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1. What’s the different between words and morphemes?

- Definition
A morpheme refers to the smallest meaningful element of a word.
A word is a separate meaningful unit, which can be used to form sentences.
A word can consist of a single morpheme or a number of morphemes
- The main difference
is that while a word can stand alone, a morpheme is doubtful( a word
always conveys a meaning).

‘regained’, this word consists of 3 morphemes. They are, ‘re’ , ‘gain’ and
‘ed’. A word can consist of a single morpheme or a number of morphemes.
For example, when we say ‘swimming,‘ it is a single word, but it is not a
single morpheme but two morphemes together (‘swim‘ and ‘ing‘). chairs,
chair and s(plural)
2. What ‘s the difference between free and bound morpheme
Some morphemes can exist on their own as a whole word - those are free. A
morpheme is bound when it can’t exist as its own word, only when added to
other morphemes to make a word.Bound morphemes include all types of
affixes: prefixes and suffixes.
un Suffixes:

3. How can simple words and complex ones be differentiated

Simple words: Words that are formed from a single root, comprising of a single
morpheme, nothing added to it, are Simple wordsl eg: quick, fire, joke.
Complex words: Words that have an affix attached to the simple root, or
morpheme, are Complex words.
Eg: Publisher
4. Tell me the difference of closed categories and open categories

5. With what dictionaries should a student of business English equipped

Oxford advanced learner’s dictionary The world's bestselling advanced-level
dictionary for learners of English. OALD is created especially for learners of
English,include 184,500 words with clear and simple definitions, synonyms, real
voice audio and example sentences showing language in use builds English
vocabulary better than ever before and leads the way to more confident, successful
communication in English.
Oxford business English Easy
to use The complete A-Z is available for free: read
meanings, examples and usage notes; listen to British and American English
pronunciations; expand images to view related business vocabulary. sẽ gồm 12 đầu
tài liệu phục vụ cho đối tượng của nhiều ngành nghề.
Accounting,Human Resource
Marketing & Advertising,Negotiating
Energy Industry, Cabin Crew,Logistics
Sales & Purchasing,Customer Care,Legal Professionals,Meetings, Presentations

2. Các chủ đề của bộ giáo trình

Oxford colocations dictionary A completely new type of dictionary with word
collocation that helps students and advanced learners effectively study, write and
speak natural-sounding English. This online dictionary is very helpful for the
education of the IELTS, TOEFL test. contains over 150,000 collocations for nearly
9,000 headwords.
Level: Upper-Intermediate to Advanced
6. How can English affixed can be classifieds
An affix is a bound morpheme that attaches to a root or stem to form a new word, or a variant
form of the same word. In English we primarily see 2 types. Prefixes precede the root or stem, e.g., re-
cover, while suffixes follow, e.g., hope-ful. A third type of affix –infix is known as a circumfix occurs in
the two words stand-stood, where the prefix en/m– and the suffix –en/m are attached simultaneously
to the root absofuckinglutely
7.What’s the difference
between root and base?
1.A root word is the primary form of a word while a base word is a word that can
stand on its own.
2.A root word may or may not have a meaning while a base word has a meaning
on its own.
3.New words can be formed using root words and base words by adding suffixes or
prefixes, and several affixes can be added to root words for it to have a meaning.
4.A root word is the basic linguistic unit, and it is the original form of a word while
a base word is a word in its simplest form.

8. What does it mean by reduplication

Reduplication is a word-formation process in which meaning is expressed by
repeating all or part of a word. As for form, the term “reduplicant” has been widely
used to refer to the repeated portion of a word. There are three key issues regarding
reduplicative form for which theories of reduplication aim to account: segmental
identity effects between base and reduplicant, the shape of reduplicants, and factors
to consider in identifying the base of reduplication.
It is often used when a speaker adopts a tone more "expressive" or figurative than
ordinary speech and is also often, but not exclusively, iconic in meaning.
Reduplication is found in a wide range of languages and language groups, though
its level of linguistic productivity varies.
Exact: The two halves of an exact reduplication are exactly the same. ...
Rhyming: The two halves of the reduplication are not exactly the same but rhyme
with each other. ...
Ablaut: Ablaut refers to those words which change form when a vowel is shifted.
9.How can conversion( partial conversion and total conversion) and stress shift be
Create a new word of different category without using affixation
To show-a show
Stress shift( stress interchange,reverse stress)inventing a new word by shifting the
place of stress
Record(n) record(V) learning-learn
10. What does it mean by ablaut
11.How different are compound noun and noun pharses

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