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NOTES and a COMPENDIUM of SCIENCE CONCEPTS at the end of each Quarter
is a collection of our innovative work passionately written in aid of delivery of
instruction for Science Education. It is a WORK of LOVE which we had joined the
of our HEARTS and the STRENGTH of our HEALTH (4H’s) to come up with these
COLLECTIVE PIECES OF OUR CREATIVE MINDS, believing that Science has already
adopted the Philosophies of Idealism and Pragmatism (ORA et LABORA, the
Benedictine Principle). The OUTPUT of our conglomerated efforts, this SCIENCE

In a nutshell, here are series of SCIENCE LESSON EXEMPLARS based on the

CONCEPTS for the students in GRADE 8 conceptualized in a MULTI-DIMENSIONAL

It is hoped that this “GIFT OF LOVE” from the SCIENCE EDUCATION which
dwells on the Benedictine Principle, ORA et LABORA , will in its own little way
contribute to RESCUE and RESPOND to the CHALLENGES OF EDUCATION in this
COVID 19 PANDEMIC time to make SCIENCE EDUCATION a contributory and
essential factor in rebuilding the lives of young citizens of the nation.



MELC: Investigate the relationship between the amount of force applied and the mass of the
object to the amount of change in the object’s motion.


Effects of force on motion

GUIDE QUESTIONS: Do forces always result in motion?

What are the conditions for an object to stay at rest, to keep moving at
constant velocity, or to move with increasing velocity?

How is force related to acceleration?

➢ is a

➢ have sizes and directions


Terms to familiarize in describing force:
Magnitude – is the size or strength of a force, commonly express in Newton (N)
Direction of the force – represented by arrow
Point of Application – point where the force is applied on an object
Line of Action - is the straight line passing through the point of application, parallel to the
direction of the force.


Balanced: when the net force on an object equals zero. These do not produced change in

Unbalanced: when the net force on an object is not zero. These produce a change in motion.


Activity 1.

➢ Gravity (Fg) – is the pull (Force) of the earth on a body

➢ Tension (T) - is the force transmitted through cable, rope, wire or string when it is
pulled by forces from opposite ends
➢ Normal Force (Fn) - force exerted upon an object that is in contact with another
stable object.

How do the lengths of the arrows in each case

How do the magnitudes and directions of the

pair of forces compare?

In both cases objects remained at rest because the forces acting on them are equal in
magnitude, in opposite directions and they lie along the same line of action. Therefore, the
forces are balanced.
The pen falls if the string holding it is cut, it falls because there is no more force acting
on it to counteract the pull of gravity. The book moves across the table because of the force
applied on it. Hence, the forces acting on the objects to stay at rest are no longer balanced. If
an object initially at rest is under an unbalanced force, it moves in the direction of the
unbalanced force.


Activity 2.
Push a ball gently on top of a table. Observe. The Normal Force (Fn) and gravity (Fg)
What makes the ball stop rolling after acting on the rolling ball are balanced,
sometime? it’s the Friction
What are the forces acting on the ball? (Ff), the other
force acting on
the ball along
the horizontal
with motion
opposes and
retards its motion.

Unbalanced force - causes the change in the object’s state of motion.

Friction - Friction is the force that opposes motion between any surfaces that are in contact.

COMBINING FORCE = NET FORCE = when two or more forces combined

✓ Concept check:
Study the illustrations and answer the questions that follow.
1. A boy and a girl are pulling a heavy crate at the same time with 10 units
of force each. What is the net force acting on the object?

2. What if the boy and the girl pull the heavy crate at the same time in
opposite directions with 10 units and 5 units of force respectively, what
will be the net force on the object? Will the object move? To what
direction will it move?
3. Suppose another girl pulls the heavy crate in with 5 units of force in
the same direction as the girl, what will be the net force that will act on
the object? Will the object move

Newton’s Three Laws of Motion
These laws explain why the things move or behave the way they do

Newton’s First Law of Motion: Law of Inertia

Activity 1.

INERTIA - the property of an object to resist change

in its state of motion

Mass – is the amount of matter in an object

➢ Inertia depends on mass

➢ more mass is harder to push or pull
➢ more mass is harder to stop

therefore, the more mass an object has the more

inertia it has

Newton’s Second Law of Motion: Law of Acceleration

where: F – force; express in Newton (N)

m – mass; express Kilogram (Kg)
a – acceleration; express in meter
per second per second (m/s/s
or m/s )
1 Newton (N) = 1 kg.m/s2

Example 1:
The greater the mass of the object the more force is needed to make it accelerate.
➢ “The greater mass the object has the more force is needed to make it move."
- Objects with a greater mass have more
inertia. It takes more force to make it
- A 400kg rock is a lot harder to move than a
40kg rock.

Example 2: F = ma

- It will take twice the amount of force to

accelerate the wagon with 20kg as the wagon
with 10kg.
- In order to make an object accelerate or
move you have to apply a force.
Example 3:

- Because the mass of each ball is different, each

ball will travel a different distance and at a
different speed when it is hit with the same

Example 4:

Force of hand Twice as much force twice the force on twice

accelerates the produces twice as the mass gives the same
brick. much acceleration. acceleration.

Example 5:

- The object’s acceleration depends on

the mass of the object and how much
force is applied to it.
- The effect of a 10 Newton force on a
golf ball would be much greater than
that same force acting on a truck.

Example 6:



Sample mathematical problem:

Suppose a ball of mass 0.60 kg is hit with a force of 12 N. Its acceleration will be:
a = Fnet ma
= 12N 0.60kg
=20 m/s2

If the force is increased to 24 N for the same ball then,

a= 24N
= 40 m/s
✓ Concept Check:
1. An object has a mass of 20 kg and accelerates at 15 m/s/s. What is the force applied
on the object?
2. An object’s mass is 20 Kg, moved at 15 m/s/s. Find how much force is applied to it.
3. An object with a mass of 5 kg experiences a force of 10N. What is the acceleration of
the object?
4. An object with a force of 15N on it is accelerating at 10 m/s2. What is the mass of
the object?

Free Fall and Newton’s Second Law of Motion

Gravity acts on all objects on the earth’s surface and causes them
to accelerate when released. This acceleration, known as the
acceleration due to gravity (g), it’s the same for all objects on earth
and is equal to 9.8 m/s2. This means that when objects fall, their
velocities increase by 9.8 m/s every 1 second.

Circular Motion and Newton’s Second Law of Motion

“Try to whirl an object tied to a string horizontally above your head.

Then observe what happens if you release the object. How does it
travel after release?”

Acceleration does not only refer to change in speed. It also refers

to change in direction. In the case of circular motion, the whirling
object accelerates not due to the change in its speed but to the
change in the direction of its velocity.

By Newton’s second law of motion, a net force must be acting on accelerating objects,
the net force is the force that comes from the string that pulls the object towards the center of
its circular path.

If you remove this force by either cutting or releasing the

string, you will observe that the object will continue to move
straight and fly off tangential to the path. This is the natural
tendency of the object if there is no net force acting on it,
according to the First Law of Motion. But because of the net
force from the string, instead of going straight, the object
accelerates inwards thereby covering a circular path. The
object is said to be in uniform circular motion.

MELC: infer that when a body exerts a force on another, an equal amount of force is exerted
back on it
_ _

Newton’s Third Law of Motion: Law of Interaction

Activity 1: Balloon Rocket

1. Tie one end of a string to a chair, doorknob, or other

2. Put the other end of the string through a straw. Then
pull the string tight, and tie it to another support in the
3. Blow up the balloon, and pinch the end of the balloon
to keep the air inside. Do not tie the balloon.
4. Have a partner tape the balloon to the straw so that the
opening of the balloon is horizontal with the ground,
while you keep the air pinched inside the balloon.
5. Have your partner use the marker to draw a finish line
near the end of the string. Then, let go of the balloon
and observe!
6. Test different methods to transport “cargo” across the
string to the finish line. See your teacher for materials. Difference between action - reaction forces
and balanced forces

What happened when the opening of the balloon was

released and the gas was allowed to escape?
What causes this to happen?
What do you think will make the balloon move faster?
What happens when you add cargo to the balloon rocket?

✓ Content Check
1. When a heavy football player and a light one run into each other, who exerts more force?
2. When you hold an apple above your head, how many force pairs act on the apple?
3. Suppose two carts, one twice as massive as the other, fly apart when the compressed spring
that joins them is released. How fast does the heavier cart roll compared with the lighter
4. A bus hits a bug and the bug splatters on the windshield, which force is greater?
5. When a kickboxer got kicked in the face, What is the interaction pair?

MELC: Identify and explain the factors that affect potential and kinetic energy
_ _


Work done is a measure of what is required to move an object over a distance.

Activity 1: IS THERE WORK DONE? ✓ Concept check:

Tell whether work is done in the ff. situations: Draw the direction of force and
Draw the direction of force and motion.
Identify the one doing work and on which the
work is done. Explain why work is done / work Determine if work is done or not. Fill
is not done the last column with YES or NO.

1. a girl pulling her


2. falling fruit

3. a man lifting a box

4. a girl carrying a bag

✓ The work done is also equal to the energy transferred to the object in order to move it.
✓ Work done is calculated with the following formula:

✓ Work done is measured in Newton metres (Nm). However, 1Nm is equal to 1 Joule (J).
Where: Units
W = Work N.m or Joules (J)
F = Force kg.m/s2 or Newton (N))
d = distance meter (m)

✓ Other Formula
Since, Force = mass x acceleration due to gravity, therefore work can also be solved
using the formula:
W = Fd
W = mass x acceleration due to gravity x displacement
W = magd
Where: ag = acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/s2
1. A student weighing 680 N runs on a flight of stairs 6 m high. How much work is
Given: F = 680 N Solution: W = F x d
d = 6m = 680 N x 6 m
W=? W = 4 080 N.m or 4 080 Joules

2. A 4,000 J of work was done to move barrel 10 m. How much force in Newton was
Given: W = 4 000 J Solution: F = W/d
d = 10 m = 4 000 J/10 m
F=? F = 400 N
3. A book of mass 1 kg is on the floor. I the book is lifted from the floor to the top
shelf which is 2 meters from the floor, how much work is done on the book?
Given: m = 1 kg Solution: W = magd
d=2m = (1kg)( 9.8 m/s2)(2m)
ag = 9.8 m/s W = 19.8 J

Activity: Problem Solving

Solve the following problems. Show your solution and box your final answer.

1. A 6.2 N weights is lifted 2.2 meters. How much work is done?

2. Calculate the work done when moving a box 650 N a distance of 30 meters.
3. If it takes 100 Joules of work to push a cabinet across a 5 meter floor, what force
would be needed?
4. Amy uses 20 N of force to push a table 10 meters. How much work she do?
5. After finishing his lab report, Carlo pulls hi 75-kg body out of the study room chair
and climbs up the 5.0 m high flight of stairs to his bedroom. How much work does
Carlo do in going to his bedroom?

Enrichment Activity
Solve the following problems.

1. A 6.2 N weights is lifted 2.2 meters. How much work is done?

2. Calculate the work done when moving a box 650 N a distance of 30 meters.
3. If it takes 100 Joules of work to push a cabinet across a 5 meter floor, what force
would be needed?


Power is the rate at which work is performed or energy is converted. This means that the
faster a person works, the more power he/she exerts.

In equation:
P = Work/ time or P = Energy/time
P=W/t (1) Formula
P = Fd/t (2) substitute the formula of work to Fd
P = magd/t (3) Substitute the formula of work to magd
Where: Unit
P= power Joules/second (J/s), N.m/s, watt, kW, horsepower
W= work Joules (J)
t= time second (s)

Factors affecting power:

1. Work (force and distance) or energy
2. time

1. Andrei does 500 J of work in climbing a stair. If he does the work in five seconds, what
is his power output?
Given: Solution:
W = 500 J P = W/t
t=5s = 500 J / 5s

P=? P = 100 J/s

2. A box weighing 800N is raised 10 m up with a pulley combination in 10 seconds. What

amount of power is used?
Given: Solution:
F = 800 N P = Fd/t
d = 10 m = (800N)(10m) / 10s
t = 10 s P = 800 N.m /s or 800 J/s

Activity 1.
1. Compute for your power output in walking or running up a
flight of stairs.
2. Determine the factors that may affect power output.
1. Get the mass of each members.
2. Compute the weight (multiply mass (kg) by acceleration due
to gravity (9.8 m/s2)
3. Measure the height of the flight of stairs that you will climb.
4. Each member will walk or run up the flight of stairs. Use a stopwatch or any watch to
get the time it takes for each
member to climb the stairs.
5. Solve for the work done by each
6. Compute for the power output of
each member.
7. Record all the measurements in a
Guide questions:
1. Who among the group members does more work? Why?
2. Can you do more work by climbing faster than your time in the activity? Why or why
3. Who among the group members had the highest power output? Why?
4. Who among the group members had the lowest power output? Why?
5. What will happen to the work done by you if you climb to a higher floor?P
6. What factor/s determined the highest/lowest power output?
7. How is work related to power?

✓ Concept Check: Compute for the power output in the following situations.
1. Mario with a mass of 50 kg walks up a flight of stairs 10 m high in 20 seconds. What
power has he used?
2. Find the power of a man who pulls a box 6 m with a force of 25 N in 8 seconds?

You work at a store, carrying boxes of grocery items to a storage room located 12 m above the
ground. Your employer has asked you to move 30 boxes with a total mass of 150 kg as quickly
as possible. You have thought of carrying more than one box up at a time, but you know that
this will require you to move very slowly and to rest often. You considered carrying only one
box at a time, but that would entail spending most of the energy traveling to and from the
storage room. Determine the number of boxes to carry on each trip that would require the

least amount of time. If you began the job 8 o’clock in the morning, by what time would you
complete the job? Ignore the time needed to go back down the stairs and to lift and unload
each box.


Kinetic energy is a form of

mechanical energy that is present in
moving objects.

Potential energy is an energy

possessed by an object at rest. It is the
stored energy in resting object, such as
gravitational potential energy, and
electric potential energy.

When stored energy begins to

move, the object now transfers from potential energy into kinetic energy.

Activity 1.
Release and Drop
1. Release a blown-up balloon.
2. Drop a raised ball about one meter from the ground.
3. Answer the questions below.
Energy stored in a balloon
1. Is work done when one blows up a balloon? Explain
2. What do you call the energy stored in a blown-up balloon? What
happens to the stored energy in the blown-up balloon after you
released it?

3. What transformation of energy happens to the blown-up balloon?

Energy stored in a ball
1. Is work done when one raises the ball to a certain height?
Explain What do you call the energy stored in the ball due to its
2. What happens to the stored energy after the ball fell to the
What transformation of energy happens to the blown-up

Try to answer this!

Tell whether POTENTIAL or KINETIC. Enrichment Activity
1. The mango in the tree. Think these over!
2. If the rubber band is stretched. 1. When you say, “I am losing
3. If the motorcycle is still.
energy”, does this violate the
4. If the yoyo is moving.
Law of Conservation of Energy?
5. The mango falling from the tree.
6. A lamped turned on. Justify your answer.
7. The book on top of the table. 2. How do we use transformation
8. A ball bouncing down the court. of energy in our daily life?
9. A ball in basketball player’s hand.
10. A child jumping on the bed is energy.


Kinetic energy - is energy in motion. It is directly proportional to an object's mass, so doubling

the mass will double the kinetic energy at the same velocity. It increases with the square of an
object's velocity: this means that if its velocity is doubled then its kinetic energy will increase 4
times the original amount. Kinetic energy is measured in Joules (J).

KE = ½ mv2
Where: Unit
KE = kinetic energy of the object Joules (J), N.m
m = mass of the object kilograms (kg)
v = speed of the object meter per second (m/s)

Sample Problem

1. A 3 kg ball is thrown with a velocity of 7.5 m/s. what is the kinetic energy of the ball?
Given: Solution:
m = 3 kg KE = ½ mv2
v = 7.5 m/s = ½ (3 kg)(7.5 m/s)2
KE = ? KE = 84.375 J

Activity 1.
Kinetic Energy
1. Determine the kinetic energy of an object
2. Determine the factors that may affect the kinetic energy of
an object
3. Complete the data in the table below to determine how
the mass and speed of a body affects its kinetic energy.

Who among the three runners had the highest kinetic energy?
How the speed/velocity does affect the kinetic energy possessed by an object?

Who among the three runners had the highest kinetic energy?
How mass does affect the kinetic energy possessed by an object?

Try to solve these!

1. What is the kinetic energy of a soccer ball which has a mass of 0.8 kg and is kicked at
a velocity of 10 m/s?
2. Calculate the kinetic energy of a car which has a mass of 1000 kg and is moving at the
rate of 20 m/s.1.
3. A 3 kg ball is thrown with a velocity of 7.5 m/s. what is the kinetic energy of the ball?

MELC: Investigates the effect of temperature to the speed of sound


Points to remember…

Remember that heat is the transfer

of energy between objects or places
because of difference in

Heat exists as ‘energy in transit’ and it is not contained in an object. The energy that is actually
contained in an object due to the motion of its particles is called thermal energy. The thermal
energy of an object is changed if heat is transferred to or from it.

Explaining hotness or coldness
1. Half-fill the three glass with equal amount of cold
2. Place your finger for a while into any of the
Q1: What actually transferred when you dipped your
finger into the water? In what direction did it
Q2: Was the water ‘hot’ or ‘cold’? explain.
3. Measure with a thermometer the temperature of the water in each glass. Record
your measurements a Table (Note: The initial temperature of the water in each
container should be the same as
they come from the same source.)

Q3: How close is your estimated

value to the measured
temperature of the water?
4. Add the same amount of hot water to glass 1,
tap water to glass 2 and the same cold water
to glass 3.
5. Leave the containers for a while.
6. Dip your fingers again, this time into the three
glasses. Make sure that you do not dip the
same finger into the containers.
Q4: Which glass feels ‘hottest’? Which feels ‘coolest’?
Q5: What do you think the difference in the hotness or coldness of the water inside the
7. Measure and record the temperature of the water in all glasses. Calculate the
change in the temperature of water in each glass.
Q6: In which container(s) is heat transfer taking place? What evidence best supports
your answer? Within this container, which absorbs heat? Which gives off heat?
Q7: In which container was there the greatest amount of heat transferred? What is
the basis of your answer?

Q8: How are the amount of heat transferred and the change in temperature of water

Dye in Water
1. Fill three containers separately with cold water,
tap water, and hot water.
2. Measure the temperature of the water in each
container. Record your measurements in a
3. With the dropper, place a drop of dye into the
center of each container. (Note: It is better if
you place drops of dye into the three samples
4. Carefully observe and compare
the behavior of the dye in the
three containers. Write down
your observations in table.
Q9: What similarities and
differences did you
observe when a drop of dye was added to each container?
Q10: In which container did the dye scatter the fastest? In which did it scatter the slowest?
Q11: How do you relate the temperature of the water to the rate of the scattering of the
Q12: In which container are the particles of water moving fastest? In which container are
the particles moving slowest?
Q13: How is temperature related to the speed of the particles?
Q14: How is temperature related to the kinetic energy of particles?

So how are heat and temperature different?

Heat is a form of energy while temperature is not a form of energy. Temperature is a

measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles and it does not depend on the mass
of the object. It can be measured directly with the use of thermometers. Heat cannot be
measured directly. But you can make use of the measurable quantities related to heat to
determine how much heat (Q) is absorbed by the object. These are the change in temperature
(∆T), mass (m), and specific heat capacity (c) of the object. The relation among these
quantities is expressed as: Q=mc∆T

MELC: Explain the hierarchy of colors in relation to the energy of visible light


Refraction - is the bending of light when it travels from one

medium to another of different optical
➢ The speed of light decreases when light
travels in a dense medium. it is dependent on
the optical density of the medium. When light
crosses the boundary of two media of
different optical density, a change in speed
takes place. This change in speed is
manifested as bending of the light ray

Physical density - is described as the mass per unit volume of

the medium.
Optical density – is the sluggishness of the atoms of a medium to maintain the absorbed energy
before reemitting it is called optical density. of the medium is different from its physical
density. A known indicator of the optical density of a material is the index of refraction
of the material.
Index of refraction ( n ) - is the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum and its speed in another
medium. In symbols;

As light enters an optically more dense
material, the angle of refraction is smaller than the
angle of incidence-the light bends toward the normal.
Likewise, if light passes from an optically dense
medium to a less dense medium, the light bends away
from the normal.

Dispersion - is a special kind of refraction which

provided us colors of light. This phenomenon is observed when white light passes through a
triangular prism. When white light enters a prism, separation into different colors is observed.

Refractive indices - indicate that light of different colors travels at different speeds in the
prism which accounts for the different degrees of bending. Thus, blue light with greater
refractive index refracts more and appears at the bottom of the red light.

Activity 1.
The colors of the rainbow...The colors of light
Part A: ROY G. BIV on paper using a bowl of water
1. Place the bowl near the window. Make sure that
there is plenty of sunlight in that part of the
2. Set the mirror partway into the water facing the
light as shown in the figure on the right.
3. Hold the piece of paper up to intercept the
reflected beam.
4. Adjust the position of the mirror until you see color bands on the piece of paper.
Q1. List and arrange the observed colors according to how they appear on the paper.
Part B: ROY G. BIV using a prism
1. Position a stack of books near the window where there
is plenty of sunlight.
2. Place a white sheet of paper on top of the stack of
2. On top of this sheet place the prism. Make sure that
sunlight from the window reaches the prism.
3. Position the prism until a rainbow or the colors of light
appear on the white sheet of paper.

4. Use the table to note the refractive indices of the colors of light in acrylic or crown glass
Q2. Describe the position of the different colors after passing through the prism
Q3. Explain the dispersion of
white light. Why is the prism or
water able to separate the colors
of white light?
Q4. Compare your results in the
first part with your results in the
second part. Are there any
differences? What might account
for the differences?
Q5. What did you observe with
the indices of refraction of the
colors of light in the acrylic prism?
Q6. How would this indices of
refraction account for the
arrangement of colors of light?

Activity 2.
Red versus Violet...
1. Place or position two glass prisms on top of a white
sheet of paper and near a white screen. It would be
better if the white screen is positioned vertically.
2. Position a flashlight on the other side of the prism.
Switch on the flashlight and let the light strike the
3. Make the necessary adjustment in the position of the
prism or in the position of the flashlight until you
observe a clear view of the different colors of light on
the screen.
4. Mark the position of the colors of light on the white
screen. Mark also the positions of the flashlight and the
prism on the white sheet of paper.
5. Trace the light beam from the flashlight to the prism. Then trace the light ray from the
prism to each of the colors of light on the white screen.
6. Draw line AO that bisects the prism located near the white screen vertically.
Q7. Did you observe the colors of light just as they appeared in the first activity?
Q8. How were these colors of light arranged on the white screen?
Q9. With respect to line AO, which among the colors of light on the white screen is most bent,
red light or blue light?
Study the table of wavelength and refractive indices of the color of light in a crown glass
Q10. How would you relate the refractive index with the bending of the color of light?

Important Notes:
1. Red light has the least energy
2. Blue light has the most energy.
The arrangement of colors of light shows the hierarchy of the color’s corresponding
3. The greater the energy, the larger the frequency and the shorter (smaller) the
wavelength. Given the relationship between wavelength and frequency — the higher the
frequency, the shorter the wavelength — it follows that short wavelengths are more
energetic than long wavelengths.
4. The amount of light produced at each wavelength depends on the temperature of the
object producing the light. Stars hotter than the Sun (over 6,000 degrees C) put out most
of their light in the blue and ultraviolet regions of the spectrum. Stars cooler than the
Sun (below 5,000 degrees C) put out most of their light in the red and infrared regions of
the spectrum. Solid objects heated to 1,000 degrees C appear red but are putting out far
more (invisible) infrared light than red light.
5. All objects emit electromagnetic radiation, and the amount of radiation emitted at each
wavelength depends on the temperature of the object. Hot objects emit more of their
light at short wavelengths, and cold objects emit more of their light at long wavelengths.
The temperature of an object is related to the wavelength at which the object gives out
the most light.

1. Get information about your beliefs of the
people in the locality regarding the following
a. Red sky in the afternoon (sunset)
b. Why the sky is blue
c. There’s a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
2. Discuss the basic scientific explanations
behind the superstitious beliefs.

4. You need to come up with a creative way of showing scientific explanations about the
phenomena mentioned above in any form. Like Video or PowerPoint presentations.

MELC: Investigates the effect of temperature to the speed of sound


Through which medium does sound travel fastest- solid, liquid, or gas?

How does the temperature of the medium affect the speed of sound? How are
reflection and refraction manifested in sound?


Sound - consists of waves of air

➢ sound propagates and
travels through air. It can
also be propagated
through other media.
➢ considered a mechanical
➢ are characterized as
longitudinal waves. These
are waves that travel parallel to the motion of the particles.

Activity 1.
The dancing salt and the moving beads!
Part A: Vibrations produce sound
1. Put the plastic tightly over the open end of the large can and hold it while your partner
puts the rubber band over it.
2. Sprinkle some rock salt on top of the plastic.
3. Hold the small can close to the salt and tap the side of the small can with the ruler as
shown in Figure 4.
Q1. What happens to the salt?
4. Try tapping the small can in different spots or holding it in different directions. Find out
how you should hold and tap the can to get the salt to move and dance the most.
Q2. How were you able to make the salt move and dance the most?
Q3. What was produced when you tapped the small can? Did you observe the salt bounce or
dance on top of the plastic while you tapped the
small can?
Q4. What made the salt bounce up and down?
Q5. From your observations, how would you define
5. Switch on the transistor radio and position the
speaker near the large can. Observe the rock salt.
6. Increase the volume of the radio while it is still
positioned near the large can. Observe the rock
salt again.

Q6. What happened to the rock salt as the loudness is increased?
Q7. Which wave characteristic is affected by the loudness or the intensity of sound?
Transverse vs. Longitudinal Wave

transverse wave - the movement of particles is perpendicular to the direction of wave travel.
longitudinal wave - travel is parallel to the movement of the particles
➢ compressions are created when a push is
applied on air. When air is pushed, there
is a force applied on a unit area of air.
This means that longitudinal waves are
created by pressure and are also called
pressure waves. Sound is a longitudinal
wave and a pressure wave.

Sound race...Where does sound travel fastest?
watch/clock that ticks, mobile phone, wooden dowel 80-100 cm long, metal rod 80-
100 cm long, string (1 meter), metal spoon, 3 pieces zip lock bag (3x3) or waterproof
mobile phone carrying case
1. Hold a ticking watch/clock as far away from your body as you can. Observe whether
or not you can hear the ticking.
2. Press one end of the wooden dowel against the back part of the watch and the other
end beside your ear. Listen very well to the ticking sound. Record your observations.
3. Repeat step #2 using a metal rod instead of the wooden dowel. Record your
Q14. Did you hear the watch tick when you held it at arm's length? When you held it
against the wooden dowel? When you held it against the metal rod?
4. Repeat steps #1 to #3 using a vibrating mobile phone instead. Record your
Q15. Did you hear the mobile phone vibrate when you held it at arm's length? When
you held it against the wooden dowel? When you held it against the metal rod?
5. Place the mobile phone in the waterproof carrying case and dip it in a basin of water
while it vibrates.
6. At the center of the meter long string, tie the handle of the metal spoon. Hold the
string at each end and knock the spoon against the table to make it ring or to create a
sound. Listen to the ringing sound for a few seconds then press the ends of the

strings against your ears. Observe and record the difference in sound with and
without the string pressed against your ear.
7. Knock the spoon against the table. When you can no longer hear the sound of the
ringing spoon, press the ends of the string against your ears. Record whether or not
you could hear the ringing of the spoon again.
Q17. How did the sound of the spoon change when the string was held against your
Q18. When the ringing of the spoon was too quiet to be heard through the air, could
it be heard through the string?
Q19. Is the string a better carrier of sound than air?

A model for the three states of matter

The phases of matter affect the speed of sound? It actually has a large impact upon the
elastic properties of a medium. Generally, the bond strength between particles is strongest in
solid materials and is weakest in gases. Thus, sound waves travel faster in solids than in liquids,
and faster in liquids than in gases. While the density of a medium also affects the speed of
sound, the elastic properties have a greater influence on wave speed. Among solids, the most
rigid would transmit sound faster.

Faster sound… In hotter or cooler?
3 pieces 1000 mL graduated cylinders or tall containers, thermometer, bucket of ice,
electric heater or alcohol lamp, tuning fork
1. Label the 3 graduated cylinders with HOT, ROOM TEMP, COLD respectively.
2. Half-fill the ROOM TEMP graduated cylinder with tap water.
3. Sound the tuning fork by striking it on the sole of your rubber shoes and hold it on top of
the graduated cylinder.
4. When no loud sound is produced increase the amount of water up to a level where loud
sound is produced when the vibrating tuning fork is placed on top. Note this level of
5. Fill the HOT graduated cylinder with hot water (about 70oC) to the same level as that of
the ROOM TEMP cylinder.
6. Fill the COLD graduated cylinder with COLD water (about 5OC) at the same level as that
of the ROOM TEMP cylinder.
7. Determine the temperature of the water in each of the cylinders just before sounding
the tuning fork.
8. Sound the tuning fork in each of the cylinders and note the sound produced by each
cylinder. Record all your observations.
9. Do this for three trials focusing on the differences in the pitch of the sound each cylinder
creates. Record all your observations.

Q27. Which cylinder gave the loudest sound?
Q28. Which cylinder gave the highest pitched sound?

Q29. If pitch is directly dependent on frequency, then, which cylinder gives the highest
frequency sound?
Q30. Since wave speed is directly dependent on frequency, then, which cylinder gives the
fastest sound?
Q31. How would you relate the temperature of the medium with the speed of sound?

The speed of sound is directly affected by the temperature of the medium. The hotter the
medium the faster the sound travels. Heat, just like sound, is a form of kinetic energy. At higher
temperatures, particles have more energy (kinetic) and thus, vibrate faster. And when particles
vibrate faster, there will be more collisions per unit time. With more collisions per unit time,
energy is transferred more efficiently resulting in sound traveling quickly.
Sound travels at about 331 m/s in dry air at 0 °C. The speed of sound is dependent on
temperature of the medium where an increase is observed with an increase in temperature.
This means that at temperatures greater than 0oC speed of sound is greater than 331 m/s
by an amount 0.6 m/s/c of the temperature of the medium. In equation,

v = 331 m/s + 0.6 m/s/C (T)

where T is the temperature of air in Celsius degree and 0.6 is a constant factor of temperature.



➢ Reflection of Sound - turning back of a

wave as it hits a barrier. Echo is an
example of a reflected sound.
Reverberation refers to the multiple
reflections or echoes in a certain place.

➢ Refraction of Sound - change in speed of

sound when it encounters a medium of different density. Sound is heard better in far
areas during nighttime than during daytime. At night time, the air near the Earth’s

surface is heated by the heat emitted by the ground, making it hotter than the air above
which is cooler due to the absence of the sun during nighttime. This makes sound move
from the cooler air above towards the hotter air near the earth’s surface. Thus, sound
waves are refracted to the Earth’s surface

_ _


Electricity is all around us--powering technology

How do voltage and resistance affect like our cell phones, computers, lights, soldering
electric current? irons, and air conditioners. It's tough to escape it
in our modern world. Even when you try to
What are the safety precautions escape electricity, it's still at work throughout
needed in using electricity? nature, from the lightning in a thunderstorm to
the synapses inside our body.

1. Static Electricity - is an imbalance of electric charges within or on the surface of a
material. The charge remains until it is able to move away by means of an electric
current or electrical discharge.
2. Dynamic Electricity - the flow of electric charges through a conductor; commonly
referred to as Current Electricity or Electricity.

Conductivity is the ability or power to conduct or transmit heat, electricity, or sound.

Conductors are materials that electricity easily passes through, that do not resist the flow of
electricity. Examples are copper, aluminum, steel, silver, gold, electrolytes.

Insulators are materials that resist the flow of electricity, so electricity does not easily pass
through. Examples are plastic, wood, rubber, cloth, air, glass.


Current – the amount of charges or electrons flowing in the circuit in a unit of time is
measured in ampere (A).

Voltage – is the pressure from an electrical power source that pushes charged electrons
(current); it is measured in volt (V).

Resistance - quantity that indicates how much voltage is necessary to create a certain amount
of current in a circuit; it is measured in ohm (Ω)

Activity 1 Current and voltage
After performing this activity, you should be able to:
1. measure the electric current and voltage in a circuit using an ammeter and voltmeter
respectively; and
2. determine the relationship between electric current and voltage.
Materials Needed:
1 ammeter, 1 voltmeter, 2 dry cells (1.5 V each), 2 dry cell holders, 4 connecting
wires, 1 switch 1 bulb, 1 bulb holder

1. Construct a simple circuit
using a dry cell, a bulb, a
switch and an ammeter.
Close the circuit by turning
on the switch. Observe the
bulb and the ammeter.
Record the ammeter
reading. Upon completion
of the task, switch off the
Q1. What is the reading on the ammeter?
2. Add another dry cell to the circuit.
Q2. Compare the brightness of the bulb
with one dry cell to its brightness when
there are two dry cells in the circuit.
Q3. What is the ammeter reading this time?
Q4. What can be inferred about the current passing through the bulb?
3. Connect the voltmeter in the circuit.
Q5. What is the voltmeter reading?
4. Add another dry cell to the circuit. Record the voltmeter reading. Observe the brightness
of the bulb. Once the task is done, turn off the switch
Q6. Describe the brightness of the bulb.
Q7. What is the voltmeter reading this time?
Q8. What can be inferred about the voltage across the bulb?
Q9. Refer to Table 1, how are voltage and current related?

Activity 2.
Current and resistance
After performing this activity, you should be able to determine the relationship between
electric current and resistance.
Materials Needed:
1 ammeter, 2 dry cells, 2 dry cell holders, 4 connecting wires, 1 switch, 3 flashlight
bulbs, (voltage rating of 2.5V each) 3 bulb holders
1. Construct a simple circuit using one bulb, 2 dry
cells and an ammeter. Record ammeter reading
2. To increase the resistance, add another bulb in
the circuit. Connect the ammeter and record the
3. To further increase the resistance, add another bulb in the circuit. Connect the ammeter
and record the electric current measurement.
Q10. Based on the Table, what happens to the current in the circuit as the resistance
increases (increasing of bulbs)?

The relationship between Voltage, Current and Resistance forms the basis of Ohm’s
law. Increasing the voltage, the current goes up, and similarly, if we decrease the voltage, the
current goes down. This means that if the voltage is high the current is high, and if the voltage
is low the current is low.

Likewise, if we increase the resistance, the current goes down for a given voltage and
if we decrease the resistance the current goes up. Which means that if resistance is high
current is low and if resistance is low current is high.

The current flow around a circuit is directly proportional to voltage, and inversely
proportional to resistance.


ELECTRIC CIRCUITS provides continues pathway for electricity to travel. Circuits are composed
of sources, loads, and connecting wires



SERIES • Current in all parts of the • There is only one path for
circuit is the same, this the flow of electric
• causes the bulb to light current, if one bulb is
with the same brightness burnt the other bulb will
not light up.
• The current in the circuit • Cells do not last long
increases if more cells • If more bulb are added,
are connected. the resistance in the
circuit increases causing
• All components are lesser flow of current in
controlled by one switch. the circuit.
PARALLEL • If one bulb is burnt, the • cells in parallel do not
other bulb continues to increase or decreases the
light up voltage in the circuit
• Cells Last longer • electric current in the
• Each bulb in the circuit circuit is the same even
receives the same voltage though many cells
supply connected in parallel.


Short circuit happens when the exposed parts of the electrical wires touch oneanother.
When the exposed wires were made to touch, a shortened path was provided for thecurrent,
hence the term short circuit. Since the path has been shortened, current will no longertake the
path through the bulb, thereby decreasing the total resistance in the path of current. This will
result in a large current in the shortened circuit. Short circuits are dangerous especiallywith the
high line voltage in our houses (220V compare to 1.5V of dry cells) because the large current
produced can generate a lot of heat that could start a fire.

The current that a wire of given diameter can safely carry is indicated by its current
rating. When the current in the circuit exceeds the wire’s current rating, an overload of the
circuit occurs. Overloading can also generate a lot of heat in the wire that can cause a fire

In designing electrical installations, engineers estimate the current requirements of

appliances and electrical devices the owner intends to use and make these as the basis for
selecting the appropriate size of wire in wiring the house.

When there are too many appliances plugged into one outlet (also called octopus
wiring) the loads are effectively connected in parallel and overloading may also occur.

Electrical shock happens when current passes through the body. Electricity travels
through closed circuits, and people, sometimes tragically, can become part of the circuit. When
a person receives a shock, electricity flows between parts of the body or through the body to a
Electrical fires may be resulted from excessive resistance that generates heat cause by
any of the following:
• Too much current running through wiring where overcurrent protection fails
or does not exist
• Faulty electrical outlets resulting in poor contact or arcing
• Poor wiring connections and old wiring that is damaged and cannot support
the load

Electrical Safety Basics

• Don't work with exposed conductors carrying 50 volts or more.
• Make sure electrical equipment is properly connected, grounded and in good working
• Extension cords may not be used as permanent wiring and should be removed after
temporary use for an activity or event.
• Surge suppressors with built-in circuit breakers may be used long-term and are
available with three, six and 15 foot-long cords.
• High amperage equipment such as space heaters, portable air conditioners and other
equipment must be plugged directly into permanent wall receptacles.
• Do not access, use or alter any building’s electrical service, including circuit breaker
panels, unless you are specifically qualified and authorized to do so.
• Wet environments can increase the risk of an electrical shock.


1. Don’t plug a bunch of stuff into one outlet or extension cord

It could damage the electrical system in your

house or even cause a fire.

2. Make sure all electric cords are tucked, neat and tidy

- Pets might chew on electrical cords, and

people might trip and fall.

3. Don’t over climb the fence around an electrical substation.

- If a ball or pet gets inside the fence, ask a grown-

up to call the electric company-they’ll come and
get it out for you.

4. Don’t yank an electrical cord from the wall.

- Pulling on a cord can damage the appliance,
the plug or the outlet.

5. Fly your kite from power lines or substations.

-The kite and the string may conduct electricity

ending it right through you to the ground.

6. Ask a grown-up or an electrician for help when you need to use something that uses

7. Do look up and look out for power lines before you climb a tree.

-The electricity can go right through the tree branch and

right through you!

8. Have a grown-up safety caps on all unused electrical outlets.

-Covering outlets will also help save energy by stopping

cold drafts.

9. Remind your mom or dad to watch out for power

lines when they’re using a ladder, chainsaw or other
outdoor equipment.
10. Keep electrical stuff far away from water

-Most electrical accidents around the house happen

when people use electricity near water.

Protection Devices – are useful for the protection of circuits. Usually, this protection is from
extreme voltage or current. They prevent the flow of unnecessary currents as well as the short
• Fuse - protects the circuit from overcurrent through its met al
strip which is to liquefy the current when the flow is high.
Nowadays, various categories are useful in various applications
such as response time, breaking capacity, current ratings, and
specific voltage. Hence, it is one of the vital things that are useful
as protection devices.

• Circuit Breaker - stops the flow of current when any fault occurs
is the primary function of the circuit breaker. The major
advantage of the circuit breaker is it can work automatically to
proceed the operations without any external support.
• Lighting Arrester - protect the insulation and conductors of
the system from the damaging effects of lightning.


Earthing means connecting the dead part
Grounding means connecting the live part
(the one which does not carry current
(the one which carry current under normal
under normal condition) to the earth
condition) to the earth (ground).
Earthing is to ensure safety or protection Grounding provides a safe return path around
of electrical equipment and living being by the electrical system of your house thus
discharging electrical energy to earth minimizing damage from occurrences like
(ground). lightning.
For example grounding of neutral point of a
For example electrical equipment frames.
star connected transformer.

- means the connection of the neutral
point of a supply system to the earth
by a wire of negligible resistance so in
case of immediate discharge of
electrical energy, there is no damage.

- This brings the body of equipment to

zero potential and electric shock to
operator is avoided.

Purpose of Earthing
• To save human life from
danger/shock/death by blowing fuse of leaky apparatus.
• To protect all machines fed from overhead lines from lightning.
• To protect large buildings from atmospheric lightning.
• To maintain the line voltage constant.

Is done for safety of the power system equipment by
connecting the live parts of it to the earth for
providing a return path to the current in case of
faulty/abnormal conditions like transients, lightning

Return path – is the path that the current traces to go

back to the source i.e. the current flows in loops. This
path is generally of a low impedance value.

K-12 Learning Manual
Science IV – Physics
Summary Notes / MELC DLLs of Grade 8, 1st Quarter


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