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Table of Contents



26 WEEK 1
43 WEEK 2
58 WEEK 3
74 WEEK 4
90 WEEK 5
106 WEEK 6
122 WEEK 7
138 WEEK 8
154 WEEK 9

The unity
Powerbuilding Training Program

In the DC Universe, there are three “Mother Boxes” that when

combined form a “Unity”. The Unity is an extremely powerful
singular box that essentially allows you to take over the world
and make it your own. We are not necessarily shooting for world
domination, but we are shooting to conquer a worldwide lack
of muscular development and strength. We will beat puniness
and weakness once and for all as we combine bodybuilding and
powerlifting to form the ultimate “Unity”.

I remember walking into the gym for the first time at 12 years old
in 1984. I had been training in our home basement with old plastic
weights doing my best to imitate the routines of Lee Haney, Tom
Platz, and others. Any training routine I read about in Muscle
and Fitness, I tried. When I walked into that gym the first thing
I saw was a guy they called big Mike doing EZ bar lying triceps
extensions with two 45 lb. plates on each side. Wow, that looked
insane. Then I saw another guy, big Gary, benching 365, which
seemed like a ton to me. I quickly figured out the biggest guys in
the gym, were also the strongest. As I got older and eventually
went to college, I joined World Gym East. It was a legendary gym
that just about all the best local bodybuilders trained at. There I
met the local legends Nick Bowman, Mark O’Hara, and others. They
all did both powerlifting and bodybuilding. They were good at both
too. They took me under their wing and began to teach me what
powerlifting was. I still remember them having me deadlift for the
first time in my life there (I did 500!).

Being in Columbus I was lucky enough to run into people who
were training at Westside Barbell as well. Westside is obviously
legendary and only open to a select few. When the opportunity
came for me to train there, I gladly took it! Now I would be
training alongside the best powerlifters in the world! I soaked up
everything Louie taught me, as well as all the other lifters. I never
really said much, I was too interested in learning and hearing what
they liked to do.

It was incredible. I would train at Westside on the west side of

Columbus, and then get in my beater of a car (Renault Alliance with
a bent frame) and race back over to the East side to train at Worlds.
It was not uncommon for me to do my squat workout at Westside,
then call some friends and have them load the leg press up for
me at Worlds. When I arrived there I would walk straight to the
leg press and get busy. While at Westside I also met a guy named
Dave Tate who would have a tremendous influence on my career.

I got an e-mail from Dave back around 2000 asking me to assist

him with some bodybuilding specific training. I traded my first ever
written training program (Pain and Suffering) to Dave for some
new chains that I could incorporate into my training. Man, I was
so excited to get those chains! I ended up training with Dave that
weekend, and the rest was history. We continued to train together,
and when I tell you we trained hard, we trained at a level I have
rarely seen. We were always incorporating elements of both
powerlifting and bodybuilding into what we were doing. This isn’t
theory for us, we lived it, for decades! I ended up winning my IFBB
pro card in bodybuilding training there, and I do not believe I would
have been able to do this without Dave. He was instrumental in my
development not just physically, but mentally.

Dave and I began talking about doing this program for you all back
in the first quarter of 2020. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 we did
not pursue it, as people just didn’t have access to gyms for a long

time. Not all do now, but we are tired of waiting and wanted to
move forward with this project.

Some of what you will see in this program is what Dave and I
would do. Some of what we did probably won’t make it into the
program, as we did go overboard on occasion (many times – ha).
I hope you enjoy this. Dave and I are especially appreciative of all
your support over the years, and we hope to continue to assist you
in your efforts to achieve your personal best!

Reading over John’s introduction brought back many memories.
It reminded me how we had traveled the same journey, albeit on
different paths.

I was introduced to strength training around the same age

(and time) as John. Three hours away, in a small Ohio town, my
wrestling coach pushed us through a series of movements using a
universal machine. Not a good athlete (at the time), I was stronger
than everyone else... and I loved it, and not long after, I received a
weight set for Christmas. I didn’t ask for it, never expected it, and
had no idea how it would completely change my life trajectory.

It didn’t take long for my father to see my passion for training and
getting into trouble. These two passions led him to reach out to a
small private barbell club owner in town. He also happened to be
on the local Police force, so my father saw this as a way to keep me
in line and feed my passion for training.

This is where I was introduced to the sport of powerlifting. I was

13 years old and loved it. It was tough to find information on
Powerlifting back then. All the magazines and books you could see
were on bodybuilding (and I read them all). If you were lucky, there
might have been one article or one section on powerlifting. What
I was learning about strength and the sport of powerlifting was

100% in the trenches from many lifters who (for some unknown
reason) took the time out to help me. The learning-disabled kid
with low grades and a not-so-right attitude. The training gave me
something I could control. The harder I trained, the more control
I had, the more respect I gained, the greater my confidence grew,
and the better athlete I became.

It changed my life.

In all of my years under the bar, I have had to fight and find balance.
Not the balance most people speak about but the “training hard”
balance. There are different types of “training hard”. On one
extreme, you have the heavy max effort work, and on the other
side, you have what John would call challenge sets. I LOVE both of
these, but they conflict with each other (badly). You have to recover
from your training and what you do needs to lead to the desired
results. As a competitor, you get to a point where you need to pick
your battles, leave ego at the door, and train to get better. This is
the balance I struggled with. Strangely, there were many times I
would train my ass into the ground, knowing full well it would hurt
my performance in the end. I was okay with this and have paid the
price for it.

If you are like this, trust me, I “get it”. Very few people ever will.

I think this was part of the reason I reached out to John in

2010. I knew his reputation and remembered him from his time
at Westside. Most (amongst all) of the people I’ve consulted
with post-2005 (when I stopped competing) recommended or
suggested I dial it back.

Dial back what? I would ask. Dial back the heavy triples and singles,
or dial back the all-out challenge sets?

I was always told, both.

To me, that made me question why train at all.

All these intentions were coming from the right place and not
altogether wrong. I had more than two decades competing and
pushing my body over the edge (I have wear and tear to validate this).

Part of me thought John would understand this. The other part of

me wanted to know if he really trained as hard as I read and was
told. It’s one thing to talk about the “I train hard” game, and it’s
another to do It.

We all think we train really hard until you train with someone who
trains harder than you.

After that first leg session, I knew this was exactly what I was
looking for, and part of me wanted to see if he would quit. Shortly
after, I believe he felt the same thing about me, and things began
to get insane.

If there was an edge, we crossed it, adapted to it, found another

edge, and so on. This would have kept going, and I can only
speculate how far, but there is always a point of diminishing
returns. While my competitive days were behind me, John was
taking a final run at his pro card. Some things were not worth the
risk, not just in injury but recovery.

As we used to joke, we had to find a way to better structure and

control all the “stupid shit.”

I also began to miss the heavy, heavy singles. At this point in John’s
career, these had little to no value, but I love those more than he
would like “chasing the pump.”

Remember, the same passion for training intensity but two

different journeys.

For a couple of years, we just stacked things on top of each
other. Then we had to find a way to blend them all into a scheme
that would satisfy the training passion but allow for long-term
adaption and progression.

When John suggested we develop this program, I was all in. The
main reason was we now have all components I feel make this
valuable. We lived it. We took things too far, dialed back, dialed
back too far, found the right balance only to have it screw up again.
We figured it out by trial and error over many years.

We have also been removed enough from it to look back critically.

This is more important than most people think because you only
see what you want to see when you are too close. This bias makes
it harder to think about how what you are suggesting can be used
by others most positively. Case in point, you ever notice how most
trainers and coaches HIGHLY recommend their clients and followers
do exactly what they are doing at the time? Think about it.

This brings us to this program.

Powerbuilding simply means combing some aspects of
powerlifting and bodybuilding together. Generally, this will mean:
• Using the big 3 lifts as the foundation of the program – squat,
bench, deadlift
• Max effort work - Incorporating specific heavy lower rep
range targets more common to powerlifting
• Dynamic effort work - Incorporating some medium weight
dynamic speed work that powerlifters use for rate of force
• Using isolation work that is more common for bodybuilders
• Using more of a variety of movements in order to achieve
maximal development of each muscle group common for both
powerlifters and bodybuilders
• Incorporating medium to high rep pump work more specific to

Combine all this intelligently, and you get powerbuilding.


Part of our program will consist of max effort work. If you have not
done this before, you are in for a treat. Max effort work generally
means you are going to work up to 90% of your 1 rep max for 1
repetition. After this you are going to attempt a 100% rep. In other
words, do the best you can do. The goal being a PR. We have a
little different view on this through our experiences. We will not be
doing heavy singles weekly. It is not necessary. We will do some
lower rep sets however, that will be very heavy.

It will become extremely important that you use perfect form to

avoid injury. We have included multiple technique videos to ensure
you have the know how to accomplish this. You will also see where

we advise you to simply hold a weight for a few seconds before
starting a set, and then holding it again for a few seconds before
racking the weights.

You will be warming up well, and our pre-max bodybuilding

exercises will also serve to protect you as you go all out.

We will use some rotation on this exercise(s) to ensure:

• Weak areas are addressed
• You avoid accommodation (your body’s nervous and muscular
system adapting to the same exercises over and over)
• Longevity as keeping the same exercises with no rotation
often results in injury

The max effort method ensures maximal motor unit recruitment as

well, but more on that later.

Building maximal strength goes a long way in many different

aspects. The obvious thing is that you will get physically stronger.
You can push more weight, drag more weight, etc. If you can
move more weight, you will generally develop more muscle
fiber size through increasing levels of mechanical tension. Bigger
muscles (larger muscle fibers) can potentially produce more force.
Bottom line, more strength can create more muscle. It’s a win-
win. You will see this especially in the beginner to intermediate
phases of training. It will get tougher as you enter the advanced
stages of training, which could be 10 years or more into training.
Unfortunately, you can’t get infinitely stronger.

Part of our program will also consist of dynamic work. With this
method, you will be using much lighter weight, probably closer to
55-75% of your 1 rep max. By itself, it will not make you big, but
carefully woven into your program, it will make you explosive.

This method is specifically to improve your rate of force
development. In other words, produce force, a lot of it, and fast. This
is particularly useful for athletes. The best athletes are explosive
and can produce force very quickly. We want you to be explosive,
so you can push more weight. This is also useful for conditioning.
You will be doing a phase where the volume of your dynamic work
ramps up in order to accomplish this. This type of work is also, well,
fun! It is enjoyable blasting the weight up explosively.

For your dynamic work you will be using a percentage of your

1 rep maximum.


Rep Max Calculator - All Things Gym

Using this link, you will be able to calculate your 1 rep maximum.
This is a really cool tool. It shows you your max based on all the
different formulas out there. You DO NOT have to do a 1 rep max.
You can do your 5 rep max and enter the number and it will give
you a guesstimate. We would suggest doing something like a 3 or
even 5 rep max to get your number.

Let’s take a look.

Below I entered 400
for 3 reps. Go down
to the 3RM and
you will see this.
Across the top you
see all the different
formulas and their
calculation for the
1 rep max. We want
you to use the
lowest number. In
this case it would be

the Brzycki result which says a 423 max. Is this the most accurate?
Maybe, maybe not. We simply want to be conservative here as went
extremely aggressive in our progressions through the program as
you will soon see.

We will also be using traditional bodybuilding methods. Typically,
this consists of 75-85% of your 1 rep max loads done to failure
or close to it. Many times, we also finish an exercise with a high
intensity technique that actually takes you beyond failure. This
work is very demanding and will require you to have hyper focus
on recovery so that you don’t overtrain.


This program is going to lay out some very aggressive progressions
for you week to week. The progressions will always be in bold type.

This is an example. In week 2 you add 2 more reps to your working

sets than you did in week 1 using the same weight.

Leg press – Use a narrow stance with your feet in the middle
of the platform. This is going to hit your quads hard. Do a few
warm up sets then 2 tough sets of 12 using the same weight
you did last week for 10. Use the same weight as last week
but try to get 2 additional reps. 2 total work sets

Full transparency here. We do not expect you to hit every single

progression. What we do expect, is for you to give it your all. Give
every single bit of effort you can muster. That is what we expected
from each other, and what we expect from you. We held ourselves
to a high standard, and this also applies to you. Even if you hit only
25% of these, you will come a long way by the end.

Knowing this, be sure to use a log book. Old school pen and paper is fine.
You don’t have to use a fancy spreadsheet unless that is your preference.

Let’s look at motor unit
recruitment. Motor units are
part of your nervous system and
the muscle fibers they talk to.
The motor neurons (as seen in
the diagram) tell your muscles
fibers to produce force.

We have what we call high

threshold motor units (HTMUs)
and low threshold motor units
(LTMUs). The HTMUs have larger
nerve cells that control hundreds of muscle fibers. This means that
they produce much more force than a LTMU. This is because the
LTMUs contain a small nerve cell that drives less muscle fibers.

It is also key to understand the “Heneman Size Principle”. This

states that motor units are recruited from smallest to largest.
When you use lighter weights, your body will call upon the LTMUs
first. It is not until the body needs to produce high levels of force
that the HTMUs are called into action. This is key. You want
maximal activation. This simply means you want every possible
muscle fiber to fire and produce force.

When you use the max effort method you are using loads that are
so heavy, your body has to produce as much force as it can. This
means full engagement of LTMUs and HTMUs. This is a good thing.

What about the dynamic effort work? It is lighter so you might

have thought to yourself this will not require full activation. You
were kind of correct. The key is how explosive you train. In other
words, how much effort do you put into driving the bar up. You also
engage HTMUs when you need to produce maximum force fast.
If you push the bar up as fast as you can, you also have maximal

activation. The same is even true with a vertical leap. If you jump
as high as you can, with max effort, you do get maximum motor
unit activation.

So, your next question might be, then why don’t we just lift light
weights fast? Well unfortunately it is not that easy. Muscle growth
itself, requires mechanical tension. This happens when smaller
filaments of muscle called actin and myosin overlap, and a process
call cross-bridging occurs. This process enables muscle fibers
to sort of “lock in” and produce force. When they stay connected,
the result is mechanical tension. This results in the potential for
muscle growth. If you think about the max effort work, you can
really understand this more clearly. You are fighting against the
heavy weight, grinding to get it up. During this, your actin and
myosin filaments are overlapped, and your body is producing
maximum force and tension.

Let’s go back to your original question on light weights. The cross-

bridge process mentioned works, but the fast velocity of the bar
moving up and down causes the “attachments” to detach often.
They do not stay connected the throughout the whole set. This
means you do not reach high levels of mechanical tension and

therefore do not grow. That is why you can’t just jump up and
down and get huge quads.

Again, the dynamic work does teach you to be explosive and

powerful though, so the method will help you become your best.

The bodybuilding method (medium repetition ranges) also

covers this well. The loads are close to what is needed to achieve
maximum muscle fiber recruitment, but not all the way. When
you perform a set to failure, or especially beyond failure, you are
covered though. Here is why. You may not engage all the HTMUs
from the start, but as muscle fibers fatigue, more are called into
play to help you perform additional reps. The closer you get to
failure, the more you are calling in all the reserve fibers that may not
have been engaged from the start. This is why research from well
respected researchers like Brad Schoenfeld is showing that lighter
weight and higher reps can create just as much hypertrophy as
traditional bodybuilding reps. Failure, or close to it, is key.

Reality and our experience

Let’s talk about the application of this a little more. The gold
nuggets of info are always in the context and application of theory.
Lifting at 85-90% of your 1 rep maximum ensures you have very
high levels of activation as we just learned. This means more
muscle fibers will contract.

There is a caveat here though.

If you like these ranges, and tend to use it exclusively, you are likely
headed for trouble. Brad Schoenfeld’s work showed that 3 sets of
10 and 7 sets of 3 produced similar gains in size. Internet gurus all
cheered and declared they would now just stick with sets of 3. The
problem was after the study concluded, the 7 sets of 3 group were
beaten up and battered.

Those of us who know training saw this coming. It is common
sense really. So, the downside is the risk of injury when only
focused on lower rep ranges. It is extremely hard on connective
tissue and will most certainly cause some injuries down the
line, possibly even tears. Training with only these ranges is not
conducive to staying in one piece, nor practical. Having said
that, these reps can make you stronger though which does have
benefits to overall size, thus we will be careful in application.

What about higher reps? Brad also carried out research on higher
reps vs traditional reps. In this case sets of 8 -12 vs sets of 25 – 35.
The results were that muscle gains were once again very similar.
Now we have a solution to always staying injury free right? Let’s
examine further.

To reiterate, lighter loads such as 40-60% mean you will only have
so much muscle fiber activation initially. You need to produce less
force, so less muscle fibers need to be recruited. You will therefore
need to exhaust those muscle fibers to call in others to help as the
earlier engaged fibers fatigue.

Here comes the reality check.

When you get into these higher reps, there is usually an

accompanying amount of extreme burning and pain. You will need
to work through this. You have to get closer to failure in order to
achieve full motor unit activation as mentioned earlier. Can you
work through the burn and get close to failure, or will the burn stop
you in your tracks? Can you do it on all sets if training specifically
in this range? How long can you handle that? The other poignant
thing to mention is that researchers such as Chris Beardsley are
showing that CNS fatigue is likely more due to these higher rep
sets to failure, than training with heavier loads and lower reps. In
summary, this kind of training if done right is extremely painful
and can be draining. There is a reward though. There is nothing like

a skin splitting pump that turns your skin purple and makes your
veins stand out like roadmaps.

In summary, the program in our view should contain a heavy dose

of traditional bodybuilding reps, but for maximum strength benefit
and longevity, the other rep ranges need to be included in a well
thought way.

Here is what the training split looks like. If you need to add in an
extra rest day, feel free. It is very important to recover well from
each workout. If you recover well, we prefer you follow this model.
The hardest days are days 4 and 5 so having 2 days of rest after is
very beneficial.
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

Lower w/ Upper Push Lower w/ Upper Push

Back / Pull OFF OFF
Dynamic w/ Dynamic Max Effort w/ Max Effort

With this focus on intensity, and especially the higher volume
days on Day 4 and 5, comes the need for hyper focus on recovery
to get maximum results. We highly recommend using an amino,
electrolyte, and carb drink intra for maximum recovery. This will
stimulate insulin response and you will drive more aminos and
carbs into muscle and the recovery process is heightened. It also
increases blood flow and supports your immune system FYI.

Most males would do well with 6-10 grams of essential aminos,

and 40-50 grams of carbs. Titrate the carbs up or down depending
on your size. The goal is to greatly reduce soreness. When you do
this, all of the right things are happening internally.

Most females would do well with 6 grams of aminos and 20-30 of
carbs. Again, titrate up or down depending on size and amount of

Our product choices are:

Recovery from Granite Supplements - Recovery | Evidence

Based Intra Workout Blend | Granite Supplements - Start
with one scoop during training. If the body part doesn’t get
excessively sore and recovers fast you are good to go. If it still
gets pretty sore add a scoop of the intra-carb below to it. If it
still gets sore add 8 oz of Gatorade in on top of that.

Intra Carb | High Performance Carbohydrate Blend | Granite


You can use code Powerbuilder15 to get 15% off your first order.

With this focus on intensity make it your mission in life to reduce
stress outside of the gym, and to get a full night’s sleep every
single night. This will greatly enhance recovery as well.

Generally, you want to get 5 full sleep cycles. Every cycle is about
90 minutes. As you can see from the chart below, earlier sleep
cycles are heavier in non-REM sleep. Later sleep cycles are heavier
in REM sleep (indicated in red).

This is important because of these benefits:

• Non-REM is physically restorative. You release GH, clear waste
products, and resupply energy stores just to name a few things
• REM is mentally restorative. Your memory is especially
impacted positively

Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 Cycle 5

REM sleep

Non-REM stage 1

Non-REM stage 2

Non-REM stage 3
(formerly stage 3 & 4)

11pm 12pm 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am

Some tips for better sleep include:

• Turn off all electronics 2 hours before bed, or at a minimum
turn off the blue light on your mobile devices 1-2 hours prior
• Make your bedroom as dark as possible
• Make the temperature in your room around 65̊ (keep it cool)
• Read a book or do something that relaxes you before retiring
• Do not take later afternoon naps, 20-30 minute naps around
lunch are ok

Band work is sprinkled into the program lightly at various points as well.

Here are the bands you will need from if you want to
incorporate them:
• 2 orange micro mini band (for face pulls and for women to use
on chest press machines)
• 2 red long pro minis (for chest presses and pullovers)
• 1 red short pro mini band (for spidercrawls)

• 1 pro light band for assisted chins, pullovers, and banded good mornings
• 1 pro average band for assisted chins and banded good mornings

We wrote this program with the intention of it being used to gain size.

If you are looking for a starting point, then try this:

Multiply your bodyweight x 20 for your total calories.

For example, Louie weighs 200 lbs., so this is 4,000 calories daily.

Multiply your bodyweight x 1.25 for daily grams of protein.

The 200 lbs. person thus needs 250 grams of protein daily.

Multiply your bodyweight x .5 for daily grams of fat.

The 200 lbs. person thus needs 100 grams of fat daily.

The rest of your calories should be consumed as carbs.

In this example, the 250 grams equal 1,000 calories (a gram of

protein = 4 calories.)

The 100 grams of fat equal 900 calories (a gram of fat = 9 calories.)

4,000 total calories minus the 1,900 calories from protein and fat
leaves Louie with 2,100 calories.

2,100 calories / 4 = 525 grams of carbs. * a gram of carbs equals 4 calories.

I’ll add another example below for your daily macros.

Our Hero Bodyweight Total calories Protein Fat Carbs

Louie 200 4,000 250 100 525

Brittany 125 2,500 156 63 327

It is also critical to work at the right level of intensity regarding
going to failure. Going too hard or too easy can compromise
results. We have taken the guesswork out of this and will give you
an “RPE” on exercises that are not percentage based. RPE stands
for rate of perceived exertion.

Follow the RPE suggestion for each exercise to ensure you are
training at the correct intensity level.

Also, be sure to watch this video.

(25) (RPE & RIR) Should You Use Them | My Thoughts - YouTube

Rate of Perceived Exertion Flow Chart

Fairly easy like a warm-up weight @ 6.0

You can do 4-6 more reps @ 7.0
You can do 2-3 more reps @ 8.0
You have 2 more reps left in the tank @ 8.5
You have 1 more rep left in the tank @ 9.0
Went to failure at perfect form @ 10
Went to failure with loose form after perfect reps completed @ 11
Used a high intensity technique to push beyond failure @ 12
Used multiple high intensity techniques/go apeshit set! @ 13

Click on any one of the tags for an example

Generally, (not always) I count sets that are 7.0 and above as
working sets.

***FEEDER SETS – We will mention feeder sets often in the
program. They are extremely important. These are low rep sets
designed to get you to your working sets carefully, so you do not
get injured or exhaust your muscles too soon. Not doing these sets
is why many people have been injured executing low volume/high
intensity workout plans. These are not official sets as the intensity
is extremely low on these.

John is an IFBB Professional bodybuilder,
Certified Strength and Conditioning
Specialist, and Certified Sports Nutritionist.

John has presented multiple times at one

of the most prestigious health and fitness
seminars in the world known as the SWIS
Symposium. He has also lectured across
the world in Canada, Australia, Scotland,
England, Ireland, and the US.

John is currently coaching junior high

football in central Ohio.

John has competed over 60 times as an amateur bodybuilder and over

10 times as a professional in addition to coaching thousands of people
over the course of his 3 decades in the industry.

Though not currently competing John continues to connect with and

educate through his rapidly growing YouTube channel with a current
subscriber base of over 500,000 people and Instagram channel with
around 300,000.

John continues to be recognized by his peers as one of if not the most

influential professional bodybuilders in the industry.

John owns and operates a website called Mountain Dog Diet and also
owns a supplement company called Granite Supplements which has
been recognized for its elite level formulas.

Most importantly John is a husband and father of twin boys. His wife
Mary often makes guest appearances in his videos and his boys
Alexander the Yoyo king and Rubik’s cube solver, and Jonathan the
gymnastic Spiderman of the family, do as well.

Dave has been involved in strength & conditioning for over forty years
and competed in powerlifting from 1983 to 2004. He has squatted over
900 pounds in competition and achieved elite rankings in multiple
weight classes.

As mentor and training partner to numerous athletes, he has logged more

than 40,000 hours of training and consulting with other professional, elite,
and beginner athletes and scores of trainers and coaches.

With more than 20 books and over 2000 articles for several magazines
and websites, Dave also has spoken at over 100 industry events and
earned the SWIS Lifetime Achievement Award in 2005.

His company, elitefts, is responsible for helping educate lifters and has
outfitted thousands of gyms since 1998.

Make - A - Wish. Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana Presented elitefts with

The 2014 Strength Award for Outstanding Contribution in a region.

Dave is married to elitefts co-founder Traci Arnold-Tate where they live

in Ohio with their two sons.

Personal Credo: Live, Learn, Pass on™


Week 1
Day 1 – Lower body focus Day 4 – Lower body focus

Abs 1 exercise 3 sets Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 3 exercises 13 sets (10 of these are Legs 5 exercises 12 sets

dynamic speed sets)

Speed pulls 1 exercise 15 sets (these are all

Low back 1 exercise 3 sets dynamic speed sets)

Calves 1 exercise 3 sets Calves 1 exercise 4 sets

6 exercises 22 sets 8 exercises 34 sets

Day 2 – Upper body push focus Day 5 – Upper body push focus

Chest 2 exercises 11 sets (9 of these are Chest 4 exercises 10 sets

dynamic speed sets)

Shoulders 2 exercises 6 sets

Shoulders 2 exercises 5 sets
Triceps 2 exercises 7 sets
Triceps 2 exercises 7 sets
8 exercises 23 sets
6 exercises 23 sets

Days 6 & 7 - OFF - Family Days

Day 3 – Upper body pull focus

Back 3 exercises 9 sets

Rear delts 1 exercise 3 sets

Biceps 2 exercises 6 sets

6 exercises 18 sets

Day 1 – Lower body focus
Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 3 exercises 13 sets (10 of these are

dynamic speed sets)

Low back 1 exercise 3 sets

Calves 1 exercise 3 sets

6 exercises 22 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Legs | Lying leg curls

On dynamic squat days we are going to go hard on our leg This is an example of what it could look like:
curls. This will help your hams grow and will have little to
50 x 15 – Warm up set
no effect on your squat velocity once you get used to them.
70 x 12 – Warm up set
You will do 3-4 warm up sets and then go right into the high
90 x 6 – Feeder set (low rep sets
intensity set. It will consist of doing 8 reps, then dropping
designed to get you to your top set
the weight and doing another 8, followed by 10 slow par-
without exhausting you)
tials out of the stretch position. 1 total work set
110 x 8, 90 x 8, 90 x 10 partials – RPE 13
Rest Period – N/A – only 1 work set

(17) Lying leg curl with partials

2/  Legs | Dynamic squats

Today is dynamic squat day. You are going to use a moder- This is an example of what it could look like:
ately wide stance. On the leg presses below you will see we
135 x 10 – Warm up
use a narrower stance. These two exercises will always be
185 x 8 – Warm up
the opposite of each other in set up/stance for overall pow-
225 x 4 – Feeder set
er and muscular development purposes during this phase.
275 for 10 x 2 - This assumes 275 is 55% of
We really focus on speed and producing maximum force
your 1 rep max.
as fast as we can here. These squats will feel light. Keep
the rest periods to 30 sec. You will be using a percentage of
your 1 rep max squat on these. It is tempting to go heavier,
but do not do it. These percentages are set for a reason.

Save the heavier squats for later in the week. You will be squatting to a parallel box on these.
This can be a bench or box or anything else solid. Do not drop onto the box carelessly. Follow
all the instructions Dave and John demonstrate in the video below carefully. We will be adding
more sets of these during this training block as we go. Do 10 sets of 2 here. 10 total work sets

Rest Period – 30 seconds between work sets

Work set % – 55%

(16) Dynamic Squats With Dave Tate (How & Why)

3/  Legs | Leg press

Use a narrow stance with your feet in the middle of the plat- This is an example of what it could look like:
form. This is going to hit your quads hard. Do a few warm up
2 plates per side x 6 – Feeder to get feel of
sets then 2 tough sets of 10. 2 total work sets
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 3 plates per side x 6 – Feeder set
4 plates per side x 10 – RPE 8
4 plates per side x 10 – RPE 8

4/  Low back | Barbell hyperextensions

Do these nice and slow. They are brutal. Make sure you are This is an example of what it could look like:
set up on the pad correctly. You should feel this in your low
Bodyweight x 10 – Warm up
back, hams, and glutes. Do 3 sets of 8. 3 total work sets
135 x 8 – RPE 8
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 135 x 8 – RPE 8
135 x 8 – RPE 8
(2) Exercise Index - Barbell Hyperextensions

5/  Abs | Decline leg raise

Watch the video below for proper form. I’d like to see 3 sets This is an example of what it could look like:
of 10 if possible. If this is not possible, just do what you can.
Week 1 – 3 x 10 (30 total reps)
If this is too easy, then do 3 sets of 15-20. 3 total work sets
Week 2 – 3 x 11 (33 total reps)
Goal – Progress weekly on these by adding 1 rep per set. Week 3 – 3 x 12 (36 total reps)
Week 4 – 3 x 13 (39 total reps)
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets
Week 5 – 3 x 14 (42 total reps)
RPE 8-10 Week 6 – 3 x 15 (45 total reps)
Week 7 – We will rotate out this exercise
Exercise Index - Decline leg raises

6/  Calves | Standing calf raises

Do 3 heavy sets of 8 here. Work the stretch hard at the bot- This is an example of what it could look like:
tom. 3 total work sets
75 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
In between ALL sets of calves, you will be doing tibialis an- 125 x 5 – Feeder
terior work. Do sets of 25. See the link below for options on 175 x 8 – RPE 9-10
how to do this. This is for every calf workout you do from 175 x 8 – RPE 9-10
here on out! 175 x 8 – RPE 9-10

Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets

(48) Exercise Index - Tibia Raises

Day 2 – Upper body push focus

Chest 2 exercises 11 sets (9 of these are

dynamic speed sets)

Shoulders 2 exercises 5 sets

Triceps 2 exercise 7 sets

6 exercises 23 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Chest | Dynamic benches

Today is dynamic bench day. This means we really focus on This is an example of what it could look like:
speed and producing maximum force as fast as we can. You
135 x 10 – Warm up
will be using a percentage of your 1 rep max bench on these.
135 x 10 – Warm up
It is tempting to go heavier, but do not do it. These percent-
185 x 4 – Feeder set
ages are set for a reason. Use 3 different grips here. We
225 for 9 x 3 - This assumes 225 is 55%
demonstrate this in the video below as well. The first 3 sets
of your 1 rep max.
are with a grip one finger away from the smooth part of the
bar. The next 3 sets are where your pinky will be on the ring.
The last 3 sets your forefinger will be on the ring. Do 9 sets
of 3 here. 9 total work sets
For work sets use 55% of max weight.

Rest Period – 30 seconds between work sets

Work set % – 55%

3 Dynamic Bench Grips (Increase Strength)

2/  Chest | Slight incline dumbbell press

I love small angles both incline and decline for chest. Just This is an example of what it could look like:
put a 25 under the end of the bench where your head is. If
45’s x 15 – Warm up set
you have a really good adjustable bench, you can do the
65’s x 4 – Feeder set
setting that is a tad higher (more like 15-20 degrees). Do a
85’s x 8 – RPE 9
few warm ups, then low rep feeder sets until you get to your
85’s x 8. Drop to 60’s and go to failure – RPE 12
big set. Do about 8 reps there. We’ll then do a 2nd all out set
there where you try to match the number, and then drop the
weight 30% and go to failure. 2 total work sets
Rest Period – 3 minutes

(48) Slight angle dumbell press

3/  Shoulders | High incline Smith press

You should be pretty warmed up but make sure you still This is an example of what it could look like:
do 1-2 feeder sets to get the feel of the angle and weight. I
95 x 3 – Feeder set
want a tough set of 8 then 5. Please keep form perfect on
105 x 4 – Feeder set
these sets. Stop just short of failure. No sloppy form al-
135 x 8 – RPE 8 (Hold the first and last rep
lowed here. Use a medium grip here. For hand placement,
for a two count at the top)
your pinkies will go on the rings. 2 total work sets
155 x 5 – RPE 9 (Hold the first and last rep
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets for a two count at the top)
(4) Exercise Index - High Incline Smith Press

Pro Tip
Stopping an inch or two short of touching your chest will take away significant
stress from the rotator cuff and keep your shoulders healthier.

4/  Shoulders | Dumbbell Y raises

Raise the dumbbells to 10 and 2 o’clock and feel the burn! This is an example of what it could look like:
Do 3 sets of 12 here. The key tips in the video are at about 2
20’s x 12 – RPE 9
minutes in. 3 total work sets
20’s x 12 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 20’s x 12 – RPE 9

(41) Exercise Index - Incline Prone Laterals | Less Traps

and Wider Shoulders

Note – If you have had shoulder issues, I would advise adding in Spidercrawls here.


We love these for shoulder health and rear delt pumps. Go- This is an example of what it could look like:
ing up and down 3 times is 1 set. Go down below the waist
Red short pro mini band – Up and down 3
and come up to over your head. 3 total work sets
times – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets Red short pro mini band – Up and down 3
times – RPE 9
(41) Exercise Index - Spider Crawls For Rotator
Red short pro mini band – Up and down 3
Cuff health
times – RPE 9

5/  Triceps | Dual rope triceps extensions

Do 4 sets of 12 here reaching failure. 4 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like:

Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 120 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
120 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
(41) Exercise Index - Dual Rope Tricep Extensions
120 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
120 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10

6/  Triceps | Dumbbell triceps kickouts

Use a slow tempo and absolutely perfect form on these. Do This is an example of what it could look like:
3 sets of 8. 3 total work sets
30’s x 8 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 30’s x 8 – RPE 9
30’s x 8 – RPE 9
(41) Dumbbell Tricep Kickout (Great 4 Growth)

Day 3 – Upper body pull focus
Back 3 exercises 9 sets

Rear delts 1 exercise 3 sets

Biceps 2 exercises 6 sets

6 exercises 18 sets

1/  Back | Chest supported row

Use a machine that has a chest pad so you can eliminate This is an example of what it could look like:
lower back stress. Use a pronated grip (palms facing down).
50 lbs. x 15 – Warm up
These are meant to target your lower traps, rhomboids, and
50 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
rear delts. Do 3 sets of 8 here. Use a full range of motion
90 lbs. x 4 – Feeder set
really stretching out in the lengthened position.
140 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
3 total work sets
140 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 140 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
(42) Supported Row for a “THICK BACK” Exercise Index

2/  Back | One arm barbell row

The goal here is to work your lats hard. Do two low rep This is an example of what it could look like:
feeder sets to get you to your working weight. Do two hard
50 x 5 – Feeder set
sets of 10 to start. Next up is your money set. Do around
75 x 5 – Feeder set
10, where 10 is failure. If you do 9 or 11, that’s ok, we just
100 x 10 – RPE 10
need that last rep to be failure with good form. If you get 12
100 x 10 – RPE 10
or more, you didn’t go heavy enough. After you do your 10,
100 x 10, then 75 x 10 – RPE 12
drop the weight 25-30% and grind out as many more reps
as you can. Treat your arms as simple attachments, do not
pull with your biceps. 3 total work sets
*It is ok if you lose a few reps on these, as fatigue may start to set in.

Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets

(41) One Arm Barbell Row Great Back “THICKENER” (Exercise Index)

3/  Back | Banded pull ups

Do 3 sets to failure here. See the video below on ex- This is an example of what it could look like:
actly how to do these. Most people use the long or-
Pullups to failure – RPE 10
ange light band for these. If you are strong at these,
Pullups to failure – RPE 10
you might use a long red pro mini band. If you can, try
Pullups to failure, isohold at midrange for as long
to get a really good lat stretch at the bottom and make
as possible – RPE 12
sure you drive up as high as you can. You will feel a
very unique pump in that upper and outer lat/teres
area that is awesome. On the last set, hold your last Pro Tip
rep in the middle part of the range of motion (isohold) Keep your sternum arched. In other words, don’t let
for as long as you can. 3 total work sets your chest cave in, that engages your biceps more
and your lats less. Drive your elbows down to lift
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets
your body, don’t think of pulling with your arms.
(41) Exercise Inedex - Banded Pull Up Flex your lats hard throughout the range of motion!

4/  Rear delts | Machine rear delt flyes

Do 3 sets of 30 here. High reps and fighting through burn This is an example of what it could look like:
equals growth for rear delts. They are also important stabi-
115 lbs. x 30 – RPE 8-9
lizers for your bench work. 3 total work sets
115 lbs. x 30 – RPE 8-9
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 115 lbs. x 30 – RPE 8-9

5/  Biceps | Slight incline hammer dumbbell curls

You are going to do 1 warm up set first. Each work set will This is an example of what it could look like:
be 10 full reps, and then 5 slow partials out of the bottom.
20 lbs. x 15 – Warm up
Do 3 sets like this. Go to 1:52 in the video to see the angle
30 lbs. x 10, then 5 partials – RPE 12
used. 3 total work sets
30 lbs. x 10, then 5 partials – RPE 12
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 30 lbs. x 10, then 5 partials – RPE 12
(41) 3 Types of Hammer Curls to Build *HUGE* Biceps

6/  Biceps | Preacher curls

Do 3 working sets close to failure shooting for about 8 This is an example of what it could look like:
reps. Use slow and controlled form. 3 total work sets
55 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9-10
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 55 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9-10
55 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9-10

Day 4 – Lower body focus
Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 5 exercises 12 sets

15 sets (these are all

Speed pulls 1 exercise
dynamic speed sets)

Calves 1 exercise 4 sets

8 exercises 34 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Legs | Seated leg curls

On max effort squat days we use a little more volume on This is an example of what it could look like:
our leg curls, as opposed to just sky high intensity. You will
50 x 15 – Warm up set
do 3-4 warm up sets and then do 3 hard sets of 10 reps.
70 x 12 – Warm up set
3 total work sets
90 x 6 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 130 x 10 – RPE 9
130 x 10 – RPE 9
130 x 10 – RPE 9

2/  Legs | Max effort barbell squats

Today is maximal effort squat day. You will be working up This is an example of what it could look like:
to a tough set of 3 with perfect form. You will follow that up
135 x 10 – Warm up
with 2 sets of 5 with 70% of your 1 rep squat max. Follow
185 x 8 – Warm up
all the instructions Dave and John demonstrate in the video
225 x 4 – Feeder set
below carefully. Use a medium stance here. If you have a SS
275 x 4 – Feeder set
Yoke bar or a spider bar (John’s favorite), we prefer you use
315 x 3 – RPE 8
that here. If not use a high bar position. Stick with the bar
275 x 5 – 70% of 1 rep maximum squat (Hold
you use here for the first 3 weeks during block 1.
the first and last rep for a two count at the top)
3 total work sets
275 x 5 – 70% of 1 rep maximum squat (Hold
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets the first and last rep for a two count at the top)
Work set % – 70% on last 2 sets

Power Building Leg Workout (Get Big & Strong) - YouTube

3/  Speed pulls

These are standard conventional deadlifts done with high This is an example of what it could look like:
velocity. Use a double overhand grip with straps. You are
135 x 3 – Warm up
going to be using 55% of your 1 rep maximum deadlift to do
185 x 3 – Warm up
15 singles. Follow all the instructions Dave and John demon-
225 x 3 – Feeder set
strate in the video below carefully. 15 total work sets
275 for 15 x 1 - This assumes 275 is 55% of
For work sets use 55% of your 1 rep maximum deadlift your 1 rep max.
Rest Period – 10 seconds between work sets

Work set % – 55%

(How To) Speed Pulls with John Meadows & Dave Tate

4/  Legs | Hack squat

Use the foot placement that allows you to use the most This is an example of what it could look like:
range of motion safely. We like these to be done deep. You
1 plate per side x 6 – Feeder set
are going to work up to a hard set of 8 for your first set. On
2 plates per side x 4 – Feeder set
your next set, you are doing a cluster set. We added a video
3 plates per side x 8 – RPE 8
below describing cluster sets. It is basically 3 mini sets in
3 plates per side x 8, rest 20 seconds and
one with 20 second breaks. 2 total work sets
then go very close to failure, rest 20 seconds
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets and then go right up to failure – RPE 13
(48) How To Use “Cluster Sets” | High Intensity Techniques

5/  Legs | Bulgarian drop set of death

Get right mentally for this. Do 3 sets of 5 working your way This is an example of what it could look like:
up with dumbbells. These are meant to be easy, and not
20 lbs. x 5 – Feeder set
brutal. However, the work set will be brutal. You will use the
30 lbs. x 5 – Feeder set
dumbbells that you used working up for a drop set. Each
40 lbs. x 5 – Feeder set
set will involve 8 reps ending with an 8 second isohold
50 lbs. x 8 and then an 8 second isohold near
then dropping the weight. If you do the isohold right it will
the top, then drop to 40 lbs. x 8 and an 8 sec-
feel like a knife going into your glute. See the rep scheme
ond isohold, then drop to 30 lbs. and repeat,
and video below for all the details. Make sure you rest 3
and finally 20 lbs. to finish. Many people cannot
minutes before doing the 2nd leg. You will need the break.
complete this and do bodyweight only at the
Do not rush straight into the 2nd leg. 1 total work set
end. Let’s see how you do. – RPE 13
Rest Period – Rest 3 minutes and then do other leg.
(48) Bulgarian Drop Set Of Death - Hardcore Leg Workout

6/  Legs | Barbell stiff legged deadlifts

You are going to be pretty smoked at this point, and your This is an example of what it could look like:
quads will have a massive pump. Do these nice and slow.
135 x 4 – Feeder set
Do 3 sets of 8. 3 total work sets
185 x 8 – RPE 8
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 185 x 8 – RPE 8
185 x 8 – RPE 8

7/  Calves | Seated calf raises

Do 4 sets of 15 here. Work the stretch hard at the bottom. This is an example of what it could look like:
Don’t forget to do your tibialis work in between sets.
75 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
4 total work sets
125 x 5 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets
125 x 15 – RPE 9-10
125 x 15 – RPE 9-10
125 x 15 – RPE 9-10
125 x 15 – RPE 9-10

8/  Abs | Sit ups

Make sure you watch the video below for proper form on This is an example of what it could look like:
these, as they are not just a standard sit up. I’d like to see 3
Week 1 – 3 x 10 (30 total reps)
sets of 10 if possible. If this is not possible, just do what you
Week 2 – 3 x 11 (33 total reps)
can. If this is too easy, then do 3 sets of 15-20.
Week 3 – 3 x 12 (36 total reps)
3 total work sets
Week 4 – 3 x 13 (39 total reps)
Goal – Progress weekly on these by adding 1 rep per set. Week 5 – 3 x 14 (42 total reps)
Week 6 – 3 x 15 (45 total reps)
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets
Week 7 – We will rotate out exercis
RPE 8-10

(25) Exercise Index - How To Do a Proper Sit Up

Day 5 – Upper body push focus
Chest 4 exercises 10 sets

Shoulders 2 exercises 6 sets

Triceps 2 exercises 7 sets

8 exercises 23 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Chest | Slight decline dumbbell press

Put a 25 under the end of the bench where your feet are. Do a few This is an example of what it could look like:
warm ups, then low rep feeder sets until you get to your big set. Do
25’s x 20 – Warm up
about 8 reps there. We’ll then do a 2nd all out set there where you
45’s x 15 – Warm up
try to match the number, and then drop the weight 30% and go to
65’s x 6 – Feeder set
failure again. 2 total work sets
85’s x 6 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 105’s x4 – Feeder set
120’s x 8 – RPE 9
120’s x 8. Dropped to 90 and got 6 more –
RPE 12

2/  Chest | Max effort medium grip high incline benches

Today is a maximal strength bench day. There is a really This is an example of what it could look like:
heavy emphasis on shoulders and triceps here. This grip
135 x 10 – Warm up
allows for more range of motion as your elbows should be
135 x 10 – Warm up
tucked in slightly (not flared). This is key, and also aids in inju-
185 x 4 – Feeder set
ry prevention. You are going to work up to a set of 3 here with
205 x 3 – RPE 9
perfect form. You will then follow that up with 2 sets of 2
200 x 2 (slow tempo) - This assumes 200 is
with 80% of your 1 rep maximum done with a very slow and
80% of your 1 rep max. (Hold the first and last
controlled tempo. Lower with a 3 count. 3 total work sets
rep for a two count at the top)
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work set 200 x 2 (slow tempo) - This assumes 200 is
80% of your 1 rep max. (Hold the first and last
Work set % – 80% on last 2 sets
rep for a two count at the top)

3/  Chest | Slight incline dumbbell press

Put a 25 under the end of the bench where your head is. If This is an example of what it could look like:
you have a really good adjustable bench, you can do the set-
45’s x 4 – Feeder set
ting that is a tad higher (more like 15-20 degrees). Do a few
65’s x 4 – Feeder set
low rep feeder sets until you get to your big set. Do about 8
85’s x 8 – RPE 9
reps there. We’ll then do a 2nd all out set there where you try
85’s x 8. Drop to 60’s and get 6 more – RPE 12
to match the number, and then drop the weight 30% and go
to failure again. 2 total work sets
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets

4/  Chest | Dips

Make sure you watch the video on these to use the form we This is an example of what it could look like:
suggest. Try to do these with your feet out in front as shown
Bodyweight plus added weight via dip belt or
in the video. If you can’t that is ok. Also, do not keep your el-
hanging chain around neck x 8 – RPE 10
bows tight to your body, let them travel out a little bit. Shoot
Bodyweight plus added weight via dip belt or
for 3 sets of around 8 to 10 reps. If you can do more than
hanging chain around neck x 8 – RPE 10
that, simply add weight. If you can’t do that, use an assist
Bodyweight plus added weight via dip belt or
machine. 3 total work sets
hanging chain around neck x 8 – RPE 10
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets
(48) How To Perform The Perfect Dip (Must Try Tips)

5/  Shoulders | Dumbbell heavy side lateral partials/swings

Do 1 warm up set here before doing your heavy sets. Do 3 This is an example of what it could look like:
hard sets of 20 reps here. 3 total work sets
25 lbs. x 15 – Warm up
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 35 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
35 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
Exercise Index - Partial Dumbbell Side Laterals
35 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9

6/  Shoulders | Machine rear delt flyes

Do 3 sets of 15 here today. We are bringing the reps down This is an example of what it could look like:
from earlier in the week to use a little more weight. All of
135 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8-9
this rear delt work is going to pay off. You will have sledge-
135 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8-9
hammer rear delts. 3 total work sets
135 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8-9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets

7/  Triceps | Kettlebell Tate press

Do 4 sets of 12 here reaching failure. If you do not have ket- This is an example of what it could look like:
tlebells you can use dumbbells. 4 total work sets
25 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 25 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
25 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
Exercise Index - Kettlebell Tate Press For Triceps
25 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10

8/  Triceps | Dumbbell lying extensions

Use a slow tempo and absolutely perfect form on these. Do This is an example of what it could look like:
these lying on the floor and pause each rep at the bottom.
30’s x 8 – RPE 9
Do 3 sets of 8. 3 total work sets
30’s x 8 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 30’s x 8 – RPE 9
(48) Exercise Index - Lying Tricep Extensions

DAYS 6 & 7


Week 2
Day 1 – Lower body focus Day 4 – Lower body focus

Abs 1 exercise 3 sets Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 3 exercises 18 sets (15 of these are Legs 5 exercises 13 sets

dynamic speed sets)

Speed pulls 1 exercise 15 sets (these are all

Low back 1 exercise 3 sets dynamic speed sets)

Calves 1 exercise 3 sets Calves 1 exercise 4 sets

6 exercises 27 sets 8 exercises 35 sets

Day 2 – Upper body push focus Day 5 – Upper body push focus

Chest 2 exercises 14 sets (12 of these are Chest 4 exercises 10 sets

dynamic speed sets)

Shoulders 2 exercises 6 sets

Shoulders 2 exercises 5 sets
Triceps 2 exercises 7 sets
Triceps 2 exercises 7 sets
8 exercises 23 sets
6 exercises 26 sets

Days 6 & 7 - OFF - Family Days

Day 3 – Upper body pull focus

Back 3 exercises 9 sets

Rear delts 1 exercise 3 sets

Biceps 2 exercises 6 sets

6 exercises 18 sets

Day 1 – Lower body focus
Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 3 exercises 18 sets (15 of these are

dynamic speed sets)

Low back 1 exercise 3 sets

Calves 1 exercise 3 sets

6 exercises 27 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Legs | Lying leg curls

Repeat what you did last week but add 5 additional par- This is an example of what it could look like:
tials out of the bottom for 15 partials as part of the last
50 x 15 – Warm up
set. It will consist of doing 8 reps, then dropping the weight
70 x 12 – Warm up
and doing another 8, followed by 15 slow partials out of the
90 x 6 – Feeder set
stretch position. 1 total work set
110 x 8, 90 x 8, 90 x 15 partials – RPE 13
Rest Period – N/A – only 1 work set

2/  Legs | Dynamic squats

We are adding 5 additional sets here this week. Continue to This is an example of what it could look like:
focus on speed and producing force as fast as you can here.
135 x 10 – Warm up
Do 15 sets of 2 here. 15 total work sets
185 x 8 – Warm up
For work sets use 55% of your 1 rep maximum squat. 225 x 4 – Feeder set
275 for 15 x 2 - This assumes 275 is 55% of
Rest Period – 30 seconds between work sets
your 1 rep max.
Work set % – 55%

3/  Legs | Leg press

Use a narrow stance with your feet in the middle of the plat- This is an example of what it could look like:
form. This is going to hit your quads hard. Do a few warm
2 plates per side x 6 – Feeder to get feel of
up sets then 2 tough sets of 12 using the same weight you
did last week for 10. Use the same weight as last week but
3 plates per side x 6 – Feeder set
try to get 2 additional reps. 2 total work sets
4 plates per side x 12 – RPE 8
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 4 plates per side x 12 – RPE 8

4/  Low back | Barbell hyperextensions

Do these nice and slow. Try to add 2 additional reps to what This is an example of what it could look like:
you did last week with the same weight. Make sure you are
Bodyweight x 10 – Warm up
set up on the pad correctly. You should feel this in your low
135 x 10 – RPE 8
back, hams, and glutes. Do 3 sets of 10. 3 total work sets
135 x 10 – RPE 8
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 135 x 10 – RPE 8

5/  Abs | Decline leg raise

We would like to see 3 sets of 11 if possible. If this is not This is an example of what it could look like:
possible, just do what you can. If this is too easy, then do 3
Week 1 – 3 x 10 (30 total reps)
sets of 15-20. 3 total work sets
Week 2 – 3 x 11 (33 total reps)
Goal – Progress weekly on these by adding 1 rep per set. Week 3 – 3 x 12 (36 total reps)
Week 4 – 3 x 13 (39 total reps)
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets
Week 5 – 3 x 14 (42 total reps)
RPE 8-10 Week 6 – 3 x 15 (45 total reps)
Week 7 – We will rotate out this exercise
Exercise Index - Decline leg raises

6/  Calves | Standing calf raises

Do 3 heavy sets of 10 here with the same weight you This is an example of what it could look like:
used last week for sets of 8. Work the stretch hard at the
75 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
bottom. 3 total work sets
125 x 5 – Feeder
In between ALL sets of calves, you will be doing tibialis an- 175 x 10 – RPE 9-10
terior work. Do sets of 25. This is for every calf workout you 175 x 10 – RPE 9-10
do from here on out! 175 x 10 – RPE 9-10
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets

Day 2 – Upper body push focus

Chest 2 exercises 14 sets (12 of these are

dynamic speed sets)

Shoulders 2 exercises 5 sets

Triceps 2 exercise 7 sets

6 exercises 26 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Chest | Dynamic benches

We are adding 3 additional sets here this week. Continue This is an example of what it could look like:
to focus on speed and producing maximum force as fast as
135 x 10 – Warm up
you can. Remember to use 3 different grips here. The first 4
135 x 10 – Warm up
sets are with a grip one finger away from the smooth part
185 x 4 – Feeder set
of the bar. The next 4 sets are where your pinky will be on
225 for 12 x 3 - This assumes 225 is 55% of
the ring. The last 4 sets your forefinger will be on the ring.
your 1 rep max.
Do 12 sets of 3 here. 12 total work sets
For work sets use 55% of max weight.

Rest Period – 30 seconds between work sets

Work set % – 55%

2/  Chest | Slight incline dumbbell press

Do a few warm ups, then low rep feeder sets until you get to This is an example of what it could look like:
your big set. Do about 8 reps there. Try to use 5 lbs. more
45’s x 15 – Warm up
then what you used last week here. We’ll then do a 2nd all
65’s x 4 – Feeder set
out set there where you try to match the number, and then
90’s x 8 – RPE 9
drop the weight 30% and go to failure again. 2 total work sets
90’s x 8. Drop to 65’s and go to failure – RPE 12
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets

(48) Slight angle dumbell press

3/  Shoulders | High incline Smith press

You should be pretty warmed up but make sure you still do This is an example of what it could look like:
1-2 feeder sets to get the feel of the angle and weight. On
95 x 3 – Feeder set
the work sets hold the first rep at the top for a 2 count. Next,
205 x 4 – Feeder set
do the rest of the reps with normal tempo. On the last rep,
140 x 8 – RPE 8 (Hold the first and last rep
before racking, hold for a two count at the top again. This
for a two count at the top)
hold will be key for strength development We want a tough
160 x 5 – RPE 9 (Hold the first and last rep
set of 8 then 5. Please keep form perfect on these sets. Try
for a two count at the top)
to beat what you did last week by at least 5 lbs. this week.
No sloppy form allowed here. Use a medium grip here. For
hand placement, your pinkies will go on the rings.
2 total work sets

Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets

4/  Shoulders | Dumbbell Y raises

Raise the dumbbells to 10 and 2 o’clock and feel the burn! Do This is an example of what it could look like:
3 sets of 14 here. This is 2 more reps than last week with
20’s x 14 – RPE 9
the same weight. 3 total work sets
20’s x 14 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 20’s x 14 – RPE 9

Note – If you have had shoulder issues, I would advise adding in Spidercrawls here.


We are adding a set here for your progression. Next week This is an example of what it could look like:
we will go to 5 sets, then we will swap this out. Going up
Red short pro mini band – Up and down 3
and down 3 times is 1 set. Go down below the waist and
times – RPE 9
come up to over your head. 4 total work sets
Red short pro mini band – Up and down 3
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets times – RPE 9
Red short pro mini band – Up and down 3
times – RPE 9

Red short pro mini band – Up and down 3

times – RPE 9

5/  Triceps | Dual rope triceps extensions

Do 4 sets of 12 here reaching failure. Go heavier this week 130 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
on these and still get 12 reps on your sets. 4 total work sets 130 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
130 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets
130 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10

6/  Triceps | Dumbbell triceps kickouts

Use a slow tempo and absolutely perfect form on these. Do This is an example of what it could look like:
3 sets of 8. For your progression here, slow down your
30’s x 8 – RPE 9
tempo even more than last week. 3 total work sets
30’s x 8 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 30’s x 8 – RPE 9

Day 3 – Upper body pull focus
Back 3 exercises 9 sets

Rear delts 1 exercise 3 sets

Biceps 2 exercises 6 sets

6 exercises 18 sets

1/  Back | Chest supported row

Use a machine that has a chest pad so you can eliminate This is an example of what it could look like:
lower back stress. Use a pronated grip (palms facing down).
50 lbs. x 15 – Warm up
These are meant to target your lower traps, rhomboids, and
50 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
rear delts. Do 3 sets of 8 here again but try to add 10-20
90 lbs. x 6 – Feeder set
lbs. more than you used last week. Use a full range of mo-
150 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
tion really stretching out in the lengthened position.
150 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
3 total work sets
150 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets

2/  Back | One arm barbell row

Do two low rep feeder sets to get you to your working This is an example of what it could look like:
weight. Bump your reps to 12 this week with the same
50 x 5 – Feeder set
weight you used last week. Do two hard sets of 12 to start.
75 x 5 – Feeder set
Next up is your money set. After you do your 12, drop the
100 x 12 – RPE 10
weight 25-30% and grind out as many more reps as you
100 x 12 – RPE 10
can. Treat your arms as simple attachments, do not pull
100 x 12, then 75 x 10 – RPE 12
with your biceps. 3 total work sets
*It is ok if you lose a few reps on these, as fatigue may start to set in.

Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets

3/  Back | Banded pull ups

Do 3 sets to failure here. On the last set, hold your last This is an example of what it could look like:
rep in the middle part of the range of motion (isohold)
Pullups to failure – RPE 10
for as long as you can. 3 total work sets
Pullups to failure – RPE 10
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets Pullups to failure, isohold at midrange for as long
as possible – RPE 12

4/  Rear delts | Machine rear delt flyes

Do 3 sets of 30 here. High reps and fighting through burn This is an example of what it could look like:
equals growth for rear delts. They are also important stabi-
115 lbs. x 30 – RPE 8-9
lizers for your bench work. 3 total work sets
115 lbs. x 30 – RPE 8-9
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 115 lbs. x 30 – RPE 8-9

5/  Biceps | Slight incline hammer dumbbell curls

You are going to do 1 warm up set first. Each work set will This is an example of what it could look like:
be doing 10 full reps, and then 5 slow partials out of the
20 lbs. x 15 – Warm up
bottom. Do 3 sets like this. Reduce your rest period by 15
30 lbs. x 10, then 5 partials – RPE 12
seconds on these this week. 3 total work sets
30 lbs. x 10, then 5 partials – RPE 12
Rest Period – 1 minute and 45 seconds between work sets 30 lbs. x 10, then 5 partials – RPE 12

6/  Biceps | Preacher curls

Do 3 working sets close to failure shooting for about 8 This is an example of what it could look like:
reps. Use slow and controlled form. Reduce your rest peri-
55 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9-10
od by 15 seconds on these this week. 3 total work sets
55 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9-10
Rest Period – 1 minute and 45 seconds between work sets 55 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9-10

Day 4 – Lower body focus
Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 5 exercises 13 sets

15 sets (these are all

Speed pulls 1 exercise
dynamic speed sets)

Calves 1 exercise 4 sets

8 exercises 35 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Legs | Seated leg curls

We are adding one work set on these this week. You will This is an example of what it could look like:
do 3-4 warm up sets and then do 4 hard sets of 10 reps.
50 x 15 – Warm up
4 total work sets
70 x 12 – Warm up
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 90 x 6 – Feeder set
130 x 10 – RPE 9
130 x 10 – RPE 9
130 x 10 – RPE 9
130 x 10 – RPE 9

2/  Legs | Max effort barbell squats

You will be working up to a tough set of 3 with perfect form. This is an example of what it could look like:
You will follow that up with 3 sets of 5 with 70%, 75%, and
135 x 10 – Warm up
70% of your 1 rep squat max. This is an additional set more
185 x 8 – Warm up
then we did last week. The added set is also at 75%. No-
225 x 4 – Feeder set
tice the holds on the first and last reps in the example be-
275 x 4 – Feeder set
low. This means holding the bar at the top, not bottom.
315 x 3 – RPE 8
3 total work sets
275 x 5 – 70% of 1 rep maximum squat (Hold
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets the first and last rep for a two count at the top)
285 x 5 – 75% of 1 rep maximum squat (Hold
Work set % – 70%, 75% and 70% on last 3 sets
the first and last rep for a two count at the top)
275 x 5 – 70% of 1 rep maximum squat (Hold
the first and last rep for a two count at the top)

3/  Speed pulls

Remember to always use a double overhand grip with straps. This is an example of what it could look like:
You are going to be using 60% of your 1 rep maximum dead-
135 x 3 – Warm up
lift to do 15 singles. This is 5% more weight than last week,
185 x 3 – Warm up
and you must keep your speed. 15 total work sets
225 x 3 – Feeder set
For work sets use 60% of your 1 rep maximum deadlift 285 for 15 x 1 - This assumes 285 is 60% of
your 1 rep max.
Rest Period – 10 seconds between work sets
Work set % – 60%

4/  Legs | Hack squat

Use the foot placement that allows you to use the most This is an example of what it could look like:
range of motion safely. We like these to be done deep. You
1 plate per side x 6 – Feeder to get feel of
are going to work up to a hard set of 8 for your first set. On
your next set, you are doing a cluster set. 2 total work sets
2 plates per side x 4 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 3 plates per side x 8 – RPE 8
3 plates per side x 8, rest 20 seconds and
then go very close to failure, rest 20 seconds
and then go right up to failure – RPE 13

5/  Legs | Bulgarian drop set of death

Do 3 sets of 5 working your way up with dumbbells. These This is an example of what it could look like:
are meant to be easy, and not brutal. However, the work
20 lbs. x 5 – Feeder set
set will be brutal. You will use the dumbbells that you used
30 lbs. x 5 – Feeder set
working up for a drop set. Each set will involve 8 reps end-
40 lbs. x 5 – Feeder set
ing with an 8 second isohold then dropping the weight.
50 lbs. x 8 and then an 8 second isohold near
Make sure you rest 3 minutes before doing the 2nd leg. You
the top, then drop to 40 lbs. x 8 and an 8 sec-
will need the break. Do not rush straight into the 2nd leg.
ond isohold, then drop to 30 lbs. and repeat,
1 total work set
and finally 20 lbs. to finish. Many people cannot
Rest Period – Rest 3 minutes and then do other leg. complete this and do bodyweight only at the
end. Let’s see how you do. – RPE 13

6/  Legs | Barbell stiff legged deadlifts

You are going to be pretty smoked at this point, and your This is an example of what it could look like:
quads will have a massive pump. Do these nice and slow.
135 x 4 – Feeder set
Do 3 sets of 8. Try to increase your weight by 10 lbs. on
195 x 8 – RPE 8
these this week. 3 total work sets
195 x 8 – RPE 8
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 195 x 8 – RPE 8

7/  Calves | Seated calf raises

Do 4 sets of 15 here. Try to add 10 lbs. on all your sets This is an example of what it could look like:
here. Work the stretch hard at the bottom. Don’t forget to
75 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
do your tibialis work in between sets. 4 total work sets
125 x 5 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets 135 x 15 – RPE 9-10
135 x 15 – RPE 9-10
135 x 15 – RPE 9-10
135 x 15 – RPE 9-10

8/  Abs | Sit ups

I’d like to see 3 sets of 11 if possible. If this is not possible, This is an example of what it could look like:
just do what you can. If this is too easy, then do 3 sets of
Week 1 – 3 x 10 (30 total reps)
15-20. 3 total work sets
Week 2 – 3 x 11 (33 total reps)
Goal – Progress weekly on these by adding 1 rep per set. Week 3 – 3 x 12 (36 total reps)
Week 4 – 3 x 13 (39 total reps)
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets
Week 5 – 3 x 14 (42 total reps)
RPE 8-10 Week 6 – 3 x 15 (45 total reps)
Week 7 – We will rotate out exercis

Day 5 – Upper body push focus
Chest 4 exercises 10 sets

Shoulders 2 exercises 6 sets

Triceps 2 exercises 7 sets

8 exercises 23 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Chest | Slight decline dumbbell press

Do a few warm ups, then low rep feeder sets until you get This is an example of what it could look like:
to your big set. Do about 8 reps there. Add 5 more lbs. this
25’s x 20 – Warm up
week to your dumbbells. We’ll then do a 2nd all out set
45’s x 15 – Warm up
there where you try to match the number, and then drop the
65’s x 6 – Feeder set
weight 30% and go to failure again. 2 total work sets
85’s x 6 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 105’s x4 – Feeder set
125’s x 8 – RPE 9
125’s x 8. Dropped to 90 and got 6 more –
RPE 12

2/  Chest | Max effort medium grip high incline benches

Today is a maximal strength bench day. You are going to This is an example of what it could look like:
work up to a hard set of 3 here with perfect form. The goal
135 x 10 – Warm up
is to beat what you did last week by 10 lbs. Notice how we
135 x 10 – Warm up
implemented the holds here as well. Hold at the top, not the
185 x 4 – Feeder set
bottom. Own and control the weight. You will then follow
215 x 3 – RPE 9. (Hold the start of the first rep
that up with 2 sets of 4 (increased from 2) with 80% of your
for a two count and then hold the last rep for
1 rep maximum done with a very slow and controlled tem-
another 2 count before racking)
po. Lower the weight with a 3 count. 3 total work sets
200 x 4 - This assumes 200 is 80% of your 1 rep
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work set max. (Hold the first and last rep for a two count
at the top)
Work set % – 80% on last 2 sets
200 x 4 - This assumes 200 is 80% of your 1 rep
max. (Hold the first and last rep for a two count
at the top)

3/  Chest | Slight incline dumbbell press

Do a few low rep feeder sets until you get to your big set. This is an example of what it could look like:
Do about 8 reps there. We’ll then do a 2nd all out set there
45’s x 4 – Feeder set
where you try to match the number, and then drop the
65’s x 4 – Feeder set
weight 30% and go to failure again. 2 total work sets
85’s x 8 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 85’s x 8. Drop to 60’s and go to failure – RPE 12

4/  Chest | Dips

Shoot for 3 sets of around 8 to 10 reps. If you can do more This is an example of what it could look like:
than that, simply add weight. If you can’t do that, use an as-
Bodyweight plus added weight via dip belt or
sist machine. 3 total work sets
hanging chain around neck x 8 – RPE 10
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets Bodyweight plus added weight via dip belt or
hanging chain around neck x 8 – RPE 10
Bodyweight plus added weight via dip belt or
hanging chain around neck x 8 – RPE 10

5/  Shoulders | Dumbbell heavy side lateral partials/swings

Do 1 warm up set here before doing your heavy sets. Do 3 This is an example of what it could look like:
hard sets of 20 reps here. Try to use 5 more lbs. than you
25 lbs. x 15 – Warm up
did last week and still get the reps. 3 total work sets
40 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 40 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
40 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9

6/  Shoulders | Machine rear delt flyes

Do 3 sets of 15 here today. We are bringing the reps down This is an example of what it could look like:
from earlier in the week to use a little more weight. All of
135 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8-9
this rear delt work is going to pay off. You will have sledge-
135 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8-9
hammer rear delts. 3 total work sets
135 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8-9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets

7/  Triceps | Kettlebell Tate press

Do 4 sets of 12 here reaching failure. Do your best to use This is an example of what it could look like:
5 more lbs. here, even 2.5’s would be good! If you do not
30 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
have kettlebells you can use dumbbells. 4 total work sets
30 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 30 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
30 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10

8/  Triceps | Dumbbell lying extensions

Use a slow tempo and absolutely perfect form on these. This is an example of what it could look like:
Do these lying on the floor and pause each rep at the bot-
30’s x 10 – RPE 9
tom. Do 3 sets of 10 using the same weight you used last
30’s x 10 – RPE 9
week (you did 8 reps last week). 3 total work sets
30’s x 10 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets





Week 3
Day 1 – Lower body focus Day 4 – Lower body focus

Abs 1 exercise 3 sets Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 3 exercises 23 sets (20 of these are Legs 5 exercises 13 sets

dynamic speed sets)

Speed pulls 1 exercise 15 sets (these are all

Low back 1 exercise 3 sets dynamic speed sets)

Calves 1 exercise 3 sets Calves 1 exercise 4 sets

6 exercises 32 sets 8 exercises 35 sets

Day 2 – Upper body push focus Day 5 – Upper body push focus

Chest 2 exercises 17 sets (15 of these are Chest 4 exercises 10 sets

dynamic speed sets)

Shoulders 2 exercises 6 sets

Shoulders 2 exercises 5 sets
Triceps 2 exercises 7 sets
Triceps 2 exercises 7 sets
8 exercises 23 sets
6 exercises 29 sets

Days 6 & 7 - OFF - Family Days

Day 3 – Upper body pull focus

Back 3 exercises 9 sets

Rear delts 1 exercise 3 sets

Biceps 2 exercises 6 sets

6 exercises 18 sets

Day 1 – Lower body focus
Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 3 exercises 23 sets (20 of these are

dynamic speed sets)

Low back 1 exercise 3 sets

Calves 1 exercise 3 sets

6 exercises 32 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Legs | Lying leg curls

Repeat what you did last week but add 5 additional par- This is an example of what it could look like:
tials out of the bottom for 20 partials as part of the last
50 x 15 – Warm up set
set. It will consist of doing 8 reps, then dropping the weight
70 x 12 – Warm up set
and doing another 8, followed by 20 slow partials out of the
90 x 6 – Feeder set (low rep sets designed to
stretch position. These are going to burn like fire but work
get you to your top set without exhausting you)
through it. 1 total work set
110 x 8, 90 x 8, 90 x 20 partials – RPE 13
Rest Period – N/A – only 1 work set

2/  Legs | Dynamic squats

We are adding 5 additional sets here this week. Do 20 This is an example of what it could look like:
sets of 2 here. 20 total work sets
135 x 10 – Warm up
For work sets use 55% of your 1 rep maximum squat. 185 x 8 – Warm up
225 x 4 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 30 seconds between work sets
275 for 20 x 2 - This assumes 275 is 55% of
Work set % – 55% your 1 rep max.

3/  Legs | Leg press

Do a few warm up sets then 2 tough sets of 14 using the This is an example of what it could look like:
same weight you did last week for 12. 2 total work sets
2 plates per side x 6 – Feeder to get feel of
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets movement
3 plates per side x 6 – Feeder set
4 plates per side x 14 – RPE 9
4 plates per side x 14 – RPE 9

4/  Low back | Barbell hyperextensions

Do these nice and slow. Try to add 2 additional reps to This is an example of what it could look like:
what you did last week with the same weight. Make sure
Bodyweight x 10 – Warm up
you are set up on the pad correctly. You should feel this in
135 x 12 – RPE 8
your low back, hams, and glutes. Do 3 sets of 12. 3 total
135 x 12 – RPE 8
work sets
135 x 12 – RPE 8
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets

5/  Abs | Decline leg raise

We’d like to see 3 sets of 12 if possible. If this is not possi- This is an example of what it could look like:
ble, just do what you can. If this is too easy, then do 3 sets
Week 1 – 3 x 10 (30 total reps)
of 15-20. 3 total work sets
Week 2 – 3 x 11 (33 total reps)
Goal – Progress weekly on these by adding 1 rep per set. Week 3 – 3 x 12 (36 total reps)
Week 4 – 3 x 13 (39 total reps)
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets
Week 5 – 3 x 14 (42 total reps)
RPE 8-10 Week 6 – 3 x 15 (45 total reps)
Week 7 – We will rotate out this exercise

6/  Calves | Standing calf raises

Do 3 heavy sets of 12 here with the same weight you This is an example of what it could look like:
used last week for sets of 10. Work the stretch hard at the
75 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
bottom. 3 total work sets
125 x 5 – Feeder
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets 175 x 12 – RPE 9-10
175 x 12 – RPE 9-10
175 x 12 – RPE 9-10

Day 2 – Upper body push focus

Chest 2 exercises 17 sets (15 of these are

dynamic speed sets)

Shoulders 2 exercises 5 sets

Triceps 2 exercise 7 sets

6 exercises 29 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Chest | Dynamic benches

We are adding 3 additional sets here this week. The first This is an example of what it could look like:
5 sets are with a grip one finger away from the smooth part
135 x 10 – Warm up
of the bar. The next 5 sets are where your pinky will be on
135 x 10 – Warm up
the ring. The last 5 sets your forefinger will be on the ring.
185 x 4 – Feeder set
Do 15 sets of 3 here. 15 total work sets
225 for 15 x 3 - This assumes 225 is 55% of
For work sets use 55% of max weight. your 1 rep max.
Rest Period – 30 seconds between work sets

Work set % – 55%

2/  Chest | Slight incline dumbbell press

Do a few warm ups, then low rep feeder sets until you get to This is an example of what it could look like:
your big set. Do about 8 reps there. Try to use 5 lbs. more
45’s x 15
then what you used last week here. We’ll then do a 2nd all
65’s x 4
out set there where you try to match the number, and then
95’s x 8 – RPE 9
drop the weight 30% and shoot for another 6.
95’s x 8. Drop to 70’s and go to failure – RPE 12
2 total work sets
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets

3/  Shoulders | High incline Smith press

On the work sets continue to hold the first rep at the top for This is an example of what it could look like:
a 2 count. Next, do the rest of the reps with normal tempo.
95 x 3
On the last rep, before racking, hold for a two count. This
205 x 4
hold will be key for strength development We want a tough
145 x 8 – RPE 8 (Hold the first and last rep
set of 8 then 5. Please keep form perfect on these sets. Try
for a two count at the top)
to beat what you did last week by at another 5 lbs. this
165 x 5 – RPE 9 (Hold the first and last rep
week. No sloppy form allowed here. Use a medium grip
for a two count at the top)
here. For hand placement, your pinkies will go on the rings.
2 total work sets
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets

4/  Shoulders | Dumbbell Y raises

Raise the dumbbells to 10 and 2 o’clock and feel the burn! Do This is an example of what it could look like:
3 sets of 16 here. This is 2 more reps than last week with
20’s x 16 – RPE 9
the same weight. 3 total work sets
20’s x 16 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 20’s x 16 – RPE 9

Note – If you have had shoulder issues, I would advise adding in Spidercrawls here.


We are adding a set here for your progression. We go to 5 This is an example of what it could look like:
sets this week. This is your last week on these.
Red short pro mini band – Up and down 3
5 total work sets
times – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets Red short pro mini band – Up and down 3
times – RPE 9
Red short pro mini band – Up and down 3
times – RPE 9
Red short pro mini band – Up and down 3
times – RPE 9
Red short pro mini band – Up and down 3
times – RPE 9

5/  Triceps | Dual rope triceps extensions

Do 4 sets of 14 here reaching failure. You are adding two 130 lbs. x 14 – RPE 9-10
more reps this week. 4 total work sets 130 lbs. x 14 – RPE 9-10
130 lbs. x 14 – RPE 9-10
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets
130 lbs. x 14 – RPE 9-10

6/  Triceps | Dumbbell triceps kickouts

Continue to use a slow tempo and absolutely perfect form This is an example of what it could look like:
on these. Do 3 sets of 8. For your progression here, use
35’s x 8 – RPE 9
more weight this week. 3 total work sets
35’s x 8 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 35’s x 8 – RPE 9

Day 3 – Upper body pull focus
Back 3 exercises 9 sets

Rear delts 1 exercise 3 sets

Biceps 2 exercises 6 sets

6 exercises 18 sets

1/  Back | Chest supported row

Use a pronated grip (palms facing down). These are meant This is an example of what it could look like:
to target your lower traps, rhomboids, and rear delts. Do 3
50 lbs. x 15 – Warm up
sets of 8 here again but try to add another 10 lbs. more
50 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
than you used last week. Use a full range of motion really
90 lbs. x 6 – Feeder set
stretching out in the lengthened position. 3 total work sets
160 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 160 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
160 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9

2/  Back | One arm barbell row

Do two low rep feeder sets to get you to your working This is an example of what it could look like:
weight. Bump your weight this week by 10 lbs. Do two
50 x 5 – Feeder set
hard sets of 12 to start. Next up is your money set. After you
75 x 5 – Feeder set
do your 12, drop the weight 25-30% and grind out as many
110 x 12 – RPE 10
more reps as you can. Treat your arms as simple attach-
110 x 12 – RPE 10
ments, do not pull with your biceps. 3 total work sets
110 x 12, then 80 x 10 – RPE 12
*It is ok if you lose a few reps on these, as fatigue may start to set in.

Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets

3/  Back | Banded pull ups

Do 3 sets to failure here. On the last set, hold your last This is an example of what it could look like:
rep in the middle part of the range of motion (isohold)
Pullups to failure – RPE 10
for as long as you can. 3 total work sets
Pullups to failure – RPE 10
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets Pullups to failure, isohold at midrange for as long
as possible – RPE 12

4/  Rear delts | Machine rear delt flyes

Do 3 sets of 30 here. 3 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like:

Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 115 lbs. x 30 – RPE 8-9
115 lbs. x 30 – RPE 8-9
115 lbs. x 30 – RPE 8-9

5/  Biceps | Slight incline hammer dumbbell curls

You are going to do 1 warm up set first. Each set will be do- This is an example of what it could look like:
ing 10 full reps, and then 5 slow partials out of the bottom.
20 lbs. x 15 – Warm up
Do 3 sets like this. Reduce your rest period by 15 more
30 lbs. x 10, then 5 partials – RPE 12
seconds on these this week. 3 total work sets
30 lbs. x 10, then 5 partials – RPE 12
Rest Period – 1 minute and 30 seconds between work sets 30 lbs. x 10, then 5 partials – RPE 12

6/  Biceps | Preacher curls

Do 3 working sets close to failure shooting for about 8 This is an example of what it could look like:
reps. Use slow and controlled form. Reduce your rest peri-
55 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9-10
od by 15 seconds on these this week. 3 total work sets
55 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9-10
Rest Period – 1 minute and 30 seconds between work sets 55 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9-10

Day 4 – Lower body focus
Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 5 exercises 13 sets

15 sets (these are all

Speed pulls 1 exercise
dynamic speed sets)

Calves 1 exercise 4 sets

8 exercises 35 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Legs | Seated leg curls

We are adding more weight on these as your progression This is an example of what it could look
this week. 10 lbs. added would be great. You will do 3-4 like:
warm up sets and then do hard sets of 10 reps.
50 x 15 – Warm up
4 total work sets
70 x 12 – Warm up
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 90 x 6 – Feeder set
140 x 10 – RPE 9
140 x 10 – RPE 9
140 x 10 – RPE 9
140 x 10 – RPE 9

2/  Legs | Max effort barbell squats

You will be working up to a tough set of 3 with perfect form. This is an example of what it could look like:
You will follow that up with 3 sets of 5 with 70%, 75%, and
135 x 10 – Warm up
80% of your 1 rep squat max. The final set is now at 80%.
185 x 8 – Warm up
Notice the holds again on the first and last reps in the ex-
225 x 4 – Feeder set
ample below. Use a medium stance and go a little deeper
275 x 4 – Feeder set
than the box squats you did on Day 1. 3 total work sets
315 x 3 – RPE 8
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 275 x 5 – 70% of 1 rep maximum squat (Hold
the first and last rep for a two count at the top)
Work set % – 70%, 75% and 80% on last 3 sets
285 x 5 – 75% of 1 rep maximum squat (Hold
the first and last rep for a two count at the top)
295 x 5 – 80% of 1 rep maximum squat (Hold
the first and last rep for a two count at the top)

3/  Speed pulls

You are going to be using 65% of your 1 rep maximum dead- This is an example of what it could look like:
lift to do 15 singles. This is 5% more weight than last week,
135 x 3 – Warm up
and you must keep your speed. 15 total work sets
185 x 3 – Warm up
For work sets use 60% of your 1 rep maximum deadlift 225 x 3 – Feeder set
295 for 15 x 1 - This assumes 295 is 65% of
Rest Period – 10 seconds between work sets
your 1 rep max.
Work set % – 65%

4/  Legs | Hack squat

Use the foot placement that allows you to use the most This is an example of what it could look like:
range of motion safely. You are going to work up to a hard
1 plate per side x 6 – Feeder to get feel of
set of 8 for your first set. On your next set, you are doing a
cluster set. 2 total work sets
2 plates per side x 4 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 3 plates per side x 8 – RPE 8
3 plates per side x 8, rest 20 seconds and
then go very close to failure, rest 20 seconds
and then go right up to failure – RPE 13

5/  Legs | Bulgarian drop set of death

Do 3 sets of 5 working your way up with dumbbells. These This is an example of what it could look like:
are meant to be easy, and not brutal. However, the work
20 lbs. x 5 – Feeder set
set will be brutal. You will use the dumbbells that you used
30 lbs. x 5 – Feeder set
working up for a drop set. Each set will involve 8 reps end-
40 lbs. x 5 – Feeder set
ing with an 8 second isohold then dropping the weight.
50 lbs. x 8 and then an 8 second isohold near
Make sure you rest 3 minutes before doing the 2nd leg. You
the top, then drop to 40 lbs. x 8 and an 8 sec-
will need the break. Do not rush straight into the 2nd leg.
ond isohold, then drop to 30 lbs. and repeat,
1 total work set
and finally 20 lbs. to finish. Many people cannot
Rest Period – Rest 3 minutes and then do other leg. complete this and do bodyweight only at the
end. Let’s see how you do. – RPE 13

6/  Legs | Barbell stiff legged deadlifts

Do these nice and slow. Do 3 sets of 8. Try to increase your This is an example of what it could look like:
weight by 10 more lbs. on these this week.
135 x 4 – Feeder set
3 total work sets
205 x 8 – RPE 8
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 205 x 8 – RPE 8
205 x 8 – RPE 8

7/  Calves | Seated calf raises

Do 4 sets of 15 here. Try to add 10 lbs. on all your sets This is an example of what it could look like:
here. Work the stretch hard at the bottom. Don’t forget to
75 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
do your tibialis work in between sets. 4 total work sets
125 x 5 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets 145 x 15 – RPE 9-10
145 x 15 – RPE 9-10
145 x 15 – RPE 9-10
145 x 15 – RPE 9-10

8/  Abs | Sit ups

I’d like to see 3 sets of 12 if possible. If this is not possible, This is an example of what it could look like:
just do what you can. If this is too easy, then do 3 sets of
Week 1 – 3 x 10 (30 total reps)
15-20. 3 total work sets
Week 2 – 3 x 11 (33 total reps)
Goal – Progress weekly on these by adding 1 rep per set. Week 3 – 3 x 12 (36 total reps)
Week 4 – 3 x 13 (39 total reps)
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets
Week 5 – 3 x 14 (42 total reps)
RPE 8-10 Week 6 – 3 x 15 (45 total reps)
Week 7 – We will rotate out exercis

Day 5 – Upper body push focus
Chest 4 exercises 10 sets

Shoulders 2 exercises 6 sets

Triceps 2 exercises 7 sets

8 exercises 23 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Chest | Slight decline dumbbell press

Do a few warm ups, then low rep feeder sets until you get to This is an example of what it could look like:
your big set. Do about 10 reps there. That’s 2 more than you
25’s x 20 – Warm up
did last week. We’ll then do a 2nd all out set there where
45’s x 15 – Warm up
you try to match the number, and then drop the weight 30%
65’s x 6 – Feeder set
and go to failure again. 2 total work sets
85’s x 6 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 105’s x4 – Feeder set
125’s x 10 – RPE 9
125’s x 10, Dropped to 90 and go to failure –
RPE 12

2/  Chest | Max effort medium grip high incline benches

Work up to a hard set of 3 here with perfect form. The goal This is an example of what it could look like:
is to again beat what you did last week by 10 lbs. You
135 x 10 – Warm up
will then follow that up with 2 sets of 6 (last week you did
135 x 10 – Warm up
4) with 80% of your 1 rep maximum. Lower the weight on
185 x 4 – Feeder set
these with a 3 count. 3 total work sets
225 x 3 – RPE 9. (Hold the first and last rep for a
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work set two count)
200 x 6 - This assumes 200 is 80% of your 1 rep
Work set % – 80% on last 2 sets
max. (Hold the first and last rep for a two count
at the top)
200 x 6 - This assumes 200 is 80% of your 1 rep
max. (Hold the first and last rep for a two count
at the top)

3/  Chest | Slight incline dumbbell press

Do a few low rep feeder sets until you get to your big set. This is an example of what it could look like:
Do about 8 reps there. We’ll then do a 2nd all out set there
45’s x 4 – Feeder set
where you try to match the number, and then drop the
65’s x 4 – Feeder set
weight 30% and go to failure again. 2 total work sets
85’s x 8 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 85’s x 8. Drop to 60’s and go to failure – RPE 12

4/  Chest | Dips

Shoot for 3 sets of around 8 to 10 reps. If you can do more This is an example of what it could look like:
than that, simply add weight. If you can’t do that, use an as-
Bodyweight plus added weight via dip belt or
sist machine. 3 total work sets
hanging chain around neck x 8 – RPE 10
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets Bodyweight plus added weight via dip belt or
hanging chain around neck x 8 – RPE 10
Bodyweight plus added weight via dip belt or
hanging chain around neck x 8 – RPE 10

5/  Shoulders | Dumbbell heavy side lateral partials/swings

Do 1 warm up set here before doing your heavy sets. Do 3 This is an example of what it could look like:
hard sets of 20 reps here. Try to use 5 more lbs. than you
25 lbs. x 15 – Warm up
did last week and still get the reps. 3 total work sets
45 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 45 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
45 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9

6/  Shoulders | Machine rear delt flyes

Do 3 sets of 10 here today. We are bringing the reps down This is an example of what it could look like:
even more from earlier in the week to use a little more
140 lbs. x 10 – RPE 8-9
weight. Use a 2 second hold and flex in the contracted po-
140 lbs. x 10 – RPE 8-9
sition on these. 3 total work sets
140 lbs. x 10 – RPE 8-9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets

7/  Triceps | Kettlebell Tate press

Do 4 sets of 12 here reaching failure. Try again to use 5 This is an example of what it could look like:
more lbs. here, even 2.5’s would be good! If you do not
35 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
have kettlebells you can use dumbbells. 4 total work sets
35 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 35 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
35 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10

8/  Triceps | Dumbbell lying extensions

Use a slow tempo and absolutely perfect form on these. This is an example of what it could look like:
Do these lying on the floor and pause each rep at the bot-
30’s x 12 – RPE 9
tom. Do 3 sets of 12 using the same weight you used last
30’s x 12 – RPE 9
week (you did 10 reps last week). 3 total work sets
30’s x 12 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets

DAYS 6 & 7


Week 4
Day 1 – Lower body focus Day 4 – Lower body focus

Abs 1 exercise 3 sets Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 3 exercises 10 sets (6 of these are Legs 4 exercises 12 sets

dynamic speed sets)

Speed pulls 1 exercise 15 sets (these are all

Low back 1 exercise 3 sets dynamic speed sets)

Calves 1 exercise 3 sets Spinal erectors 1 exercise 3 sets

6 exercises 19 sets Calves 1 exercise 4 sets

8 exercises 27 sets
Day 2 – Upper body push focus

Chest 2 exercises 8 sets (6 of these are Day 5 – Upper body push focus
dynamic speed sets)

Chest 4 exercises 11 sets

Shoulders 3 exercises 9 sets
Shoulders 2 exercises 6 sets
Triceps 2 exercises 8 sets
Triceps 2 exercises 8 sets
7 exercises 25 sets
8 exercises 25 sets

Day 3 – Upper body pull focus

Days 6 & 7 - OFF - Family Days
Back 3 exercises 9 sets

Rear delts 1 exercise 3 sets

Biceps 2 exercises 6 sets

6 exercises 18 sets

Day 1 – Lower body focus
Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 3 exercises 10 sets (6 of these are

dynamic speed sets)

Low back 1 exercise 3 sets

Calves 1 exercise 3 sets

6 exercises 19 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Legs | Seated leg curls

During this phase we are going to continue to go hard on leg This is an example of what it could look like:
curls. You will do 3-4 warm up sets to start. You will then
50 x 15 – Warm up set
do a hard set of 10. For your next set, you will do the same
70 x 12 – Warm up set
weight, but make it a cluster set. So, it will be 8 reps, rest 20
90 x 6 – Feeder set
seconds and do as many as you can, then rest 20 seconds
120 x 10 – RPE 9
and do as many as you can again. 2 total work sets
120x 8, rest 20 seconds and then go very close
Rest Period – 2 minutes between sets to failure, rest 20 seconds and then go right up
to failure – RPE 11

2/  Legs | Dynamic squats

These squats will still feel a bit light even with the increase This is an example of what it could look like:
in the % of your 1 rep max you are using. In this training
135 x 10 – Warm up
block, the % you are using will go up weekly. The number of
185 x 8 – Warm up
work sets will not. Make sure to keep the rest periods at 120
225 x 4 – Feeder set
sec. Do 6 sets of 5 here. 6 total work sets
285 for 6 x 5 - This assumes 285 is 65% of
For work sets use 65% of your 1 rep maximum squat. your 1 rep max.

Rest Period – 2 minutes between sets

Work set % – 65%

3/  Legs | Leg press

Use a wide stance with your feet high on the platform this This is an example of what it could look like:
phase. Turn your toes slightly out. This is going to hit adduc-
2 plates per side x 6 – Feeder set
tors in addition to your quads. Do a few warm up sets then 2
3 plates per side x 6 – Feeder set
tough sets of 10 here with a 3 second decent on all reps.
4 plates per side x 10 – RPE 8
2 total work sets
4 plates per side x 10 – RPE 8
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets

4/  Low back | Dumbbell hyperextensions

We are going to replace the barbell with a dumbbell here This is an example of what it could look like:
and bump the reps up. Hold the dumbbell against your
Bodyweight x 10 – Warm up
chest. Do 3 sets of 15. 3 total work sets
50 lb. dumbbell x 15 – RPE 8
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 50 lb. dumbbell x 15 – RPE 8
50 lb. dumbbell x 15 – RPE 8

5/  Abs | Decline leg raise

We would like to see 3 sets of 13 if possible. If this is not This is an example of what it could look like:
possible, just do what you can. If this is too easy, then do 3
Week 1 – 3 x 10 (30 total reps)
sets of 15-20. 3 total work sets
Week 2 – 3 x 11 (33 total reps)
Goal – Progress weekly on these by adding 1 rep per set. Week 3 – 3 x 12 (36 total reps)
Week 4 – 3 x 13 (39 total reps)
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets
Week 5 – 3 x 14 (42 total reps)
RPE 8-10 Week 6 – 3 x 15 (45 total reps)
Week 7 – We will rotate out this exercise

6/  Calves | Standing calf raises

Do 3 heavy sets of 8 here. On each set add in 10 slow par- This is an example of what it could look like:
tials out of the bottom. Work the stretch hard at the bot-
75 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
tom. 3 total work sets
125 x 5 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 175 x 8 then 10 partials – RPE 11
175 x 8 then 10 partials – RPE 11
175 x 8 then 10 partials – RPE 11

Day 2 – Upper body push focus

Chest 2 exercises 8 sets (6 of these are

dynamic speed sets)

Shoulders 3 exercises 9 sets

Triceps 2 exercise 8 sets

7 exercises 25 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Chest | Dynamic benches

As with your squats, continue to focus on speed and pro- This is an example of what it could look like:
ducing maximum force here. These benches will still feel a
135 x 10 – Warm up
bit light even with the increase in the % of your 1 rep max
135 x 10 – Warm up
you are using. In this training block, the % you are using will
185 x 4 – Feeder set
go up weekly. Make sure to keep the rest periods at 120 sec.
225 for 6 x 5 - This assumes 225 is 65% of
Do 6 sets of 5 here. The first 2 sets are with a grip one fin-
your 1 rep max.
ger away from the smooth part of the bar. The next 2 sets
are where your pinky will be on the ring. The last 2 sets your
forefinger will be on the ring. Do 6 sets of 5 here. 6 total
work sets

For work sets use 65% of max weight.

Rest Period – 120 seconds between work sets

Work set % – 65%

2/  Chest | Slight incline dumbbell press

Do a few warm ups, then low rep feeder sets until you get This is an example of what it could look like:
to your big set. Do about 8 reps there. We’ll then do a 2nd all
45’s x 15 – Warm up
out set there where you try to match the number, and then
65’s x 4 – Feeder set
drop the weight 30% and go to failure. 2 total work sets
85’s x 8 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 85’s x 8. Drop to 60’s and go to failure – RPE 12

3/  Shoulders | High incline Smith press

We want a tough set of 8 then 5. Lastly, we are adding a This is an example of what it could look like:
heavy set of 3 here during this phase. On all 3 work sets
95 x 3 – Feeder set
keep a slow and controlled tempo. This allows you to go
205 x 4 – Feeder set
heavy and use lower reps, without getting injured. Also,
135 x 8 (slow tempo) – RPE 8 (Hold the first
before your first rep, and after you complete the last rep do
and last rep for a two count)
your 2 second hold. 3 total work sets
155 x 5 (slow tempo) – RPE 9 (Hold the first
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets and last rep for a two count)
175 x 3 (slow tempo) – RPE 9 (Hold the first
and last rep for a two count)

4/  Shoulders | Dumbbell side laterals

These are just standard dumbbell side laterals. Do 2 sets This is an example of what it could look like:
of 10, and then on your last set do a massive drop set. Do
30’s x 10 – RPE 9
10, drop the weight and shoot for another 10, then drop the
30’s x 10 – RPE 9
weight and shoot for another 10. 3 total work sets
30’s x 10, then drop to 20’s and do 10, then
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets drop to 10’s and do 10 – RPE 12

5/  Shoulders | Overhead plate raises

Raise the plate up to directly over your head. Do 3 sets of 10 This is an example of what it could look like:
here. Please watch the video below to see the proper form.
25 lb. plate x 10 – RPE 9
These are great for delts but are also meant to hit your
25 lb. plate x 10 – RPE 9
lower traps. 3 total work sets
25 lb. plate x 10 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets
(16) Plate Raise for Lower Traps (Do Them Now)

6/  Triceps | Single arm triceps extensions

This is a great cable exercise for triceps. We like for these 50 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
to be done for higher reps. Do 4 sets of 20 here. 4 total 50 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
work sets 50 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
50 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets
(100) Single Arm Triceps Extension ( START TODAY )

7/  Triceps | Tricep pushdowns with dual handles

Use two attachments as shown in the video. We prefer This is an example of what it could look like:
something with a spongy grip. Drive the weight straight
150 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
down and flex your triceps hard. Do 4 hard sets of 8 here.
150 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
4 total work sets
150 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 150 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
(100) Tricep pushdowns with single handles

Day 3 – Upper body pull focus
Back 3 exercises 9 sets

Rear delts 1 exercise 3 sets

Biceps 2 exercises 6 sets

6 exercises 18 sets

1/  Back | Chest supported row

Use a machine that has a chest pad so you can eliminate This is an example of what it could look like:
lower back stress. Use a neutral grip on these during this
50 lbs. x 15 – Warm up
block (palms facing each other). These are meant to tar-
50 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
get your lats a little more in addition to traps, and rhom-
90 lbs. x 4 – Feeder set
boids. Do 3 sets of 8 here. Use a full range of motion really
140 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
stretching out in the lengthened position. Even with a neu-
140 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
tral grip you will feel your rhomboids stretching.
140 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
3 total work sets
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets

(42) Supported Row for a “THICK BACK” Exercise Index

2/  Back | Meadows row

The goal here is to work your upper back hard in addition This is an example of what it could look like:
to your lats. Do two low rep feeder sets to get you to your
50 x 5 – Feeder set
working weight. Do two hard sets of 10 to start. Next up
75 x 5 – Feeder set
is your money set. Do around 10, where 10 is failure. If you
100 x 10 – RPE 10
do 9 or 11, that’s ok, we just need that last rep to be failure
100 x 10 – RPE 10
with good form. If you get 12 or more, you didn’t go heavy
100 x 10, then 75 x 10 – RPE 12
enough. After you do your 10, drop the weight 25-30% and
grind out as many more reps as you can. Treat your arms as
simple attachments, do not pull with your biceps.
3 total work sets
*It is ok if you lose a few reps on these, as fatigue may start to set in.

Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets

(100) Exercise Index - Meadows Row

3/  Back | Stretch pulldowns

Do 3 sets of 8 here. You can pick either version that you This is an example of what it could look like:
see in the video below. Whichever version you pick,
170 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
stick with it throughout the block. 3 total work sets
170 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 170 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
(100) Epic Upper Back Development (Stretch Pulldown)

4/  Rear delts | Machine rear delt flyes

Do 3 sets of 15 here. After each set add on 10 partials out of This is an example of what it could look like:
the stretch position. 3 total work sets
125 lbs. x 15, then 10 partials – RPE 12
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 125 lbs. x 15, then 10 partials – RPE 12
125 lbs. x 15, then 10 partials – RPE 12

5/  Biceps | Standing hammer dumbbell curls

You are going to do 1 warm up set first. Do 3 sets of 12 here This is an example of what it could look like:
followed by 3 slow partials out of the bottom.
20 lbs. x 15 – Warm up
3 total work sets
30 lbs. x 12, then 3 partials – RPE 12
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 30 lbs. x 12, then 3 partials – RPE 12
30 lbs. x 12, then 3 partials – RPE 12
(41) 3 Types of Hammer Curls to Build *HUGE* Biceps

6/  Biceps | Concentration preacher curls

Do 2 working sets close to failure shooting for about 10 This is an example of what it could look like:
reps. Do a 3rd set where you add in one drop. Use slow and
30’s x 10 – RPE 9
controlled form. 3 total work sets
30’s x 10 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 30’s x 10, then drop to 15’s and do 10 – RPE 12
(100) Exercise Index - Concentration Preacher Curls

Day 4 – Lower body focus
Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 4 exercises 12 sets

15 sets (these are all

Speed pulls 1 exercise
dynamic speed sets)

Spinal erectors 1 exercise 3 sets

Calves 1 exercise 4 sets

8 exercises 37 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Legs | Lying leg curls

Do 3-4 warm up sets and then do 3 hard sets of 8 reps. Try This is an example of what it could look
to lower the weight with a 3 count on all reps. like:
3 total work sets
50 x 15 – Warm up
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 70 x 12 – Warm up
90 x 6 – Feeder set
130 x 8 – RPE 9
130 x 8 – RPE 9
130 x 8 – RPE 9

2/  Legs | Max effort front squats

We want you to get great depth on these. Use something This is an example of what it could look like:
like a 5 lb. plate under your heels to help facilitate this.
135 x 10 – Warm up
Do not use a large plate and raise your heels too much or
185 x 8 – Warm up
you will create excessive knee stress. You can use Prime
225 x 3 – Feeder set
wedges if your knees are ok with those. You will probably
255 x 5 – RPE 7 (Hold the first and last rep for a
not know your 1 rep max here, so we will not be using a %.
two count)
You will be working based on RPE. Do 3 sets of 5 increasing
265 x 5 – RPE 8 (Hold the first and last rep for a
weight as you go. See the example below. We will use the 2
two count)
seconds holds here as well. This just means stand tall and
275 x 5 – RPE 9 (Hold the first and last rep for a
hold the weight for 2 seconds before first rep and after you
two count)
complete the last rep. 3 total work sets

Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets

3/  Modified speed pulls (trap bar)

We want you to change how you pull in this block. Ideally this This is an example of what it could look like:
now becomes a Trap bar deadlift. That is our #1 option for
135 x 3 – Warm up
you. If you do not have access to a trap bar, you will do block
185 x 3 – Warm up
pulls. You would then elevate the plates on small blocks (you
225 x 3 – Feeder set
can use anything to raise the weight up a few inches). You
275 for 15 x 1 - This assumes 275 is 55% of
are going to be using 55% of your 1 rep maximum deadlift to
your 1 rep max.
do 15 singles. Since this variation may be new for you, just
try to best guesstimate your max. It should not be too far off
from the standard pull. 15 total work sets

For work sets use 55% of your 1 rep maximum deadlift

Rest Period – 10 seconds between work sets

Work set % – 55%

4/  Spinal erectors | Zercher carry

Our goal here is for you to work your lower traps and upper This is an example of what it could look like:
spinal erectors. We love doing these carries with a Yolk but
135 lbs. (barbell) x 20 steps – RPE 7
realize that most gyms will not have this piece of equip-
135 lbs. (barbell) x 20 steps – RPE 7
ment. Watch the video below on how to do these. You have
135 lbs. (barbell) x 20 steps – RPE 7
the option of doing these with a barbell or dumbell. Either
way works fine. On each set, make sure you take 20 total Or
steps. Do 3 sets. 3 total work sets
100 lb. dumbbell x 20 steps – RPE 7
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 100 lb. dumbbell x 20 steps – RPE 7
100 lb. dumbbell x 20 steps – RPE 7
Zercher Carry “TOP Secret” Spinal Erector Exercise (MUST TRY)

5/  Legs | Leg extensions

Do a couple feeder sets to find the right weight and then This is an example of what it could look like:
do 3 sets of 10 here. On the last set add on an additional 10
135 x 5 – Feeder set
partials out of the bottom. 3 total work sets
155 x 3 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 185 x 10 – RPE 9
185 x 10 – RPE 9
185 x 10, then 10 partials – RPE 12

6/  Legs | Dumbbell stiff legged deadlifts

Do these nice and slow. Do 3 slow sets of 6. 3 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like:

Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 135 x 3 – Feeder set

195 x 6 – RPE 8
195 x 6 – RPE 8
195 x 6 – RPE 8

7/  Calves | Seated calf raises

Do 4 sets of 15 here. Work the stretch hard at the bottom. This is an example of what it could look like:
Don’t forget to do your tibialis work in between sets.
75 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
4 total work sets
125 x 5 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets 135 x 15 – RPE 9-10
135 x 15 – RPE 9-10
135 x 15 – RPE 9-10
135 x 15 – RPE 9-10

8/  Abs | Sit ups

I’d like to see 3 sets of 13 if possible. If this is not possible, This is an example of what it could look like:
just do what you can. If this is too easy, then do 3 sets of
Week 1 – 3 x 10 (30 total reps)
15-20. 3 total work sets
Week 2 – 3 x 11 (33 total reps)
Goal – Progress weekly on these by adding 1 rep per set. Week 3 – 3 x 12 (36 total reps)
Week 4 – 3 x 13 (39 total reps)
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets
Week 5 – 3 x 14 (42 total reps)
RPE 8-10 Week 6 – 3 x 15 (45 total reps)
Week 7 – We will rotate out exercis

Day 5 – Upper body push focus
Chest 4 exercises 11 sets

Shoulders 2 exercises 6 sets

Triceps 2 exercises 8 sets

8 exercises 25 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Chest | Machine press

Use your favorite chest pressing machine here. You will do This is an example of what it could look like:
2 hard sets of 8 to start. On your last set do another 8, and
75 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
then drop the weight 25% and shoot for another 8 reps. See
105 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
the example below. 3 total work sets
135 x 5 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 155 x 8 – RPE 9
155 x 8 – RPE 9
155 x 8, then 115 for another 8 – RPE 12

2/  Chest | Max effort floor presses with straight legs

Today is a maximal strength bench day. There continues to This is an example of what it could look like:
be a really heavy emphasis on shoulders and triceps here.
135 x 10 – Warm up
You are going to work up to a set of 3 here with perfect
135 x 10 – Warm up
form. You will then follow that up with 2 sets of 2 with 80%
185 x 4 – Feeder set
of your 1 rep maximum done with a very slow and con-
255 x 3 – RPE 9
trolled tempo. Lower with a 3 count. 3 total work sets
235 x 2 (slow tempo) - Assumes 235 is 80% of
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work set your 1 rep max (Hold the first and last rep for a
two count)
Work set % – 80% on last 2 sets
235 x 2 (slow tempo) - Assumes 235 is 80% of
(101) Exercise Index - Floor Press For Triceps your 1 rep max (Hold the first and last rep for a
two count)

3/  Chest | Pec minor dips

These are really tough. Don’t be discouraged if it takes some This is an example of what it could look like:
practice. When you get it, you will experience a phenome-
Bodyweight x F – RPE 10
nal pump and get sore in a very unique way. Make sure you
Bodyweight x F – RPE 10
watch the video below to learn the form. Do 3 sets to failure.
Bodyweight x F – RPE 10
3 total work sets

Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets

(102) Exercise Index - Pec Minor Dip | Chest Exercise

4/  Chest | Slight decline dumbbell press

Do a few low rep feeder sets until you get to your big set. This is an example of what it could look like:
Do about 8 reps there. We’ll then do a 2nd all out set there
45’s x 4
where you try to match the number, and then drop the
65’s x 4
weight 30% and go to failure again. 2 total work sets
85’s x 8 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 85’s x 8. Drop to 60’s and get 6 more – RPE 12

5/  Shoulders | Dumbbell medium side lateral partials/swings

Do 1 warm up set here before doing your medium heavy This is an example of what it could look like:
sets. Do 3 hard sets of 30 reps here. On this block we are
20 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
using a little less weight but doing more reps than the last
30 lbs. x 30 – RPE 9
block. 3 total work sets
30 lbs. x 30 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 30 lbs. x 30 – RPE 9
Exercise Index - Partial Dumbbell Side Laterals

6/  Shoulders | Supine cable laterals

Do 3 sets of 15 here today. Do these with a nice slow tempo This is an example of what it could look like:
as well. 3 total work sets
25 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8-9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 25 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8-9
25 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8-9
(102) Exercise Index - Supine Cable Side Laterals

7/  Triceps | Seated rope extensions

If you do not have a bench to support your back as shown This is an example of what it could look like:
in the video, you can do these standing facing away from
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
cable station. Do 4 sets of 12 here reaching failure.
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
4 total work sets
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
(102) Seated overhead rope extensions

8/  Triceps | Decline lying extensions

Do these lying on a slight decline. Do 4 sets of 8. This is an example of what it could look like:
4 total work sets
85 x 8 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 85 x 8 – RPE 9
85 x 8 – RPE 9
(102) Decline lying triceps extensions
85 x 8 – RPE 9

DAYS 6 & 7


Week 5
Day 1 – Lower body focus Day 4 – Lower body focus

Abs 1 exercise 3 sets Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 3 exercises 10 sets (6 of these are Legs 4 exercises 13 sets

dynamic speed sets)

Speed pulls 1 exercise 15 sets (these are all

Low back 1 exercise 3 sets dynamic speed sets)

Calves 1 exercise 3 sets Spinal erectors 1 exercise 3 sets

6 exercises 19 sets Calves 1 exercise 4 sets

8 exercises 38 sets
Day 2 – Upper body push focus

Chest 2 exercises 8 sets (6 of these are Day 5 – Upper body push focus
dynamic speed sets)

Chest 4 exercises 11 sets

Shoulders 3 exercises 10 sets
Shoulders 2 exercises 6 sets
Triceps 2 exercises 8 sets
Triceps 2 exercises 12 sets
7 exercises 26 sets
8 exercises 29 sets

Day 3 – Upper body pull focus

Days 6 & 7 - OFF - Family Days
Back 3 exercises 9 sets

Rear delts 1 exercise 3 sets

Biceps 2 exercises 10 sets

6 exercises 22 sets

Day 1 – Lower body focus
Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 3 exercises 10 sets (6 of these are

dynamic speed sets)

Low back 1 exercise 3 sets

Calves 1 exercise 3 sets

6 exercises 19 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Legs | Seated leg curls

You will do 3-4 warm up sets to start. You will then do a This is an example of what it could look like:
hard set of 12. This is an extra 2 reps from what you did
50 x 15 – Warm up set
last week using the same weight. For your next set, you
70 x 12 – Warm up set
will do the same weight, but make it a cluster set. So, it will
90 x 6 – Feeder set
be 10 reps, rest 20 seconds and do as many as you can,
120 x 12 – RPE 9
then rest 20 seconds and do as many as you can again.
120x 10, rest 20 seconds and then go very close
2 total work sets
to failure, rest 20 seconds and then go right up
Rest Period – 2 minutes between sets to failure – RPE 11

2/  Legs | Dynamic squats

You will increase the percentage of your 1 rep max by 5% This is an example of what it could look like:
this week. This means using slightly heavier weight. Make
135 x 10 – Warm up
sure to keep the rest periods at 120 sec. Do 6 sets of 5 here.
185 x 8 – Warm up
6 total work sets
225 x 4 – Feeder set
For work sets use 70% of your 1 rep maximum squat. 295 for 6 x 5 - This assumes 295 is 70% of
your 1 rep max.
Rest Period – 120 seconds between work sets

Work set % – 70%

3/  Legs | Leg press

Do a few warm up sets then 2 tough sets of 12 here with a 3 This is an example of what it could look like:
second decent on all reps. This is 2 reps more than you got
2 plates per side x 6 – Feeder set
last week with the same weight. 2 total work sets
3 plates per side x 6 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 4 plates per side x 12 – RPE 8
4 plates per side x 12 – RPE 8

4/  Low back | Dumbbell hyperextensions

Increase the weight of the dumbbell here by 5 lbs. over This is an example of what it could look like:
what you did last week. Do 3 sets of 15. 3 total work sets
Bodyweight x 10 – Warm up
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 55 lb. dumbbell x 15 – RPE 8
55 lb. dumbbell x 15 – RPE 8
55 lb. dumbbell x 15 – RPE 8

5/  Abs | Decline leg raise

We would like to see 3 sets of 14 if possible. If this is not This is an example of what it could look like:
possible, just do what you can. If this is too easy, then do 3
Week 1 – 3 x 10 (30 total reps)
sets of 15-20. 3 total work sets
Week 2 – 3 x 11 (33 total reps)
Goal – Progress weekly on these by adding 1 rep per set. Week 3 – 3 x 12 (36 total reps)
Week 4 – 3 x 13 (39 total reps)
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets
Week 5 – 3 x 14 (42 total reps)
RPE 8-10 Week 6 – 3 x 15 (45 total reps)
Week 7 – We will rotate out this exercise

6/  Calves | Standing calf raises

Use 10 lbs. more here this week then you used last week. This is an example of what it could look like:
Do 3 heavy sets of 8 here. On each set add in 10 slow par-
75 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
tials out of the bottom. Work the stretch hard at the bot-
125 x 5 – Feeder set
tom. 3 total work sets
185 x 8 then 10 partials – RPE 11
Reminder - In between ALL sets of calves, you will be doing 185 x 8 then 10 partials – RPE 11
tibialis anterior work. Do sets of 25. 185 x 8 then 10 partials – RPE 11

Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets

Day 2 – Upper body push focus

Chest 2 exercises 8 sets (6 of these are

dynamic speed sets)

Shoulders 3 exercises 10 sets

Triceps 2 exercise 8 sets

7 exercises 26 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Chest | Dynamic benches

You will increase the percentage of your 1 rep max by 5% This is an example of what it could look like:
this week. This means using slightly heavier weight. Make
135 x 10 – Warm up
sure to keep the rest periods at 120 sec. Do 6 sets of 5 here.
135 x 10 – Warm up
The first 2 sets are with a grip one finger away from the
185 x 4 – Feeder set
smooth part of the bar. The next 2 sets are where your pin-
235 for 6 x 5 - This assumes 225 is 70% of
ky will be on the ring. The last 2 sets your forefinger will be
your 1 rep max.
on the ring. Do 6 sets of 5 here. 6 total work sets

For work sets use 70% of max weight.

Rest Period – 120 seconds between work sets

Work set % – 70%

2/  Chest | Slight incline dumbbell press

Do a few warm ups, then low rep feeder sets until you get This is an example of what it could look like:
to your big set. Use 5 lbs. more than you used last week
45’s x 15 – Warm up
here. Do about 8 reps there. We’ll then do a 2nd all out set
65’s x 4 – Feeder set
there where you try to match the number, and then drop the
90’s x 8 – RPE 9
weight 30% and go to failure. 2 total work sets
90’s x 8. Drop to 65’s and go to failure – RPE 12
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets

3/  Shoulders | High incline Smith press

We want a tough set of 8 then 5. We are adding a 2nd This is an example of what it could look like:
heavy set of 3 here this week. On all 4 work sets keep a
95 x 3 – Feeder set
slow and controlled tempo. Before your first rep, and after
205 x 4 – Feeder set
you complete the last rep do your 2 second hold. 4 total
135 x 8 (slow tempo) – RPE 8 (Hold the first
work sets
and last rep for a two count)
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 155 x 5 (slow tempo) – RPE 9 (Hold the first
and last rep for a two count)
175 x 3 (slow tempo) – RPE 9 (Hold the first
and last rep for a two count)
175 x 3 (slow tempo) – RPE 9 (Hold the first
and last rep for a two count)

4/  Shoulders | Dumbbell side laterals

These are just standard dumbbell side laterals. Do 2 sets This is an example of what it could look like:
of 12, and then on your last set do a massive drop set. Do
30’s x 12 – RPE 9
12, drop the weight and shoot for another 12, then drop the
30’s x 12 – RPE 9
weight and shoot for another 12. You are adding 2 reps to
30’s x 12, then drop to 20’s and do 12, then
what you did last week with the same weight.
drop to 10’s and do 12 – RPE 12
3 total work sets

Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets

5/  Shoulders | Overhead plate raises

Raise the plate up to directly over your head. Do 3 sets of 12 This is an example of what it could look like:
here. You are doing 2 more reps here this week with the
25 lb. plate x 12 – RPE 9
same weight on each set. 3 total work sets
25 lb. plate x 12 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 25 lb. plate x 12 – RPE 9

6/  Triceps | Single arm triceps extensions

This is a great cable exercise for triceps. Use slightly more 55 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
weight on these this week. 4 sets of 20 here. 55 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
4 total work sets 55 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
55 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets

7/  Triceps | Tricep pushdowns with dual handles

Use two attachments. We prefer something with a spongy This is an example of what it could look like:
grip. Drive the weight straight down and flex your triceps
150 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
hard. Do 4 hard sets of 10 here using the same weight
150 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
you did 8 with last week. 4 total work sets
150 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 150 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9

Day 3 – Upper body pull focus
Back 3 exercises 9 sets

Rear delts 1 exercise 3 sets

Biceps 2 exercises 10 sets

6 exercises 22 sets

1/  Back | Chest supported row

Do 3 sets of 10 here using the same weight that you used This is an example of what it could look like:
for 8 last week. Use a full range of motion really stretching
50 lbs. x 15 – Warm up
out in the lengthened position. Even with a neutral grip you
50 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
will feel your rhomboids stretching. 3 total work sets
90 lbs. x 4 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 140 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
140 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
140 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9

2/  Back | Meadows row

Do two low rep feeder sets to get you to your working This is an example of what it could look like:
weight. Start with two hard sets of 10 using 10 lbs. more
50 x 5 – Feeder set
than last week. Next up is your money set. Do around 10,
75 x 5 – Feeder set
where 10 is failure. If you do 9 or 11, that’s ok, we just need
110 x 10 – RPE 10
that last rep to be failure with good form. If you get 12 or
110 x 10 – RPE 10
more, you didn’t go heavy enough. After you do your 10,
110 x 10, then 85 x 10 – RPE 12
drop the weight 25-30% and grind out as many more reps
as you can. Treat your arms as simple attachments, do not
pull with your biceps. 3 total work sets
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets

3/  Back | Stretch pulldowns

Do 3 sets of 10 here using the same weight you used This is an example of what it could look like:
last week for 8. Whichever version you pick, stick with
170 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
it throughout the block. 3 total work sets
170 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 170 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9

4/  Rear delts | Machine rear delt flyes

Do 3 sets of 20 here using the weight you used last week This is an example of what it could look like:
for 15. You will not do partials this week. 3 total work sets
115 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 115 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
115 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9

5/  Biceps | Standing hammer dumbbell curls

You are going to do 1 warm up set first. You are adding two This is an example of what it could look like:
work sets this week. Do 5 sets of 12 here. Drop the partials
20 lbs. x 15 – Warm up
this week. 5 total work sets
30 lbs. x 12 – RPE 10
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 30 lbs. x 12 – RPE 10
30 lbs. x 12 – RPE 10
30 lbs. x 12 – RPE 10
30 lbs. x 12 – RPE 10

6/  Biceps | Concentration preacher curls

You are adding two work sets this week. Do 5 working This is an example of what it could look like:
sets close to failure shooting for about 10 reps. There will
30’s x 10 – RPE 9
be no drop set this week. Use slow and controlled form.
30’s x 10 – RPE 9
5 total work sets
30’s x 10 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 30’s x 10 – RPE 9
30’s x 10 – RPE 9

Day 4 – Lower body focus
Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 4 exercises 13 sets

15 sets (these are all

Speed pulls 1 exercise
dynamic speed sets)

Spinal erectors 1 exercise 3 sets

Calves 1 exercise 4 sets

8 exercises 38 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Legs | Lying leg curls

Do 3-4 warm up sets and then do 4 hard sets of 8 reps. You This is an example of what it could look like:
are adding one work set this week. Try to lower the weight
50 x 15 – Warm up
with a 3 count on all reps. 4 total work sets
70 x 12 – Warm up
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 90 x 6 – Feeder set
130 x 8 – RPE 9
130 x 8 – RPE 9
130 x 8 – RPE 9
130 x 8 – RPE 9

2/  Legs | Max effort front squats

Do 3 sets of 5 increasing weight as you go. See the example This is an example of what it could look like:
below though for the progression. You are starting at what
135 x 10 – Warm up
you did in your 2nd set last week, then going higher on
185 x 8 – Warm up
your next two sets. We will use the 2 seconds holds here
225 x 3 – Feeder set
as well. 3 total work sets
265 x 5 – RPE 7 (Hold the first and last rep for a
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets two count at the top)
275 x 5 – RPE 8 (Hold the first and last rep for a
two count at the top)
285 x 5 – RPE 9 (Hold the first and last rep for a
two count at the top)

3/  Modified speed pulls (trap bar)

You are going to be using 60% of your 1 rep maximum This is an example of what it could look like:
deadlift this week as opposed to the 55% you used last
135 x 3 – Warm up
week. 15 total work sets
185 x 3 – Warm up
For work sets use 60% of your 1 rep maximum deadlift 225 x 3 – Feeder set
285 for 15 x 1 - This assumes 285 is 60% of
Rest Period – 10 seconds between work sets
your 1 rep max.
Work set % – 60%

4/  Spinal erectors | Zercher carry

On each set, make sure you take 24 total steps. This is an This is an example of what it could look like:
extra 2 steps with each leg this week. Do 3 sets.
135 lbs. (barbell) x 24 steps – RPE 7
3 total work sets
135 lbs. (barbell) x 24 steps – RPE 7
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 135 lbs. (barbell) x 24 steps – RPE 7


100 lb. dumbbell x 24 steps – RPE 7

100 lb. dumbbell x 24 steps – RPE 7
100 lb. dumbbell x 24 steps – RPE 7

5/  Legs | Leg extensions

Do a couple feeder sets to find the right weight and then This is an example of what it could look like:
do 3 sets of 10 here. On the last set add on an additional
135 x 5 – Feeder set
15 partials out of the bottom. This is 5 more partials this
155 x 3 – Feeder set
week. This will involve even more pain. Work through it.
185 x 10 – RPE 9
3 total work sets
185 x 10 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 185 x 10, then 15 partials – RPE 12

6/  Legs | Dumbbell stiff legged deadlifts

Do these nice and slow with a small amount of extra This is an example of what it could look like:
weight. Do 3 slow sets of 6. 3 total work sets
135 x 3 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 200 x 6 – RPE 8
200 x 6 – RPE 8
200 x 6 – RPE 8

7/  Calves | Seated calf raises

Do 4 sets of 15 here. Use 10 more lbs. this week. Work the This is an example of what it could look like:
stretch hard at the bottom. Don’t forget to do your tibialis
75 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
work in between sets. 4 total work sets
125 x 5 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets 145 x 15 – RPE 9-10
145 x 15 – RPE 9-10
145 x 15 – RPE 9-10
145 x 15 – RPE 9-10

8/  Abs | Sit ups

We’d like to see 3 sets of 14 if possible. If this is not possi- This is an example of what it could look like:
ble, just do what you can. If this is too easy, then do 3 sets
Week 1 – 3 x 10 (30 total reps)
of 15-20. 3 total work sets
Week 2 – 3 x 11 (33 total reps)
Goal – Progress weekly on these by adding 1 rep per set. Week 3 – 3 x 12 (36 total reps)
Week 4 – 3 x 13 (39 total reps)
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets
Week 5 – 3 x 14 (42 total reps)
RPE 8-10 Week 6 – 3 x 15 (45 total reps)
Week 7 – We will rotate out exercis

Day 5 – Upper body push focus
Chest 4 exercises 11 sets

Shoulders 2 exercises 6 sets

Triceps 2 exercises 12 sets

8 exercises 29 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Chest | Machine press

Use your favorite chest pressing machine here. You will do This is an example of what it could look like:
2 hard sets of 8 to start. On your last set do another 8, and
75 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
then drop the weight 25% and shoot for another 8 reps. See
105 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
the example below. Use 10 more lbs. on these this week.
135 x 5 – Feeder set
3 total work sets
165 x 8 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 165 x 8 – RPE 9
165 x 8, then 125 for another 8 – RPE 12

2/  Chest | Max effort floor presses with straight legs

Today is a maximal strength bench day. There continues to This is an example of what it could look like:
be a really heavy emphasis on shoulders and triceps here.
135 x 10 – Warm up
You are going to work up to a set of 3 here with perfect
135 x 10 – Warm up
form. You will then follow that up with 2 sets of 4 with 80%
185 x 4 – Feeder set
of your 1 rep maximum done with a very slow and con-
255 x 3 – RPE 9
trolled tempo. This is 2 extra reps per set on the last two
235 x 4 (slow tempo) - Assumes 235 is 80% of
sets. Lower with a 3 count. 3 total work sets
your 1 rep max (Hold the first and last rep for a
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work set two count)
235 x 4 (slow tempo) - Assumes 235 is 80% of
Work set % – 80% on last 2 sets
your 1 rep max (Hold the first and last rep for a
two count)

3/  Chest | Pec minor dips

Do 3 sets to failure. 3 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like:

Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets Bodyweight x F – RPE 10

Bodyweight x F – RPE 10
Bodyweight x F – RPE 10

4/  Chest | Slight decline dumbbell press

Do a few low rep feeder sets until you get to your big set. This is an example of what it could look like:
Do about 8 reps there. We’ll then do a 2nd all out set there
45’s x 4
where you try to match the number, and then drop the
65’s x 4
weight 30% and go to failure again. Go up 5 lbs. this week
90’s x 8 – RPE 9
on the work sets. 2 total work sets
90’s x 8. Drop to 65’s and get 6 more – RPE 12
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets

5/  Shoulders | Dumbbell medium side lateral partials/swings

Do 1 warm up set here before doing your medium heavy This is an example of what it could look like:
sets. Do 3 hard sets of 35 reps here. This is 5 more reps than
20 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
last week, and you will feel every rep. 3 total work sets
30 lbs. x 35 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 30 lbs. x 35 – RPE 9
30 lbs. x 35 – RPE 9

6/  Shoulders | Supine cable laterals

Do 3 sets of 17 here today. Squeeze out 2 more reps with This is an example of what it could look like:
the same weight this week. Do these with a nice slow
25 lbs. x 17 – RPE 8-9
tempo as well. 3 total work sets
25 lbs. x 17 – RPE 8-9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 25 lbs. x 17 – RPE 8-9

7/  Triceps | Seated rope extensions

If you do not have a bench to support your back you can do This is an example of what it could look like:
these standing facing away from cable station. Do 6 sets of
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
12 here reaching failure. This is two extra sets.
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
6 total work sets
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10

8/  Triceps | Decline lying extensions

Do these lying on a slight decline. Do 6 sets of 8. This is This is an example of what it could look like:
two extra sets. 6 total work sets
85 x 8 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 85 x 8 – RPE 9
85 x 8 – RPE 9
85 x 8 – RPE 9
85 x 8 – RPE 9
85 x 8 – RPE 9

DAYS 6 & 7


Week 6
Day 1 – Lower body focus Day 4 – Lower body focus

Abs 1 exercise 3 sets Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 3 exercises 12 sets (6 of these are Legs 4 exercises 13 sets

dynamic speed sets)

Speed pulls 1 exercise 15 sets (these are all

Low back 1 exercise 3 sets dynamic speed sets)

Calves 1 exercise 4 sets Spinal erectors 1 exercise 3 sets

6 exercises 22 sets Calves 1 exercise 4 sets

8 exercises 38 sets
Day 2 – Upper body push focus

Chest 2 exercises 8 sets (6 of these are Day 5 – Upper body push focus
dynamic speed sets)

Chest 4 exercises 11 sets

Shoulders 3 exercises 10 sets
Shoulders 2 exercises 6 sets
Triceps 2 exercises 12 sets
Triceps 2 exercises 14 sets
7 exercises 30 sets
8 exercises 31 sets

Day 3 – Upper body pull focus

Days 6 & 7 - OFF - Family Days
Back 3 exercises 10 sets

Rear delts 1 exercise 4 sets

Biceps 2 exercises 12 sets

6 exercises 26 sets

Day 1 – Lower body focus
Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 3 exercises 12 sets (6 of these are

dynamic speed sets)

Low back 1 exercise 3 sets

Calves 1 exercise 4 sets

6 exercises 22 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Legs | Seated leg curls

You will do 3-4 warm up sets to start. You are adding a work This is an example of what it could look like:
set this week. Last week it was 2 sets, this week it is 3. Start
50 x 15 – Warm up set
with 2 sets of 12. For your last set, you will do the same
70 x 12 – Warm up set
weight, but make it a cluster set. So, it will be 10 reps, rest
90 x 6 – Feeder set
20 seconds and do as many as you can, then rest 20 sec-
120 x 12 – RPE 9
onds and do as many as you can again. 3 total work sets
120 x 12 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between sets 120x 10, rest 20 seconds and then go very close
to failure, rest 20 seconds and then go right up
to failure – RPE 11

2/  Legs | Dynamic squats

You will increase the percentage of your 1 rep max by 5% This is an example of what it could look like:
more this week. This means using slightly heavier weight.
135 x 10 – Warm up
Make sure to keep the rest periods at 120 sec. Do 6 sets of 5
185 x 8 – Warm up
here. 6 total work sets
225 x 4 – Feeder set
For work sets use 75% of your 1 rep maximum squat. 305 for 6 x 5 - This assumes 305 is 75% of
your 1 rep max.
Rest Period – 120 seconds between work sets

Work set % – 75%

3/  Legs | Leg press

Do a few warm up sets then 3 tough sets of 12 here with a 3 This is an example of what it could look like:
second decent on all reps. This is one more work set than
2 plates per side x 6 – Feeder set
you did last week. 3 total work sets
3 plates per side x 6 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 4 plates per side x 12 – RPE 8
4 plates per side x 12 – RPE 8
4 plates per side x 12 – RPE 8

4/  Low back | Dumbbell hyperextensions

Increase the weight of the dumbbell here by 5 lbs. over This is an example of what it could look like:
what you did last week. Do 3 sets of 15. 3 total work sets
Bodyweight x 10 – Warm up
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 60 lb. dumbbell x 15 – RPE 8
60 lb. dumbbell x 15 – RPE 8
60 lb. dumbbell x 15 – RPE 8

5/  Abs | Decline leg raise

We would like to see 3 sets of 15 if possible. If this is not This is an example of what it could look like:
possible, just do what you can. If this is too easy, then do 3
Week 1 – 3 x 10 (30 total reps)
sets of 15-20. 3 total work sets
Week 2 – 3 x 11 (33 total reps)
Goal – Progress weekly on these by adding 1 rep per set. Week 3 – 3 x 12 (36 total reps)
Week 4 – 3 x 13 (39 total reps)
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets
Week 5 – 3 x 14 (42 total reps)
RPE 8-10 Week 6 – 3 x 15 (45 total reps)
Week 7 – We will rotate out this exercise

6/  Calves | Standing calf raises

Do 4 heavy sets of 8 here. This is one more set than you This is an example of what it could look like:
did last week. On each set add in 10 slow partials out of
75 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
the bottom. Work the stretch hard at the bottom. 4 total
125 x 5 – Feeder set
work sets
185 x 8 then 10 partials – RPE 11
Reminder - In between ALL sets of calves, you will be doing 185 x 8 then 10 partials – RPE 11
tibialis anterior work. Do sets of 25. 185 x 8 then 10 partials – RPE 11
185 x 8 then 10 partials – RPE 11
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets

Day 2 – Upper body push focus

Chest 2 exercises 8 sets (6 of these are

dynamic speed sets)

Shoulders 3 exercises 10 sets

Triceps 2 exercise 12 sets

7 exercises 30 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Chest | Dynamic benches

You will increase the percentage of your 1 rep max by 5% This is an example of what it could look like:
this week. This means using slightly heavier weight. Make
135 x 10 – Warm up
sure to keep the rest periods at 120 sec. Do 6 sets of 5 here.
135 x 10 – Warm up
The first 2 sets are with a grip one finger away from the
185 x 4 – Feeder set
smooth part of the bar. The next 2 sets are where your pin-
235 for 6 x 5 - This assumes 235 is 75% of
ky will be on the ring. The last 2 sets your forefinger will be
your 1 rep max.
on the ring. Do 6 sets of 5 here. 6 total work sets

For work sets use 75% of max weight.

Rest Period – 120 seconds between work sets

Work set % – 75%

2/  Chest | Slight decline dumbbell press

Do a few warm ups, then low rep feeder sets until you get This is an example of what it could look like:
to your big set. Use 5 lbs. more than you used last week
45’s x 15 – Warm up
here. Do about 8 reps there. We’ll then do a 2nd all out set
65’s x 4 – Feeder set
there where you try to match the number, and then drop the
95’s x 8 – RPE 9
weight 30% and go to failure. 2 total work sets
95’s x 8. Drop to 70’s and go to failure – RPE 12
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets

3/  Shoulders | High incline Smith press

We want a tough set of 8 then 5. We are adding a rep to This is an example of what it could look like:
your sets of 3 from last week. On your last 2 sets you will
95 x 3 – Feeder set
now do 4 reps with the same weight used last week. On all
205 x 4 – Feeder set
4 work sets keep a slow and controlled tempo.
135 x 8 (slow tempo) – RPE 8 (Hold the first
4 total work sets
and last rep for a two count)
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 155 x 5 (slow tempo) – RPE 9 (Hold the first
and last rep for a two count)
175 x 4 (slow tempo) – RPE 9 (Hold the first
and last rep for a two count)
175 x 4 (slow tempo) – RPE 9 (Hold the first
and last rep for a two count)

4/  Shoulders | Dumbbell side laterals

These are just standard dumbbell side laterals. Do 2 sets This is an example of what it could look like:
of 14 with what you did for 12 last week, and then on your
30’s x 14 – RPE 9
last set do a massive drop set. Do 14, drop the weight and
30’s x 14 – RPE 9
shoot for another 12, then drop the weight and shoot for
30’s x 14, then drop to 20’s and do 12, then
another 12. 3 total work sets
drop to 10’s and do 12 – RPE 12
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets

5/  Shoulders | Overhead plate raises

Raise the plate up to directly over your head. Do 3 sets of This is an example of what it could look like:
13 here. You are doing 1 more rep here this week with the
25 lb. plate x 13 – RPE 9
same weight on each set. 3 total work sets
25 lb. plate x 13 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 25 lb. plate x 13 – RPE 9

6/  Triceps | Single arm triceps extensions

This is a great cable exercise for triceps. Add 2 work sets 55 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
this week. Do 6 sets of 20 here. 6 total work sets 55 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
55 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets
55 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
55 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
55 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9

7/  Triceps | Tricep pushdowns with dual handles

Use two attachments. We prefer something with a spongy This is an example of what it could look like:
grip. Drive the weight straight down and flex your triceps
150 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
hard. Add 2 work sets this week. Do 6 hard sets of 10.
150 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
6 total work sets
150 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 150 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
150 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
150 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9

Day 3 – Upper body pull focus
Back 3 exercises 10 sets

Rear delts 1 exercise 4 sets

Biceps 2 exercises 12 sets

6 exercises 26 sets

1/  Back | Chest supported row

Do 3 sets of 12 here using the same weight that you used This is an example of what it could look like:
for 10 last week. Use a full range of motion really stretch-
50 lbs. x 15 – Warm up
ing out in the lengthened position. Even with a neutral grip
50 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
you will feel your rhomboids stretching. 3 total work sets
90 lbs. x 4 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 140 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9
140 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9
140 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9

2/  Back | Meadows row

Do two low rep feeder sets to get you to your working This is an example of what it could look like:
weight. Start with two hard sets of 10 using 10 lbs more
50 x 5 – Feeder set
than last week. Next up is your money set. Do around 10,
75 x 5 – Feeder set
where 10 is failure. If you do 9 or 11, that’s ok, we just need
120 x 10 – RPE 10
that last rep to be failure with good form. If you get 12 or
120 x 10 – RPE 10
more, you didn’t go heavy enough. After you do your 10,
120 x 10, then 95 x 10 – RPE 12
drop the weight 25-30% and grind out as many more reps
as you can. Treat your arms as simple attachments, do not
pull with your biceps. 3 total work sets
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets

3/  Back | Stretch pulldowns

Add a set from last week and do 4 sets of 10 here This is an example of what it could look like:
using the same weight you used last week. You can
170 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
pick either version. Whichever version you pick, stick
170 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
with it throughout the block. 4 total work sets
170 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 170 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9

4/  Rear delts | Machine rear delt flyes

Do 4 sets of 20 here using the weight you used last week. This is an example of what it could look like:
This is an extra set this week. 4 total work sets
115 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 115 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
115 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
115 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9

5/  Biceps | Standing hammer dumbbell curls

You are going to do 1 warm up set first. You are adding one This is an example of what it could look like:
more work sets this week. Do 6 sets of 12 here. 6 total
20 lbs. x 15 – Warm up
work sets
30 lbs. x 12 – RPE 12
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 30 lbs. x 12 – RPE 12
30 lbs. x 12 – RPE 12
30 lbs. x 12 – RPE 12
30 lbs. x 12 – RPE 12
30 lbs. x 12 – RPE 12

6/  Biceps | Concentration preacher curls

You are adding one work sets this week. Do 6 working This is an example of what it could look like:
sets close to failure shooting for about 10 reps. Use slow
30’s x 10 – RPE 9
and controlled form. 6 total work sets
30’s x 10 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 30’s x 10 – RPE 9
30’s x 10 – RPE 9
30’s x 10 – RPE 9
30’s x 10 – RPE 9

Day 4 – Lower body focus
Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 4 exercises 13 sets

15 sets (these are all

Speed pulls 1 exercise
dynamic speed sets)

Spinal erectors 1 exercise 3 sets

Calves 1 exercise 4 sets

8 exercises 38 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Legs | Lying leg curls

Do 3-4 warm up sets and then do 4 hard sets of 10 reps. This is an example of what it could look like:
You are adding 2 reps with the same weight you did last
50 x 15 – Warm up
week for 8. 4 total work sets
70 x 12 – Warm up
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 90 x 6 – Feeder set
130 x 10 – RPE 9
130 x 10 – RPE 9
130 x 10 – RPE 9
130 x 10 – RPE 9

2/  Legs | Max effort front squats

Do 3 sets of 5 increasing weight as you go. See the example This is an example of what it could look like:
below though for the progression. You are starting at what
135 x 10 – Warm up
you did in your 2nd set last week again (3rd set during
185 x 8 – Warm up
week 4), then going higher on your next two sets. We will
225 x 3 – Feeder set
use the 2 seconds holds here as well. 3 total work sets
275 x 5 – RPE 7 (Hold the first and last rep for a
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets two count at the top)
285 x 5 – RPE 8 (Hold the first and last rep for a
two count at the top)
295 x 5 – RPE 9 (Hold the first and last rep for a
two count at the top)

3/  Modified speed pulls (trap bar)

You are going to be using 65% of your 1 rep maximum This is an example of what it could look like:
deadlift this week as opposed to the 60% you used last
135 x 3 – Warm up
week. 15 total work sets
185 x 3 – Warm up
For work sets use 65% of your 1 rep maximum deadlift 225 x 3 – Feeder set
295 for 15 x 1 - This assumes 295 is 65% of
Rest Period – 10 seconds between work sets
your 1 rep max.
Work set % – 65%

4/  Spinal erectors | Zercher carry

On each set, make sure you take 28 total steps. This is an This is an example of what it could look like:
extra 2 steps with each leg this week. Do 3 sets.
135 lbs. (barbell) x 28 steps – RPE 7
3 total work sets
135 lbs. (barbell) x 28 steps – RPE 7
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 135 lbs. (barbell) x 28 steps – RPE 7


110 lb. dumbbell x 24 steps – RPE 7

110 lb. dumbbell x 24 steps – RPE 7
110 lb. dumbbell x 24 steps – RPE 7

5/  Legs | Leg extensions

Do a couple feeder sets to find the right weight and then This is an example of what it could look like:
do 3 sets of 10 here. On the last set add on an additional
135 x 5 – Feeder set
20 partials out of the bottom. This is 5 more partials this
155 x 3 – Feeder set
week. This will involve even more pain. Work through it.
185 x 10 – RPE 9
3 total work sets
185 x 10 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 185 x 10, then 20 partials – RPE 12

6/  Legs | Dumbbell stiff legged deadlifts

Do these nice and slow with a small amount of extra This is an example of what it could look like:
weight. Do 3 slow sets of 6. 3 total work sets
135 x 3 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 205 x 6 – RPE 8
205 x 6 – RPE 8
205 x 6 – RPE 8

7/  Calves | Seated calf raises

Do 4 sets of 15 here. Use 10 more lbs. this week. Work the This is an example of what it could look like:
stretch hard at the bottom. Don’t forget to do your tibialis
75 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
work in between sets. 4 total work sets
125 x 5 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets 155 x 15 – RPE 9-10
155 x 15 – RPE 9-10
155 x 15 – RPE 9-10
155 x 15 – RPE 9-10

8/  Abs | Sit ups

We’d like to see 3 sets of 15 if possible. If this is not possi- This is an example of what it could look like:
ble, just do what you can. If this is too easy, then do 3 sets
Week 1 – 3 x 10 (30 total reps)
of 15-20. 3 total work sets
Week 2 – 3 x 11 (33 total reps)
Goal – Progress weekly on these by adding 1 rep per set. Week 3 – 3 x 12 (36 total reps)
Week 4 – 3 x 13 (39 total reps)
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets
Week 5 – 3 x 14 (42 total reps)
RPE 8-10 Week 6 – 3 x 15 (45 total reps)
Week 7 – We will rotate out exercis

Day 5 – Upper body push focus
Chest 4 exercises 11 sets

Shoulders 2 exercises 6 sets

Triceps 2 exercises 14 sets

8 exercises 31 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Chest | Machine press

Use your favorite chest pressing machine here. You will do This is an example of what it could look like:
2 hard sets of 8 to start. On your last set do another 8, and
75 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
then drop the weight 25% and shoot for another 8 reps. See
105 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
the example below. Use 10 more lbs. on these this week.
135 x 5 – Feeder set
3 total work sets
175 x 8 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 175 x 8 – RPE 9
175 x 8, then 135 for another 8 – RPE 12

2/  Chest | Max effort floor presses with straight legs

Today is a maximal strength bench day. There continues to This is an example of what it could look like:
be a really heavy emphasis on shoulders and triceps here.
135 x 10 – Warm up
You are going to work up to a set of 3 here with perfect
135 x 10 – Warm up
form. You will then follow that up with 2 sets of 6 with 80%
185 x 4 – Feeder set
of your 1 rep maximum on the incline done with a very slow
255 x 3 – RPE 9
and controlled tempo. This is 2 extra reps per set on the
235 x 6 (slow tempo) - Assumes 235 is 80% of
last two sets. Lower with a 3 count. 3 total work sets
your 1 rep max (Hold the first and last rep for a
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work set two count)
235 x 6 (slow tempo) - Assumes 235 is 80% of
Work set % – 80% on last 2 sets
your 1 rep max (Hold the first and last rep for a
two count)

3/  Chest | Pec minor dips

Do 3 sets to failure. 3 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like:

Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets Bodyweight x F – RPE 10

Bodyweight x F – RPE 10
Bodyweight x F – RPE 10

4/  Chest | Slight decline dumbbell press

Do a few low rep feeder sets until you get to your big set. This is an example of what it could look like:
Do about 8 reps there. We’ll then do a 2nd all out set there
45’s x 4
where you try to match the number, and then drop the
65’s x 4
weight 30% and go to failure again. Go up 5 lbs. this week
95’s x 8 – RPE 9
on the work sets. 2 total work sets
95’s x 8. Drop to 70’s and get 6 more – RPE 12
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets

5/  Shoulders | Dumbbell medium side lateral partials/swings

Do 1 warm up set here before doing your medium heavy This is an example of what it could look like:
sets. Do 3 hard sets of 35 reps here. No progression on
20 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
this one, as the 35’s will produce maximum pain. 3 total
35 lbs. x 35 – RPE 9
work sets
35 lbs. x 35 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 35 lbs. x 35 – RPE 9

6/  Shoulders | Supine cable laterals

Do 3 sets of 19 here today. Squeeze out 2 more reps with This is an example of what it could look like:
the same weight this week. Do these with a nice slow
25 lbs. x 19 – RPE 8-9
tempo as well. 3 total work sets
25 lbs. x 19 – RPE 8-9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 25 lbs. x 19 – RPE 8-9

7/  Triceps | Seated rope extensions

If you do not have a bench to support your back you can do This is an example of what it could look like:
these standing facing away from the cable station. Do 8
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
sets of 12 here reaching failure. This is two extra sets.
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
8 total work sets
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10

8/  Triceps | Decline lying extensions

Do these lying on a slight decline. Do 6 sets of 8. No pro- This is an example of what it could look like:
gression here, as your arms will be destroyed. 6 total
85 x 8 – RPE 9
work sets
85 x 8 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 85 x 8 – RPE 9
85 x 8 – RPE 9
85 x 8 – RPE 9
85 x 8 – RPE 9

DAYS 6 & 7


Week 7
Day 1 – Lower body focus Day 4 – Lower body focus

Abs 1 exercise 3 sets Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 3 exercises 15 sets (9 of these are Legs 4 exercises 13 sets

dynamic speed sets)

Speed pulls 1 exercise 10 sets (these are all

Low back 1 exercise 3 sets dynamic speed sets)

Calves 1 exercise 3 sets Spinal erectors 1 exercise 3 sets

6 exercises 24 sets Calves 1 exercise 4 sets

8 exercises 33 sets
Day 2 – Upper body push focus

Chest 2 exercises 11 sets (9 of these are Day 5 – Upper body push focus
dynamic speed sets)

Chest 4 exercises 11 sets

Shoulders 3 exercises 10 sets
Shoulders 2 exercises 6 sets
Triceps 2 exercises 8 sets
Triceps 2 exercises 8 sets
7 exercises 29 sets
8 exercises 25 sets

Day 3 – Upper body pull focus

Days 6 & 7 - OFF - Family Days
Back 3 exercises 9 sets

Rear delts 1 exercise 3 sets

Biceps 2 exercises 6 sets

6 exercises 18 sets

Day 1 – Lower body focus
Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 3 exercises 15 sets (9 of these are

dynamic speed sets)

Low back 1 exercise 3 sets

Calves 1 exercise 4 sets

6 exercises 24 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Legs | Seated leg curls

During this phase we are going to continue to go hard on This is an example of what it could look like:
leg curls. It will consist of straight sets. Do 3 tough sets of 8
50 x 15 – Warm up set
here. Lower the weight with a 3 count. 3 total work sets
70 x 12 – Warm up set
Rest Period – 2 minutes between sets 90 x 6 – Feeder set
130 x 8 – RPE 9
130 x 8 – RPE 9
130 x 8 – RPE 9

2/  Legs | Dynamic squats

You are going to be squatting to a box this week. Squat to This is an example of what it could look like:
parallel depth. Use 80% of your 1 rep max squat and do 9
135 x 10 – Warm up
sets of 3. This will get very hard as you go. Push hard and
185 x 8 – Warm up
explode up. 9 total work sets
225 x 4 – Feeder set
For work sets use 80% of your 1 rep maximum squat. 285 x 3 – Feeder
305 for 9 x 3 - This assumes 350 is 80% of
Rest Period – 2 minutes between sets
your 1 rep max.
Work set % – 80%

3/  Legs | Split squats

I prefer to do these in a Smith machine with a slow tem- This is an example of what it could look like:
po. Also, elevate your lead leg with a plate or aerobic step
No weight x 10 – Warm up set
bench. Do 3 sets of 8 here. 3 total work sets
10 lbs. per side x 6 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 20 lbs. per side x 8 – RPE 9
20 lbs. per side x 8 – RPE 9
(113) Exercise Index - Split Squats
20 lbs. per side x 8 – RPE 9

4/  Low back | Banded good mornings

Go to about 5 minutes into the video below to see the prop- This is an example of what it could look like:
er form for these. Most people use an orange light band on
Bodyweight x 10 – Warm up
these or if you are stronger a grey average band. Do 3 sets
Orange light band x 15 – RPE 7
of 15. 3 total work sets
Orange light band x 15 – RPE 7
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets Orange light band x 15 – RPE 7
(113) Top 3 Good Morning Exercises | How To Perform Them

5/  Abs | Ab crunches

These are simple ab crunches. Do 3 sets to failure. This is an example of what it could look like:
3 total work sets
Bodyweight x Failure – RPE 10
Goal – Progress weekly on these by adding 1 rep per set. Bodyweight x Failure – RPE 10
Bodyweight x Failure – RPE 10
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets

6/  Calves | Standing calf raises

Do 3 heavy sets of 8 here. On each set add in 10 slow par- This is an example of what it could look like:
tials out of the bottom. Work the stretch hard at the bot-
75 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
tom. 3 total work sets
125 x 5 – Feeder set
Reminder - In between ALL sets of calves, you will be doing 175 x 8 then 10 partials – RPE 11
tibialis anterior work. Do sets of 25. 175 x 8 then 10 partials – RPE 11
175 x 8 then 10 partials – RPE 11
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets

Day 2 – Upper body push focus

Chest 2 exercises 11 sets (9 of these are

dynamic speed sets)

Shoulders 3 exercises 10 sets

Triceps 2 exercise 8 sets

7 exercises 29 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Chest | Dynamic benches

Use 80% of your 1 rep max bench and do 9 sets of 3. Con- This is an example of what it could look like:
tinue to do what we have been doing with your grip. The
135 x 10 – Warm up
first 3 sets are with a grip one finger away from the smooth
135 x 10 – Warm up
part of the bar. The next 3 sets are where your pinky will
185 x 4 – Feeder set
be on the ring. The last 3 sets your forefinger will be on the
225 x 4 – Feeder set
ring. Do 9 sets of 3 here. 9 total work sets
280 for 9 x 3 - This assumes 280 is 80% of
For work sets use 80% of max weight. your 1 rep max.
Rest Period – 2 minutesbetween work sets

Work set % – 80%

2/  Chest | Flat dumbbell press

Do a few warm ups, then low rep feeder sets until you get This is an example of what it could look like:
to your big set. Do about 8 reps there. We’ll then do a 2nd all
45’s x 15 – Warm up
out set there where you try to match the number, and then
65’s x 4 – Feeder set
drop the weight 30% and go to failure. 2 total work sets
85’s x 8 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 85’s x 8. Drop to 60’s and go to failure – RPE 12

3/  Shoulders | High incline Smith press

We want a tough set of 8 then 5. Also, we are adding a This is an example of what it could look like:
heavy set of 2 here during this phase. On all 4 work sets
95 x 3 – Feeder set
keep a slow and controlled tempo. This allows you to go
205 x 4 – Feeder set
heavy and use lower reps, without getting injured. Lastly,
135 x 8 (slow tempo) – RPE 8 (Hold the first
before your first rep, and after you complete the last rep do
and last rep for a two count)
your 2 second hold. 4 total work sets
155 x 5 (slow tempo) – RPE 9 (Hold the first
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets and last rep for a two count)
175 x 3 (slow tempo) – RPE 9 (Hold the first
and last rep for a two count)
185 x 2 (slow tempo) – RPE 9 (Hold the first
and last rep for a two count)

4/  Shoulders | Cable side laterals

These are the cable version of standard dumbbell side lat- This is an example of what it could look like:
erals. Do 3 sets of 20 here. This is going to burn.
25 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
3 total work sets
25 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 25 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9

5/  Shoulders | Incline front delt raise

Make sure you check out the form below in the video. Do 3 This is an example of what it could look like:
sets of 15 here. 3 total work sets
20 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 20 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8
20 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8
(113) Exercise Index - Incline Front Delt Raise

6/  Triceps | Pronated kickbacks

Watch how my palms are facing up when I contract on 20 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8

these. This grip really forces the medial head of your tri- 20 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8
ceps to work hard. Do 4 sets of 15 here. 4 total work sets 20 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8
20 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets
(113) Tricep Kickbacks with Pronated Grip

7/  Triceps | JM press

The pronated kickbacks were a perfect lead for these. You This is an example of what it could look like:
will continue to smash the medial head of your triceps
Bar only x 8 – Warm up
here. See the video below at about the 1:20 mark. Do a cou-
Bar only x 6 – Warm up
ple sets to get the feel of these and to ensure the elbows
75 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
are warmed up. Do 4 hard sets of 8 here. 4 total work sets
75 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 75 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
75 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
3 Most Underrated Triceps Exercises (DO THEM NOW)

Day 3 – Upper body pull focus
Back 3 exercises 9 sets

Rear delts 1 exercise 3 sets

Biceps 2 exercises 6 sets

6 exercises 18 sets

1/  Back | Dumbbell row

On these take note of how I have my feet on floor, and not This is an example of what it could look like:
kneeling on a bench. You do not have to straddle the bench
30 lbs. x 15 – Warm up
like I am in the video, you can just back up and lean on it. Do
50 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
3 sets of 8 here. Use a full range of motion really stretching
70 lbs. x 4 – Feeder set
out in the lengthened position. 3 total work sets
90 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 90 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
90 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
No Low Back Pain Dumbbell Row - Exercise Index

2/  Back | Incline row

You can use dumbbells or kettlebells on these. Use the pro- This is an example of what it could look like:
nated (overhead) grip to target more rhomboids and lower
30 x 5 – Feeder set
traps. Do two low rep feeder sets to get you to your work-
45 x 5 – Feeder set
ing weight. Do two hard sets of 10 to start. Next up is your
60 x 10 – RPE 10
money set. Do around 10, where 10 is failure. After you do
60 x 10 – RPE 10
your 10, drop the weight 30% and grind out as many more
60 x 10, then 40 x 10 – RPE 12
reps as you can. Treat your arms as simple attachments, do
not pull with your biceps. 3 total work sets
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets

Exercise Index | Incline Dumbbell Rows

3/  Back | Dumbbell pullover

Do 3 sets of 10 here. I would prefer you do these band- This is an example of what it could look like:
ed as shown in the video below. 3 total work sets
50 lbs. + Long red Pro mini band x 10 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 50 lbs. + Long red Pro mini band x 10 – RPE 9
50 lbs. + Long red Pro mini band x 10 – RPE 9
Exercise Index - Banded Dumbbell Pullovers

4/  Rear delts | Machine rear delt flyes

Do 3 sets of 15 here. After each set add on 10 partials out of This is an example of what it could look like:
the stretch position. 3 total work sets
115 lbs. x 15, then 10 partials – RPE 12
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 115 lbs. x 15, then 10 partials – RPE 12
115 lbs. x 15, then 10 partials – RPE 12

5/  Biceps | One arm cable curl

You are going to do 1 warm up set first. Do 3 sets of 10. This is an example of what it could look like:
3 total work sets
20 lbs. x 8 – Warm up
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets 30 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
30 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
Exercise Index - One Arm Cable Curl 30 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9

6/  Biceps | Pinwheel curls

Do 2 working sets close to failure shooting for about 10 This is an example of what it could look like:
reps. Do a 3rd set where you add in one drop. Use slow and
30’s x 10 – RPE 9
controlled form. 3 total work sets
30’s x 10 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 30’s x 10, then drop to 15’s and do 10 – RPE 12

Pinwheel curls

Day 4 – Lower body focus
Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 4 exercises 13 sets

10 sets (these are all

Speed pulls 1 exercise
dynamic speed sets)

Spinal erectors 1 exercise 3 sets

Calves 1 exercise 4 sets

8 exercises 33 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Legs | Lying leg curls

Do 3-4 warm up sets and then do 4 hard sets of 8 reps. Try This is an example of what it could look like:
to lower the weight with a 3 count on all reps.
50 x 15 – Warm up set
4 total work sets
70 x 12 – Warm up set
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 90 x 6 – Feeder set
130 x 8 – RPE 9
130 x 8 – RPE 9
130 x 8 – RPE 9
130 x 8 – RPE 9

2/  Legs | Max effort front squats

Use a slightly closer stance on these this week. Work up to a This is an example of what it could look like:
heavy triple for your first set. Drop the weight 15% and do 2
135 x 10 – Warm up
sets of 5 for your next two sets. 3 total work sets
185 x 8 – Warm up
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 225 x 3 – Feeder set
335 x 3 – RPE 9 (Hold the first and last rep for a
two count)
285 x 5 – RPE 8 (Hold the first and last rep for a
two count)
285 x 5 – RPE 8 (Hold the first and last rep for a
two count)

3/  Speed pulls

Go back to your regular barbell speed pulls this week. You This is an example of what it could look like:
are going to be using 50% of your 1 rep maximum deadlift to
135 x 3 – Feeder set
do 5 singles. Then you are going to use 55% of your 1 rep max
185 x 3 – Feeder set
for 5 more singles. 10 total work sets
225 x 3 – Feeder set
For 5 sets use 50% of your 1 rep maximum deadlift for 5 singles 270 for 5 x 1 - This assumes 270 is 50% of
your 1 rep max
For 5 sets use 55% of your 1 rep maximum deadlift for 5 singles
280 for 5 x 1 – This assumes 280 is 55% of
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets your 1 rep max
Work set % – 50%, 55%

4/  Spinal erectors | Farmers walk

Hold heavy dumbbells by your side and walk 50 yards. Keep This is an example of what it could look like:
your chest up and your back straight. Use wrist wraps to
120 lb. dumbbell x 50 yards – RPE 8
help you hold on to the dumbbells if your grip fails. Do 3
120 lb. dumbbell x 50 yards – RPE 8
sets.3 total work sets
120 lb. dumbbell x 50 yards – RPE 8
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets

5/  Legs | Leg extensions

Do a couple feeder sets to find the right weight and then do This is an example of what it could look like:
3 sets of 25 here. Get ready for fire. 3 total work sets
85 x 5 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 105 x 5 – Feeder set
135 x 25 – RPE 9
135 x 25 – RPE 9
135 x 25 – RPE 9

6/  Legs | Dumbbell stiff legged deadlifts

Do these nice and slow. Do 3 slow sets of 6. 3 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like:

Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 135 x 3 – Feeder set

195 x 6 – RPE 8
195 x 6 – RPE 8
195 x 6 – RPE 8

7/  Calves | Seated calf raises

Do 4 sets of 15 here. Work the stretch hard at the bottom. This is an example of what it could look like:
Don’t forget to do your tibialis work in between sets.
75 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
4 total work sets
125 x 5 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets 125 x 15 – RPE 9-10
125 x 15 – RPE 9-10
125 x 15 – RPE 9-10
125 x 15 – RPE 9-10

8/  Abs | V ups

Do 3 sets of 10-15. 3 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like:

Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets Bodyweight x 10 – RPE 7

Bodyweight x 10 – RPE 7
RPE 7-10
Bodyweight x 10 – RPE 7

Day 5 – Upper body push focus
Chest 4 exercises 11 sets

Shoulders 2 exercises 6 sets

Triceps 2 exercises 14 sets

8 exercises 31 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Chest | Machine press

Use your favorite chest pressing machine here as you did in This is an example of what it could look like:
block 2. You will do 3 hard sets of 10. 3 total work sets
75 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 105 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
135 x 5 – Feeder set
155 x 10 – RPE 9
155 x 10 – RPE 9
155 x 10 – RPE 9

2/  Chest | Max effort close grip incline barbell press

Work up to a heavy triple for your first set. Drop the weight This is an example of what it could look like:
15% and do 2 sets of 5 for your next two sets.
135 x 10 – Warm up
3 total work sets
135 x 10 – Warm up
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work set 185 x 4 – Feeder set
255 x 3 – RPE 9
215 x 5 (slow tempo) - RPE 8
215 x 5 (slow tempo) - RPE 8

3/  Chest | Dips

Do 3 sets to failure. 3 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like:

Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets Bodyweight x F – RPE 10

Bodyweight x F – RPE 10
Bodyweight x F – RPE 10

4/  Chest | Machine flyes

Do a few low rep feeder sets until you get to your big set. This is an example of what it could look like:
Do about 8 reps there. We’ll then do a 2nd all out set there
85 lbs. x 4 – Feeder set
where you try to match the number, and then drop the
105 lbs. x 4 – Feeder set
weight 30% and go to failure again. 2 total work sets
135 lbs. x 8 – RPE 10
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 135 lbs. x 8. Drop to 105 lbs. and get 6 more –
RPE 12

5/  Shoulders | Dumbbell side laterals

Do 1 warm up set here before doing your medium heavy This is an example of what it could look like:
sets. Do 3 hard sets of 15 reps here. 3 total work sets
20 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 30 lbs. x 15 – RPE 9
30 lbs. x 15 – RPE 9
30 lbs. x 15 – RPE 9

6/  Shoulders | Dumbbell Y raises

Raise the dumbbells to 10 and 2 o’clock. Do 3 sets of 12 This is an example of what it could look like:
here. 3 total work sets
20’s x 12 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 20’s x 12 – RPE 9
20’s x 12 – RPE 9

7/  Triceps | Seated rope extensions

Let’s keep these going this block. If you do not have a bench This is an example of what it could look like:
to support your back as shown in the video, you can do
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
these standing facing away from cable station. Do 4 sets of
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
12 here reaching failure. 4 total work sets
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
(102) Seated overhead rope extensions

8/  Triceps | Incline lying extensions

Do 4 sets of 10. 4 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like:

Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 85 x 10 – RPE 9

85 x 10 – RPE 9
85 x 10 – RPE 9
85 x 10 – RPE 9

DAYS 6 & 7


Week 8
Day 1 – Lower body focus Day 4 – Lower body focus

Abs 1 exercise 3 sets Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 3 exercises 17 sets (9 of these are Legs 4 exercises 12 sets

dynamic speed sets)

Speed pulls 1 exercise 10 sets (these are all

Low back 1 exercise 2 sets dynamic speed sets)

Calves 1 exercise 4 sets Spinal erectors 1 exercise 3 sets

6 exercises 26 sets Calves 1 exercise 4 sets

8 exercises 32 sets
Day 2 – Upper body push focus

Chest 2 exercises 11 sets (9 of these are Day 5 – Upper body push focus
dynamic speed sets)

Chest 4 exercises 12 sets

Shoulders 3 exercises 11 sets
Shoulders 2 exercises 8 sets
Triceps 2 exercises 8 sets
Triceps 2 exercises 10 sets
7 exercises 30 sets
8 exercises 30 sets

Day 3 – Upper body pull focus

Days 6 & 7 - OFF - Family Days
Back 3 exercises 11 sets

Rear delts 1 exercise 3 sets

Biceps 2 exercises 8 sets

6 exercises 22 sets

Day 1 – Lower body focus
Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 3 exercises 17 sets (9 of these are

dynamic speed sets)

Low back 1 exercise 2 sets

Calves 1 exercise 4 sets

6 exercises 26 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Legs | Seated leg curls

We are adding an extra set this week as our progression. This is an example of what it could look like:
Do 4 tough sets of 8 here. Lower the weight with a 3 count.
50 x 15 – Warm up set
4 total work sets
70 x 12 – Warm up set
Rest Period – 2 minutes between sets 90 x 6 – Feeder set
130 x 8 – RPE 9
130 x 8 – RPE 9
130 x 8 – RPE 9
130 x 8 – RPE 9

2/  Legs | Dynamic squats

You are going to be squatting to a box again this week. Squat This is an example of what it could look like:
to parallel depth. This week we drop down to 55% for your 9
135 x 10 – Warm up
sets of three. Do not go heavier than this. This is done spe-
185 x 8 – Warm up
cifically to prepare you for next week. 9 total work sets
225 x 4 – Feeder set
For work sets use 55% of your 1 rep maximum squat. 275 for 9 x 3 - This assumes 275 is 55% of
your 1 rep max.
Rest Period – 1 minute between sets

Work set % – 55%

3/  Legs | Split squats

We add an extra set here this week for your progression. This is an example of what it could look like:
Do 4 sets of 8 here. 4 total work sets
No weight x 10 – Warm up set
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 10 lbs. per side x 6 – Feeder set
20 lbs. per side x 8 – RPE 9
20 lbs. per side x 8 – RPE 9
20 lbs. per side x 8 – RPE 9
20 lbs. per side x 8 – RPE 9

4/  Low back | Banded good mornings

Reduce your sets by one set this week. You will see why lat- This is an example of what it could look like:
er this week. Do 2 sets of 15. 2 total work sets
Bodyweight x 10 – Warm up
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets Orange light band x 15 – RPE 7
Orange light band x 15 – RPE 7

5/  Abs | Ab crunches

Do 3 sets to failure. 3 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like:

Goal – Progress weekly on these by adding 1 rep per set. Bodyweight x Failure – RPE 10
Bodyweight x Failure – RPE 10
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets
Bodyweight x Failure – RPE 10

6/  Calves | Standing calf raises

We will add one set this week. Do 4 heavy sets of 8 here. This is an example of what it could look like:
On each set add in 10 slow partials out of the bottom. Work
75 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
the stretch hard at the bottom. 4 total work sets
125 x 5 – Feeder set
Reminder - In between ALL sets of calves, you will be doing 175 x 8 then 10 partials – RPE 11
tibialis anterior work. Do sets of 25. 175 x 8 then 10 partials – RPE 11
175 x 8 then 10 partials – RPE 11
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets
175 x 8 then 10 partials – RPE 11

Day 2 – Upper body push focus

Chest 2 exercises 11 sets (9 of these are

dynamic speed sets)

Shoulders 3 exercises 11 sets

Triceps 2 exercise 8 sets

7 exercises 30 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Chest | Dynamic benches

Use 55% of your 1 rep max squat and do 9 sets of 3. We are This is an example of what it could look like:
dropping our % used here just like we did on the dynamic
135 x 10 – Warm up
squats yesterday. Continue to do what we have been doing
135 x 10 – Warm up
with your grip. Do 9 sets of 3 here. 9 total work sets
185 x 4 – Feeder set
For work sets use 55% of max weight. 225 x 4 – Feeder set
225 for 9 x 3 - This assumes 225 is 55% of
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets
your 1 rep max.
Work set % – 55%

2/  Chest | Flat dumbbell press

Keep this the same as last week. Do a few warm ups, then This is an example of what it could look like:
low rep feeder sets until you get to your big set. Do about 8
45’s x 15 – Warm up
reps there. We’ll then do a 2nd all out set there where you
65’s x 4 – Feeder set
try to match the number, and then drop the weight 30% and
85’s x 8 – RPE 9
go to failure. 2 total work sets
85’s x 8. Drop to 60’s and go to failure – RPE 12
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets

3/  Shoulders | High incline Smith press

We want a tough set of 8 then 5. Also, we are dropping the This is an example of what it could look like:
heavy set of 2 from this week. On the work sets keep a slow
95 x 3 – Feeder set
and controlled tempo. Lastly, before your first rep, and after
205 x 4 – Feeder set
you complete the last rep do your 2 second hold.
135 x 8 (slow tempo) – RPE 8 (Hold the first
3 total work sets
and last rep for a two count)
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 155 x 5 (slow tempo) – RPE 9 (Hold the first
and last rep for a two count)
175 x 3 (slow tempo) – RPE 9 (Hold the first
and last rep for a two count)

4/  Shoulders | Cable side laterals

We are adding one set here this week. Do 4 sets of 20 This is an example of what it could look like:
here. 4 total work sets
25 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 25 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
25 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
25 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9

5/  Shoulders | Incline front delt raise

We are adding one set here this week. Do 4 sets of 15 This is an example of what it could look like:
here. 4 total work sets
20 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 20 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8
20 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8
20 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8

6/  Triceps | Pronated kickbacks

We are keeping these the same as last week. Do 4 sets of 20 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8
15 here. 4 total work sets 20 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8
20 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets
20 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8
(113) Tricep Kickbacks with Pronated Grip

7/  Triceps | JM press

We are keeping these the same as last week. Do a couple This is an example of what it could look like:
sets to get the feel of these and to ensure the elbows are
Bar only x 8 – Warm up
warmed up. Do 4 hard sets of 8 here. 4 total work sets
Bar only x 6 – Warm up
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 75 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
75 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
75 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
75 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9

Day 3 – Upper body pull focus
Back 3 exercises 11 sets

Rear delts 1 exercise 3 sets

Biceps 2 exercises 8 sets

6 exercises 22 sets

1/  Back | Dumbbell row

Add 2 reps on these to what you did last week. Do 3 sets of This is an example of what it could look like:
10 this time. Use a full range of motion really stretching out
30 lbs. x 15 – Warm up
in the lengthened position. 3 total work sets
50 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 70 lbs. x 4 – Feeder set
90 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
90 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
90 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9

2/  Back | Incline row

Do two low rep feeder sets to get you to your working This is an example of what it could look like:
weight. We are adding a working set this week. Do three
30 x 5 – Feeder set
hard sets of 10 to start. Next up is your money set. Do
45 x 5 – Feeder set
around 10, where 10 is failure. After you do your 10, drop the
60 x 10 – RPE 10
weight 30% and grind out as many more reps as you can.
60 x 10 – RPE 10
Treat your arms as simple attachments, do not pull with
60 x 10 – RPE 10
your biceps. 3 total work sets
60 x 10, then 40 x 10 – RPE 12
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets

3/  Back | Dumbbell pullover

Do 4 sets of 10 here. This is an additional set this This is an example of what it could look like:
week. 4 total work sets
50 lbs. + Long red Pro mini band x 10 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 50 lbs. + Long red Pro mini band x 10 – RPE 9
50 lbs. + Long red Pro mini band x 10 – RPE 9
50 lbs. + Long red Pro mini band x 10 – RPE 9

4/  Rear delts | Machine rear delt flyes

Keep these the same this week. Do 3 sets of 15 here. After This is an example of what it could look like:
each set add on 10 partials out of the stretch position.
115 lbs. x 15, then 10 partials – RPE 12
3 total work sets
115 lbs. x 15, then 10 partials – RPE 12
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 115 lbs. x 15, then 10 partials – RPE 12

5/  Biceps | One arm cable curl

You are going to do 1 warm up set first. We are adding an This is an example of what it could look like:
extra set this week. Do 4 sets of 10. 4 total work sets
20 lbs. x 8 – Warm up
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets 30 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
30 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
30 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
30 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9

6/  Biceps | Pinwheel curls

We are adding a set here this week. Do 3 working sets This is an example of what it could look like:
close to failure shooting for about 10 reps. Do a 4thrd set
30’s x 10 – RPE 9
where you add in one drop. Use slow and controlled form.
30’s x 10 – RPE 9
4 total work sets
30’s x 10 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 30’s x 10, then drop to 15’s and do 10 – RPE 12

Day 4 – Lower body focus
Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 4 exercises 12 sets

10 sets (these are all

Speed pulls 1 exercise
dynamic speed sets)

Spinal erectors 1 exercise 3 sets

Calves 1 exercise 4 sets

8 exercises 32 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Legs | Lying leg curls

Keep these the same this week. Do 3-4 warm up sets and This is an example of what it could look like:
then do 4 hard sets of 8 reps. Try to lower the weight with a
50 x 15 – Warm up set
3 count on all reps. 4 total work sets
70 x 12 – Warm up set
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 90 x 6 – Feeder set
130 x 8 – RPE 9
130 x 8 – RPE 9
130 x 8 – RPE 9
130 x 8 – RPE 9

2/  Legs | Barbell good mornings

We are replacing your max effort work here this week. Use This is an example of what it could look like:
30% of your 1 rep squat max. Use a nice slow controlled
Bar x 10 – Warm up
tempo with a focus on hamstrings. Do 3 sets of 5.
95 x 10 – Warm up
3 total work sets
140 x 5 – RPE 7
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 140 x 5 – RPE 7
140 x 5 – RPE 7

3/  Speed pulls

You are going to be using 60% of your 1 rep maximum dead- This is an example of what it could look like:
lift to do 5 singles. Next you are going to use 65% of your 1
135 x 3 – Feeder set
rep max for 5 more singles. 10 total work sets
185 x 3 – Feeder set
For 5 sets use 60% of your 1 rep maximum deadlift for 5 singles 225 x 3 – Feeder set
290 for 5 x 1 - This assumes 290 is 60% of
For 5 sets use 65% of your 1 rep maximum deadlift for 5 singles
your 1 rep max
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets 310 for 5 x 1 – This assumes 305 is 65% of
your 1 rep max
Work set % – 60%, 65%

4/  Spinal erectors | Farmers walk

Hold heavier dumbbells than you did last week. 5 to 10 lbs. This is an example of what it could look like:
should do it. Hold your chest up and your back straight. Use
120 lb. dumbbell x 50 yards – RPE 8
wrist wraps to help you hold on to the dumbbells if your grip
120 lb. dumbbell x 50 yards – RPE 8
fails. Do 3 sets. 3 total work sets
120 lb. dumbbell x 50 yards – RPE 8
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets

5/  Legs | Leg extensions

Back the reps and intensity down on these this week. Do This is an example of what it could look like:
a couple feeder sets to find the right weight and then do 3
85 x 5 – Feeder set
sets of 10 here. 3 total work sets
105 x 5 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 150 x 10 – RPE 8
150 x 10 – RPE 8
150 x 10 – RPE 8

6/  Legs | Dumbbell stiff legged deadlifts

Keep these the same as last week and only do 2 sets as This is an example of what it could look like:
these are similar to the good mornings. Do these nice and
135 x 3 – Feeder set
slow. Do 2 slow sets of 6. 2 total work sets
195 x 6 – RPE 8
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 195 x 6 – RPE 8

7/  Calves | Seated calf raises

Keep these the same as last week. Do 4 sets of 15 here. This is an example of what it could look like:
Work the stretch hard at the bottom. 4 total work sets
75 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets 125 x 5 – Feeder set
125 x 15 – RPE 9-10
125 x 15 – RPE 9-10
125 x 15 – RPE 9-10
125 x 15 – RPE 9-10

8/  Abs | V ups

Do 3 sets of 10-15. 3 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like:

Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets Bodyweight x 10 – RPE 7

Bodyweight x 10 – RPE 7
RPE 7-10
Bodyweight x 10 – RPE 7

Day 5 – Upper body push focus
Chest 4 exercises 12 sets

Shoulders 2 exercises 8 sets

Triceps 2 exercises 10 sets

8 exercises 30 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Chest | Machine press

Keep these the same this week. You will do 3 hard sets of 10. This is an example of what it could look like:
3 total work sets
75 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 105 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
135 x 5 – Feeder set
155 x 10 – RPE 9
155 x 10 – RPE 9
155 x 10 – RPE 9

2/  Chest | Max effort floor press with legs straight

Work up to a heavy single for your first set. Drop the weight This is an example of what it could look like:
20% and do 2 sets of 3 for your next two sets.
135 x 10 – Warm up
3 total work sets
135 x 10 – Warm up
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work set 185 x 4 – Feeder set
285 x 1 – RPE 9
235 x 3 (slow tempo) - RPE 8
235 x 3 (slow tempo) - RPE 8

3/  Chest | Dips

Add a work set on these this week. Do 4 sets to failure. This is an example of what it could look like:
4 total work sets
Bodyweight x F – RPE 10
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets Bodyweight x F – RPE 10
Bodyweight x F – RPE 10
Bodyweight x F – RPE 10

4/  Chest | Machine flyes

Keep these the same this week. Do a few low rep feed- This is an example of what it could look like:
er sets until you get to your big set. Do about 8 reps there.
85 lbs. x 4 – Feeder set
We’ll then do a 2nd all out set there where you try to match
105 lbs. x 4 – Feeder set
the number, and then drop the weight 30% and go to failure
135 lbs. x 8 – RPE 10
again. 2 total work sets
135 lbs. x 8. Drop to 105 lbs. and get 6 more –
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets RPE 12

5/  Shoulders | Dumbbell side laterals

Do 1 warm up set here before doing your work sets. Add a This is an example of what it could look like:
work set this week. Do 4 hard sets of 15 reps here.
20 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
4 total work sets
30 lbs. x 15 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 30 lbs. x 15 – RPE 9
30 lbs. x 15 – RPE 9
30 lbs. x 15 – RPE 9

6/  Shoulders | Dumbbell Y raises

Add a work set on these this week. Do 4 sets of 12 here. This is an example of what it could look like:
4 total work sets
20’s x 12 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 20’s x 12 – RPE 9
20’s x 12 – RPE 9
20’s x 12 – RPE 9

7/  Triceps | Seated rope extensions

Add a work set on these this week. Do 5 sets of 12 here This is an example of what it could look like:
reaching failure. 5 total work sets
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10

8/  Triceps | Incline lying extensions

Add a work set on these this week. Do 5 sets of 10. 5 total This is an example of what it could look like:
work sets
85 x 10 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 85 x 10 – RPE 9
85 x 10 – RPE 9
85 x 10 – RPE 9
85 x 10 – RPE 9

DAYS 6 & 7


Week 9
Day 1 – Lower body focus Day 4 – Lower body focus

Abs 1 exercise 3 sets Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 3 exercises 10 sets Legs 4 exercises 12 sets

Low back 1 exercise 2 sets Speed pulls 1 exercise 10 sets (these are all
dynamic speed sets)

Calves 1 exercise 4 sets

Spinal erectors 1 exercise 3 sets
6 exercises 19 sets
Calves 1 exercise 4 sets

8 exercises 32 sets
Day 2 – Upper body push focus

Chest 2 exercises 5 sets

Day 5 – Upper body push focus
Shoulders 3 exercises 12 sets
Chest 4 exercises 13 sets
Triceps 2 exercises 10 sets
Shoulders 2 exercises 10 sets
7 exercises 27 sets
Triceps 2 exercises 10 sets

8 exercises 33 sets
Day 3 – Upper body pull focus

Back 3 exercises 13 sets

Days 6 & 7 - OFF - Family Days
Rear delts 1 exercise 4 sets

Biceps 2 exercises 10 sets

6 exercises 27 sets

Day 1 – Lower body focus
Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 3 exercises 10 sets

Low back 1 exercise 2 sets

Calves 1 exercise 4 sets

6 exercises 19 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Legs | Seated leg curls

Do 4 tough sets of 8 here again this week. Lower the weight This is an example of what it could look like:
with a 3 count. 4 total work sets
50 x 15 – Warm up set
Rest Period – 2 minutes between sets 70 x 12 – Warm up set
90 x 6 – Feeder set
130 x 8 – RPE 9
130 x 8 – RPE 9
130 x 8 – RPE 9
130 x 8 – RPE 9

2/  Legs | Max effort squats

Ok let’s see what you got! Today you are working up to 85% This is an example of what it could look like:
of your 1 rep max and doing 2 reps. Next you are going to do
135 x 10 – Warm up
90% for 2. Lastly you do 95% for 2. 3 total work sets
185 x 8 – Warm up
For work sets use 85, 90, and 95% of your 225 x 4 – Feeder set
1 rep maximum squat. 315 x 3 – Feeder set
375 x 2 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 3 minutes between sets
425 x 2 – This assumes 425 is 85% of your 1
Work set % – 85%, 90%, 95% rep max.
450 x 2 – This assumes 450 is 90% of your 1
rep max.
475 x 2 – This assumes 475 is 95% of your 1
rep max.

3/  Legs | Split squats

We reduce the sets intensity here this week to prepare you This is an example of what it could look like:
for next the leg workout. Do 3 sets of 8 here.
No weight x 10 – Warm up set
3 total work sets
10 lbs. per side x 6 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 10 lbs. per side x 8 – RPE 7
10 lbs. per side x 8 – RPE 7
10 lbs. per side x 8 – RPE 7

4/  Low back | Banded good mornings

Keep this the same this week. Do 2 sets of 15. This is an example of what it could look like:
2 total work sets
Bodyweight x 10 – Warm up
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets Orange light band x 15 – RPE 7
Orange light band x 15 – RPE 7

5/  Abs | Ab crunches

Do 3 sets to failure. 3 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like:

Goal – Progress weekly on these by adding 1 rep per set. Bodyweight x Failure – RPE 10
Bodyweight x Failure – RPE 10
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets
Bodyweight x Failure – RPE 10

6/  Calves | Standing calf raises

Do 4 heavy sets of 8 here. On each set add in 10 slow par- This is an example of what it could look like:
tials out of the bottom. Work the stretch hard at the bot-
75 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
tom. 4 total work sets
125 x 5 – Feeder set
Reminder - In between ALL sets of calves, you will be doing 175 x 8 then 10 partials – RPE 11
tibialis anterior work. Do sets of 25. 175 x 8 then 10 partials – RPE 11
175 x 8 then 10 partials – RPE 11
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets
175 x 8 then 10 partials – RPE 11

Day 2 – Upper body push focus
Chest 2 exercises 5 sets

Shoulders 3 exercises 12 sets

Triceps 2 exercise 10 sets

7 exercises 27 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Chest | Flat dumbbell press

We will be going heavy on our benches this week, so the This is an example of what it could look like:
smart thing is to do these first. Keep this the same as last
45’s x 15 – Warm up
week. Do a few warm ups, then low rep feeder sets until
65’s x 4 – Feeder set
you get to your big set. Do about 8 reps there. We’ll then do
85’s x 8 – RPE 9
a 2nd all out set there where you try to match the number,
85’s x 8. Drop to 60’s and go to failure – RPE 12
and then drop the weight 30% and go to failure.
2 total work sets

Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets

2/  Chest | Max effort close grip benches

We are using the same rep pattern we used with our squats This is an example of what it could look like:
here. You do 85% for 2, then 90% for 2, then 95% for 2. Use
135 x 10 – Warm up
a close grip on these. We don’t want flared out elbows.
135 x 10 – Warm up
3 total work sets
185 x 4 – Feeder set
For work sets use 85, 90, and 95% of max weight. 240 x 2 – This assumes 240 is 85% of your
1 rep max
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets
255 x 2 – This assumes 255 is 90% of your
Rest Period – 85%, 90%, 95% 1 rep max
270 x 2 – This assumes 270 is 95% of your
1 rep max

3/  Shoulders | High incline Smith press

We are bumping the reps here this week, but keep the holds This is an example of what it could look like:
in. 3 total work sets
95 x 3 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 205 x 4 – Feeder set
125 x 10 (slow tempo) – RPE 8 (Hold the first
and last rep for a two count)
125 x 10 (slow tempo) – RPE 8 (Hold the first
and last rep for a two count)
125 x 10 (slow tempo) – RPE 8 (Hold the first
and last rep for a two count)

4/  Shoulders | Cable side laterals

We are adding one set here this week. Do 5 sets of 20 here. This is an example of what it could look like:
5 total work sets
25 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 25 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
25 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
25 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9
25 lbs. x 20 – RPE 9

5/  Shoulders | Incline front delt raise

Keep these the same this week. Do 4 sets of 15 here. This is an example of what it could look like:
4 total work sets
20 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 20 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8
20 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8
20 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8

6/  Triceps | Pronated kickbacks

We are adding one set here this week. Do 5 sets of 15 20 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8
here. 5 total work sets 20 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8
20 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets
20 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8
20 lbs. x 15 – RPE 8

7/  Triceps | JM press

We are adding one set here this week. Do 5 hard sets of 8 This is an example of what it could look like:
here. 5 total work sets
Bar only x 8 – Warm up
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets Bar only x 6 – Warm up
75 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
75 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
75 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
75 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9
75 lbs. x 8 – RPE 9

Day 3 – Upper body pull focus
Back 3 exercises 13 sets

Rear delts 1 exercise 4 sets

Biceps 2 exercises 10 sets

6 exercises 27 sets

1/  Back | Dumbbell row

We are adding one set on these this week. Do 4 sets of 10 This is an example of what it could look like:
this time. Use a full range of motion really stretching out in
30 lbs. x 15 – Warm up
the lengthened position. 4 total work sets
50 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 70 lbs. x 4 – Feeder set
90 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
90 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
90 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
90 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9

2/  Back | Incline row

Do two low rep feeder sets to get you to your working This is an example of what it could look like:
weight. We are adding another working set this week. Do
30 x 5 – Feeder set
four hard sets of 10 to start. Next up is your money set. Do
45 x 5 – Feeder set
around 10, where 10 is failure. After you do your 10, drop the
60 x 10 – RPE 10
weight 30% and grind out as many more reps as you can.
60 x 10 – RPE 10
Treat your arms as simple attachments, do not pull with
60 x 10 – RPE 10
your biceps. 5 total work sets
60 x 10 – RPE 10
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 60 x 10, then 40 x 10 – RPE 12

3/  Back | Dumbbell pullover

Do 4 sets of 10 here. This is the same as last week. This is an example of what it could look like:
4 total work sets
50 lbs. + Long red Pro mini band x 10 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 50 lbs. + Long red Pro mini band x 10 – RPE 9
50 lbs. + Long red Pro mini band x 10 – RPE 9
50 lbs. + Long red Pro mini band x 10 – RPE 9

4/  Rear delts | Machine rear delt flyes

We are adding a work set here this week. Do 4 sets of 15 This is an example of what it could look like:
here. After each set add on 10 partials out of the stretch po-
115 lbs. x 15, then 10 partials – RPE 12
sition. 4 total work sets
115 lbs. x 15, then 10 partials – RPE 12
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 115 lbs. x 15, then 10 partials – RPE 12
115 lbs. x 15, then 10 partials – RPE 12

5/  Biceps | One arm cable curl

You are going to do 1 warm up set first. We are adding an- This is an example of what it could look like:
other set this week. Do 5 sets of 10. 5 total work sets
20 lbs. x 8 – Warm up
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets 30 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
30 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
30 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
30 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9
30 lbs. x 10 – RPE 9

6/  Biceps | Pinwheel curls

We are adding a set here this week. Do 4 working sets This is an example of what it could look like:
close to failure shooting for about 10 reps. Do a 5th set
30’s x 10 – RPE 9
where you add in one drop. Use slow and controlled form. 5
30’s x 10 – RPE 9
total work sets
30’s x 10 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 30’s x 10 – RPE 9
30’s x 10, then drop to 15’s and do 10 – RPE 12

Day 4 – Lower body focus
Abs 1 exercise 3 sets

Legs 4 exercises 12 sets

10 sets (these are all

Speed pulls 1 exercise
dynamic speed sets)

Spinal erectors 1 exercise 3 sets

Calves 1 exercise 4 sets

8 exercises 32 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Legs | Lying leg curls

Keep these the same this week. We are getting ready to go This is an example of what it could look like:
hard again on the squats. Do 3-4 warm up sets and then do
50 x 15 – Warm up set
4 hard sets of 8 reps. Try to lower the weight with a 3 count
70 x 12 – Warm up set
on all reps. 4 total work sets
90 x 6 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 130 x 8 – RPE 9
130 x 8 – RPE 9
130 x 8 – RPE 9
130 x 8 – RPE 9

2/  Legs | Max effort squats

You are working up to a heavy single here. You are go- This is an example of what it could look like:
ing to use a narrow squat stance for these. After that
135 x 10 – Warm up
back the weight down by 20% and do 2 sets of 3.
185 x 10 – Warm up
3 total work sets
225 x 3 – Feeder set
Rest Period – 3 minutes between work sets 275 x 2 – Feeder set
315 x 2 Feeder set
365 x 1 – RPE 9-10
295 x 3 – This assumes 295 is 80% of your 1 rep max
295 x 3 – This assumes 295 is 80% of your 1 rep max

3/  Speed pulls

You are going to be using 70% of your 1 rep maximum dead- This is an example of what it could look like:
lift to do 5 singles. Next you are going to use 75% of your 1
135 x 3 – Feeder set
rep max for 5 more singles. 10 total work sets
185 x 3 – Feeder set
For 5 sets use 70% of your 1 rep maximum deadlift for 5 singles 225 x 3 – Feeder set
320 for 5 x 1 - This assumes 320 is 70% of
For 5 sets use 75% of your 1 rep maximum deadlift for 5 singles
your 1 rep max
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets 350 for 5 x 1 – This assumes 350 is 75% of
your 1 rep max
Work set % – 70%, 75%

4/  Spinal erectors | Farmers walk

Hold even heavier dumbbells than you did last week. 5 This is an example of what it could look like:
to 10 lbs. should do it. Hold your chest up and your back
135 lb. dumbbell x 50 yards – RPE 8
straight. Use wrist wraps to help you hold on to the dumb-
135 lb. dumbbell x 50 yards – RPE 8
bells if your grip fails. Do 3 sets. 3 total work sets
135 lb. dumbbell x 50 yards – RPE 8
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets

5/  Legs | Leg extensions

Back the reps and intensity down on these this week. Do This is an example of what it could look like:
a couple feeder sets to find the right weight and then do 3
85 x 5 – Feeder set
sets of 10 here. Add a 2 second pause at the top on every
105 x 5 – Feeder set
rep. 3 total work sets
140 x 10 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 140 x 10 – RPE 9
140 x 10 – RPE 9

6/  Legs | Dumbbell stiff legged deadlifts

Do 2 slow sets of 6. 2 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like:

Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 135 x 3 – Feeder set

195 x 6 – RPE 8
195 x 6 – RPE 8

7/  Calves | Seated calf raises

Keep these the same as last week. Do 4 sets of 15 here. This is an example of what it could look like:
Work the stretch hard at the bottom. 4 total work sets
75 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets 125 x 5 – Feeder set
125 x 15 – RPE 9-10
125 x 15 – RPE 9-10
125 x 15 – RPE 9-10
125 x 15 – RPE 9-10

8/  Abs | V ups

Do 3 sets of 10-15. 3 total work sets This is an example of what it could look like:

Rest Period – 1 minute between work sets Bodyweight x 10 – RPE 7

Bodyweight x 10 – RPE 7
RPE 7-10
Bodyweight x 10 – RPE 7

Day 5 – Upper body push focus
Chest 4 exercises 13 sets

Shoulders 2 exercises 10 sets

Triceps 2 exercises 10 sets

8 exercises 33 sets

Warm up rotation
1. Hanging Leg Raises - 6-10 reps
2. Plank – 15 seconds
3. Band Pull Apart with long micro mini band – 15 reps
Do 3 rounds here.

1/  Chest | Machine press

Keep these the same this week. You will do 3 hard sets of 10. This is an example of what it could look like:
3 total work sets
75 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 105 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
135 x 5 – Feeder set
155 x 10 – RPE 9
155 x 10 – RPE 9
155 x 10 – RPE 9

2/  Chest | Max effort close grip incline press

Work up to a heavy single for your first set. Drop the weight This is an example of what it could look like:
20% and do 2 sets of 3 for your next two sets.
135 x 10 – Warm up
3 total work sets
135 x 10 – Warm up
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work set 185 x 3 – Feeder set
255 x 1 – RPE 9
205 x 3 (slow tempo) - This assumes 205 is
80% of your 1 rep max
205 x 3 (slow tempo) - This assumes 205 is
80% of your 1 rep max

3/  Chest | Dips

Add a work set on these this week. Do 5 sets to failure. This is an example of what it could look like:
5 total work sets
Bodyweight x F – RPE 10
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets Bodyweight x F – RPE 10
Bodyweight x F – RPE 10
Bodyweight x F – RPE 10
Bodyweight x F – RPE 10

4/  Chest | Machine flyes

Keep these the same this week. Do a few low rep feed- This is an example of what it could look like:
er sets until you get to your big set. Do about 8 reps there.
85 lbs. x 4 – Feeder set
We’ll then do a 2nd all out set there where you try to match
105 lbs. x 4 – Feeder set
the number, and then drop the weight 30% and go to failure
135 lbs. x 8 – RPE 10
again. 2 total work sets
135 lbs. x 8. Drop to 105 lbs. and get 6 more –
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets RPE 12

5/  Shoulders | Dumbbell side laterals

Do 1 warm up set here before doing your work sets. Add a This is an example of what it could look like:
work set this week. Do 5 hard sets of 15 reps here.
20 lbs. x 10 – Warm up
5 total work sets
30 lbs. x 15 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 30 lbs. x 15 – RPE 9
30 lbs. x 15 – RPE 9
30 lbs. x 15 – RPE 9
30 lbs. x 15 – RPE 9

6/  Shoulders | Dumbbell Y raises

Add a work set on these this week. Do 5 sets of 12 here. This is an example of what it could look like:
5 total work sets
20’s x 12 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 20’s x 12 – RPE 9
20’s x 12 – RPE 9
20’s x 12 – RPE 9
20’s x 12 – RPE 9

7/  Triceps | Seated rope extensions

Add a work set on these this week. Do 5 sets of 12 here This is an example of what it could look like:
reaching failure. 5 total work sets
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10
125 lbs. x 12 – RPE 9-10

8/  Triceps | Incline lying extensions

Keep these the same this week. Do 5 sets of 10. 5 total This is an example of what it could look like:
work sets
85 x 10 – RPE 9
Rest Period – 2 minutes between work sets 85 x 10 – RPE 9
85 x 10 – RPE 9
85 x 10 – RPE 9
85 x 10 – RPE 9

DAYS 6 & 7

Did you make it through?? If so let me
know on Instagram at mountaindog1

@mountaindog1 @cedmonds18

Follow John on YouTube at mountaindog1 for many more

complete workouts!

If you are looking to ask questions directly or access 10

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Thank you so much for your support!

John Meadows


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