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A Research Paper

Presented to the Senior High School Department

Tiaong, Quezon

In Partial Fulfillment of the Subject

Practical Research I: Research In Daily Life


Anna Marie C. Barcelona

Maybelle D. Catibog

Gichelle V. De Ocampo

Aliah Cyril M. Hernandez

Danica R. Manimtim

Myra Lyn M. Marinas

March 2017
Chapter I



Nowadays, nutrition is one of the most insufficient needs among Filipinos. Under-

nutrition in the Philippines remains a serious problem. Available data show large

numbers of Filipino children are undernourished: 3.6 million of children 0 to 59 months

are underweight; and 4 million are stunted. “Although this figure has decrease in the two

past decades, it is not fast enough to reach the United Nations Millennium Development

Goal (MDG) of reducing the number of underweight children by half until 2015.”

(UNICEF Philippines, 2015).

Furthermore, people have made many food products that are not healthy for an

individual, especially in school canteens where one of the most preferred foods are the

chicken balls that have no good benefits for the health of the students.

This gives the researchers the idea of making a product that is healthy and

containing lots of benefits. The researchers have found out that rose petals are edible.

Roses (Rosa Rugosa or R. Gallica Officinalis) are all edible, with the flavor being more

pronounced in the darker varieties. (Edibles Flower chart, 2016) Roses have several

natural oils like Citral that is a strong anti-microbial that is necessary for Vitamin A

synthesis. Carvone which is an effective digestive aid, Citronellyl Acetate that is

responsible for the pleasant flavor and aroma of roses, and also Eugenol which is the

richest antioxidant in the world (Kymera, 2016).

Background of the Study

In Recto Memorial National High School where chicken balls are one of the best

sell products, the researchers will try to replace chicken balls with rose balls.

This instance made the researchers to come up with making rose balls that is

partnered with vinegar sauce.

The researchers will introduce the product through presentation as a marketing

strategy to find out the acceptability of the product on the market particularly on Grade

11 students of Recto Memorial National High School.

Research Paradigm

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

I. Quality of Rose Acceptability of Rose Balls

Ball in terms of:
1. Taste
2. Aroma
3. Appearance
4. Health benefits
5. Cost

II. Marketing Strategy:

Power point
Figure 1: Research Paradigm

The figure 1 shows the quality of Rose Balls in terms of its taste, aroma,

appearance, health benefits, and also the chosen marketing strategy which is a power
point as the independent variables. On the other hand, the dependent variable is the

acceptability of rose balls.

This study aims to determine if the qualities and presentation of rose balls can

affect its acceptability, considering that the budget of the respondents are not controlled

by the researchers.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the acceptability of rose balls on Grade 11 students

of Recto Memorial National High School through power point presentation.

Specifically, it seeks answers to the following questions:

1 .What is the mean response of students on the quality of rose balls in terms of:

1.1. Taste

1.2. Aroma

1.3. Appearance

1.4. Health Benefits and

1.5. Cost?

2. What is the mean response of the students on the effectiveness of marketing strategy

(power point) in the acceptability of rose balls?

3. Is there a significant difference between the mean response of students on the quality

of rose balls and the mean response on the marketing strategy in the acceptability of rose



There is no significant difference between the mean response of students on the

quality of rose balls and the mean response of the chosen marketing strategy.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to determine the acceptability of Rose balls among Grade 11

students of Recto Memorial National High School that can be affected by the product’s

quality and the chosen marketing strategy. The researchers assume that this study may be

significant for present and aspiring entrepreneurs for them to get another idea on what

they will sell. In addition, this can be important for any consumers whose looking for

another kind of food which is healthy and affordable. Likewise, this study can help future

researchers to improve their research that is parallel to this study.

Scope and Limitations

This is study aims to prove the acceptability of Rose balls among Grade 11

students of Recto Memorial National High School through presentation as marketing

strategy. This study is only limited to Grade 11 students of Recto Memorial National

High School because the researchers believe that this population is the most appropriate

respondents. The only marketing strategy that the researchers will apply is the use of

power point presentation. The researcher’s questionnaire will only be administered to

those Grade 11 students who consume the product and interested to answer the


This study is conducted from November 2016 to March 2017.

Definition of Terms

Acceptability. Capable or worthy of being accepted.(Meriam Webster, 2016)

Appearance. The way that someone or something looks.(Meriam Webster, 2016)

Aroma. A noticeable and usually pleasant smell. .(Meriam Webster, 2016)

Cost. The price of something the amount of is money that needed to pay for or buy

something. .(Meriam Webster, 2016)

Edible. It means that something is suitable or safe to eat. .(Meriam Webster, 2016)

Health Benefits. Avoid people from sickness, accidental injury or accidental death.

(WikiPedia, 2016)

Marketing Strategy. A process that allows a company to focus limited resources on

the best opportunities to increase sales and there by achieve a suitable competitive

advantage. (WikiPedia, 2016)

Natural Oil. Are oils that consist of aethereal salts of glycerin with a large number of

organic acids such as steanic, olein and palmetin respectively. (WikiPedia, 2016)

Power point Presentation. Collection of individual slides that contain information

on a topic. It is presentation created using Microsoft. (WikiPedia, 2016)

Product. Something that is made or grown to be sold or use. (Meriam Webster, 2016)

Rose. Flower with a smell that is usually white, yellow, red or pink and that grows on

a bush which has thorns on the stems.( Meriam Webster, 2016)

Rose Petals. Are attached to the receptacle underneath the carpets and stamens and

may be separate or joined at their base. (WikiPedia, 2016)

Taste. A sense that functions to determine the flavor of something that you are eating

or drinking. (Meriam Webster, 2016)

Chapter II


This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies that are relevant

to the present study.

Related Literature

Advantages of Power Point Presentation as Marketing Strategy

An article entitled “The Advantages and Disadvantages of Power Point” made by

Boundless Communications (2016) stated power point is the most famous presentation

software. For many individuals, it is considered as the most useful and accessible way to

create and show visual aids to the audience. They also stated that one of the major

advantages of this software is that it can create and present colorful yet organized slides

that can easily attract individuals, particularly the consumers.

Disadvantage of Power Point Presentation as Marketing Strategy

On the other hand, according to Boundless Communications (2016), they also

stated the disadvantage of power point presentation. One the major disadvantage of

power point presentation is that is requires certain equipment in able to perform the


Importance of Choosing A Marketing Strategy

According to Bhuiyan N. (2011), a firm’s marketing strategy should provide a

clear understanding of their goals and objectives in introducing their new product to the
market. He stated that the marketing strategy has a big role in the sales and demand of the

company’s new product.

In the study of Bower et al. (2017), the consumers are now getting more aware on

the product’s labels before they buy it. Before customers purchase a certain product, they

are looking for the best product that contains several benefits in heath and any other

aspects. But in the same time, they are also checking for the product that has a better


S. Jayachandran (2004) sited in his book entitled “Marketing Management” that

if the managers cannot identify a project’s priority and link it with the strategy plan or the

chosen marketing strategy which is designed to meet the future needs of its customer,

then it can affect the management negatively

.In addition, Lucas (2007) stated that creativity is important in appearance, chosen

marketing strategy that will be used in running business can make the business distinct

from its competitors. Entrepreneur should start a pioneering business that will make it

quite distinct to draw more customers to their fold.

In the book entitled “Information System for Competitive Advantage” written by

Grey Larson (2006). It is said that the business’ chosen marketing plan must help the

business on its growth and sustainability. The strategy will support the enterprise as it

works towards to its strategic objectives.

Deliza and MacFie stated that the way on how the seller presents their product in

the market can affect the consumers. It depends on the way of companies in introducing
their product on how much they are able to satisfy the consumer’s desire to buy the


According to Kent B. Monroe (2004), it was stated in his book entitled “Pricing”

that any presentation made by the firm can help the business in making more sales and

building customer relationship.

As an addition, Tast (2008) also stated that the success of the business depends on

several external factors such as the taste, eating and purchasing habits of the consumers.

Likewise, there are also internal factors that affect the sustainability of the business

especially on the restaurant industries such as the new market entrants and demographic


Recent Problems in Nutrition

According to UNICEF Philippines (2015), available data show large numbers of

Filipino children are undernourished: 3.6 million of children 0 to 59 months are

underweight; and 4 million are stunted. Although the number of underweight children has

decrease in the past two decades, it is still not enough to reach the United Nations

Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of reducing the number of underweight children

by half until 2015.

In an article made by Rappler (2014), it is said that even though Filipino people

are talking about the nutrition in the Philippines, it is still hard to achieve the goal of

Filipinos especially the government to minimize the number of unhealthy children.

Observers have seen that local nutrition programs are not sustain and the help brought by

the government is not enough to solve the problem.

According to World Food Programme (2017), good nutrition is a vital element to

live a healthy and productive life. Unfortunately, poor nutrition remains a serious

problem around the world. Annually, number of children that have died because of under

nutrition has been rising than the number of deaths because of AIDS, malaria and

tuberculosis combined.

Popularity of Rose

According to Emma Goldman (2005-2011), roses for the longest time have

enjoyed the honor of being the most popular flower in the world. The reason for

popularity of the rose flowers are its wide variety in terms of color, size, fragrance, and

other attributes that people like the most.

“I’d rather have roses on my table than diamond on my neck” -Emma Goldman

(2005-2011). According to her, she chose rose among diamonds because rose is the

flower of love.

In an article made by Linda Crampton (2017), she stated that rose has been an

adored and valued flower since the ancient times. For centuries that have passed, the

rose’ appearance and scent have been loved by so many people. One of the most

important reasons why roses are used is for its ornamental purposes. In addition, rose

petals are also use in making scented oil and water. These rose’ extracts are added to

perfumes, cosmetics, foods and drinks.

According to Amanda Greene Kelly (2016), rose is the most famous flower that is

serves as a gift in Valentine’s Day. This might be because red rose symbolizes love,

romance, beauty and perfection.

Edibility of Rose

According to Green Deane (2012), he stated that rose petals have different color

and different flavors and the darker ones has the stronger flavor. Rose petals can use in

making salads, desserts, beverages and jellies or jam that can also be a candy.

In an article made by Serena Mason (2010), she said that rose petals are edible

and safe to eat. As a matter of fact, this flower is used in culinary for so many years.

Some of the items that were found in different cuisines are rose syrups, rose flavored

drinks and even desserts that were added with rose.

According to Jim Long (2016), it is proven that rose is edible. In fact, it is

commonly seen at our neighboring countries like India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and

Turkey that is planted on the backyard of every house and serves as an herb. Likewise,

rose has a great significance that the International Herb Association (IHA) has assigned

the rose as the official herb for the year 2012. This came up to the promotion of rose by

Herb Society of America throughout 2012.

On the other hand, an article made by Edible Flowers Chart (1997) claimed that

all rose petals are edible and there are many restaurant chefs and innovative home cooks

added the flavor of their dish with roses. As an addition, they also stated that the white

portion of the rose petals is not edible.

As an addition, according to Edible Flowers Guide (2017), they have stated that

rose (rosa) is also edible. The hint is if it smells good, it will definitely taste good. The

rose petals have a delicate flavor that enhances the taste of cool drinks and fruit dishes. If
this flower is crystallized, it is best used in cakes to serve as a decoration. Also, its hips

and petals can be used to make jellies

Health Benefits of Rose

In the study of Kymera (2016), roses have several natural oils like Citral that is a

strong anti-microbial that is necessary for Vitamin A synthesis. Carvone which is an

effective digestive aid, Citronellyl Acetate that is responsible for the pleasant flavor and

aroma of roses, and also Eugenol which is the richest antioxidant in the world.

According to Normita Thongtham (2014), rose petals way back in the ancient

times are more used in medicine and cuisine rather than using it for beauty purposes.

Over the centuries, various cultures have benefited on rose petals for its essential oils and

fruit, known as hips, as an aphrodisiac, blood tonic, kidney tonic and to aid digestion and

heal Urinary Tract Infection (UTI).

In the study of Serena Mason (2010), edible rose petals are a good source of a

Vitamin C and calcium. According to her, some of the benefits that rose petal can give is

its sweet and soothing fragrance to the human senses. It can also enhance the beauty of a

person. They also said that one of the most common benefits of roses is its high content

of vitamin C that can provide a good assistance in several internal processes of the body.

According to Marc Seward (2016), rose petals are full of vitamin C. He stated that

rose contains a large amount of polyphenols (natural antioxidants) that has the ability to

fix cellular damage and helps the body to prevent serious illnesses like heart disease,

bone weakness and cancer. Likewise, roses have other several antioxidants like quercetin

and ellagic acid.

On the article of Fungo Doktor (2017), there are several useful properties of rose

especially for women. The substance of roses are containing several natural oils that

helps women in reducing painful periods, irregular menstruation, uterine fibroids,

inflammation of the pelvis, vaginitis, premature menopause symptoms, increase in breast

lobules, violation of internal secretion.

Impact of Product Pricing on the Consumers

According to Nitisha (2016), the demand of a certain product is affected by

several factors and one of these factors is the cost of the product. The cost of a product

affects the demand of a product. The relationship between the cost of a product and

quantity of the product is inverse. It means that the lower the price, the higher the number

of the products sold.

In the study of Alastair M. Marrison (2010) in his book entitled “Marketing for

the Hospital and Travel Industry” it is confirmed that pricing is the final element of the

marketing mix. In this book, it clearly explains that pricing is not only a direct

determinant of profitability, but also a powerful promotional tool. Some inherent,

conflicts in the duality of pricing are identified.

Experimental Economics Center (2006) also stated that customers are more able

to buy more products if it has a low price while they buy less number of products if it is

having a higher price.

In addition, according to Experimental Economics Center (2006), there are many

causes why customers change their perspective in consuming a product. One of the
causes is the product’s taste. It is one of the things that can change consumer’s

preferences to buy more or less of a product.

Impact of Quality of the Product onto Consumers

According to Air-Aroma (2012), the human senses are the things that attract the

consumers in buying a product or goods. Specifically, one this senses is the smell which

is important in consuming the food that customers eat. The aroma of the food can affect

the taste buds of the customers in which it will make them continue to buy the product if

it smells good but if it only smells bad then the customers will be having second thoughts

on buying the product. Also, the customers may also stop in consuming the product if

they do not like its smell.

Tast (2009) stated that any important matters that can negatively affect the

consumption of the product such as the bad effects in terms of customer’s health, change

in taste, and cost can adversely affect the financial performance of the involve company.

According to Cora Lucas (2007) in her book entitled “Pinoy Entrepreneur”, it was

sited at pg. 22 that customers will be more attracted if the sellers stimulate creativity. If

entrepreneurs will think of something different in able to approach the consciousness of

the customers on the business or think of different kind of food that can be sold in the

market then that can make a great possibility of attracting several customers.

According to Case Studies and White Papers (1996), in their article entitled

“Sales: Smell is a Powerful Sense- It can make you Buy”, it is said that smell has the

ability to affect our emotions. It can make people salivate, changes the heart rate, attract
us to an opposite sex, and stir memories that is good to remember but one of the most

important effects of smell is that it can make us buy.

In Joel Dean's (2014) interview with DDW CEO Ted Nixon, the CEO stated that

people have a great possibility of not try a new food that is not looking good or

presentable. The CEO also said that if food does not taste good, the customer will not try

it again.

According to Jayachandran (2004), in planning market offerings, a marketer

should think in terms of customer’s expectation, benefits, aspirations, and taste because it

affects the demand of a business.

In Demand Products

According to Ayngelina (2011), billions of people around the world eat street

food. It was been obvious that street foods became one of the most in demand product

around the world because of the undeniable fact that it is cheaper and available than any

other food products.

In an article made by Anna Mcphee (2015), she stated that street food has a great

appeal on many people due to the authenticity vibe that it brings. She had found out that

street food is somehow better than the restaurant food because of its fast serving and

enjoyable turnaround time. Also, street food’s price can be afford by so many people too

that’s why every consumers will never get a financial problem in consuming this product.

According to Philippine and Famous Street Foods in the Philippines (2006), one

of the most favorite street foods of people is fried balls. Street foods, like fried balls
spotted on school, bus, or jeep terminals, church, and parks. According also to this site,

the reason why people wants street foods in restaurant is the prices of street foods that

cannot go beyond twenty pesos or approximately 0.50 dollars.

Related Studies

Importance of Choosing A Marketing Strategy

In the research study entitled “Concept of Diffusion Innovation: Rapid Growth

Stages of a New Product” conducted by EM Rogers (2006), is associated with the

concept of diffusion innovation. The concept deals with the process explain how a new

product is getting diffused across a market over a period of time. He had proven that the

concept of every marketing strategy is very valuable to marketer in the sense that it

underlines the introduction and rapid growth stages of a new product after its launching.

Therefore, a marketer must understand the adaption process of a product so that they will

be curious what is the new product being sold in the market in that time, they will buy the

new product through appropriate communication and promotion at strategies.

Impact of Quality of the Product onto Consumers

In the research made by Johanna Elzerman et al. (2011), they have proven that the

overall appearance of certain meal affects the decision making of customers on whether

to buy it or not. The texture and the shape of the product or goods can be the reason why

the customers will like it or not.

Chapter III


This chapter discusses the methodology and procedure use in conducting the

study. It covers the research design, respondents of the study, research instrument, data

gathering procedure, and statistical treatment.

Research Design

The researchers utilize the experimental research to determine the acceptability of

Rose balls among Grade 11 students of Recto Memorial National High School through

presentation marketing strategy.

According to Teresa Odle and Richard Meyer (2009), experimental research is

generally recognized as the most appropriate method for drawing causal conclusion about

instructional interventions. In addition, it involves random assignment to treatments and

control of extraneous variables.

The researchers choose to use experimental research in order to find the

acceptability of Rose balls based on the quality and the marketing strategy used.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are the students of Grade 11 at Recto Memorial

National High School who are going to buy the Rose balls. The _____ students are the

researcher’s total population.

To be able to gather the necessary data, the researchers use simple random

sampling and Slovin’s formula with the margin of error of 5% to come up with _____


Research Instrument

The researchers utilize the researchers-made questionnaire. This will be

administered to determine the acceptability of Rose Balls among Grade 11 students of

Recto Memorial National High School through power point presentation as marketing

strategy. The survey questionnaire was validated by the research adviser.

The survey questionnaire is consists of two parts. The first part is about the

qualities of the Rose balls that has a scale from Highly Satisfied (5), Moderately Satisfied

(4), Satisfied (3), Not Satisfied (2), to Did Not Meer Expectations (1). Likewise, the

other part is about the marketing strategy that has a scale from Strongly Agree (5),

Moderately Agree (4), Agree (3), Disagree (2), to Strongly Disagree (1). This is helpful

for determining what the researchers aim to know more about the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers undergo a series of the procedures in order to gather the data and

information needed.
First, the researchers are going to do is the product making procedure. The

researchers cook the Rose balls in order to introduce and sell the product to the target


Second, the researchers prepare the power point presentation that serves as their

marketing strategy.

Third, the researchers made a questionnaire that has two parts. The first part is a

one-item (1) instrument that has 5 sub-parts that covers the quality of rose balls in terms

of taste, aroma, appearance, health benefits, and cost. The second part contains two-item

(2) instrument that must be answered by their respondents which is the Grade 11 students

of Recto Memorial National High School. The researchers made a questionnaire to help

them evaluate the acceptability of Rose Balls among Grade 11 students in Recto

Memorial National High School through presentation as marketing strategy.

Fourth, the researchers conduct the survey to the students who buy the researchers

product and willing to answer the researchers made questionnaire. Then the researchers

use simple random sampling to get the unbiased set of respondents.

Lastly, the researchers tally the result to evaluate the acceptability of rose balls

among Grade 11 students in Recto Memorial National High School through presentation

as marketing strategy as their basis.

Statistical Treatment

All data gathered are treated statistically with the use of Slovin’s formula with the

margin error of 5% to compute for the exact sample needed to get the correct evaluation

for the acceptability of rose balls among the grade 11 students of Recto Memorial

National High School through Power point presentation as marketing Strategy the

formula is shown below:

n= N

Where n= the sample size

N= the population

e= the marginal error (could be 5%)

For problems 1 and 2 in the statement of the problem, the researchers use

weighted mean to come up with the results. The formula is shown below:

X = ∑x
Where x = the sample mean

∑x = the summation of response

n = the total sample

For problem 3 the researchers will compute for the difference between the mean

response of the students on problem 1 and the mean response of the students in problem 2


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