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Alifyah ismi fadhilah

T20196063 // TBI 2 // Language culture and society

1.) Characteristics of culture

- Culture is shared
A great culture is shared. One created to shared stories, beliefs, purpose, plans,
language etc
- Culture is base on symbols
People use capture and communicate their experience from the basic of shared
- Culture is learned
We do learn everything about culture from our parents and society. Culture =
- Culture is dynamic
Culture change everyday, all time in subtle and tangible way.
- Culture is transmitted from generation to generation
Passed on from generation to generation.
2.) Elements of culture
- Social organization
Community that built by the people town
- Language
cover written and spoken language for interaction each other
- Worldview
Cover knowledge about social behavior, organ of human, time, flora and fauna
- Religion
Includes the flow of belief or religion adopted by the community
- History
History of the culture built and stay on untill the several generation
- Values
Value of culture is can not be pricing, because culture is an identity

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