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Why is it important to Study the History?

It's important to be studied, because it is essential to individuals and to the study

society.Thus it offers the only extensive evidential base completion, and analysis of how
societies function.People need to have some sense of how societies function simply to
run their own lives.Since history has memories of the past, this may show us the
reasons why we're here or why our situation is like this.For example, we will ask, how
does our national heroes save us?Or why are we freed from those who captured our
country decades ago?When does the development of our country start?Studying history
is the reason why we know the answer to the questions because we can see what
happened to the past with the help of the past records and journals of the people.
People often say that "history repeats itself",but if we study the successes and failures
of the past we may, ideally be able to learn from our mistakes and avoid repeating them
in the future.Studying history can provide us insight into our culture of origin as well as
cultures with which we mightless be familiar.With this, it will help us to improve our
critical thinking and analyzing since studying history needs to be interpret
effectively.Even the development of our country can be seen in history, that shows how
people from the past live.And show us where our tradition and culture start. Even the
ancestors of a family that helps us to know our identity.
History also contributes to our moral understanding.Studying the stories of individuals
of history to test our own moral sense to hone it against some of real complexities
individuals have faced in settings. People who weathered adversity not just in some
work of fiction, but in real,historical circumstances can provide inspiration. There is a
phrase "History teaching by example", this describes this use of a study of the past, a
study not only of certifiable heroes, but also for the ordinary people who provide lessons
in courage, diligence or constructive protest.
There's a lot of things that you could learn in history, from the things that we should do
and not to.From observing how things change by time. And see the struggles and
success of a country.

Why is Herodutos considered as the " Father of History". Describe his life, work
and achievement .

Herodotus is considered as the father of history because he compiled the first history
and narrated it to an audience in Athens. It was history mixed with mythology he
collected from his travels. Moreover, it drew lessons for the audience, the reason why
one should study history.

Herodutos was a greek writer and geographer. He was born in about 485 B.C in the
greek city of Halicarnassus, a lively commercial center on southern western coast of
Asia Minor. He came from a wealthy and cosmopolitan Greek Carian merchant family.
"In the middle of the 6th century B.C. Halicarnassus became a satrapy or province of
the Persian Empire that ruled by the tyrant Lygdamis. His family opposed to the
Lygdamis rule and was sent to exile on the island of Samas. Herodutos returned to
Halicarnassus to take part in an abortive anti-Persian rebellion. After that, however the
writer never returned to his home city again.
The writing of Herodotus' work "The Histories" must have occupied a considerable
portion of his later life, but we do not know when,where or in what order it was written.
It's final form it could not have been completed until the last years of his life but parts
were undoubtedly written much earlier as we are told that he gave public readings from
it while he was living in Athens.
Herodotus was credited with being the first historian. Sometime around the year 425
B.C. he published the "The Histories' '. Before Herodotus no writer had ever made such
a systematic thorough study of the past or tried to explain the cause and effect of it's
events. When Herodotus was not traveling, he returned to Athens,there he became
something of a celebrity. He gave readings in public places and collected fees from
officials for his appearances. In 445 B.C.,the people of Athens voted to give him a prize
of 10 talents almost $200,000 in todays money to honor him for his contributions to the
city's intellectual life.

Give your reaction to the statement:

History is for the human race,whereas memory is to each man.

Although the statement is deep, I think it means that history is a fragrance of memory
to all human race. It's like history tends to make us remember what happened back
then. But for the man, it is just a memory, sometimes it might get forgotten and we just
remember it if we are reminded. But history is not something to forget. It is where we
see how people survived in the past. This memory of the human race can be a solution
for a society. Where we learned not to do the wrong thing that people did in the past.
This history can make peace to the whole human race by telling a true story, written and
told by those who witnessed it. They didn't write or tell it just for a man but for the
entire human race. To keep us reminded that in the past there are a lot of things that
should be remembered even the worst. Remembering the good part and the worst part
of it gave us a lesson that the human race can have peace. History is what makes the
society conscious of their actions, to avoid destroying the good thing that's done back
then. And also not to do the same mistakes that happened back then.
"Whereas memory is to a man", at this part of the statement, this is the part when
history becomes a memory when each man remembers it. But it's not like we've
witnessed it but when we read an article or a book it turns into a memory.
The statement is a good analogy, if we think about it. We as an individual have
memories we don't remember and the human race has periods in the past which is not
much known. Sometimes we lie to ourselves about how things happened. But not like
historians who often look carefully to discern what in the histories are true and what was
changed to portray certain people or countries in different ways.
History is the memory of the human race and conversely memory is the history of

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