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1954 1956
1960 1980
1978 1981
1995 2003

1954 1956
1960 1980
1978 1981
1995 2003
Early industrial robots had limited

“intelligence”, autonomy and

operational degrees of freedom.
They were mostly designed to

perform one or two sets of

repetitive tasks in a highly

controlled environment.

The first industrial robot was

designed by George Devol in 1954.

This robot was capable of

transferring objects from one

point to another within a distance

of about a dozen feet. Devon

founded a company called

Unimation in 1956 to

manufacture the robot. He also

coined the term Universal

Early industrial robots had limited

“intelligence”, autonomy and

operational degrees of freedom.
They were mostly designed to

perform one or two sets of

repetitive tasks in a highly

controlled environment.

The first industrial robot was

designed by George Devol in 1954.

This robot was capable of

transferring objects from one

point to another within a distance

of about a dozen feet. Devon

founded a company called

Unimation in 1956 to

manufacture the robot. He also

coined the term Universal

Versatran, designed by Harry

Johnson and Veljko Milenkovic,

and manufactured and

marketed by AMF Corporation

in 1960.

PUMA, a robot arm designed by

Prof. Victor Scheinman and

developed by Vicarm, Unimation

with support from General

Motors in 1978, was used in

assembly lines and is still used

by researchers today.
Versatran, designed by Harry

Johnson and Veljko Milenkovic,

and manufactured and

marketed by AMF Corporation

in 1960.

PUMA, a robot arm designed by

Prof. Victor Scheinman and

developed by Vicarm, Unimation

with support from General

Motors in 1978, was used in

assembly lines and is still used

by researchers today.
From 1980, industrial robots

began to be made in large

numbers, with a new robot being

introduced in the market at the

rate of one a month. These robots

are microprocessor-controlled

and are smarter and have a higher

degree of operational freedom.

The first robotic arm with motors

installed directly into the joints of

its arm. It was built by Takeo

Kanade in 1981. This design made

it faster and more accurate than

previous robotic arms.

From 1980, industrial robots

began to be made in large

numbers, with a new robot being

introduced in the market at the

rate of one a month. These robots

are microprocessor-controlled

and are smarter and have a higher

degree of operational freedom.

The first robotic arm with motors

installed directly into the joints of

its arm. It was built by Takeo

Kanade in 1981. This design made

it faster and more accurate than

previous robotic arms.

The first documented use of a
robot-assisted surgical procedure
occurred in 1985 when the PUMA

560 robotic surgical arm was used

in a delicate neurosurgical biopsy,

a non-laparoscopic surgery. "The

robotic system allowed for

successful robotic surgery and

the potential for greater precision

when used in minimally invasive

surgeries, such as laparoscopies

which typically utilize flexible fiber

optic cameras.

The Almega AX series, introduced

by OTC DAIHEN in 2003, is a line of

arc welding and handling robots.

The first documented use of a
robot-assisted surgical procedure
occurred in 1985 when the PUMA

560 robotic surgical arm was used

in a delicate neurosurgical biopsy,

a non-laparoscopic surgery. "The

robotic system allowed for

successful robotic surgery and

the potential for greater precision

when used in minimally invasive

surgeries, such as laparoscopies

which typically utilize flexible fiber

optic cameras.

The Almega AX series, introduced

by OTC DAIHEN in 2003, is a line of

arc welding and handling robots.

Tug is a pioneer. Because in

hospitals around the world, this

robot is helping nurses and doctors

care for patients by autonomously

delivering food and drugs

Tug is a pioneer. Because in

hospitals around the world, this

robot is helping nurses and doctors

care for patients by autonomously

delivering food and drugs

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