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With obvious disorganization seen in political groups and even in community

organizations or cooperatives, it is hard to imagine how a beginning leader will start to sow his
own actions when all around him have diverse principles which are so vast that when one
cannot handle can easily drown from it. This is a challenge that even people of caliber will find
difficulty to cope with.

I have been serving for only six months as the newly elected president of the school’s
teachers- employees association. Being a “tutoy” of the workplace who is just in the public
education service for only three years and who is the youngest among us at age 26, I have so
many doubts whether I will be able to accomplish the responsibilities expected of me. With this
thought, I am always bothered whether I will be able to catch the sympathy of my colleagues. It
was a tough and draining thought for a newbie in all sides and angles of experience.

For nights, I think of what could be possible best programs that I can implement for the
welfare of the association. Its totally a storm of brainstorming when you need to weigh the
needs of each member. At the end of the day, no matter how you struggled to exert your effort
and push for perfection but there will always be things that others think as a flaw. In this time,
some may confront, curse or hate but with the attitude that I have earned from the great
people around me, all will come into pieces.

Now, I can say that it takes courage and the proper attitude to create the perfect
formula for Leadership. With this nurturing and fostering factors, sprout Transformation
Leadership. With this scheme, nothing can hinder one to aspire as a leader because it only takes
being a good example, unannounced initiatives and right attitude to inspire others to follow
your lead. Having these traits will set the path you want to build.

By it, the doubts and anxiety that build up from me lighten and suddenly withered. You
will never get lost when you take the path of goodness. When you have pure and innocent
intentions, you do not have to explain and show off because people around you will make it
louder to be heard.

To budding leaders of their own community or group, there is nothing to fear. When
people trust and have confidence in you, remember them and let those critics fade as roses can
be rose without the thorns.

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