected as if by a Suggestion spell to seek particular drugs.
out a fix for the addiction. However the duration of the Type. How the substance is taken into the body for its
Suggestion is either till the addiction is satiated, or the effects to take place.
character recovers from their addiction.
Ingested. The substance must be ingested to have its
Inhaled. One dose of a substance will fill roughly a 10'
cube, and all within that area must either hold their
breaths or take in a dose of the substance, and thus be
required to make any associated saves.
Injury. The substance must enter the bloodstream directly
to have its best effect. This is usually done through a
needle or similar method of injection.
Duration. How long the primary and secondary effects of
the drug last.
DC. The kind and difficulty of the saving throw required to
avoid the primary and secondary effect of the drug. Each
effect requires a different saving throw. Either of these saving
throws can be voluntarily failed by willing users of the
Primary effects. The effect is what happens if the saving
throw is failed, with one save indicating if all listed effects
take place.
Secondary effects. The effect is what happens if the
saving throw is failed, with one save indicating if all listed
effects take place.
Side Effects. These effects, if any, take place immediately
upon being affected by a drug.
Overdose. These are the effects of an overdose of a given
substance and the circumstances that will generate an


Mushroom Powder
Derived from a rare blue mushroom, this powder is
inhaled to produce a state of mild hallucination and
heightened awareness.
Price per dose: 50-75 gp
Availability: Easily Acquired
Type: Inhaled

Duration. 1 hour
DC: 15 Constitution
Primary effect. +d2 to Wisdom, +d2 to Charisma
Secondary effect. -1 to Strength
Side Effects. As as mild hallucinogen the user
takes a -2 to Intelligence checks for 1d4 hours,
and a disadvantage to Perception 9Wisdom)
checks for 2d4 hours after the first hour.
Overdose. Taking more than one dose within 24
hours deals 2d6 of psychic damage to the
character. Using it more than three times within
24 hours deals 3d6 points of psychic damage
and paralyzes

Substance Abuse
Base Chance: 25%
Use: 1 dose
Abuse Effect: +3% within four days
Abstinance: -1% per two days

Minor Addiction
Satiation: 4 days
DC: 8 Wisdom
Withdrawal: -1 to Dex checks, -1 to Cha checks

Moderate Addiction
Satiation: 3 days
DC: 11 Wisdom
Withdrawal: -d2 to Dex checks, -d2 to Cha

Severe Addiction
Satiation: 2 days
DC: 14 Wisdom
Withdrawal: -d2+1 to Dex checks, -d2+1 to Cha
checks, suffer one level of exhaustion

Minor: 1 Con save, 1 Wis save
Moderate: 2 Con save, 1 Wis save
Severe: 2 Con save, 2 Wis saves



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