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Jeffrey Robens, PhD

Editorial Development Manager

Communicating Science to the Public

In collaboration with the Egyptian Knowledge Bank

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Be an effective science communicator

You will increase public awareness
and your research impact

Improving readability for the public

Writing your science story

Platforms for communicating with the public

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Improving readability
Writing for a non-specialist

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Writing for the public

One of the most common writing mistakes for academics

Never assume your readers know what you do

You need to provide right information that

is appropriate for your readers

Especially important for non-specialists!

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Let’s try an example from photonics…

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Let’s try an example from photonics…

Muraviev et al. Nature Photonics. 2018; 12: 209–214.

“Mid-infrared spectroscopy offers supreme sensitivity for the
detection of trace gases, solids and liquids based on tell-tale
vibrational bands specific to this spectral region. Here, we
present a new platform for mid-infrared dual-comb Fourier-
transform spectroscopy based on a pair of ultra-broadband
subharmonic optical parametric oscillators pumped by two
phase-locked thulium-fibre combs…”

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And now the news story…

The Department of Homeland Security could benefit from a reliable,

real-time instrument that could scan the atmosphere for toxic agents in
order to alert communities to a biological or chemical attack. UCF optics
and photonics Professor Konstantin Vodopyanov is developing just such
a technology to accomplish that.
He has found a new way to use infrared lasers to detect even trace
amounts of chemicals in the air. Every chemical is made up of individual
molecules that vibrate at their own unique frequency. Vodopyanov has
found a way to use lasers to detect these vibrations…
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Avoiding jargon

An essential part of clear

science communication

Makes you
look arrogant!

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Johann Jaritz / CC BY-SA 3.0

Words that researchers & the public see differently

What you say What they think you mean What you should have said
‘error’ Mistake 'difference from the exact true
‘positive trend’ Good trend ‘upward trend’
‘scheme’ Devious plot ‘systematic plan’
‘control’ Authority ‘unaltered comparison’
‘significant’ Meaningful ‘statistically supported’
‘abstract’ Vague or intangible ‘summary’
‘positive feedback’ Good response ‘reinforcing cycle’

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Online tool to detect jargon

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Nature Photonics abstract

Easy to Hard to
understand understand

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News story

Easy to Hard to
understand understand

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Use analogies and concrete examples

The public finds science difficult!

Explain scientific concepts in everyday terms

“Increased substrate rigidity

promotes cell spreading.”

Flickr user CollegeDegrees360 / CC BY-SA 2.0

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Is it easier to climb a
wall made of rock or a
wall made of jelly?

Cells agree!
They can climb (spread)
easier on stiff surfaces
than soft surfaces

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Maria Ly / CC BY-SA 2.0

Use analogies and concrete examples

Sizes and weights can be confusing

Use things that people can understand

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Use analogies and concrete examples

How much is 104,500 kg?

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Activity 3
Turn to page 8 of your Participant Guide

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Activity 3

Using the text excerpt below, how would you write this in a way
that would be easily understood by the public? Keep your
readers in mind...what is important and interesting to them?
“Pediatric brain tumors are highly associated with epileptic seizures.
However, their epileptogenic mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we
show that the oncogenic BRAF somatic mutation p.Val600Glu (V600E) in
developing neurons underlies intrinsic epileptogenicity in
ganglioglioma, one of the leading causes of intractable epilepsy.”

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Activity 3

Easy to Hard to De-jargonizer

understand understand

“Pediatric brain tumors are highly associated with epileptic seizures. However, their
epileptogenic mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we show that the oncogenic BRAF
somatic mutation p.Val600Glu (V600E) in developing neurons underlies intrinsic
epileptogenicity in ganglioglioma, one of the leading causes of intractable epilepsy.”

Potential answer
Although it is known that pediatric brain tumors are associated with epileptic
seizures, what causes these seizures is still unclear. We show that a mutation that
leads to one form of brain cancer, ganglioglioma, is also responsible for the
epilepsy associated with that cancer.

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Developing science stories

Engage your reader

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Importance of a narrative

People like stories

Storytelling accomplishes three
important issues
• Improves logical flow, easier to
• Emphasizes the importance of the
• Helps the reader to connect with
the topic

This content is not to be shared or distributed without the expressed consent of Springer Nature © Springer Nature Limited 2021 Ch. Maderthoner / CC0

4 important parts of a narrative

Setting Plot

Characters Moral

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4 important parts of a narrative

Setting Plot

Characters Moral

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4 important parts of a narrative

Jones & Crow. Palgrave Communications. 2017; 3: 53.

1. Setting

Know your readers Current knowledge and

and their beliefs assumptions

Scientific facts, statistics,

Know the evidence
polls, legal regulations

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My Message Box

Pharmaceutical industry (sick people)

• Drug toxicity testing is essential during drug development, but there are few
good in vitro models to test toxicity in hepatocytes (liver cells) early in the
drug development pipeline.
• Hepatocytes, once removed from the liver quickly loose their functionality
that is necessary to test toxicity.
• Current models culture hepatocytes with a collagen top layer to maintain
functionality, but this impedes the drug diffusion of and bioavailability for

• Being able to more quickly • Drug toxicity is one of the major

assess drug toxicity in the drug causes of liver damage after
development pipeline will allow drugs are released in the market
pharmaceutical companies to and the #1 reason drugs are
identify safer pharmacological pulled from the market.
therapeutics early in In vitro solutions for • This not only results in millions
development. of dollars of loss revenue for the
• This will not only better protect drug toxicity testing pharmaceutical company, but
public health, but save the also dramatic impact on public
company from potential health and public perception of
financial and perception the company (including law
problems after drug suits).

We are using a novel bioengineering approach to develop a bioreactor that will

allow us to stabilize functional hepatocytes in vitro for longer periods of time
without the need of a collagen top layer, and therefore improve drug bioavailability.

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Example from my Message Box

1. Setting

Pharmaceutical companies want to

Know your readers
improve public health while being
and their beliefs profitable

Drug toxicity is one of the main reasons

that drugs don’t make it to the market
Know the evidence or pulled after reaching the market,
which leads to massive revenue loss

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4 important parts of a narrative

Setting Plot

Characters Moral

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4 important parts of a narrative

Jones & Crow. Palgrave Communications. 2017; 3: 53.

2. Characters

Villain Who/what is causing harm?

Victim Who/what is being harmed?

Hero Who/what can help the victim?

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Example from my Message Box

2. Characters

Villain Drug toxicity

Pharmaceutical companies
& sick people

Hero Bioreactors (scientists)

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4 important parts of a narrative

Setting Plot

Characters Moral

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4 important parts of a narrative

Jones & Crow. Palgrave Communications. 2017; 3: 53.

3. Plot

What issue are the

Set up the problem
victims facing?

How are victims being

Discuss victims in
harmed by the villain?
time and space
What is the evidence?

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Example from my Message Box

3. Plot

Pharmaceutical companies spend

Set up the problem millions of euros to develop drugs to
improve public health

Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) causes

Discuss victims in
serious complications among the sick
time and space with X millions of euros lost every year

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4 important parts of a narrative

Setting Plot

Characters Moral

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4 important parts of a narrative

Jones & Crow. Palgrave Communications. 2017; 3: 53.

4. Moral

Who or what can solve the

State the solution
problem (by the hero)?

What should the readers

Takeaway message
remember? Call-to-action

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Example from my Message Box

4. Moral

Development of new bioreactors can

State the solution help predict DILI early in drug

Adopting these new strategies can

Takeaway message help pharmaceutical companies save
money and improve public health

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Apply to our science story structure

Section 1
1. Setting and 2. Characters
Setting the scene

Section 2
Results supporting the ‘hero’
Introduce the study

Quote from the author Humanize the research to make appealing

Section 3
3. Plot
Background info

Quote from researcher Humanize the research to make appealing

Section 4
4. Moral
Future applications
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Apply to our science story structure

Section 1 When you are sick, you hope that the medicine
available at your local pharmacy will not only help your
Setting the scene
condition, but certainly shouldn’t make it worse.
Pharmaceutical companies are working tirelessly to
Section 2
provide you with these safe and effective drugs.
Introduce the study However, ensuring the safety of these drugs is not easy.
InReaders’ beliefs (introducing
fact, drug-induced liver injury (DILI)the victims)
is one of the
Quote from the author main causes of drug attrition or withdrawal, which
leads to massive revenue loss and serious injury to the
Section 3 sick who need the medicine most. A new study may
finally provide a solution by developing a new device to
Background info
help companies more efficiently identify and develop
safe medicines in a high-throughput manner.
Quote from researcher
1. The Setting and 2. The Characters
Section 4
Future applications
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Apply to our science story structure

Section 1 When you are sick, you hope that the medicine
available at your local pharmacy will not only help your
Setting the scene
condition, but certainly shouldn’t make it worse.
Pharmaceutical companies are working tirelessly to
Section 2 Evidence (introducing the villain)
provide you with these safe and effective drugs.
Introduce the study However, ensuring the safety of these drugs is not easy.
In fact, drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is one of the
Quote from the author main causes of drug attrition or withdrawal, which
leads to massive revenue loss and serious injury to the
Section 3 sick who need the medicine most. A new study may
finally provide a solution by developing a new device to
Background info
help companies more efficiently identify and develop
safe medicines in a high-throughput manner.
Quote from researcher
1. The Setting and 2. The Characters
Section 4
Future applications
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Apply to our science story structure

Section 1 When you are sick, you hope that the medicine
available at your local pharmacy will not only help your
Setting the scene
condition, but certainly shouldn’t make it worse.
Pharmaceutical companies are working tirelessly to
Section 2
provide you with these safe and effective drugs.
Introduce the study However, ensuring the safety of these drugs is not easy.
In fact, drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is one of the
Quote from the author main causes of drug attrition or withdrawal, which
Introducing the hero
leads to massive revenue loss and serious injury to the
Section 3 sick who need the medicine most. A new study may
finally provide a solution by developing a new device to
Background info
help companies more efficiently identify and develop
safe medicines in a high-throughput manner.
Quote from researcher
1. The Setting and 2. The Characters
Section 4
Future applications
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Apply to our science story structure

Section 1 When you are sick, you hope that the medicine
available at your local pharmacy will not only help your
Setting the scene
condition, but certainly shouldn’t make it worse.
Pharmaceutical companies are working tirelessly to
Section 2
provide you with these safe and effective drugs.
Introduce the study However, ensuring the safety of these drugs is not easy.
In fact, drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is one of the
Quote from the author main causes of drug attrition or withdrawal, which
leads to massive revenue loss and serious injury to the
Section 3 sick who need the medicine most. A new study may
finally provide a solution by developing a new device to
Background info
help companies more efficiently identify and develop
safe medicines in a high-throughput manner.
Quote from researcher
1. The Setting and 2. The Characters
Section 4
Future applications
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Apply to our science story structure

Section 1
Setting the scene
Published this week in Nature Technology, Robens and
Section 2 colleagues from Nature Research University developed
Introduce the study a new device to sustain the function of liver cells in the
lab for longer periods of time…
Quote from the author

Section 3
Background info

Quote from researcher

Section 4
Future applications
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Apply to our science story structure

Section 1
Setting the scene Humanize the research
Section 2 “This new device, which went through multiple
Introduce the study rounds of trial and error, should help
pharmaceutical companies identify safer drugs
Quote from the author more quickly and easily,” says Dr. Jeffrey Robens of
Nature Research, one of the leaders of the project.
Section 3 “Drug development already takes too long, so any
Background info ways to shorten it and make medicine available for
the public sooner will be great for public health.”
Quote from researcher

Section 4
Future applications
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Apply to our science story structure

Section 1 3. The Plot
Setting the scene Pharmaceutical companies spend millions every year to develop
medicines to improve public health. Sadly, this road from drug
Section 2 discovery to marketization is long and fraught with hazards. At any
point, a drug may be found to be ineffective or unsafe and need to
Introduce the study be abandoned. This is easier said than done, however. Testing for
toxicity during drug development is very challenging, especially for
Quote from the author the liver where there are few effective models available.
Because of this challenge, sometimes, drugs may make it through
the pipeline and only be found to be unsafe after being released to
Section 3 Giving context for the problem
the public. In fact, drug-induced liver injury (DILI) affects over
Background info 40,000 people in the United States every year and is the leading
cause of acute liver failure. Not surprisingly then, DILI accounts for
Quote from researcher almost 20% of all drug withdrawals from the market. This means
that long and expensive road the pharmaceutical company took to
develop that new medicine ended in a tragic traffic accident.
Section 4
Future applications
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Apply to our science story structure

Section 1 3. The Plot
Setting the scene Pharmaceutical companies spend millions every year to develop
medicines to improve public health. Sadly, this road from drug
Section 2 discovery to marketization is long and fraught with hazards. At any
point, a drug may be found to be ineffective or unsafe and need to
Introduce the study be abandoned. This is easier said than done, however. Testing for
toxicity during drugimpact
very victims
challenging, especially for
Quote from the author the liver where there are few effective models available.
Because of this challenge, sometimes, drugs may make it through
Section 3 the pipeline and only be found to be unsafe after being released to
the public. In fact, drug-induced liver injury (DILI) affects over
Background info 40,000 people in the United States every year and is the leading
cause of acute liver failure. Not surprisingly then, DILI accounts for
Quote from researcher almost 20% of all drug withdrawals from the market. This means
that long and expensive road the pharmaceutical company took to
develop that new medicine ended in a tragic traffic accident.
Section 4
Future applications
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Apply to our science story structure

Section 1 3. The Plot
Setting the scene Pharmaceutical companies spend millions every year to develop
medicines to improve public health. Sadly, this road from drug
Section 2 discovery to marketization is long and fraught with hazards. At any
point, a drug may be found to be ineffective or unsafe and need to
Introduce the study be abandoned. This is easier said than done, however. Testing for
toxicity during drug development is very challenging, especially for
Quote from the author the liver where there are few effective models available.
Because of this challenge, sometimes, drugs may make it through
Section 3 the pipeline and only be found to be unsafe after being released to
the public. In fact, drug-induced liver injury (DILI) affects over
Background info 40,000 people in the United States every year and is the leading
cause of acute liver failure. Not surprisingly then, DILI accounts for
Quote from researcher almost 20% of all drug withdrawals from the market. This means
that long and expensive road the pharmaceutical company took to
develop that new medicine ended in a tragic traffic accident.
Section 4
Future applications
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Apply to our science story structure

Section 1
Setting the scene
Humanize the research
Section 2
“The impact of drug-induced liver injury on
Introduce the study society is huge, both from a public health and
financial perspective,” says Dr. Harry Shirley, a
Quote from the author
Professor of Toxicology at the University of
Section 3 Springer Nature. “The new device developed
by Robens and colleagues looks to be a
Background info promising way to screen for liver toxicity early
in the drug pipeline, although more testing
Quote from researcher
and scalability still needs to be done.”
Section 4 Gives an unbiased expert opinion
Future applications
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Apply to our science story structure

Section 1
Setting the scene

Section 2
Introduce the study
4. The Moral
Quote from the author
More research still needs to be done to
Section 3 validate this exciting approach for high-
throughput screening of drug toxicity.
Background info
However, new strategies like this will put
Quote from researcher companies on a safer road in producing new
drugs more quickly. Doing so will ensure that
Section 4 we all can be more confident in taking
medicines from our local pharmacy.
Future applications
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Apply to our science story structure

When you are sick, you hope that the medicine available at your local pharmacy will not only help your condition, but certainly shouldn’t make it
worse. Pharmaceutical companies are working tirelessly to provide you with these safe and effective drugs. However, ensuring the safety of
Section 1
these drugs is not easy. In fact, drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is one of the main causes of drug attrition or withdrawal, which leads to massive
revenue loss and serious injury thewho
to the sick scene
need the medicine most. A new study may finally provide a solution by developing a new device
to help companies more efficiently identify and develop safe medicines in a high-throughput manner.
Published this week in Nature Technology, 2 and colleagues from the University of Nature Research developed a new device to sustain the
function of liver cells in the lab for longer periods of time…
Introduce the study
“This new device, which went through multiple rounds of trial and error, should help pharmaceutical companies identify safer drugs more
quickly and easily,” says Dr. Jeffrey Robens of Nature Research, one of the leaders of the project. “Drug development already takes too long, so
Quote from the author
any ways to shorten it and make medicine avia bile for the public sooner will be great for public health.”
Pharmaceutical companies spend millions every year to develop medicines to improve public health. Sadly, this road from drug discovery to
marketization is long and fraught with hazards. At any point, a drug may be found to be ineffective or unsafe and need to be abandoned. This is
easier said than done, however. Testing for toxicity during drug development is very challenging, especially for the liver where there are few
effective models available. Section 3
Because of this challenge, sometimes, info
drugs may make it through the pipeline and only be found to be unsafe after being released to the public.
In fact, drug-induced liver injury (DILI) affects over 40,000 people in the United States every year and is the leading cause of acute liver failure.
Not surprisingly then, DILI accounts for almost 20% of all drug withdrawals from the market. This means that long and expensive road the
pharmaceutical company took to develop that new medicine ended in a tragic traffic accident.
“The impact of drug-induced liver injury on society is huge, both from a public health and financial perspective,” says Dr. Harry Shirley, a
Professor of ToxicologyQuote fromofresearcher
at the University Springer Nature. “The new device developed by Robens and colleagues looks to be a promising way
to screen for liver toxicity early in the drug pipeline, although more testing and scalability still needs to be done.”
More research still needs to be done to validate
Section 4 this exciting approach for high-throughput screening of drug toxicity. However, new strategies
like this will put companies on a safer road in producing new drugs more quickly. Doing so will ensure that we all can be more confident in taking
Future applications
medicines from our local pharmacy.

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Developing science stories


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Tip 1: Be clear as readers

have little context

This content is not to be shared or distributed without the expressed consent of Springer Nature © Springer NatureFlickr
CollegeDegrees360 / CC BY-SA 2.0

Tips on writing a good headline

Be clear as readers have little context

Not Synthetic biology tackles antivenom


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Tip 2: First 1 or 2 words

is prime real estate

This content is not to be shared or distributed without the expressed consent of Springer Nature Pedro Szekely / CC BY-SA 2.0
© Springer Nature Limited 2021

Tips on writing a good headline

First 1 or 2 words is prime real estate

Not Potential success for personalized cancer vaccines


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Tip 3: Be specific, not vague

This content is not to be shared or distributed without the expressed consent of Springer Nature © Springer Nature Limited 2021Etienne Desclides atn / CC0

Tips on writing a good headline

Be specific, not vague

Not Twisted light sends composer’s image over record distance


Using iconic or familiar places, names, or companies can get your reader’s attention

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Tip 4: Don’t tell

the whole story

This content is not to be shared or distributed without the expressed consent of Springer Nature © Springer Nature Limited 2021 Nicolas Fischer / CC BY 3.0

Tips on writing a good headline

Don’t tell the whole story

Not Drug maker's progressive patent policy receives warm welcome


Just ensure the headline is accurate, self-contained, and intriguing

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Tip 5: Celebrate

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Tips on writing a good headline

Celebrate superlatives: biggest, best, first, etc.

Not Dexamethasone shown to save lives of COVID-19 patients


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Communication Platforms
Reaching the public

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Communication Platforms
Press releases

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Institutional press office


Work with Update

Promote on
journal’s institutional
social media
press office website

Maximize your visibility

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Press release flow of information

4 2

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EurekAlert! Platform for press releases

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Writing press releases

Work with your press office

Explain why you think of Who are the key

public interest beneficiaries

Work with them

during preparation Validate final version

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Be prepared to discuss your study

Communicate your research to the media

Press office will interview you regarding:

• Motivation for your study
• How it builds on previous research
• The most surprising or interesting results
• Possible societal implications

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Communication Platforms
Institutional websites

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Institutional websites

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Institutional websites

Important considerations

Credible source for public In-depth controllable

about your research information

Limited engagement Restricted, specialized

(no liking or sharing) audience
More for academics rather
than the public

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Communication Platforms

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Blogs is an example of a site that

allows you to create your own blog

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Important considerations

More informal than More engagement

institutional website (allows commenting)

In-depth, but more

Broader audience
conversational tone

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Communication Platforms
Social media

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Social media
Widmer et al. Academic Medicine. 2019; 94: 1546–1553.

Does promoting your articles on social media increase visibility?

• Randomly chose 68 articles from

Mayo Clinic Proceedings Promoted* Not promoted*
• Promoted 34 on social media Page views 1070 (563–2361) 1265 (148–570)
Downloads 1042 (497–2133) 142 (50–335)
• Tracked page views and
*Median (IQR); p < 0.001
downloads for 30 days

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Social media

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LinkedIn is my favorite platform to share information

2000+ views!

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Tips for using social media

Identify yourself as credible source of information

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Tips for using social media

Don’t just re-post, but summarize to demonstrate credibility

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Tips for using social media

Use hashtags to improve discoverability

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Tips for using social media

Put the ‘so-what’ statement first!

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Tips for using social media

Put the ‘so-what’ statement first!

It will be the only thing

people see in their feed
unless they click ‘…see more’

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When re-shared on Twitter

Put the ‘so-what’ statement first!

• When I post on LinkedIn, it is automatically shared on Twitter

• Ensures the important point is still shared
• Note: hashtags are lost (at the end of the LinkedIn post)

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Include hashtags in the so-what statement

LinkedIn Twitter

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LinkedIn vs. Facebook

On the hotly discussed topic of hydroxychloroquine, a Hydroxychloroquine doesn’t likely prevent symptomatic
recent paper in the New England Journal of Medicine infection after SARS-CoV-2 exposure in high-risk
suggests that taking this drug does not seem to help individuals.
prevent COVID-19 in high-risk individuals.
This randomized trial published in the New England
Please just trust your doctor to determine the Journal of Medicine found that COVID-19 incidence was
11.8% and 14.3% in the hydroxychloroquine or placebo
medicine that you should be receiving. They are
(hopefully!) informed on the latest medical groups, respectively.
developments and can ensure you are being properly An excellent editorial from Myron Cohen accompanies
treated for whatever condition you may have. this paper and highlights its limitations. Based on this,
Dr. Cohen suggests that the conclusions of this study
"are more provocative than definitive, suggesting that
the potential prevention benefits of hydroxychloroquine
remain to be determined."

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Tips for using social media

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Be an effective science communicator

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and your research impact

Improving readability for the public

Writing your science story

Platforms for communicating with the public

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Any questions?

Thank you for your time!

Dr. Jeffrey Robens

Editorial Development Manager

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