Questionnaire 101

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Demographic Statistics
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This questionnaire contains statements about your perceptions and motivations on

Virtual Laboratory Class in Microbiology. You will be asked to express your
agreement on each statement. There are no “right “or “wrong” answers. Your opinion
is what is wanted. Think about how well each statement describes your willingness in
participating in this class.
Directions: Please rate the following designated interpretation according to your level
of agreement or disagreement. Put a check mark (/) on the box column that
corresponds to your answer. Use the Likert Scale below.

Scale Descriptive Rating Qualitative Interpretation

5 Strongly Agree Highly perceived
4 Agree Moderately perceived
3 Neutral Neutrally perceived
2 Disagree Seldom perceived
1 Strongly Disagree Not perceived

A. Instructor Characteristics (IC 1 2 3 4 5

1. Instructors should be friendly and approachable.
2. Instructors should encourage student interactions.
3. Instructors should provide sufficient learning
on resources on virtual learning.
4. Instructors should solve emerging problems
5. Instructors should provide fast feedbacks to
queries in the discussion forum.
B. Social Presence (SP) 1 2 3 4 5
6. This course would help me to use the Internet
sources more efficiently.
7. I think sharing knowledge through virtual
laboratory class discussions is a good idea.
8. Virtual laboratory discussion enables students
to exchange ideas and comments.
9. I would benefit from using interactive
C. Instructional Design (ID) 1 2 3 4 5
10. I differentiate between difficult and easier types
of microbiology virtual laboratory class content
and study them differently.
11. I like to involve myself actively in group
12. Understanding the subject matter of this
course is very important to me.
D. Trust (TR) 1 2 3 4 5
13. Virtual laboratory class should provide a better
learning experience than traditional laboratory
14. I believe that I can earn better grade in virtual
laboratory class than in a traditional course.
15. Students learn more in virtual laboratory class
than they learn in traditional laboratory class.
Directions: Please rate the following designated interpretation according to your level
of agreement or disagreement. Put a check mark (/) on the box column that
corresponds to your answer. Use the Likert Scale below.

Scale Descriptive Rating Qualitative Interpretation

5 Strongly Agree Highly motivated
4 Agree Moderately motivated
3 No opinion Neutrally motivated
2 Disagree Seldom motivated
1 Strongly Disagree Not motivated

A. Self-efficacy 1 2 3 4 5
16. Whether the microbiology virtual laboratory class
content is difficult or easy, I am sure that I can
understand it.
17. I am not confident about understanding difficult
microbiology virtual laboratory class concepts.
18. I am sure that I can do well on microbiology
virtual laboratory class concepts.
19. No matter how much effort I put in, I cannot
learn microbiology virtual laboratory class.
20. When microbiology virtual laboratory class
activities are too difficult, I give up or only do the
easy parts.
21. During microbiology virtual laboratory class
activities, I prefer to ask other people for the
answer rather than think for myself.
22. When I find the microbiology virtual laboratory
class content difficult, I do not try to learn it.
B. Active learning strategies 1 2 3 4 5
23. When learning new microbiology virtual laboratory
class concepts, I attempt to understand them.
24. When learning new microbiology virtual
laboratory class concepts, I connect them to my
previous experiences.
25. When I do not understand a microbiology virtual
laboratory class concept, I find relevant
resources that will help me.
26. When I do not understand a microbiology virtual
laboratory class concept, I would discuss with
the teacher or other students to clarify my
27. During the learning processes, I attempt to make
connections between the concepts that I learn.
28. When I make a mistake, I try to find out why.
29. When I meet microbiology concepts that I do not
understand, I still try to learn them.
30. When new microbiology concepts that I have
learned conflict with my previous understanding,
I try to understand why.
C. Science Learning Value 1 2 3 4 5
31. I think that learning microbiology in virtual
laboratory is important because I can use it in my
daily life.
32. I think that learning microbiology virtual laboratory
is important because it stimulates my thinking.
33. In microbiology virtual laboratory class, I think
that it is important to learn to solve problems.
34. In microbiology virtual laboratory class, I think it is
important to participate in inquiry activities.
35. It is important to have the opportunity to satisfy
my own curiosity when learning microbiology in
virtual laboratory class.
D. Performance Goal 1 2 3 4 5
36. I participate in microbiology virtual laboratory
class courses to get a good grade.
37. I participate in microbiology virtual laboratory
class courses to perform better than other students.
38. I participate in microbiology virtual laboratory
class so that other students think that I’m smart.
39. I participate in microbiology virtual laboratory
class so that the teacher pays attention to me.
E. Achievement Goal 1 2 3 4 5
40. During a microbiology virtual laboratory class , I
feel most fulfilled when I attain a good score in a
41. I feel most fulfilled when I feel confident about the
content in a microbiology virtual laboratory class.
42. During a microbiology virtual laboratory class, I
feel most fulfilled when I am able to solve a
difficult problem.
43. During a science course, I feel most fulfilled when
the teacher accepts my ideas.
44. During a microbiology virtual laboratory class, I
feel most fulfilled when other students accept my
F. Learning Environment Stimulation 1 2 3 4 5
45. I am willing to participate in this microbiology
virtual laboratory class because the content is
exciting and changeable.
46. I am willing to participate in this microbiology
virtual laboratory class because the teacher uses a
variety of teaching methods.
47. I am willing to participate in microbiology virtual
laboratory class because the teacher does not put a
lot of pressure on me.
48. I am willing to participate in this science course
because the teacher pays attention to me.
49. I am willing to participate in microbiology virtual
laboratory class because it is challenging.
50. I am willing to participate in this science course
because the students are involved in discussions.

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