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Jeffrey Robens, PhD

Editorial Development Manager

Communicating Science to the Public

In collaboration with the Egyptian Knowledge Bank

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international science academic journals and open access publishers,
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Be an effective science communicator

You will increase public awareness
and your research impact

What makes a newsworthy story

Understanding public expectations

Properly structuring science stories

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Benefits of science communication

• Public money (taxes) pays for research

Better informed
• More support for scientific research
public • Improved public/environmental health

Better informed • Control scientific funding!

policymakers • Improved public/environmental health

Improves the visibility of your research

Also improves your and your institute’s reputation

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Benefits to researchers

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Newsworthy Stories
Which studies should you share?

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When should you communicate to the public?

When you have something important to say!

But what is important or relevant to you

may not be interesting for the public

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Nature’s approach to what makes good news

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News that will affect

people’s lives

E.g., new drugs or climate change

Arturo de FriasThis
Marques / CC
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Results that are unexpected,

unusual or amazing

Astrophysics and dinosaur

stories often fall in this category

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NASA / Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory / Southwest Research Institute / CC0


Firsts make news

E.g., first findings from Mars mission or
first sequence of species genome

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the expressed consentMaas DigitalNature
of Springer LLC / CC0 © Springer Nature Limited 2021


Research that relates to

emerging or topical news

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Felipe Esquivel Reed CC BY-SAis4.0
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A good picture can sell a

story, or even be the story

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ESA/Hubble / CC BY 4.0

Consider the general interest of your study

Relevance Unique Images

Interest Topical

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Let’s look at an example

Wang et al. Nature. 2020; 582: 55–60.

First time a superhydrobic surface was designed that could be used in practical settings
“We suggest that this transparent, mechanically robust, self-cleaning glass could help to negate the dust-contamination
issue that leads to a loss of efficiency in solar cells. Our design strategy could also guide the development of other
materials that need to retain effective self-cleaning, anti-fouling or heat-transfer abilities in harsh operating

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Let’s look at an example

Wang et al. Nature. 2020; 582: 55–60.

Discussed on 12 different news sites

in English, Korean, and Russian

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Let’s look at an example

Wang et al. Nature. 2020; 582: 55–60.

Why was this newsworthy?

“We suggest that this transparent, mechanically robust,
self-cleaning glass could help to negate the dust-
contamination issue that leads to a loss of efficiency in
solar cells.”

Relevance Solar energy

Affects people’s lives

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Let’s look at an example

Wang et al. Nature. 2020; 582: 55–60.

Why was this newsworthy?

“It has therefore been assumed that mechanical robustness
and water repellency are mutually exclusive surface
properties. Here we show that robust superhydrophobicity
can be realized by structuring surfaces at two different
length scales, with a nanostructure design to provide water
repellency and a microstructure design to provide

First time superhydrophobic materials
have shown practical use

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Let’s look at an example

Wang et al. Nature. 2020; 582: 55–60.

Why was this newsworthy?

“The ability of superhydrophobic surfaces to stay dry, self-
clean and avoid biofouling is attractive for applications in
biotechnology, medicine and heat transfer1–10.”

Biofouling: accumulation of microorganisms,

plants, algae on wetted surfaces

Useful for antimicrobial coatings (COVID-19)

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Topical role emphasized in press release

First two sentences of the press release

“Superhydrophobic surfaces repel water like nothing else. This makes
them extremely useful for antimicrobial coatings - as bacteria, viruses
and other pathogens cannot cling to their surfaces. However…”

Conclusion in the article

“We used this strategy to create a robust and transparent self-cleaning
topcoat for solar cells. This topcoat enables high energy-conversion
efficiency to be maintained through the passive removal of dust
contamination, which could lead to large savings in terms of freshwater,
labour and cost compared with the traditional cleaning process30…”
Wang et al. Nature. 2020; 582: 55–60.

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Topical role emphasized in press release

Why did the authors focus on solar cells?

Authors were from:
• University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
• Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering (Finland)

❖ Press release from Aalto University focused on antimicrobial

properties (topical)
❖ When deciding newsworthiness, consider what is most
relevant for the public now

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Understanding the reader

Public expectations

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“How much do you 24

know about science?”


Not much or
nothing at all

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“Do you want to know 25

more about science?”



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“Does science benefit you?”


Regional variability
Africa, Latin America, and Eastern
Europe lower than other regions

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“Do you trust scientists?”

18% High

54% Medium

14% Low

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The human element

Make your research and your ideas more

approachable to the public

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Ian MacKenzie (Flickr: Old Couple) / CC BY 2.0

Public attitudes toward science

Public knows science is important, but they

aren’t getting enough information

Importance of science communication

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Sage Ross / CC BY-SA 3.0

Definition of science communication

“The process of translating complex

science into language and concepts
that are engaging and understandable
to non-scientific audiences.”
Mercer-Mapston & Kuchel. Int J Sci Ed B. 2017; 7: 181-201.

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Structuring a science story

Engaging the public

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Know your readers

• Other researchers
• Lay public
• Policymakers
• Educators

What do they
want to know?

What do you want

to tell them?

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Understanding your readers

What are the important questions regarding your topic?

It’s not about what you think they should know

It’s about what they want to know

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We just discussed this…

Solar cells

Antimicrobial surfaces

People will only read the story if it’s interesting to them

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Make your research interesting

Scoping Planning


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What are the current opinions?

Scoping Planning


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What is currently being said about the topic?

What are the What are the
reader’s concerns? assumptions?

Conflicting Are there influential

information? events/stories?

What terminology
is being used?

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Make your research interesting

Scoping Planning


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Framing your research

Public understanding vs. public engagement

Fact-based model to teach

Understanding principles to readers

Dialogue-based model to
Engagement facilitate interaction and action

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Framing your story

Public understanding vs. public engagement

Fact-based model to teach

Understanding principles to readers

Dialogue-based model to
Engagement facilitate interaction and action

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Framing your story

Better engagement
Help them see the connections between
research and their own lives

Commonly used frames in science communication

• Social progress (e.g., improve quality of life or sustainability)
• Economic development (e.g., job security, financial stability)
• Morality and ethics, public accountability
Groffman et al. Front Ecol Environ. 2010; 8: 284 - 291.

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Make your research interesting

Scoping Planning


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You’ve identified You know the key

the audience issues/concerns

How will your research address these

issues for these people?

Most people only care about the “so what”

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Journals articles

Broad background
Specific background
Context of finding in the field

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Presenting your research

Researchers like facts

Fact-based model
• There is a gap in the knowledge related to topic
• You have facts that fill that gap
• You publish your article to spread this knowledge

Don’t present your ideas to the public like this!

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General structure for science stories

Section 1
Why the audience should care about this study
Setting the scene

Section 2
Where published and the key findings (technical)
Introduce the study

Quote from the author Humanize the research to make appealing

Section 3
How this study fits in to the field (technical)
Background info

Quote from researcher Humanize the research to make appealing

Section 4
Where do we go from here?
Future applications

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Let’s look at an example

Wang et al. Nature. 2020; 582: 55–60.

Design of superhydrophic surfaces with practical applications

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Why it’s important for the public

Section 1: Setting the scene

Superhydrophobic surfaces repel water like nothing else. This
makes them extremely useful for antimicrobial coatings - as
bacteria, viruses and other pathogens cannot cling to their
surfaces. However, superhydrophobic surfaces have one major
flaw - they are extremely
relevance to cuts, scratches or dents.
If a superhydrophobic surface gets damaged, the damaged area
can trap liquids and the benefits of the coating are lost. Now,
however, a collaboration between researchers in China and
Finland has developed an armour-plated superhydrophobic
surface which can take repeated battering from sharp and blunt
objects, and still repel liquids with world-record effectiveness.

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Why it’s important for the public

Section 1: Setting the scene

Superhydrophobic surfaces repel water like nothing else. This
makes them extremely useful for antimicrobial coatings - as
bacteria, viruses and other pathogens cannot cling to their
surfaces. However, superhydrophobic surfaces have one major
flaw - they are extremely susceptible to cuts, scratches or dents.
If a superhydrophobic surface gets damaged, the damaged area
can trap liquids and the benefits of the coating are lost. Now,
however, a collaboration between researchers in China and
Finland has developed Problem in the field
an armour-plated superhydrophobic
surface which can take repeated battering from sharp and blunt
objects, and still repel liquids with world-record effectiveness.

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Why it’s important for the public

Section 1: Setting the scene

Superhydrophobic surfaces repel water like nothing else. This
makes them extremely useful for antimicrobial coatings - as
bacteria, viruses and other pathogens cannot cling to their
surfaces. However, superhydrophobic surfaces have one major
flaw - they are extremely susceptible to cuts, scratches or dents.
If a superhydrophobic surfacetogets
Solution the damaged,
problem the damaged area
can trap liquids and the benefits of the coating are lost. Now,
however, a collaboration between researchers in China and
Finland has developed an armour-plated superhydrophobic
surface which can take repeated battering from sharp and blunt
objects, and still repel liquids with world-record effectiveness.

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What they achieved

Section 2: Introduce the study

The research - which is the cover feature of this week's issue

of Nature - has designed superhydrophobic surfaces that can be
made out of metal, glass, or ceramic. The superhydrophobic
properties of the surface come from nano-sized structures
spread all over it. The trick is to pattern the surface of the
material with a honeycomb-like structure of tiny inverted
pyramids. The fragile water-repellent chemical is then coated on
the inside the honeycomb. This prevents any liquid from sticking
to the surface, and the fragile chemical coating is protected from
damage by the pyramid's walls.

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Humanize the story

Quote from the author

"The armour can be made from almost any material, it's the
interconnection of the surface frame that makes it strong and
rigid," says Professor Robin Ras, a physicist at Aalto University
whose research group was part of the project. "We made the
armour with honeycombs of different sizes, shapes and
materials. The beauty of this result is that it is a generic concept
that fits for many different materials, giving us the flexibility to
design a wide range of durable waterproof surfaces.”
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Ian MacKenzie (Flickr: Old Couple) / CC BY 2.0

Context of the study

Section 3: Background

As well as their useful antimicrobial properties for biomedical

technology, superhydrophobic surfaces can also be used more
generally in any application requiring a liquid-repellent surface.
One example is photovoltaics, where the build-up of moisture and
dirt over time blocks the amount of light they can absorb, which
reduces electricity production. Making a solar panel out of a
superhydrophobic glass surface would maintain their efficiencies
over long periods of time. Furthermore, as solar cells are often on
roof tops and other difficult to reach locations, the repellent
coatings would cut down the amount of cleaning that is needed.

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Humanize the story

Quote from the author

"By using the decoupled design, we introduce a new approach
for designing a robust superhydrophobic surface. Our future
work would be to push this method further, and to transfer
robust superhydrophobic surfaces to different materials and its
commercialization" said Professor Xu Deng, the leader of the
group at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of
China in Chengdu who took part in this research.
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Ian MacKenzie (Flickr: Old Couple) / CC BY 2.0

Relevance for the public

Section 4: Future applications

Other desirable applications for superhydrophobic surfaces include in
machines and on vehicles, where conditions can be very tough for brittle
materials for long periods of time. To simulate these working
environments, the researchers subjected their new surfaces to extreme
conditions, including baking them at 100 °C nonstop for weeks, immersing
them in highly corrosive liquids for hours, blasting them with high-pressure
water jets, and subjecting them to physical exertion in extreme humidity.
The surfaces were still able to repel liquid as effectively as before.
Now that the strengths of this new material design have been
demonstrated, future research will explore its broad potential in real-
world applications.

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Press release for this story
Superhydrophobic surfaces repel water like nothing else. This makes them ex tremely useful for antimicrobial coatings - as bacteria, viruses and other
pathogens cannot cling to their surfaces. However, superhydrophobic surfaces have one major flaw - they are extr emely susceptible to cuts, scratches or
Section 1: Setting the scene
dents. If a superhydrophobic surface gets damaged, the damaged area can trap liquids and the benefits of the coating are lost. Now, however, a
collaboration between researchers in China and Finland has developed an armour-plated superhydrophobic surface which can take repeated battering from
sharp and blunt objects, and still repel liquids with world-record effectiveness.

The research - which is the cover feature of this week's issue of Nature - has designed superhydrophobic surfaces that can be made out of metal, glass, or
ceramic. The superhydrophobic properties of the surface come from nano-sized structures spread all over it. The trick is to pattern the surface of the
Section 2: Introduce the study
material with a honeycomb-like structure of tiny inverted pyramids. The fragile water-repellent chemical is then coated on the inside the honeycomb. This
prevents any liquid from sticking to the surface, and the fragile chemical coating is protected from damage by the pyramid's walls.

"The armour can be made from almost any material, it's the interconnection of the surface frame that makes it strong and rigid," says Professor Robin Ras, a
Quote from the author
physicist at Aalto University whose research group was part of the project. "W e made the armour with honeycombs of different sizes, shapes and materials.
The beauty of this result is that it is a generic concept that fits for many different materials, giving us the flexibility to design a wide range of durable
waterproof surfaces.”

As well as their useful antimicrobial properties for biomedical technology, superhydrophobic surfaces can also be used more generally in any application
requiring a liquid-repellent surface. One example is photovoltaics, where the build-up of moisture and dirt over time blocks the amount of light they can
Section 3: Background
absorb, which reduces electricity production. Making a solar panel out of a superhydrophobic glass surface would maintain their efficiencies over long
periods of time. Furthermor e, as solar cells are often on roof tops and other difficult to reach locations, the repellent coatings would cut down the amount
of cleaning that is needed.

"By using the decoupled design, we introduce a new approach for designing a robust superhydrophobic surface. Our future work would be to push this
Quote from researcher
method further, and to transfer robust superhydrophobic surfaces to different materials and its commercialization" said Professor Xu Deng, the leader of
the group at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in Chengdu who took part in this research.

Other desirable applications for superhydrophobic surfaces include in machines and on vehicles, where conditions can be very tough for brittle materials for
long periods of time. To simulate these working environments, the researchers subjected their new surfaces to extreme conditions, including baking them
Section 4: Future applications
at 100 °C nonstop for weeks, immersing them in highly corrosive liquids for hours, blasting them with high-pressure water jets, and subjecting them to
physical exertion in extreme humidity. The surfaces were still able to repel liquid as effectively as before.

Now that the strengths of this new material design have been demonstrated, future research will explore its broad potential in real-world applications.

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As a scientist, how can you determine

what you should tell your audience?

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The Message Box

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First determine your audience

Who will benefit from this story?

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First determine your audience

Policymakers Does this support my agenda or constituent interests?

Industry What will it cost? How will it increase output or efficiency?

NGOs How does this support our agenda?

Researchers It is groundbreaking? How does it affect my work?

Media Is it news? Will it sell? Is it a good/interesting story?

Foundations Does this fit within our portfolio?

General public How does it affect safety/health, livelihoods, or society?

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An example…

Pharmaceutical industry (sick people)

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What is the overreaching issue?

Who will benefit from this story?

Keep it broad and concise

(only a few words)

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An example…

Pharmaceutical industry (sick people)

In vitro solutions for

drug toxicity testing

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What is the problem with this topic?

Who will benefit from this story?

What problem is your audience facing?

Keep it broad and concise

(only a few words)

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An example…

Pharmaceutical industry (sick people)

• Drug hepatotoxicity testing is essential during drug development, but there
are few good in vitro models to test toxicity in hepatocytes (liver cells) early in
the drug development pipeline.
• Hepatocytes, once removed from the liver quickly loose their functionality
that is necessary to test toxicity.
• Current models culture hepatocytes with a collagen top layer to maintain
functionality, but this impedes the drug diffusion of and bioavailability for

In vitro solutions for

drug toxicity testing

• Drug-induced hepatotoxicity testing is essential during drug development, but there are few good in
vitro models to test toxicity in hepatocytes (liver cells) early in the drug development pipeline.
• Hepatocytes, once removed from the liver, quickly loose their functionality necessary to test toxicity.
• Current models culture hepatocytes with a collagen top layer to maintain functionality, but this
impedes the drug diffusion of and bioavailability for testing.

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What is the ‘so what’?

Who will benefit from this story?

What problem is your audience facing?

Why does your

Keep it broad and concise audience care?
(only a few words) Why is it
important for

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An example…

Pharmaceutical industry (sick people)

• Drug toxicity testing is essential during drug development, but there are few
good in vitro models to test toxicity in hepatocytes (liver cells) early in the
drug development pipeline.
• Hepatocytes, once removed from the liver quickly loose their functionality
that is necessary to test toxicity.
• Current models culture hepatocytes with a collagen top layer to maintain
functionality, but this impedes the drug diffusion of and bioavailability for

• Drug hepatotoxicity is one of the

major causes of liver damage
after drugs are released in the
market and the #1 reason drugs
are pulled from the market.
In vitro solutions for • This not only results in millions
of dollars of loss revenue for the
drug toxicity testing pharmaceutical company, but
also dramatic impact on public
health and public perception of
the company (including law

• Drug-induced hepatotoxicity is one of the major causes of liver damage after drugs are released
in the market and the #1 reason drugs are pulled from the market.
• This not only results in millions of dollars of loss revenue for the pharmaceutical company, but
also dramatic impact on public health and public perception of the company (including law suits).

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What is the solution(s)?

Who will benefit from this story?

What problem is your audience facing?

Why does your

Keep it broad and concise audience care?
(only a few words) Why is it
important for

What can be done to address the

problem (related to your research)

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An example…

Pharmaceutical industry (sick people)

• Drug toxicity testing is essential during drug development, but there are few
We are using a novel bioengineering approach to develop a bioreactor that will
good in vitro models to test toxicity in hepatocytes (liver cells) early in the
drug development pipeline.

allow us to stabilize functional hepatocytes in vitro for longer periods of time
Hepatocytes, once removed from the liver quickly loose their functionality
that is necessary to test toxicity.
without the need of a collagen
• top layer, and therefore improve drug bioavailability.
Current models culture hepatocytes with a collagen top layer to maintain
functionality, but this impedes the drug diffusion of and bioavailability for

• Drug toxicity is one of the major

causes of liver damage after
drugs are released in the market
and the #1 reason drugs are
pulled from the market.
In vitro solutions for • This not only results in millions
of dollars of loss revenue for the
drug toxicity testing pharmaceutical company, but
also dramatic impact on public
health and public perception of
the company (including law

We are using a novel bioengineering approach to develop a bioreactor that will

allow us to stabilize functional hepatocytes in vitro for longer periods of time
without the need of a collagen top layer, and therefore improve drug bioavailability.

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What are the benefits?

Who will benefit from this story?

What problem is your audience facing?

If your solution
is implemented, Why does your
how will it help Keep it broad and concise audience care?
your audience (only a few words) Why is it
solve the important for
problems? them?

What can be done to address the

problem (related to your research)

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An example…

• Being able to more quickly assessindustry drug toxicity in the drug development pipeline
will allow pharmaceutical companies
• Drug toxicity toduring
testing is essential identify saferbutpharmacological
drug development, there are few
good in vitro models to test toxicity in hepatocytes (liver cells) early in the
therapeutics early in development.
drug development pipeline.
• Hepatocytes, once removed from the liver quickly loose their functionality

• This will not only better

that is necessary to test toxicity.
protect public health, but save the company from
Current models culture hepatocytes with a collagen top layer to maintain
functionality, but this impedes the drug diffusion of and bioavailability for
potential financial and perception problems after drug marketization.

• Being able to more quickly • Drug toxicity is one of the major

assess drug toxicity in the drug causes of liver damage after
development pipeline will allow drugs are released in the market
pharmaceutical companies to and the #1 reason drugs are
identify safer pharmacological pulled from the market.
therapeutics early in In vitro solutions for • This not only results in millions
development. of dollars of loss revenue for the
• This will not only better protect drug toxicity testing pharmaceutical company, but
public health, but save the also dramatic impact on public
company from potential health and public perception of
financial and perception the company (including law
problems after drug suits).

We are using a novel bioengineering approach to develop a bioreactor that will

allow us to stabilize functional hepatocytes in vitro for longer periods of time
without the need of a collagen top layer, and therefore improve drug bioavailability.

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A completed Message Box

Pharmaceutical industry (sick people)

• Drug toxicity testing is essential during drug development, but there are few
good in vitro models to test toxicity in hepatocytes (liver cells) early in the
drug development pipeline.
• Hepatocytes, once removed from the liver quickly loose their functionality
that is necessary to test toxicity.
• Current models culture hepatocytes with a collagen top layer to maintain
functionality, but this impedes the drug diffusion of and bioavailability for

• Being able to more quickly • Drug toxicity is one of the major

assess drug toxicity in the drug causes of liver damage after
development pipeline will allow drugs are released in the market
pharmaceutical companies to and the #1 reason drugs are
identify safer pharmacological pulled from the market.
therapeutics early in In vitro solutions for • This not only results in millions
development. of dollars of loss revenue for the
• This will not only better protect drug toxicity testing pharmaceutical company, but
public health, but save the also dramatic impact on public
company from potential health and public perception of
financial and perception the company (including law
problems after drug suits).

We are using a novel bioengineering approach to develop a bioreactor that will

allow us to stabilize functional hepatocytes in vitro for longer periods of time
without the need of a collagen top layer, and therefore improve drug bioavailability.

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Activity 1
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Activity 1
Based on the abstract in the Participant Guide, how would you structure the
content to better communicate this study to the public?
The exerkine apelin reverses age-associated sarcopenia
Sarcopenia, the degenerative loss of skeletal muscle mass, quality and strength, lacks early diagnostic
tools and new therapeutic strategies to prevent the frailty-to-disability transition often responsible
for the medical institutionalization of elderly individuals. Herein we report that production of the
endogenous peptide apelin, induced by muscle contraction, is reduced in an age-dependent manner
in humans and rodents and is positively associated with the beneficial effects of exercise in older
persons. Mice deficient in either apelin or its receptor (APLNR) presented dramatic alterations in
muscle function with increasing age. Various strategies that restored apelin signaling during aging
further demonstrated that this peptide considerably enhanced muscle function by triggering
mitochondriogenesis, autophagy and anti-inflammatory pathways in myofibers as well as enhancing
the regenerative capacity by targeting muscle stem cells. Taken together, these findings revealed
positive regulatory feedback between physical activity, apelin and muscle function and identified
apelin both as a tool for diagnosis of early sarcopenia and as the target of an innovative
pharmacological strategy to prevent age-associated muscle weakness and restore physical autonomy.

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Activity 1

Based on the abstract in the Participant Guide, how would you

structure the content to better communicate this study to the public?

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Activity 1

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Activity 1

Identified new molecule (apelin) that links

Conclusion aging and declining motor function
Apelin reduced in aging & restoring apelin
Key finding(s) activity helps restore motor function
New biomarker or therapeutic agent for
Implications age-associated muscle weakness
Lack of tools/strategies to prevent frailty-
Problem to-disability transition among elderly
Aging associated with loss of
Background muscle mass, quality and strength

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Any questions?

See you in an hour!

Dr. Jeffrey Robens

Editorial Development Manager

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