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Group Project Report


Group 9
Hanalyse Loboda, Raffaella Funnell, Ashley Zorovich, Alejandro Cardentey
Platform Focus: Social Media
Target Audience: Community Partners
Academy Prep Center of Tampa
1407 E Columbus Dr
Tampa, FL 33605

● The website is simple but appealing. The colors are cohesive throughout the entire website
● When you first visit the website, all the social media icons and links are easily accessible and
● The website is interactive, hyperlinks are connected to photos which lead to information on
protocols, donations, or upcoming events.
● Informational facts are included to gather insight on achievement and statistics of the school.
● On the website under the “Support Us” tab, a drop-down appears where “Partner’s” can be
viewed. On the “partner’s” page at the very bottom, there is a “Sign Up for our Newsletter”
button where individuals can put in their email and receive updates on The Academy Prep.
● At the top of the website, there is an easily accessible contact button that allows you to email the
Academy Prep Center.
● 2-3 posts are made weekly
● Discusses and demonstrates the opportunities they have for students
● Minimal engagement on the posts. Averaging 10 likes per picture and 1-2 shares. Comments on
posts do not happen regularly.
● The Facebook page is easy to navigate and The Academy Prep Center clearly shows its mission
statement through its posts.
● Biography clearly describes how the school works but lacks the mission statement.
● Updated every 1-5 days and interactive with the comments asking questions or like them.
● Social media platform with the greatest likes and followers (likes: 15-120 followers: 786)
● Informational about the events and occasions that are upcoming
● Have a highlight reel dedicated to the activities the kids do and from the events
● They have a second Instagram dedicated to the artwork of their students, however, it has one post
and under 100 followers.
● Frequent engagement by reposting or liking tweets that mention the Academy Prep Center of
● Very minimal interactions, 1-3 likes per post or retweets
● Does not show the mission of the school or what the school does
● Retweets their community partner’s posts about 3-5 days a week

● New posts about every other month

● Inconsistent in responses and types of posts
● Do not have any videos that describe the process of getting into the school or what the mission of
the school is
● Quality of videos is typically poor, should hire someone to take quality videos of their events

Google Analytics
The Academy Prep is looking at 573 total users visiting their website over the course of a month.
The Academy Prep receives 328 of its visitors from organic unpaid search listings, with all 328 of these
users coming directly from Google, and 46 from a referral through either social media posts or direct
links. The current standing of social media for Facebook totals 33 users, and those users were referred to
their website. The highest engagement time the website reached lasted 2 minutes and 42 seconds, while
the average engagement time is 1 minute and 48 seconds coming from an organic search tool. There are a
total of 569 users viewing only their homepage, but 65.16% of the users are active with engagement.
Most of the audience The Academy Prep is reaching, is located mainly in the United States with 529
users. These numbers are prominent in Tampa with 201, St. Petersburg with 25, and the Brandon area
with 22. However, several countries are being reached, such as ten users in Ireland, seven in Sweden, five
in China, four in the Philippines, and three in the Bahamas and India.

The Journey of a Community Partner​​

Sophia Province, the Event Coordinator, of Florida
Aquarium in Tampa was approached by her boss and was asked to
coordinate an educational and interactive field trip for middle school-
aged students. Sophia did not want to reach out to just any public
school or program. She really wanted this experience to be an intimate
learning opportunity and benefit the students. The research was
conducted on small nonprofit schools in the Tampa area. As she was

researching, she narrowed her search down to“nonprofit

middle schools on need-based scholarships in Tampa,
Florida.” When the green tree logo caught her eye, the
name “Academy Prep Center of Tampa” sounded very
familiar to her. She realized that she recently saw this
school from a repost of a friend on Facebook. The post was
that the Academy Prep raised over $400,000 in support of
student scholarships at the 16th Annual Grand Oak Classic.
She knew this was the right school for this event and
immediately reached out to the coordinator at The
Academy Prep Center of Tampa. After speaking with the

coordinator, a field trip for The Academy Prep was planned and executed. The students had a fun and
educational experience, and the Florida Aquarium connected with the students, and what The Academy
Prep Center stands for. After the field trip, The Florida Aquarium became a community partner with the
Academy Prep. They invite them back to the aquarium every couple of months for a day of education and
fun. They also hold several school supplies drives, promote their school at the front desk of the aquarium,
and host auctions in the ballroom where 100% of the proceeds go back to the school.

Competitors Web Presence

In the Tampa Bay area, the Academy Prep Center of Tampa faces competition from another major
nonprofit organization with similar long-term goals that build skills necessary for postsecondary career
and life success. The institution goes by the name of Hillsborough Education Foundation (HEF).
Regarding social media presences, Hillsborough Education Foundation has a following of 4,753
on Twitter and focuses on retweeting collabs they had with special guests in the past.
Although they have a following of 4,757, they receive an average of ten likes per tweet,
making their engagement levels low. In terms of ratings, the Hillsborough Education
Foundation has a 4.9/5 rating on Facebook. Hillsborough Education Foundation also has
an active presence on Instagram, which they use as their main social media platform.
The content posted on their Instagram is then reposted on Twitter and Facebook. Their
website has a very strong visual presence that makes it extremely fluid and easy to navigate.
There were social media links found as well as a very interactive and easy-to-use platform with
testimonials and integrated search functionality. When you search “HEF Tampa '' on Google, the first
search result is for their site,, following this there are external links to their
website as well as their Facebook page. All things aside, Hillsborough Education Foundation has a very
good website presence but they could improve on minor things when it comes to their social media posts
and engagement.

Continue to build strong relations with community partners by showcasing what role they play
and the opportunities that come with it, by using Instagram as the main source of communication. Using
this social media platform, the goal is to increase followers by 100 and overall views by 30% within five
months, as well as bring in five new community partners by the end of the year. Follow a specific and
detailed monthly schedule in order to increase views by 30% by the end of the year. The figure below
gives a schedule with the days of the week and times that posts will be made. Stories on Facebook and
Instagram are scheduled to be posted in the morning around 9 am. Posts on Facebook, Instagram, and
Twitter are scheduled later in the evening.

Figure 1: Monthly social media posting schedule for the Academy Prep Center of Tampa

Continue to post 6 times a week (posts and stories) on current social media platforms such as
Facebook, Twitter, and specifically focusing on Instagram. Create posts that showcase the current
community partners to highlight the benefits of the relationship between both organizations. Posts should
also be made detailing how to become a community partner with easy steps on how to be involved. This
should also help in boosting an organic social presence by the use of hashtags such as
#apctcommunitypartners, #apcteducation, and #academypreplearn.

By increasing the number of posts being generated on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, more
individuals will be attracted to keep visiting the social media accounts to keep up with the updates. This
will in turn boost social media following, increase traffic to the website, and increase overall engagement.

The main goal for these posts on social media is to express the benefits of community partners
and what being one means. These benefits include running enrichments for students, providing 8,000
hours mentoring, teaching, and guiding, organizing fundraisers and community service events, and the
opportunity for cross-branding and promotion. In turn, this will target new community partners and
continue to build the relationships held with the existing ones. This opens the door for more involvement
through events and activities that raise money to be put back towards The Academy Prep.

A greater focus on what and where the donations are being put towards with social media posts
specifically showing images and giving explanations. This will differentiate and show that this school is
giving students more opportunities than they would have at another school. This claim will only enhance
the relationships with the community partners, and greater donations and sponsors will grow from it.

The main action of this campaign is to follow the social media posting schedule and depending on
what type of post it is whether it be a story or a feed post and the audience it is being presented towards.
For the Instagram and Facebook story, the target audience will be the community partners as well as other
small businesses that would like to make a donation. Additionally, for the Instagram post, it would be
more of a thank you to current community partners, contributors and volunteers.
In respect to the Facebook posts, the main objective would be to showcase what community
partners do as well as the opportunities it gives to the current students. It will also incorporate and
promote how becoming a community partner can benefit their business or organization as well as
benefiting The Academy Prep Center of Tampa.
For the Twitter posts, they will be constant reminders about who the Academy Prep Center of
Tampa is, what they stand for, and their goals. Quotes from individuals with inspiring stories are the ones
being included in the Twitter posts. The target audience will be new community partners and possible
students or volunteers.
The infographic shows detailed steps on how to become a community partner. This ranges all the
way from preparation to defining the impact they will make on becoming a community partner with The
Academy Prep Center of Tampa. The infographic will be adjusted depending on which social media
platform it is posted on. It will also be adjusted so it is clearly visible on both mobile and desktop
In regards to the Instagram stories, they should be posted on Monday and Wednesday around 9:00
am to target people who may be just arriving at their place of work and are going through checking up on
their social media. Instagram posts should be posted every Wednesday around 6:00 pm to target more
people getting home from work so they could take more action on the post and look into how they could
either donate or become a community partner.
Furthermore, Twitter posts will be posted on Friday around 6:00 pm to keep community partners
engaged and reminded of the overall purpose.
Facebook Stories will be posted Tuesday and Thursday morning around 9:00 am to reach people
just getting to work in order to implement an idea that they could think on throughout the day. Later on,
finding a Facebook post around 6:00 pm when they get off work and could lead them to look more into
the community partner opportunities.

The following hashtags will be attached to every social media post on all platforms:

Social Media Posts


Facebook Instagram

Facebook Post:
“​​The Academy Prep Center of Tampa could not say thank you enough to all our community
partners and all that they do for our students. If you are interested in learning more about what they do
check our social media platforms! Instagram: @academypreptpa Twitter: @AcademyPrepTPA
#apctcommunitypartners #apcteducation #academypreplearn”

Twitter Post:
“Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom”- Oprah Winfrey
At the Academy Prep Center of Tampa, we aim to help young individuals obtain an education allowing
them to grow and develop into strong-willed and hardworking young adults. #apctcommunitypartners
#apcteducation #academypreplearn”

Instagram Post:
“The Academy Prep Center of Tampa is currently working with our community partners to plan
special events as enrichment for our students and further their education. Thank you for all that you do!
#apctcommunitypartners #apcteducation #academypreplearn” *tag all community partner’s Instagrams on
the post. If they do not have an Instagram, their name will be added to at the end of the caption*


Quiz Questions:

1. In the journey of a community partner, what was the name of the person
mentioned, what was their job title, and where did they work?
A. Jessica Diaz
B. Ashley Zorovich
C. Sophia Province
D. Stephanie Knight

2. Where did this community partner work?

A. Florida Aquarium
B. Kendra Scott
C. Junior League of Tampa
D. Hillsborough Education Foundation (HEF)

3. What community partner did the Instagram story highlight?

A. Junior League of Tampa bay

B. Tampa Bay Lightning
C. University of South Florida
D. Rays Baseball Foundation

4. What is the primary social media platform that they will now be focusing on?

A. Instagram
B. Twitter
C. Facebook
D. TikTok

5. What time will The Academy Prep Center be posting Instagram stories?

A. 8:00am
B. 9:00am
C. 9:00pm
D. 8:00pm


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