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Public Health 182 (2020) 187

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Letter to the Editor

Coronavirus disease 2019 in Iran: the need for more attention to

primary health care

While the global effort to prevent coronavirus disease 2019

This, mostly, includes other issues related to the supply of needed
(COVID-19) spread continues, some experts have suggested that
medicines and the possibility of developing specialized hospital
the disease may be in its first stages.1 After initial reports of the dis-
settings, including intensive care units that are necessary in these
ease from China, recent reports of this contagious disease have also
critical conditions.8
been reported elsewhere in the world, including in the World
The use of high-capacity primary health care along with
Health Organization (WHO) Eastern Mediterranean region such
increased awareness of preventive methods is an effective step in
as Iran.2 The Eastern Mediterranean is an area that has many public
the effort to control COVID-19 in Iran especially after the recent
health problems.3
widespread epidemic situation. Increasing international coopera-
On February 20, the Iranian Ministry of Health reported the first
tion and reducing economic constraints can be an effective step to-
cases of the disease. In fact, in Iran, the initial report, in addition to
ward improving the current situation.
reporting two cases, also reported deaths. 4 Given that the incidence
of these cases was unrelated to any direct source outside of Iran,
and on the other hand, given the geographical location of the prov- References
inces where the Iranian Ministry of Health reported cases (central
areas of the country), the probability of the epidemic situation of 1. The L. COVID-19: fighting panic with information. Lancet (London, England)
the disease could be considered. 2020;395(10224):537.
2. World Health Organization. Update on COVID-19 in the eastern mediterranean
In fact, it could be argued in the epidemiology of the current sit- re- gion. Feb 16, 2020. Available from:
uation that despite the low number of the reported primary deaths, update-on-covid-19-in-the-eastern-mediterranean-region.html.
their importance in the secondary or tertiary transmission position 3. Brennan R, Hajjeh R, Al-Mandhari A. Responding to health emergencies in the
Eastern Mediterranean region in times of conflict. Lancet (London, England)
could be very worrying. This was a prediction that came with the
rapid spread of the disease throughout Iran in a short span. 4. World Health Organization. Situational report-31. 20 February, 2020. Available
Accord- ing to WHO statistics, at the end of March 9 and in less from:
than three weeks after the first new case report in Iran, the total ¼
reports/ 20200220-sitrep-31-covid-19.pdf?sfvrsn dfd11d24_2.
5. World Health Organization. Situational report. 9 March, 2020. Available from:
number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Iran was more than
6500 and the total deaths from COVID-19 was 194.5 ¼
20200309-sitrep-49-covid-19.pdf?sfvrsn 70dabe61_4.
In these situations, in addition to providing high-quality 6. World Health Organization. Programms. 2013. Available from:
medical services to patients, there is a serious need for basic care, 7. World Health Organization. IRIS home. 2018. Available from: https://apps.who.
including education for the general public in various areas of int/iris/handle/10665/326243.
prevention and related health care. In addition to considerations 8. The Word Bank. Overview. 2018. Available from: country/iran/overview.
regarding the abil- ity to manage the conditions ahead, given the
wide scope of the issue across the country, the primary care system
is important in identifying and correctly referring cases. R. Badrfamy
The primary healthcare system in Iran has had a good standing Roozbeh Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
over the past few years. The structure has, implemented many
A. Zandifar*
WHO and other public health programs, including the polio eradi-
Social Determinants of Health Research Center (SDH), Alborz
cation program.6 Over the past few years, the capacity of primary
University of Medical Sciences, Karaj, Iran
health care in Iran has been maintained at an acceptable level
owing to the use of appropriate and efficient methods, and the *
WHO has reported significant progress in this area, even as a Corresponding author. 45 meter Golshahr, Alborz, Iran. Tel.:
model for some countries.7 þ 0098 2634643774.
But the important issue has been the shortage of resources in E-mail address: (A. Zandifar).
the health sector over the last few years, and especially in the
last two years, owing to the numerous economic bottlenecks in 10 March 2020

Address: Roozbeh Hospital, South Kargar Street, Tehran, Iran. Tel.: þ0098
0033-3506/© 2020 The Royal Society for Public Health. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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