Golondrina Fpa Self Evaluation

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Rate how you extensively
Write anything that you
you were able to do the
OBJECTIVES objectives for the lesson.
think you still need to
work on or should
1 – poor
2 – good remember about this
3- excellent lesson and the objectives.

Have I been able to: - Exercise is fundamental

1. define each health for myself opinion, not just
related components of it can build ourselves a
fitness. good body but it can also
boost ours self confident in
the sense the it not just
-Cardiovascular replenish our body but our
Endurance is the ability to mental health was carry on
perform long -term work to have a good function.
that uses large Moreover I can tell that as
movements of moderate CARDIO a student I still need to
intensity to high intensity. work on and study more
It is known by the number
30 JUMPING JACKS about some knowledge on
of pulses or heartbeats 3 - EXCELLENT what it is really exercises
that our body feels and was all about and how does
this pulse is found from it works.
the wrist or in the neck on
- I can tell that every body
the side of our throat
who have a healthy
where the closer the
lifestyle has also their own
artery to the heart the routine on how to manage
stronger the pulse can be themselves. So, I conclude
felt. to be more aware on what
MASCULAR STRENGTH my routines category so
-It is the ability to that It would be perfectly
generate or absorb force, manage. Exercise daily is
which is usually thought of not that a must to do but
in terms of the maximum it's up to people who
force that a muscle can wanted to be somebody
exert against some form of M-STRENGTH who they wanna be, so why
resistance in a single effort. am I telling this? I am telling
It was different from
1 MINUTE PUSH-UP this because investing in
Muscular Endurance 2 - GOOD exercises was really helpful
because Mascular Strength in our lives to have a
is the maximum amount of healthier body that like
force that your muscle can people called it is the worth
generate in a single it to work for just like what
construction at a time. we admired to be on it.
MASCULAR EDURANCE -I am desired to remember
-It represents multiple is that how can I easily
muscle contractions or a classify all the health
sustained muscle contraction related components without
over time, which is easily messing to exchange the
remembered by its keyword M-ENDURANCE some meaning of some
"repetition," which means BASIC PLANK components that might be
"more than one." It differs looks close to another
2 - GOOD
from Mascular Strength in components. Knowing some
that Mascular Endurance is a basics categories of
measurement of how many physical exercises was also
repetitions you can move in a the benefit for a student
given weight before your like me to use it in the
muscles become too tired to future purposes to be more
continue. reliable in my own exercises
FLEXIBILITY routine because having
-Muscle, Movement joint knowledgable in every
and Range of Motion, exercises is a big impact to
ZIPPER TEST prevent a student from bad
Basically mean Flexibility is
the MUSCLE ability to move SIT AND REACH circumstances.
a joint through a full range. 3 - EXCELLENT
- Achieving perfect body is
BODY COMPOSITION not that easy but it is worth
-Relationship, Fat Mass, and
it because it improved
Fat Free Mass are all terms
ourselves to be more
that can be used to describe
healthy person that was
a person's weight. Overall
away in some deficiency in
Body Composition refers to
the relationship between Fat
unhealthy fatigue, so
Mass and Fat Free Mass, and remember that start today
it is what makes up the body. and it takes time.

2. differentiate -Because of this lesson

muscular strength from help me on classifying some
muscular endurance. health related components,
-MASCULAR STRENGTH, I tell that I can do easily
is the ability of a muscles note some workout plan for
myself body improvement
to push or pull with
DIFFERENTIATION: but I think I still need some
maximal force while
3 - EXCELLENT advice on people who are
MACULAR ENDURANCE, professionally good at
is the ability of the maintaining flexible body
muscles to repeat a to know the ethical
movement or hold a positions that would lead
position for a long period me not to easily get tired on
of time executing routines.
3. show familiarity on

the different methods

of measuring body fats

and weights.

-With only a 1-2 percent
variance, this is one of the
most precise ways to get your
BFP. All you have to do is walk
in and sit down, and the
computer will take care of the
rest. It only takes about 15
minutes. The BOD POD
calculates air displacement by
subtracting the volume of air
in your lungs before and after
you step in.
-This method for calculating
lean body mass involves
submerging a person
underwater and then 3 - EXCELLENT
calculating lean body mass,
muscular mass, and body fat.
This procedure is one of the
most precise, but it is only
used in specialized research
centers, and the equipment is
-This is a method of
determining body composition
in which body fat is measured
in relation to lean body mass.
BIA allows for early detection
of an unbalanced body
composition where it also for
earlier intervention and
prevention. Finally, BIA
calculates the resistance to
current flow as it goes
through the body, as well as
estimates of body water, from
which body fat is determined
using some formula.
4. perform the different

activities in each



- 30 Jumping Jacks 3 - EXCELLENT
- Push-up & Basic Plank
- Zipper Test &
Sit and Reach

5. create my own

exercises routine based

on the discussion.

- Even though I have a very

hectic schedule, I still stick myself
to maintain a good and healthy
body. I know myself that I need
exercise for me to achieve the
best version of myself, so I do
some routine that I know will help
me to improve myself posture.
5am - 5:30am
- Wake up & Drink warm water OWN EXERCISES:
(with empty stomatch) 3 - EXCELLENT
5:30am - 6am
- Do a Jumping Rope small
6am - 6:30am
- Take a Healthy Breakfast
6:30am - 7am
- Make sure to relax and stress
out, prepare all needed things.
7am - 8:00am
Head Rotation
Shoulder (Forward &
Backward Rotation)
Wrist Rotation
Side Bend
Hip Rotation
Side Lunge
Knee Hug
Knee to elbow
Ankle Rotation

----------30 MINS. BREAK----------

8am - 8:40am
- Jogging (20 mins)
- Jumping Rope (10 mins)

-------------HEEL TAP-------------

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