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As a group we received a task: At the end of the course we have to present the

project of a company in the electrical field, starting from the feasibility for which

we should have done a market study, passing through the TIR and VAN,

Production cost and economic flow for years.

Make a flow and process diagram, find the load tables so that with these obtain

the maximum demand

To be able to find the necessary transformer by means of a calculation and study

of these, and already with these data to be able to find its power.

Wiring for which a calculation of overhead and underground networks was due

to see

The most notable being the elaboration of plans both in low voltage and in

medium voltage, plans for our panel of loads of emergency lights, lighting

As a group we are more than satisfied with the results obtained in the realization

of this project and we appreciate the support provided by the teacher for the

realization of our project.

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