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Describe how you would use Direct Marketing to raise awareness about product to

chosen Target Market and the public.

a. Describe the resources and budget required.

b. Create a Poster for the product.

Direct marketing is a type of promotion that entails communicating information on a

product, service, or company directly to the customers. All promotional information is
relayed without intermediaries and any third parties.

Emails, online adverts, flyers, database marketing, promotional letters, newspapers,

outdoor advertising, phone text messaging, magazine adverts, coupons, phone calls,
postcards, websites, and catalogue distribution are some examples of direct marketing

There are several types of Direct Marketing that can be used to promote this new product
such as through emails, online advertising, coupons, televisions, and radio.
The most effective way to promote Dutch Lady new product is through online advertising
such as through social medias. This is because nowadays people mostly use social medias
to obtain the latest news which also includes information on new products in the market.
Therefore, online advertising can help to not only promote the new product to the current
customer only but also to the future potential customers.

Another way to promote is by using coupons. The coupon will be provided with the fresh
milk products, therefore for customers that purchases the fresh milk they will be given a
coupon on discounted price of the ice cream products for a limited time. By using coupon,
this will increase the sales of both fresh milk and also the new ice cream product.

For online advertising which is through social media such as Facebook and Instagram,
promoting using those two platforms will require a low-cost budget only. The new product
which is ice cream will be promoted on Dutch Lady’s official account which then will be
managed by the marketing team. By promoting through online, the new product can be
known to a wide range of customers. Since Dutch Lady is already a well-known brand, it
can be assumed that positive outcomes can be anticipated.

Moreover, for promotions using coupons the resources required will be mainly on
producing the coupons such as the papers, printing company, and also a coupon designer.
For example, to produce 100 coupons, the budget required will not be too costly and also
expected to be within the budget allocated.
There are several types of Direct Marketing that can be used to promote this new product such as
through emails, online advertising, coupons, televisions, and radio. The most effective way to promote
Dutch Lady new product is through online advertising such as through social medias. This is because
nowadays people mostly use social medias to obtain the latest news which also includes information on
new products in the market. Therefore, online advertising can help to not only promote the new product
to the current customer only but also to the future potential customers.  
Another way to promote is by using coupons. The coupon will be provided with the fresh milk products,
therefore for customers that purchases Dutch Lady Fresh Milk they will be given a coupon on discounted
price of Dutch Lady Ice Cream products for a limited time. By using coupon, this will increase the sales of
both Dutch Lady Fresh Milk products and also the Dutch Lady Ice Cream product. 
For online advertising which is through social media such as Facebook and Instagram, promoting using
those two platforms will require a low-cost budget only. The new product which is ice cream will be
promoted on Dutch Lady’s official account which will be managed by the marketing team. By promoting
through online, the new product can be known to a wide range of customers.  
Moreover, for promotions using coupons the resources required will be mainly on producing the coupons
such as the papers, printing company, and also a coupon designer. For example, to produce 100 coupons,
the budget required will not be too costly and is expected to be within the budget allocated. 
Hence, since Dutch Lady is already a well-known brand, it can be assumed that positive outcomes can be
anticipated just by promoting using online advertising and coupons. 

The coupon will be printed at a local printing company, Riza Printing, which is located at
Kompleks PHB, Serusop. At least 200 coupons will be printed out and will be put together
with the Fresh Milk product. The quotation price for printing 50 coupons is BND $15.00,
therefore the total costs for printing 200 coupons will be BND $60.00. As there are at least
4 coupons printed in one paper, the costs of printing coupons are not too costly and is
within the budget allocated for Direct Marketing which is $400.00.
Draft Poster

The objective of this poster is to promote and inform the public that Dutch Lady will soon
be releasing a new product which is Dutch Lady Ice Cream. This is to attract the current
Dutch Lady customers as well as new potential customers.

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