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• Introduction • • What you'll need •

Fable on Your Table is a solitaire tabletop Here's what you will need to play:
paper miniatures game with a rogue-like
structure. The game comes with several • Paper and Pencil.
sheets of printable miniatures which you can
print, color, and assemble to build the maps • A character sheet, downloadable from the
of different areas as you explore the dungeon. web site (optional).

The game uses a simple "two versus two" • A way to visualize the dungeon (graph
resolution system that allows for fun and paper and pencil, the printable paper minis
creative uses of die rolls while still remaining and tiles downloaded and assembled, or
simple and fast to play. your own miniatures and terrain).

A companion web app generates the • Polyhedral dice. You can get away with one
adventure, room layouts, and enemies, and set, but ideally, you will have four sets of
everything else is managed by simple AI rules different colors, two with light colors and
that drive the enemy behavior. Combat is two with dark colors. These are the
played out on gridded combat maps at 1" standard Dungeons and Dragons style die
scale, so you can use your own tabletop and are sold in just about every hobby shop
miniatures if you wish. (There are optional where D&D products are sold.
rules for grid-less miniatures play, too.)
• These rules for reference.
When you begin the game, you start at the
lowest character level, measured as the • About a 2'x2' section of table to play on, and
an hour or more to play for a mission.
smallest die size – a d4. You may equip
yourself in town, and then jump into an
• A device to use the companion web app at:
adventure provided by the companion web
application. If you defeat the dungeon, you
level up to the next die size, to a d6. Each
dungeon you defeat, you level up again, to a
In addition, there are helpful resources on the
d8, a d10, and finally a d12. If you defeat a
web site for getting started, like rules
dungeon at the d12 level of difficulty, you
introduction videos, instructions on
ascend – your hero has retired happily, having
assembling the miniatures, etc.
cleansed the lands of evil.

• Preparing the Minis • your domain and stick to it if you want your
miniatures to form a cohesive scene.
Fable on your Table includes some downloadable
Many minis have detailed outlines that are
miniatures and scenery that you can print and
assemble. The default intended way for you to play very difficult to cut out. We recommend not
is to play with these miniatures; they're what the even trying; just cut a smooth, white border
companion web app expects you to have. around the mini's. If you do this consistently
for your minis, it will look intentional as part
You do not need the miniatures to play; you can of the style. You can see photos of what this
play with pencil and paper on grid paper if you looks like on the site gallery.
don't want to go to the hassle of assembling all the
miniatures. Or you can substitute your own If you feel like you do want to cut everything
miniatures from your own collection. But these out, we recommend a craft knife and a self-
rules and the web app will assume you're using healing mat to cut against.
one ore more of the downloadable printable sets.
Once cut, follow the instructions in the
On the companion web site, there are domain files domain for folding the miniatures. The vast
that you can download. A domain file is simply a
majority of the miniatures all follow the same
PDF you can print to give you the miniatures you
format, though. The main mini has the
need for that domain. When you have the
companion web app generate an adventure, it will following parts underneath it when it's cut
prompt you for which domains you have, so you out: the "floor" in front of it, the face-down
don't need to download and assemble all the base, the "floor" behind it, and a support tab.
domains to play. Just pick one and start playing!
To assemble such a mini, you will fold
forward at the base of the mini, fold
Assembling the Miniatures backward at the top of the face-down base,
Once you download a domain, you will want fold backwards again at the bottom of the
to print it out. While the miniatures do work face-down base, and then forward again at
when printed on normal printer paper, they the tab. Glue the back of the two floors to the
will be a little on the flimsy side. We back of the face-down base, and glue the back
recommend you print them on card stock, of the tab to the back of the mini, and you're
available in most places you can buy printer done.
paper. It's a little more rigid while still being
easy to work with. Some minis also have side supports that you
can fold up from the base, with a long tab
The miniatures are provided in ink-saving that can run alongside the back of the mini.
black and white line art, and should be very See diagrams on the web site for folding
easy on your printer, especially if it only prints these.
grayscale. The down side, of course, is no
pretty color! We recommend using rubber cement to glue
the minis together. Just a dab will work!
If you wish, you can just play in black and
white, but you may want to color your For the floor tiles, we recommend backing
miniatures with colored pencils or markers them against cardboard, foam core, or craft
before assembling them. (Coloring after they foam sheets to give them weight and ensure
are assembled is much more difficult.) You they lay flat on the table.
will want to decide on a color scheme for


• The Core Mechanic • "Stealth" check would require you to choose

your Stealth skill as one of your two traits. A
"Stealth+Level" check would require you to
Most of the game revolves around "checks".
choose your Level trait as your other die.
Whenever a character "makes a check", you
will (typically) roll four dice - two for the Similarly, the opposing traits may be
character, and two for whatever is opposing specified. A "Stealth+Level vs. 2d6" check
that character's effort, such as an enemy or an would require you to be opposed by two d6
environmental effect or the difficulty of the dice as your opposing dice.
task at hand. The two dice used by the
character attempting something are called the If you are rolling against an enemy, the
Active Dice, and the other two dice are called default will be to roll against their general
the Opposing Dice. traits, but they often have "attack" and
"defend" traits in addition to separate them
Your character has skills, equipment, and from the general traits.
other aspects that are traits ranked with
different dice. For instance, your Swords skill Once you've chosen relevant traits for both
might be a d8 trait, and your sword itself sides, you roll each trait's die, keeping the
might be a d6+1 trait. Similarly, the enemy rolls associated with their traits, and compare
will have traits that have dice; a zombie their values. Whichever die result is highest
might have Ragged Claws at d8-1 and the determines the outcome.
Relentless trait at d6. The environment you
are in may have traits as well. If one of your traits had the highest roll, the
check succeeds. The success level of the check
When you make a check, you just choose two is the difference between your highest action
different traits that are relevant to the die minus the highest opposing die.
situation for each side.
If one of the opposition dice had the highest
• Your hero's character level is always roll, the check fails. If the severity of the
relevant as a trait. It represents your failure matters, it is the difference between
baseline level of competency. (But your the highest opposing die and your highest
level trait never has a boon – see below.) active die.

• If you are attacking, your attacking weapon Example: Torsin is attacking a zombie with his
and its associated skill are both relevant. sword. He selects his sword (1d6+1) and his Swords
skill (d8) as his traits, and he rolls a 4+1=5 for his
• If you are defending, any armor items you sword and a 4 for his skill.The zombie has some
are wearing are relevant. general traits, but two are marked as "defend", so he
chooses them: Impervious to Pain (d6) and Undead
• If you are doing something else, one or Resilience (d8).The zombie rolls a 2 and a 3 for them
more of your skills might be relevant. respectively. Since one of Torsin's rolls is the highest,
the check succeeds.Torsin's highest roll is a 5, for his
• If nothing else is relevant, you can always sword, and the zombie's highest roll is a 3, so Torsin
choose a d4 as one of your dice. hits the zombie for 2 damage (the difference
between the highest die on each side, 5-3).
Some checks will specify one or more of the
traits you must choose. For instance, a


Boons Ties
Some traits have positive effects called boons You will often find that there is a tie for the
which apply when they are the highest die highest value, making the outcome
rolled at the end of the check after all re- ambiguous. Whenever you roll ties for the
rolling is complete. If that trait's die turns out highest die:
to have the highest result at the end, you
apply its boon as a bonus effect. 1. Remove all dice that did not roll that
highest value on both sides.
Example: Torsin's sword has a boon of "+1
damage". In the example above, since his sword was 2. If there are now only dice on one side,
the highest roll, he may now activate that boon and that side scores a critical success (and the
deal an extra point of damage, raising the two other side suffers a critical failure).
damage to three. Because the opposing dice were
eliminated, the success level is that high
If both of your dice are tied for highest, then roll value because there’s nothing to
both of their boons apply! subtract. The winning side applies both of
its boons, if any, and the losing side
To help keep track of which die roll is which,
applies both of its banes.
it helps to specify and roll each trait one at a
time and line them up in a row. In addition, 3. If there are still dice on both sides, re-roll
it helps to have four different sets of dice - them all and apply them normally,
two different dark-colored sets of dice for repeating this process in case of another
opposing dice traits and two different light- tie.
colored sets of light dice for active dice traits.
Example: The zombie strikes back at Torsin. It
Banes selects "Ragged claws" (d4+1) and "Relentless" (d8)
Banes are similar to boons except they are as its traits, and rolls doubles - a 5 and a 5.Torsin
negative effects that apply when they are the selects his shield (d6) and his chainmail (d8) to
defend, and rolls a 1 and a 4.The highest die result is
lowest die rolled at the end of a check or they
five, a tie between the zombie's two dice, and Torsin
are eliminated due to a tie (see ties below). If
failed to roll a five to match them.The zombie scores
that trait's die turns out to have the lowest a critical success! Torsin's two dice would be removed,
result or is eliminated, you apply its bane as leaving only the zombie's dice.This means the zombie
an additional effect. scores the full five damage;Torsin's rolls do not
mitigate the attack in the slightest! Worse, if the
Example: Torsin’s bow has a bane of “-1 zombie has boons on both of those traits, it will be
Ammunition”. If he attacks with his bow, and the bow able activate both of them. Oh no!
die ends up being the lowest die, or removed due to a
critical failure, he crosses off one mark of

Watch out – if both of your dice tie for

lowest, then both dice apply their banes!


Abilities Advantage and Disadvantage

Your character will have abilities that can Sometimes, you can roll with advantage.
sometimes affect these rolls. Each ability may When you roll with advantage, you re-roll
be activated as needed, but it costs one your lowest die result. If multiple effects give
Stamina for each activation, and you may you advantage, you still only get one re-roll.
only activate a given ability once per turn. You are not required to re-roll a die if you
don't wish to.
Abilities may be activated at any time in the
process of rolling and re-rolling as needed, so If you have disadvantage, it simply means the
that re-roll abilities can be used strategically other side has advantage; they re-roll their
to recover from particularly bad rolls. lowest die.

Example: Facing the critical hit from the zombie in If you have both advantage and disadvantage,
the example above,Torsin decides to use one of his both sides re-roll their lowest die. You always
abilities – one that lets him re-roll a 1 or 2 on his re-roll before your enemy does. If an enemy
shield die. He spends a point of Stamina to re-roll his has advantage, they will always opt to re-roll
d6 shield trait, and this time, he rolls a 5, matching their lowest die unless they are already
the zombie! The chainmail die is discarded, because it
winning the check with a critical success.
does not match the 5, and the three remaining dice
are rerolled.This time,Torsin rolls much better; the
zombie musters a 2 and a 2, but Torsin rolls a 4.
Because the highest die is now Torsin's, the deadly
attack is blocked. It's a good thing Torsin trained at
the guilds in town to use his shield effectively!


• Character Creation • Skills

The skill list is as follows:
For your first play-through, we recommend
just using one of the pre-made characters that Skill Relevant when:
comes with a realm and going straight into Arcana Casting arcane spells or testing
the dungeon. Once you are familiar with the your knowledge of arcane
game, you can create your own characters. subjects.
Archery Firing bows or crossbows at
First, assign some skill traits to your character. enemies.
All your skill traits begin at the base level – a Artisan Making repairs to armor using
d4. You then get 8 points to spend to increase repair kits or when appraising found
them, according to the following table of treasures.
costs: Athletics Performing raw feats of strength or
agility (usually in response to a
Cost Trait trap).
1 d6 Axes Fighting with axes.
2 d8 Hammers Fighting with hammers and mauls.
4 d10 Intuition Detecting danger, such as lurking
monsters or traps.
For instance, you could start with an Axes skill Piety Casting radiant spells, defending
against the undead or the infernal,
of d10 (costs 4), a Search skill of d8 (costs 2),
and testing your knowledge of
and Stealth and Athletics at d6 (costs 1 each). religions.
Polearms Fighting with a polearm.
See the Skills section below for the full list of
Pugilism Fighting without a weapon.
skill traits you can assign higher dice to.
Search Seeking things hidden.
Second, note your other statistics. You start Staves Fighting with staves.
at 30 hp, and 15 stamina. Your level is d4. Stealth Trying to sneak and act unseen.
You start with 8 treasure. Swim You are submerged or wading in
water, such as waterlogged rooms.
Finally, go to town to buy your equipment, Swords Fighting with swords.
abilities, and skills. You will go to town before Thievery Disarming traps, picking locks, or
your first adventure and between every using a knife or dagger.
adventure. See the Going To Town section for
more details. Note: Not all of the skills above are useful in
the base game with any regularity. In
Once you have gone to town to prepare particular, the magic-related skills (and
yourself with weapons and other equipment, magic-related abilities and equipment in the
you can set off into the dungeon! See the coming sections) will become more useful
Entering the Dungeon section to get started. with future expansions.


• Going to Town • backpack takes an action, so it's generally

better to store items you need quickly in the
various"handy" items; items kept in a "handy"
Before entering the dungeon, you can Go To
item do not require an action to bring into
Town to prepare. When you generate an
adventure with the companion app, you get
an introduction that sets the stage for where Remember that the treasure you find has to
you will be adventuring. This may give you be carried, too, so leave room in that
clues as to the sort of equipment you'll need. backpack! You are assumed to have a room at
the inn, so you can leave any equipment you
You start with some treasure, and you will
don't think you'll need behind.
earn more during play. When you Go To Town,
you may spend treasure on goods and
services to help you prepare. Adventuring Equipment
You are assumed to have enough money to
outfit yourself according to your chosen
Your backpack profession. That means that mundane
You are limited to what you can carry into the
weapons, shields, armor, and other
dungeon. Items are measured in units of
adventuring equipment are "free"; the limiting
Bulk; if none is given, any item is considered
factor is how much you can carry.
to have a Bulk of one. You cannot carry more
than 30 Bulk worth of items total. Items you "Special" items cost one or more Treasure.
are wearing (armor, helmet, etc.) have their Treasure is a measure of wealth that comes
Bulk halved (to a minimum of 1/4). out of adventuring in the dungeon, which can
be spent on purchasing training for skills and
In addition, there are other restrictions:
abilities or special items in town.
• You can only wear one set of armor, robes,
or clothes at a time. Weapons
Among the items you will be purchasing are
• You can only wear one helmet, pair of your weapons. You may bring as many
boots, necklace, or ring at a time. weapons as you can carry, but it's generally a
good idea to keep it to one or two.
• You can only have one item in each hand
(or one two-handed item in both) at a time. All the weapons listed in the tables below are
mundane, and therefore free to purchase.
• You can have two "handy" items on your Special weapons may sometimes be found in
back: cloaks, weapon sheathes, or quivers. the dungeon.

• You can have two "handy" items on your Some weapons have special properties; they
belt: weapon sheathes, quivers, or belt are listed below.
Overbearing - This weapon is heavy and
• You can have one "handy" item on your requires a mighty swing to use. When used to
chest: throwing knife sheathes. attack, they become "unbalanced" - they are
considered two die sizes smaller until you
Everything else goes in your backpack. spend an action rebalancing the weapon or
Getting an item out or putting an item in your find yourself facing no enemies. Enemies have


advantage against you if you are wielding an General Equipment

unbalanced overbearing weapon.
Cost Bulk Item
– 1/4 Ammunition – Ammunition for a
Knockback - When a weapon inflicts
bow or a crossbow.
knockback, it moves the target one square
– 1 Torch – Spend an action to light.
(1") directly away from you. If this would put Dispels Darkness effects while held in
them into a wall, enemy, or other solid one hand.
obstacle, they take +2 damage instead and – 1/2 Ration – When using a rest action,
drop prone, requiring them to spend the next you may eat this to gain +3 stamina
action standing up, and all attacks against and +1 health.
them are at advantage. If they were knocked – 1 Quiver – Handy item. When
into an enemy, that other enemy takes 1 purchasing, choose whether it goes on
crushing damage. your back or your belt. Holds 10
Precision - You may use an action – 1 Sheath or Scabbard – Handy item.
When purchasing, choose whether it
immediately before attacking to "aim" with
goes on your back or your belt, and
this weapon. If you do, you attack with what type of weapon it holds.
advantage. – 1 Dagger Sheathe – Handy item. Worn
across your chest. Holds up to four
Pressured by melee – When using this throwing daggers.
weapon against a character adjacent, they get – 1 Belt Pouch – Handy item. Holds one
advantage. bulk of items.
– 2 Hammer and spikes - Spend this
Uses Ammunition - This weapon uses item and two actions to spike a door
ammunition. This weapon has a bane that you closed. Roll your level die. Enemies
must cross off a point of ammunition. You cannot enter through that door for a
cannot attack with this weapon if you have no number of turns equal to your roll +
3. Does not affect non-corporeal
matching ammunition.
enemies like ghosts, and boss
monsters smash through them
Armor effortlessly.
Buying armor gives you traits that are 1 1/4 Holy Water – Drink to gain a blessing,
relevant when defending against taking or spend an action to anoint a
weapon to give it a +1 damage boon
vs. undead while in this room.
Unless otherwise noted, all mundane armor is
only relevant against physical damage Selling Items At Market
(slashing, crushing, or piercing). Protection Once per visit to town, you can sell off items
against other types of damage can be found in you don't want any more. Collect a "lot" of
the dungeons. items you wish to sell; this can include items
you carry or items you have left at your room
at the inn. Every special item will fetch one
treasure, and every 10 bulk of mundane items
(rounded down) fetches one more. Then,
attempt an Artisan check against 2d6. If you
fail, you earn one less. If you get a critical
success, you earn one extra.


Mundane Weapons and Armor

Below is a list of all the mundane weapons and armor available in the town.

Bulk Tier Weapon

– d4 Unarmed Strike – Deals crushing damage. Damage dealt is halved, rounded up. Boon:
1/2 d4+1 Dagger/Knife - Deals slashing damage. If you were not in line of sight to the target or the
target was unaware of you at the start of your turn, you attack with advantage.
3 d8 Polearm – Deals slashing or piercing damage. Relevant for defense when being charge
attacked. Automatically deals 2 damage when you break a charge. Boon: If used in defense
during a charge (including one you broke), you deal damage to the enemy as if the roll
were an attack against your attacker.
1/2 d4+1 Throwing Dagger – Deals piercing damage. When thrown, it lands in the same space as
the target. Boon: The enemy loses one action on their next turn.
2 d6 Quarterstaff – Two-handed. Deals crushing damage. Relevant to defense and melee
attacks. Boon: You may spend a stamina to add a knockback effect.
2 d6 Wizard's Staff – Two-handed. Deals crushing damage. Relevant to defense and melee
attacks. You may spend a stamina point when casting a spell to do so with advantage, and
when gathering mana, you gather an extra mana per action.
2 d6+1 Sword – Deals slashing damage. Precision. Boon: +1 damage.
4 d10 GreatSword – Two handed. Deals slashing damage. Overbearing. Boon: +1 damage and
no need to rebalance.
2 d6 Axe – Deals slashing damage. Boon: +3 damage.
4 d8 BattleAxe – Two handed. Deals slashing damage. Overbearing. Boon: +1 damage and
2 d6 Hammer – Deals crushing damage. Boon: Knockback.
4 d8+1 Maul – Two handed. Deals crushing damage. Overbearing. Boon: +3 damage.
2 d8 Bow - Two handed. Deals piercing damage. Ranged. Pressured by melee. Precision. Uses
ammunition. Boon: +1 damage.
4 d10 Crossbow – Two handed. Deals piercing damage. Ranged. Pressured by melee. Precision.
Uses ammunition. After firing, must use two actions to reload. Boon: +2 damage.

Bulk Tier Armor

2 d6 Buckler – Relevant when defending against melee attacks only. Can be worn strapped to
your arm, while holding a weapon or other item, freeing up a hand slot. In this case, it is
only d4+1.
2 d6 Shield – May be used as an attack for a shield bash; if used in this way, it deals no damage.
Boon: When used as an attack, knockback.
1 d4+1 Helmet – If an enemy attacks you with advantage and hits, reduce the damage by 1.
5 d8 Leather Armor
10 d10 Chainmail – Against slashing damage, this is d8+1. When you fail an attack check, you
lose a point of Stamina. You cannot swim in chainmail.
15 d12 Platemail – Against piercing or slashing damage, this is d10+1. When you fail an attack
or defense check, you lose a point of Stamina. You cannot swim in platemail.
2 d6 Heavy Cloak – Relevant against cold damage at d8. Steath rolls get a +1 bonus. You
cannot wear a sheathe or other handy items on your back.
1 d4+1 Wizard Robes – Relevant to all defense. If the attack is not physical damage, it is d8 tier.


Visiting the Apothecary Visiting the Temple

There is an apothecary in town who sells There is a temple to the great god Bandi in
potions. She is always available on your first town, where the benevolent priestesses care
sojourn into town, but thereafter, you must for the sick, the hungry, the diseased, and the
roll a d6 to see if she is in town or off dying. They have the power to heal afflictions
gathering herbs. On a 1 or 2, she is not that you may accrue during your travels – for
available to sell you potions. a donation to their efforts of course – and
they have the ability to bless your sojourns.
Potions – The potions available in the
apothecary shop begin at tier 1d4. You can
purchase more powerful versions of the
potions for more treasure: If you receive an affliction in the dungeon, it
is a persistent penalty that stays in place until
Potion Tier Cost you can cure it. Each affliction is different,
1d6 2 treasure but you can only have each affliction once at
1d8 3 treasure any given time (i.e., if you get cursed when
1d10 4 treasure you are already cursed, nothing happens, and
1d12 5 treasure you only need to cure it once).

To drink a potion, you must spend an action The Mothers of Bandi will cure an affliction
while it is in your hand. Each potion consists for a donation of 1 treasure.
of only one dose.
Cost Bulk Tier Item
The Mothers of Bandi will also bless your
1 1/4 1d4 Healing Potion – Roll the tier efforts for a donation of 1 treasure. Roll 1d4
die and recover that much
and gain that many blessings.
health (minimum two).
1 1/4 1d4 Stamina Potion – Roll the tier
A blessing secures you a moment of divine
die twice and regain that much
stamina (minimum two). benevolence. You may use a blessing when
1 1/4 1d4 Luck Potion – Roll the tier die making a skill check to add +2 to the value of
and gain advantage on that a die rolled. You may only use one blessing
many of your next number of per turn, however.
rolls (minimum two).
1 1/4 1d4 Heroism Potion – Roll the tier Some adventure effects will also yield
die and gain advantage on that blessings. You may spend these blessings in
many of your next attack rolls the same way as the blessings from the
(minimum two). Mothers of Bandi.
1 1/4 1d4 Haste Potion – Roll the tier die
and gain +1 action for that
many turns (minimum two).
1 1/4 1d4 Antidote – Roll the tier die. If
you are poisoned, it reduces
the poison potency by that
amount (minimum two).


Visiting the Arcanist Training at Guilds

There is an Arcanist in town who trades in The town is home to people of a wide array of
rare and wondrous items, but the nature of skills and capabilities. If you can find
these unique items implies that none of them someone to train you, allowing you to
are available for long. improve your skill traits. Unfortunately, it can
sometimes be difficult to find people.
When you visit the arcanist, you may choose
an item below to purchase, but you must roll You may select any skill to improve, and seek
a d6 to see if it is available. On a roll of 1, 2, a trainer. Roll a d6. On a 1 or 2, you cannot
or 3, it is not available. find a trainer in that discipline. Otherwise,
you may spend treasure based on the amount
Cost Bulk Tier Item shown in the table below to increase your
1 1 1d8 Warding Talisman – Necklace. skill one step. When you increase a given
When purchasing, choose a skill, you cannot increase it again until you
damage type. This necklace is
gain a level.
relevant when defending
against that damage type.
New Skill Level Cost
1 1/4 1d4 Magic Whetstone – You may
spend two actions to use this 1d6 3 treasure
item to sharpen any piercing or 1d8 5 treasure
slashing weapon. This destroys 1d10 9 treasure
the whetstone. Roll the tier die 1d12 17 treasure
for the whetstone; you gain a
+1 bonus on rolls for that
weapon for the next number of Gaining Abilities
attacks equal to the roll
(minimum two). The tier may You can also gain abilities while in town from
be increased the same way trainers. See the ability list for available
potions are. abilities. Each ability costs 2 treasure to
1 1 1d6 Necklace of Light – Necklace. purchase initially, and 2 more to upgrade.
This necklace counts as a light Once you purchase an ability, you cannot
source. It also is relevant for upgrade it until you have gained a level. You
defense against infernal
must roll to see if a trainer is available, as
damage and any attack that
would blind you. above.
1 1 – Sigil of Protection – When
you purchase this, select a
Each ability can be used only once per turn,
damage type. Attach this sigil and when you use an ability, you spend one
to your armor or shield (one Stamina point (whether it is upgraded or
maximum for each). That not). If you are out of Stamina points, you
equipment gains a +1 on rolls cannot use an ability.
to defend against that damage
type. You can only buy each ability once, but
abilities where you choose different weapon
skills or equipment traits are considered
different abilities (i.e., you can be proficient
in both swords and axes).


Ability Listing Bull Rush – You may use this ability before
Armor Proficiency – When you buy this taking a Charge action to move an extra
ability, choose an armor equipment trait. You square (1") during the charge (not
may use this ability when you roll a 1 on that diagonally).
trait during a check to re-roll that trait.
• Upgrade – When you use Bull Rush, you
additionally deal +1 damage if the charge
• Upgrade – You may use Armor Proficiency,
on rolls of 2 for that trait, as well. attack is successful.

Arrow Breaker – When you are attacked by a Cleave – When you hit an enemy with a
ranged physical weapon and there are no melee slashing weapon, and you are adjacent
enemies adjacent to you, you may use this to another enemy, you may use this ability to
ability to gain a temporary Arrow Breaker trait attack that other enemy.
at d10 as a relevant defense trait.
• Upgrade – When you use Cleave, you may
use the same dice rolls you rolled for your
• Upgrade – The Arrow Breaker trait rises to
d12. Action dice on the original attack.

Battle hardened – When multiple hostile Dodge – When you take physical damage,
enemies are adjacent to you, and one is you can use this ability to reduce the damage
attacking you, you may use this ability to you are taking by one.
make their attack at a disadvantage.
• Upgrade – Increase the damage reduction
of Dodge from one to two.
• Upgrade – When you use Battle Hardened,
another enemy adjacent to you gains
Fleet of Foot – You may use this ability before
disadvantage on attacks against you until
a Move action to move an extra square (1")
the start of your turn.
during the action (not diagonally). This
Berserker – When you buy this ability, ability cannot be used for a Charge attack,
choose a weapon equipment trait. You may and may only be used once per room.
use this ability before attacking with that
• Upgrade – You may use your Fleet of Foot
trait. If you do, a successful attack deals +2
ability twice per room instead of only once.
damage, but an unsuccessful attack deals one
damage to you. Magical Aptitude – When you buy this
ability, choose a school of magic to become
• Upgrade – The damage bonus on a
proficient in. You gain the ability to collect
successful attack with Berserker rises to +3.
mana, buy access to spells, and cast spells for
Blind Fighting – When attempting a check in that school of magic. You can use this ability
a dark location without access to a light to cast a spell of that school of magic that you
source, you may use this ability to reduce the have learned. (Magic is coming in a future
penalty from darkness by one. expansion.)

• Upgrade – When you use Blind Fighting, • Upgrade – You start each adventure with
reduce the penalty by two instead. +2 mana of that school of magic's mana


Melt into Shadows – When you make a Weapon Proficiency – When you buy this
Stealth check while adjacent to a wall or other ability, choose a weapon equipment trait. You
obstacle on two non-diagonal adjacent sides, may use this ability when you roll a 1 on that
you may use this ability to gain advantage on trait during a check to re-roll that trait.
the check.
• Upgrade – You may use Weapon Proficiency,
• Upgrade – You may use your Melt into on rolls of 2 for that trait, as well.
Shadows ability when there are walls or
obstacles on only one side. Whisper Step – When you are about to make
a wandering monster roll for the first time in
Nimble Fighter – When a melee attack misses an adventure, you may use this ability to
you, you may use this ability to immediately avoid doing so.
take a Move action.
• Upgrade – You may also use Whisper Step
• Upgrade – When you upgrade this ability, on the second wandering monster roll.
you may also take the Move action on a
successful enemy attack as long as you Carousing
didn't take more than 2 damage. You may also opt to Carouse once per visit to
town. Doing so costs one treasure. Roll a d6:
Stalwart – When you are wielding a shield
and are attacked with a charge, you may use Roll Result
this ability to break the charge. 1 You gamble away your treasure, and sleep
in the gutter. During your next adventure,
• Upgrade – When you use Stalwart, if you you have -2 maximum stamina from your
are successful in defending against the weariness.
attack, you automatically deal 2 2 You get in a bar fight and raise the ire of
bludgeoning damage to the attacker. the town guard, spending the night in jail.
By the time you are released, a few days
Weapon Expertise – When you buy this have passed. You may go to town again,
ability, choose a weapon-related skill. When but you have-2 maximum stamina during
your next adventure.
that skill trait is the lowest die during a check,
3 You buy a drink for a fellow tavern-goer,
you may use this ability to re-roll it.
and it turns out she knows how to get
what you seek. You may purchase an item
• Upgrade –When you use Weapon Expertise, or training in town without having to roll
you may re-roll the skill trait as one die size for availability. It costs 1 treasure less.
higher (d12 max). 4 You gamble in the gambling halls and win!
Gain back the treasure you spent to
Weapon Mastery – When you buy this ability, carouse plus one more.
choose a weapon equipment trait. When that 5 You carouse with some mercenaries, and
trait successfully deals or blocks damage, you they give you tips for effective fighting.
may use this ability to increase the amount of Increase your maximum stamina by one.
damage it deals or blocks by one. 6 You are heartened by companionship,
camaraderie, and goodwill. Increase your
maximum health by two.
• Upgrade – When you use Weapon Mastery,
increase the amount of damage it deals or
blocks to two.


• Entering the Dungeon • The Main Gameplay Loop

Once the room is set up, you simply start
So you've generated an adventure on the taking turns:
companion web app, you've gone to town to
prepare, and you're ready to enter the • You and your companions, in any order you
dungeon. Click the "enter" button on the web choose, each take a turn consisting of three
app's adventure to go into your first room. actions.

It will show you the room layout for the first • Each enemy, in any order you choose, takes
room. Prepare the room for play (on graph a turn consisting of three actions.
paper, using paper minis, using real mini's,
etc.), and place your hero on the starting • Repeat until you leave the room or die.
Some game effects may increase or reduce the
number of actions someone can take on their
Each room displayed by the web app will
turn. For instance, zombies only take two
indicate the room layout and indicate the
actions because they are slow and lumbering.
points of interest in the room. Each point of
interest has a description of what's there,
(There are optional rules for "rolling for
some optional special rules, and a button to
initiative" in the optional rules section.)
activate the point of interest. There are several
types of points of interest:
• Exits – The exits from the room are marked Here are the available actions that can be
as points of interest. When you successfully taken. Actions marked with a † are actions
use that exit, click the button to travel to that are generally available to enemies, too.
the next room. You need to be adjacent to
the exit in order to do this. Move †
A character may spend an action to move one
• Enemy – Many rooms will contain enemies.
The Enemy points of interest show where square. Movement may be done horizontally
each enemy spawns and any special rules or vertically into any tile that shares at least
they have. Select a miniature representing part of an edge with the current tile. Once per
the enemy and place it in the noted spot. turn when you move, you may instead move
The domain notes will contain the traits of diagonally across a corner, provided you'd
the monsters that appear. When you defeat normally be able to walk there by moving
the enemy, click the button so that it stops horizontally and vertically.
appearing when you revisit the room, and
You cannot move into squares occupied by
so it can grant you any spoils.
enemy figures. You can move into a square
occupied by an ally; if you do, you switch
• Feature – Any other point of interest will be
described with the special rules here. Unless places with them as part of the move.
otherwise noted, you will need to move to
the tile with the feature and click the button Attack †
when you arrive. Often, you will want to A character may attack another character by
select a feature mini (such as a chest or a spending an action to roll an attack check
barrel) and place it on the map there. against them. If the attack check succeeds, the


success result is the amount of damage become aware of you is that you enter their
inflicted on the defender. If the attack fails, line of sight.
nothing happens unless the enemy has boons
on the traits they used to defend with. If you take the Sneak action, any subsequent
Move actions that turn that bring you within
To make a melee attack, the characters must line of sight of one or more enemies, you may
be adjacent. To make a missile attack, the make a Stealth check against those enemies to
characters must have line of sight of each have them remain unaware. Each enemy will
other with no intervening blocking tiles. roll their standard dice to notice you.

Two characters are in line of sight if you can Sneaking does not negate the other ways of
draw a line from the center of the attacking enemies becoming aware of you, such as
mini's tile to any part of the target mini's tile bringing a light into a darkened area.
without passing through blocking terrain.
Set against charge
Staggering Blows – If an attack deals half the
target’s remaining health (rounded up) or When you set against charge, the next charge
higher, the target is staggered. They are attack on you breaks the charge, meaning the
moved backwards one space (1”) away from advantage from charging is negated.
the attacker if possible, and the target is
considered staggered (you can turn the mini Use Item
to face away from you to remember this). A
You may spend an action to use an item in
staggered target must spend an action to
your hand or belt pouch or indicated by a
remove the staggered status before it can take
feature nearby. For instance, lighting a torch,
other actions.
drinking a potion, or using a key you are
holding takes an action.
Charge †
A character may Move one tile (1") and Attack Swap Equipment
as the same action, using the usual rules for
You may spend two actions to swap an item
both. If they do so, they gain advantage on
into and/or out of your backpack. For
their attack roll. Enemies will always charge
example, you can swap a shield for a torch.
when initiating a melee attack if possible.
If you have an item in a "handy" container,
Rebalance † you do not have to spend an action to swap it
Some heavy two-handed weapons require you out. It doesn't require an action to sheathe or
to rebalance them to regain their efficacy. This unsheathe a sword, nor does it require an
action rebalances the weapon. An enemy with action to pull a potion from a belt pouch.
an unbalanced weapon will always rebalance
before attacking. Use an Exit
If you are adjacent to an exit and there are no
Sneak aware enemies in the room, you may use the
All enemies, by default, begin the room exit and move to the next room. Use the
unaware of you. One of the ways they can companion web app to reveal the next room.


Any allies that are adjacent to you (or wearing to a different set takes two long
adjacent to allies that are adjacent to you if actions). Don't get caught naked!
there's not room for everyone), may move
into the next room with you. Any allies left Enemy Activity
behind are considered lost. Unlike in a computer-based rogue-like, the
computer does not determine the behavior of
Every time you enter a room you've entered
your enemies. Instead, they follow some
before, roll for wandering monsters.
predefined rules on their turn.
(There is an optional rule for leaving a room
What follows are descriptions of these
with enemies in it; see the optional rules
predefined rules for enemies.
section at the end of this document.)
In cases where you or an ally are equally valid
Long Actions as targets, enemies will select allies first
Long Actions are actions which take up a unless you spend a stamina point, in which
longer amount of time. You cannot take long case you may threaten or coerce them into
actions when there are enemies in the room. selecting you instead.

Before you can take a long action, you must

Unaware Enemies
roll for wandering monsters. If any appear,
your long action is cancelled, and you must When a room is entered for the first time, all
deal with the new arrival instead. enemies there are considered to be unaware,
although several enemies will instantly
become aware of you when you enter the
room if you are in their line of sight when you
Roll your character level die and regain that enter (and you are not sneaking).
number of stamina, up to your maximum.
Unaware enemies will Move in a random
If you have a food item, such as the mundane direction; for each action they have, roll a
rations, you can eat that food as part of your d10, and starting with a 1 at the north and
rest action to gain its effects. Unless otherwise going clockwise around, move the enemy one
noted by special food items, you may only eat square in the given direction. If you roll a 9 or
three times during an adventure; after that, 10, they stay where they are.
you're not hungry any more.
Enemies can become aware of you if any of
Investigate the following occurs:

Some points of interest on the map let you • You or the enemy ends a move within line
Investigate them. To investigate a point of of sight (unless you are Sneaking and
interest, you must be adjacent to its space, successfully roll to stay hidden).
spend the long action, and then click the
Investigate button for the item. • You bring a light source within line of sight
of them.
Don / Remove Armor
• You attack them or cause damage to them.
Donning or removing a suit of armor takes a
long action (so changing the armor you are


• You come within one square (one inch) of moving to Attack with whatever weapon they
them. have.

• Another enemy within line of sight of the When an enemy becomes unaware of you,
becomes aware of you. their strategy list gets reset; they gain back
their entire list of strategies, including their
Once an enemy becomes aware of you, they Single ones.
act using the rules below.
When an enemy cannot use a strategy
Strategies because they are too far away or do not have
line of sight, then they will move towards you
Enemies often have a list of strategies. or an ally, whichever is nearest, hoping to get
Enemies will, on their turn, spend actions to in range. If neither are within line of sight,
Move into an appropriate position to apply the they move to the last known position. If they
next strategy on their list, and when they're reach the last known position and still do not
there, they put it into play. gain line of sight, they become unaware again
(and reset their strategy list).
• If it's a melee strategy, they will try to move
adjacent you or an ally and then perform it.
If they can, they will Charge to perform Skirmishers
their strategy, giving them advantage on an By default, an enemy without strategies is a
attack roll. Skirmisher. Skirmishers are enemies with a
predefined strategy list containing one
• If it's a ranged strategy, they will try to move strategy: to perform a melee attack.
into line of sight of you or an ally, and then
perform it. If they start their turn adjacent They will move towards you or an ally,
to you or an enemy, they will try to move at whichever is closest, charge when they get
least one tile away before performing a close enough, and then perform melee attacks
ranged strategy if possible. against you until they are killed.

• If it's a personal strategy, they will just use

it; they don't need to be in any particular
place. Some enemies are marked as Snipers without
a strategy list. Snipers are enemies with a
Each time a strategy is used, the enemy predefined strategy list containing one
moves on to the next strategy, looping around strategy: to perform a ranged attack.
to the top of their strategy list when they
reach the bottom. They will move towards you or an ally,
whichever is closest, until they have line of
Some strategies may be marked as Single; sight, move away when you get too close, and
once used, these strategies are not used again perform ranged attacks against you until they
by that enemy until the strategy list gets reset. are killed.

If an enemy has no strategies, or has used all Some snipers have ammunition tracks; every
their Single strategies and have no others, time they attack and miss, they lose one
they are assumed to have a default strategy of ammunition. If they run out, they become
Skirmishers. Snipers without ammunition


tracks are assumed to have plenty of Darkness

Some rooms are marked as dark or being in
Example: Torsin is fighting a dire bat which has a darkess. These rooms have no light source; no
strategy list of "Swoop: Single ranged attack from 2 guttering torches, no silvered moonlight, etc.
away." and "Bite: Melee attack with fangs." The first
turn, it was four tiles away from Torsin, so it moved Whenever you make a check in a darkened
twice to become two away, and for its final action, room without providing a light source of your
performed the Swoop attack.The next turn,Torsin own, your highest die roll suffers a -2 penalty
was still two away, so it moved one closer, then (minimum 1) except for Stealth checks, which
charged to perform its bite attack. Since the Swoop enjoy a +2 bonus instead.
was a "single" attack, when the bat loops around to
the top of its strategy list, it will skip swooping; Also, remember that bringing a light source
therefore, it will just try to bite every turn from now into a darkened area automatically alerts all
on. It is now effectively a skirmisher. However, if Torsin enemies in the room, whether you're sneaking
somehow manages to evade it for a while, such as by or not. Light in the darkness is very
moving into a different room, it will reset its entire list, noticeable!
and the next time it encounters Torsin, it will Swoop
on him again. In general, torches are the manner in which
you bring light into a dungeon. You can carry
Rolling for Wandering one around with you, but it requires a hand
Monsters slot free.
You generally Roll for Wandering Monsters
You can carry a two-handed weapon in both
when you take a long action or you enter a
hands if you are carrying a torch, but you
room that has no enemies in it; just click the
can't attack with it while doing so.
button in the web app. How often wandering
monsters appear depends on your current You can spend an action to put your torch
level: down and use both hands normally while
having it still provide light. Note the position
Your Level Wandering Monsters Appear
of the torch; it can only provide light for you
d4 1 in d12 within three tiles away from it. Beyond that,
d6 1 in d10 you're back in darkness.
d8 1 in d8
d10 1 in d6 At the end of your turn, roll 1d6 for each
d12 1 in d4 torch on the floor. If you roll a one, it sputters
out and stops providing light. If you put a
Each realm has its own wandering monster torch in a puddle or other wet or watery area,
chart; the app will roll on that chart to see it goes out automatically when set down.
what appears.
You can also drop a torch without spending
Unless otherwise noted, wandering monsters an action, but then you roll for it going out
appear through a randomly-selected room immediately when you drop it.


Flooded areas • Leaving the Dungeon •

Some areas are flooded, meaning you have to
swim or wade in them. When you are in a Eventually, you will either complete your
flooded area, you must choose your Swim trait adventure's objective, or you will flee the
as one of your two trait dice whenever you dungeon without completing it. Your
make a check. adventure ends there.

If you ever enter a flooded area wearing plate Before you leave the dungeon, make sure
mail or chain mail or when you are carrying you've collected all the loot you want to carry
more than half your allotted bulk, you cannot back with you; anything you leave in the
swim; you don't even get your Swim die, and dungeon that you can't carry is lost forever.
may only roll one die for each check. In
addition, you are drowning – each action you Leveling Up (and Winning)
spend in water removes 6 Stamina. Every
If you completed your objective (i.e., you did
Stamina you cannot pay for removes 2 Health.
not flee and forfeit the objective), then you
level up.
You may don or remove your armor by
spending an entire turn doing so. You can’t
Advance your level die to the next die size: d4
don armor if monsters are present. You can
to d6, d6 to d8, etc. You may also want to
"ford" your equipment across a flooded area
note your new Wandering Monster chance.
in this manner. Don't forget to roll for
wandering monsters! If you level up when you are already level
d12, then you win the game!
Some monsters will poison you. If you get After leveling up, you may go to town to
poisoned, the poison will have a potency spend your hard-earned loot on improved
measured in a number of long actions skills, new equipment, new abilities, etc. Then
(probably the result of the attack that return to the companion app and generate a
poisoned you). new adventure at your new, more difficult
Each time you take a long action, reduce the
potency by one and take 1d4 poison damage. Forfeiting
If an adventure has gotten the best of you,
Large Creatures you can forfeit by exiting the adventure where
Some realms have “large” creatures. These you entered. You do not get to level up when
are creatures which take up more space than you forfeit; instead, the shame and
most monsters. Generally, they take up a 2x2 humiliation takes its toll. Choose one:
space (2”x2”), but they may spend an action
to “squeeze” down to fit through 1” spaces in • Drown your sorrows in ale for a few weeks,
order to reach their target. Once they have spending 2 treasures.
room for a 2x2 space, they resize up for free.
• Lose a level (minimum d4).
You have advantage when attacking large
creatures that are “squeezing”. Large You may still go to town to replenish your
creatures are immune to knockback. supplies. Then, generate a new adventure at
your current level.


• Grid-less Play • point. There are no restrictions on diagonal or

orthogonal movement.

If you wish to provide your own miniatures Regardless of the style of bases you use, if you
and scenery, and wish to play gridless, here are within one base width of a terrain feature
are some rules to support that. or enemy, or if you'd overlap it, you may
"snap" to that terrain feature or enemy to
Movement will depend on whether your
become adjacent to it.
mini's have a square or round base.
Line of sight is determined by checking if a
Square bases – To Move, put your finger or a
line from the center of the source miniature
pencil down to mark one corner of your
can be extended to any part of the base of the
miniature's base, and then move the
target miniature without passing through
miniature so that a different corner is placed
blocking obstacles or other miniatures. If so,
at that location. You may only move to the
line of sight is established.
opposite corner once per turn; otherwise you
must always choose an adjacent corner. When using your own terrain, you do not
need to recreate the rooms exactly;
Round bases – To Move, put your finger or
approximate the rooms according to what
pencil down to mark a point on the edge of a
terrain elements you have available and don't
miniature's base, and then move the
worry too much about placement.
miniature so that its base is still touching that

• Optional Rules •
Rolling for Initiative Fleeing the Enemy
Whenever you newly enter a situation where This optional rule allows you to leave a room
there are enemies present, before you start when there are still aware enemies present in
taking turns, you roll for initiative. the current room.

Choose the closest enemy in play, and roll an If there are aware enemies still in the room
Intuition check against that enemy. If you when you leave it, make a note of them, and
succeed, you and your allies begin taking roll 1d4. They will emerge through the door
turns first. If you fail, move immediately to you passed through as their first action in that
the enemy taking their turns first. number of turns. (Spiking the door shut can
delay this.) If you pass through another door,
If you get a critical success on a roll for they will emerge from that door instead.
initiative check, your first attack that turn
gains advantage. (Similarly, if your enemies Thus, enemies follow you from room to room
get a critical success, they gain advantage on if you don't take care of them. (Note that they
their first attack.) also gain the benefit of their strategies
resetting.) Remember to go back into the
relevant room to click the Defeat button for
the enemies you draw into other rooms, or
you may miss important quest details!


• Introduction • 1 Swap Equipment 15
Use an Exit 15
• What you'll need • 1 Long Actions 16
Rest 16
• Preparing the Minis • 2 Investigate 16
Assembling the Miniatures 2 Don / Remove Armor 16
Enemy Activity 16
• The Core Mechanic • 3 Unaware Enemies 16
Boons 4 Strategies 17
Banes 4 Skirmishers 17
Ties 4 Snipers 17
Abilities 5 Rolling for Wandering Monsters 18
Advantage and Disadvantage 5 Darkness 18
Flooded areas 19
• Character Creation • 6 Poison 19
Skills 6 Large Creatures 19
• Going to Town • 7 • Leaving the Dungeon • 19
Your backpack 7 Leveling Up (and Winning) 19
Adventuring Equipment 7 Forfeiting 19
Weapons 7
Armor 8 • Grid-less Play • 20
General Equipment 8 • Optional Rules • 20
Selling Items At Market 8 Rolling for Initiative 20
Mundane Weapons and Armor 9 Fleeing the Enemy 20
Visiting the Apothecary 10
Visiting the Temple 10
Afflictions 10
Blessings 10
Visiting the Arcanist 11
Training at Guilds 11
Gaining Abilities 11
Ability Listing 12
Carousing 13
• Entering the Dungeon • 14
The Main Gameplay Loop 14
Actions 14
Move † 14
Rules version 1.3
Attack † 14
Charge † 15 Fable on your Table was written by CC Chamberlin
Rebalance † 15 for the 2020 Seven-Day Roguelike Challenge.
Sneak 15 More information on the game may be found at
Set against charge 15 the web site at:
Use Item 15


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