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self introduction

My name is Muhammad yazid muhlasin my friends and relativer used to call me by the name yazid. I
was born in ciamis october 29 2002.( Twenty-nine two thousan dtwo ). I am the firstborn child of
three siblings. My first sister is a girl and One more boy. They were fifteen and eleven years old.Now
i life in the Baitul hikmah islamic boarding school, room 31(thirty-one),al-jalalah dormitory.

My height is about ane hundred and seventy five centimeter (175). Weight about forty eight
kilograms(Kg). Ten skinned , black slanted eyes, and black haired. I likes the colors blue amd green
because they symbolize calm and freedom (according to my version).

And i also have a quiet nature and find it difficult to get along with people. But i’m also one of those
people who like to work hard and don’t give up easily when they fail. Yeah...even though i’m stupid.

First received education in kindergarten in the year two thousand and six(2006). To be exact at RA-
Arruhyaa, continue in the year two thousand and nine(2009) to the banjarangsana state elementary
schoo.l until the year two thousand and fifteen(2015) until now at the Baitul hikmah islamic boarding
school, of course, at madrasah Tsanawiyah and madrasah Aliyah. And Alhamdulillah, i was able to
serve and study at the Baitul hikmah islamic boarding school.

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