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You can get the system to automatically execute background jobs on saving the planning table.

You can also use a background job to execute mass processing. For example, after you have planned the
bottleneck work centers of the capacity planning table you can automatically dispatch operations that
have not yet been dispatched to non-bottleneck work centers.


If you want the system to execute a background job on leaving the planning table you must set the
indicator Set event in the control profile. You can also specify a parameter.


If you leave and save the capacity planning table the system automatically sets the events
CY_PLANNING_TABLE_END and SAP_PLANNING_TABLE_END and starts the background job with the
appropriate event and the appropriate parameters. You must have previously created the event-
controlled background job.

For a mass processing job with the mass processing report RCCYMAB2 you use the variant to specify:

Which planning function is executed

Which objects are processed

Which overall profile is used to execute capacity leveling

You can read about how to define a variant for the mass processing report in the section Defining and
changing variants for the mass processing report.


If the events CY_PLANNING_TABLE_END or SAP_PLANNING_TABLE_END have not been created in your

system then you must create them using transaction SM62 as user-defined events.
In Cm40 i setup a batch job as:

a) redefine selection and b) schedule a batch job, where i create a variant, link it to job name and from
the same place i can successfully start it once.

The problem appears when i try to re-run it by puting tick: "schedule batch job". No leveling follows.

If i run a job with options "execute background job at once", or "execute job at once online" leveling is
done correctly.

But again, it does not work when i try to run it from schedule batch job with my variant.

I guess the problem in that variant as if i create another variant (the same as previous) then i again can
run it, but only once.

When i tried to start a program RCCYMAB2 from Se38 with my variant, a message popped up telling
there were no capacity requirements found in evaluation period.

And again, if i run a job with options "execute background job at once", or "execute job at once online"
from CM40, leveling is executed.

Also, i noticed, after waiting some time and trying to run a job from Se38, leveling is executed. But if i try
immediately to deallocate and repeat leveling via the same, then agian same message regarding no

Are you getting message CY140?

Mass processing is executed using an overall profile for capacity leveling with the capacity planning table
which you use to define your planning strategies. Please check it.


This report defines all parameters required for mass processing.

The following parameters need to defined:

Name of the background job

Enter a name under which all parameters are stored and saved. The report can only be called and
started with a valid name. The entry of the name is mandatory.

Start time of the background job

Here, specify the time when the background job is to be started.

Overall profile

This parameter determines the overall profile with which you want to execute the mass processing. You
can use an existing overall profile as overall profile. The system checks whether the specified overall
profile exists in the database.

Caution: The overall profile must be one which defines a graphical planning table and consequently a
scheduling which is continuous in time! Mass processing does not work properly with a scheduling in
table form.

Action to be performed

This parameter determines the actions to be executed. Select one of the following actions:
o Dispatch

All selected objects (in accordance with the selection criteria) are dispatched.

o Deallocate

All selected objects (in accordance with the selection criteria) are deallocated.

Display error log

The log of the mass processing run is displayed if you set the "Display error log" indicator. You can only
set this indicator if you call the mass processing online.


This report executes the mass processing. The parameters are used that are defined in report
RCCYMAB1 and saved under the background job name.

Report RCCYMAB2 can be started by a job. The version required in this case must contain the
background job name.

All information from the planning log and scheduling log is gathered during mass processing and stored
under the background job name. You can evaluate this information with report RCCYMAB3.


This report is used to control the mass processing. It allows you a user-friendly evaluation of all
information that was gathered by report RCCYMAB2 during mass processing.
The information of the planning run in question is stored under the background job name. All planning
runs are displayed if you do not specify this name.

Double-click on the respective line to display the details.

Please try also refer this link,

Thanks for your reply, and its nice to here from you.

Yes, i'm getting message CY140, but thats only if i try to run manually a report RCCYMAB2 with
parameter for my batch job name.

I already setup and maintained: a) Overall profile with graphic method b) defined a batch job and did a
schedule (in RCCYMAB1).

I have another kind of problem.

When i create a variant under "schedule a batch job" in RCCYMAB1, and when i execute it immediately,
the job runs Okay.

The problem

is that when i deallocated and try to re-run the job from "schedule a batch job" using the existing
variant, then no actions are taken: no leveling executed, and no message CY140 comes up.

If i start job with option "execute background job at once" or "execute job at once online" then leveling
and (deallocation if i change selection to deallocate) is executed.

But again, this job is not working, if i start it from "schedule a batch job" using already created variant.

Also interesting, that if i create a new variant the same as existing but with new name, then i again can
run a job with that variant, but only once. The second time the leveling does not work.
Another interesting thing i noticed.

If i try to run job manually from Se38 RCCYMAB2 using parameter for job name, then system generates
CY140 message, but if i do the same from CM40 with option execute job at once online, then no
message appears and leveling passed correctly.

When i run a job with one of two options: "execute background job at once" or "execute job at once
online", i get a job name in list of jobs (Sm37): MNPL-GMR_LEVELING (where GMR_LEVELING is the
name of my job, and MNPL- extension is added automatically by SAP). If i try to release this job the re-
run also does not work.

You mention in below post, that i can schedule this job from CM40 to run at predefined time, but don't
want to use this option, since i need this step to be started post MRP job completion, and MRP job
completion varies from day to day.

So hopefully, this gives an idea of type of problem i experience.

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