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Guest: Good afternoon, a table for one, please.

(Buenas tardes, una mesa para a uno, por favor)

Waiter: Yes madam, we have one a table for you. Please follow me. (Sí señora, tenemos una mesa
para usted. Por favor sígame)


Waiter: Can I take your order, Madam? (Camarero: ¿Les puedo tomar nota, señores?)

Guest: I’ll have the tomato soup to start and the grilled fish. (Señora: Yo tomaré la sopa de tomate
como entrante y el pescado a la parrilla.)

Waiter: Perfect.

Waiter: Would you like to see the drink menu? (¿Les gustaría ver el menú de bebidas?)

Guest: No need, I'll drink lemonade and wine white Chardonnay (No hace falta, yo beberé
limonada y vino blanco Chardonnay)

Waiter: Excellent

Waiter: OK, your drink and food will come in a few minutes.

Guest: Thank you so much

Guest: Could I have the bill, please? (¿Me puede traer la cuenta por favor?)

Waiter: Of course, Madam, here you have. (Claro, señora, aquí tiene)

Guest: Can I pay by credit card? (¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta de crédito?)

Waiter; I’m sorry, we only admit cash (Lo siento, solo admitimos efectivo)

Guest: No problem, I already pay you in cash (No hay problema, ya te pago al contado)

Waiter: perfect, thank you very much (perfecto, muchas gracias)

Guest: to you for your service (a ti por tu servicio)

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