They All Buy at The Arcade: /ei/ /ai/ /ơ

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RULE 1: /i:/ , /ei/, /ai/, /ɔɪ/ + vowel  j

Ex: be /bi:/ + a sport  bi: jơ
Be a sport i: , ei, ai, oi
Play a game
Employ a professional
Rule 2:
/u:/, /ơ u/, / au/ + vowel  w.
How/ owu/ about it
Who are you?
RULE 3: / o:/ /ơ/ /ơ:/ /a:/ /eơ/ /iơ/ / uơ/ +
vowel  /r/
When I Saw it
Law and order rơn
The ‘media are

They/ei/ all buy/ai/

at the/ơ/ arcade /ɑ:'keid/
Is this a media event

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