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Name: Nalishta Amalalhusna Firdausy

Class: 7C/24

Activity 1
Read the dialog and answer the questions carefully.

Visitor : Excuse me.

Ticket seller : Hallo, welcome to ABC Zoo! May I help you?
Visitor : I’ve bought the tickets online. Can I redeem them here?
Ticket seller : Sure. Please scan your QR code here.
Visitor : Okay.
Ticket seller : Two tickets under the name of James Watson. Is that correct?
Visitor : Yes, correct.
Ticket seller : All right, here are your tickets.
Visitor : Thank you.
Ticket seller : Is there anything else I can help you with?
Visitor : No, that would be all. Thanks.
Ticket seller : Ok. Enjoy your visit.

1. Find the meaning !

Visitor = Pengunjung
Ticket seller = Penjual Tiket
May I help you ? = Ada yang bias saya bantu?
Scan = Pindai
Correct = Benar
2. Where does the dialog probably happen?
At the Zoo.
3. Who buy the tickets online?
The visitor.
4. How many tickets does the visitor buy?
The visitor buys two tickets.
5. What will the visitor do after finishing the process in the ticket seller?
Visitor can take a ticket and enter into the zoo.

Activity 2
Read the dialog and answer the questions carefully.
Son : Oh look, dad! It’s an elephant!
Dad : That’s right! It’s an elephant. How do you know that it’s an elephant?
Son : Because it is big, it has big ears, and it has a trunk.
Dad : You’re indeed a smart boy.
Son : Look! Here comes another elephant! Now there are two elephants.
Dad : You’re right. Hey, can you see the tall creatures over there?
Son : Yeah. They’re giraffes, aren’t they?
Dad : Yep. Let’s go there and take a look at them closer.
Son : Okay.
1. Find the meaning!
Big ears = Telinga besar
A trunk = belalai
Smart = Pintar
Tall creature = hewan yang tinggi
Look = Lihat
2. What do the speakers do in the zoo?
The speakers are look animals.
3. How does the speaker know that the first animal is an elephant?
Because it is big, it has big ears, and it has a trunk.
4. What is the relationship between the speakers?
Son and Dad.
5. What do they do after seeing the elephants?
They went to see the giraffes.
Activity 3
Which one is not belongs to the group.

Elephant Book Egg

Zebra Pencil Donut
Mouse Sharpener Chocolate
peacock television cake

cat Jasmine LCD projector

Snake Rose Cupboard
Rabbit Sunflower Blackboard
hamster cactus door

Visitor Bear Mother

Student Tiger Grandpa
Teacher Rhinoceros Father
librarian dolphin sister

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