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Speaking project (script)

Title: Influencer’s lifestyle

USB English 6
Students’ names: Juan Sebastian Molina Parra And Víctor Gabriel Ibarra Chávez

 Use this script to organize the sections and topics of your video.
 Write what you are going to say in each section of the video.
 Consider including time frames for each section.
 Be sure to follow the structures and recommendations listed in the project’s
script instructions on Moodle – Self-Study Activity: Final Project (Script)

Greeting;   Hello, welcome to my podcast, today I
Say hello using a common expression. will have a very special guest with
whom we will spend a pleasant
afternoon talking a little about
Introduce yourself (mention your name, My name is Víctor Ibarra and today's
last name and role in the video) podcast will feature a very personal
talk with the sports and health
influencer Juan Sebastian
Mention what you are going to talk In this podcast today we are going to
about in the video. (“In this video, I’m talk about some aspects of how to
going to talk about...”) become a recognized influencer, what
a normal influencer day is like and how
your content can reach people.
Introduction Hello guys, welcome one more day to
the favorite and most recognized
1. Introduce your topics, use some podcast of you FridaysLiveCali in
simple sentences. which every Friday we bring you a
special new guest today with you an
influencer from the house with you
Juan Sebastian.
Body Well first tell us a little about yourself
since many people want to meet you.
2. Talk about your topics and
examples. Make sure all the R// Well, first, thank you very much for
participants speak. inviting me to this podcast so well
known in the country today and well,
starting my name is Juan Sebastian, I
am 21 years old, I am an influencer
from the city of Cali and my content
varies in health and sports.

How did you start in this world of social


R// I started in the world of social

networks thanks to many of my family
and friends who encouraged me to
want to expose my ideas and
knowledge that I acquired thanks to my
instance at university and the little time
I have been working in sport.

What is the message of your content?

R// The message that I want to convey

by uploading my content is to
encourage people to lead a healthy
and active life in sport to prevent future
health complications and above all
avoid many of the diseases that
sedentary lifestyle can cause.

why should people follow you?

R// Well I think that there are tastes for

everything but I feel that people should
follow me for the effort and content with
which I strive in each post and the
change that it can generate in people's

what motivates you to upload videos?

R// What motivates me to upload

videos is to be able to reach the people
of my city and not only that to achieve
a great advance in wanting to change
that ideology of sport and health,
contributing great changes in the
routine lives of each person who sees

how do you see yourself in the future?

R// In the future I see myself being a
great influencer at the national level
and why not international, continuing
with my content and most of all being
able to enjoy that satisfaction that you
feel when fulfilling a dream or many of
the objectives that you set yourself in
the course of our lives.

how important are social networks in

your life?

Well, the importance of social networks
is relevant since I see them more as a
job than as a vice or a leisure most of
my free time I prefer to enjoy them next
to my family or friends so if they are
important but in my work environment.

what is your favorite type of content?

R// Apart from my content on social

networks, I don't have many favorites, I
usually see other influencers from my
same branch many times and I also
tend to consume a lot all the content
that has to do with soccer fascinates
me and that is another great dream
that I would like to fulfill to be able to
work in the sport that gave me birth
and that I have followed from a very
young age.

do you feel good being an influencer?

R// The truth is that if I really like being

an influencer, I feel that I am
contributing to society and not
diminishing it like many others who do
not contribute anything, I know that like
many it is a job but it should be
something serious and something that
really helps people. people to progress
or to get ahead that type of help is
what I like to give to me, being
something recognized if you can call it

What should an influencer do for


R// As I come back and tell you, an

influencer should be an example to
follow someone with whom you can
vent or feel that you can really change
something in your life thanks to that
person who motivates you behind a
video for me, those are the true
influencers and I think a lot of new
people starting out should follow suit.

How is a normal day for an influencer?

R// A normal day as an influencer is

like any other of the people who are
always watching us, I usually get up,
have breakfast, generate ideas for my
work, put them into practice, spend
time with my family, eat and so that
kind of thing there is nothing to be
surprised by living a life of influencer.

what are your future projects?

R// My future projects are simple, as I

said a while ago, I want to be able to
reach people, change their lives, and
most of all in work projects, why not
expand, set up a sportswear store and
be able to work and get that sport
opportunity that I love.

What would you do if you received 20

million followers right now?

R// Wow, 20 million followers, my

friend, the truth is, I would not be
surprised if, but I feel that it would be a
reward for the effort that I am doing for
my work in this social networks and
well that would encourage me more to
continue uploading more content and
why not improve the quality of it.
Conclusion I believe that influencers have a social
3. Express your opinions and ideas responsibility because they are
based on the topic of your video. Close observed and listened to by many
the topic. people, that is why it is important to
look at the content you show as it can
be good or bad.

But for example in your case where the

content is based on sports and healthy
food is a good message because you
invite people to also be healthy and
have a better quality of life.

Farewell   Well guys, first of all thank you very
(Say goodbye using a common much to Juan Sebastian for being here
expression.)   today in this podcast and to you for
following us every Friday we say
goodbye today with lots of energy and
we will return recharged and with much
more enthusiasm next Friday bye bye.

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