Soal BING XII SMS 1 Lengkap

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Alamat : Jalan Muchtar Kelurahan Laing Kota Solok Kode Pos 27326 Telp. 08116614044
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TP. 2021/2022

Hari / Tanggal :
Waktu :
Mata Pelajaran :
Kelas : XII

1. Tulislah terlebih dahulu Nama, Nomor Peserta dan Mata Pelajaran pada tempat yang tersedia pada
lembar jawaban!
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal sebelum dijawab!
3. Laporkan pada pengawas jika ada tulisan kurang yang jelas, rusak, atau jumlah soal kurang!
4. Dahulukan menjawab soal yang dianggap mudah!
5. Periksa ulang Lembar Jawaban sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas!
6. Tidak dibenarkan menggunakan kalkulator, handphone atau alat Bantu lainnya!

Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang dianggap benar!

1. We were late ..... the car broke down on the way.

A. .Since
B. Because
C. Because of
D. therefore

2. His success was ..... his father’s hard work.

A. Because
B. Since
C. due to
D. As

3. Anggi : Shaza, why did you not sing in the birthday party last week?
Shaza : Sorry Anggi, I could not throat was sore.
A. As the result of
B. Because of
C. owing to
D. For

4. The effect of Gia stayed up past midnight are.... except

A. She woke up early
B. She was very tired
C. She got sick
D. She was late to school

5. . .... his hard work, Gusti was promoted to Assistant Manager.

A. Due to
B. Since
C. Because
D. As consequently

6. Ira : Gita, do you know why do your friend always late ?

Gita : She always late ......her gaming habit
A. for
B. Since
C. Because
D. As the result of
7. I eat organic food . . . .stay healthy
A. So
B. For
C. Because
D. In order to

. This text for questions no 8 to 11

From: Ray Reynolds

To: Head of Environmental Major Kings College London
Date: March 20, 2020
Sub: Plastic Awareness Campaign

You recently asked me to submit a short report on “The Plastic Awareness Campaign” that I have been
conducting in the neighborhood. You asked that I submit a report within three weeks of the start of the

The Plastic Awareness Campaign has been held in 10 cities until now. Workshops, interactive sessions,
as well as pamphlets are an integral part of the campaign.

Students have demonstrated a keen interest in our campaign. More than a hundred students have come
forth to join the campaign and encourage people to use plastic wisely. Students enroll in workshops
conducted by Mr. Das and others. They are asked to explore alternatives other than plastic. They are
also instructed in proper disposal of plastic and made aware of the dangers of plastic to the

The response to Plastic Awareness Campaign has been positive. Students show a lot of interest in
pursuing the campaign, even outside of their area.

I would like to recommend that the Plastic Awareness Campaign continue for another two months. This
will make it possible to educate several schools in the city. It would also be helpful if students are taught
how to make simple paper bags using old newspapers, magazines, and books.

8. The report is adressed to ....

A. Students
B. Volunteers
C. Ray Reynold
D. Head of Environmental Major Kings College London

9. The title of the report is...

A. Plastic Awareness Campaign
B. The Start of the Campaign.
C. Disposal of Plastic
D. Methodology of Plastic Campaign

10. How long should the report be submitted?

A. twenty days of the start of the campaign
B. twenty one days of the start of the campaign.
C. twenty two days of the start of the campaign.
D. twelve days of the start of the campaign.

11. “I would like to recommend that the Plastic Awareness Campaign continue for another two months.
This will make it possible to educate several schools in the city. It would also be helpful if students
are taught how to make simple paper bags using old newspapers, magazines, and books.This
paragraph is called ....
A. Background
B. Methodology
C. Findings
D. Recommendation

12. In writing a report,setting out the aims and objectives, terms and definition is called as ....

A. Acknowledgement
B. Methodology
C. Introduction
D. analysis
13. A list of technical or special words in report is called ....
A. Abstract
B. Glossary
C. Recommendation
D. content page

14. The expressions for introducing subject of the presentations is .......

A. Good luck, Ladies and Gentlemen...”
B. “Good morning everybody. It’s been very nice to be here...”
C. “My beloved teachers and friends. Today I would like to present my report about...
D. “ First of all, I would like to thank to everybody for helping me to finish my report

15. The expression for opening the presentation is ...

A. Good luck, Ladies and Gentelmen...”
B. “Good morning everybody. It’s been very nice to be here...”
C. “My beloved teachers and friends. Today I would like to present my report”about ...
D. “ First of all, I would like to thank to everybody for helping me to finish my report”

16. To give an example in presenting report we can use these expression, except ....
A. Let me turn now to ............
B. As an illustration ..............
C. A good example of this is .............
D. To give you an example ..........

17. “Well, thank you for listening. Before I abandon you to continue ahead with your work, I want to
say again that we are so happy to have you with us”. This expression is used to ..... a presentation.
A. Opening
B. Closing
C. Summarizing
D. Making recommendation

This text for questions no 16 - 18

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, nice to meet you all. My name is Rina. In this presentation, we
are going to discuss the river in our village that is full of plastics and waste. The purpose of our
presentation is to find out the best strategy how to handle plastic waste so it will not damage our
environment, what we mean is the river in this village.

Can you see the pictures here? Look, these pictures are different from each other. The first picture is
the river back in 2009. It is so clean, isn’t it? But the second picture here is the condition of the river
at this time, in 2019. Clearly, we have a big issue with waste management in our village.

Now, we will divide our presentation into two sections.

18. What is the topic of Rina’s presentation?

A. the river in a village
B. villagers near river
C. plastic waste in the river
D. environment in the river

19. Who are the audience of Rina?

A. villagers near the river
B. village’s officials
C. Environmentalist
D. Villagers
20. How do Rina present her media?
A. Using photos
B. Using graphics
C. Using charts
D. using slide

this text for number 21-24

March 4,2020

Mr. Jhon Brown

The Health Centre
72 Oak Wood Street
Columbus, Ohio 43207

Dear Mr. Brown

I am writing to express my interest in the Nursery Nurse role I saw advertised in Chronicle News.
I am a qualified Nursery Nurse and I have been working in this position for two years at our local
early years centers, but I have decided I am ready to take on the new challengge of working with the
health visiting team at your surgery. In my current role, I am responsble for coordinating many of the
activities we do with the children, including song time, creative play and basic literacy and numeracy
activities. I am an exellent communicator. I ooze confidence in my job, and I am motivated and
creative which I think are very important traits for a Nursery Nurse.
I have attached a copy of my CV detailing my other qualifications and achievements for your
perusal. I would be able to attend an interview within one week and I have a four week noticed
period in my existing role should you be interest in me joining your team.
I look forward to hearing from you soon .

Kindest regars,

Jane Smith

21. How long has the writer worked as the same position?
A. None
B. A year
C. Two years
D. Three years

22. What does the writer include in her curculum vitae?

A. Her education and experiences
B. Her education and biography
C. Her qualification and awards
D. Her other Qualification and achievements

23. From the letter we know that.......

A. The applicant knew the vacancy from the website
B. The applicant is still working
C. The applicant wants to work at a hospital
D. The applicant needs one week for the decision

24. Who wrote the applicantion letter?

A. Mr. Jhon Brown
B. Mr. Brown
C. Chronicle News
D. Jane Smith
This text for no 25-27

November 13th,2021
Mr. Zulhilmi
Muchtar Laing Street
Solok- SumBar

Dear Mr Zul,
Thank you for posting your need for a teaching on I am available to fill this opening and can
(25) … working immediately after hiring.

I (26) … obtained my degree from Padang State University. As a graduate in English Educatian, I have
acquainted myself with a range of skills that would allow me to blend with your school.

From your advertisement, I can see that you are looking for candidates who have (27) … spoken and
written English skills. I look forward to an opportunity to meet you and further discuss my

Very truly yours,

Asmara Dewi Soja

A. Begin
B. Pass
C. Lose
D. Stop

A. Totally
B. Recently
C. Disccused
D. Intensively

A. Exellent
B. Ordinary
C. Common
D. Normal

Mr. Keith Amstrong

Light Restaurant
23 Hyde Street

Dear Mr. Amstrong,

I have recently seen your advertisement for the position of waiter which you are looking for in your
restaurant and I would be interested to apply for this position.
I have worked in customer facing roles for three years now and enjoy providing good quality service
to my customers. I learned the ins and outs of industry, including food handling techniques and how to
take orders efficiently.
I also served as a hostess and waitress at Joe’s Cafe, where I was introduced to proper cleaning
I have enclose my CV, If you are interested in my skills, please do not hesitate to contact me and I
will be happy to answer any question that you may have. Thank you for your time and consideration


Gerry Johnson
28. What position does the writer apply for?
A. A customer service assistant
B. A reseptionist
C. A waiter
D. A chef

29. What has the writer learn from the last job experience?
A. Providing good quality service
B. The ins and outs of the industry
C. Food handling techniques
D. Proper cleaning tecniques

30. “If you are interested in my skills, please do not hesitate to contact me...”
A. Wait
B. Find
C. Ignore
D. Considere

31. Man : Do you need some help?

Woman : Yes, Please. The tap is broken. I have to go but the water keeps running. I can’t leave it
Man : I’ll fix it, Ma’am. Don”t worry. You may leave
Woman : Thank you

What can you understand from the dialogue?

A. The woman needs help
B. The woman broke the tap
C. The man will leave the woman
D. The man wants to use the tap

32. Man : Excuse me, may I help you?

Woman : I’m glad you come, sir. My motorcycle got a flat tyre
Man : The road is crowded, Ma’am. It is dangerous if you stop here. I’ll call the mechanic to
fix it, so let me move your motorcycle over there
Woman : Thank you, sir

What do you thinkof the man’s profession?

A. A mechanic
B. A. policeman
C. A driver
D. A plumber

This dialogue is for question 33 to 35

Andres : Good Afternoon. Can I help you?
Kelly : Good afternoon. Yes, please. I’m looking for a dress for my prom
Andres :What kind of dress would you like?
Kelly : I don’t know. What kinds of dress have you had
Andres : We have short and long dress. I think this one is suitable for you
Kelly : Oh, you are right. How did you know my style?. Well, I like the color and the size looks fit in
me. Can I try it on?
Andres : yes, you can. Changing room is right over there
Kelly : thank you

33. The dialougue take place at...

A. A shoe store
B. A dispensary
C. A prom
D. A boutique

34. Which of the following statement is true based on the dialogue

A. Kelly knows what kind of dress she would buy.
B. Kelly wants to find long dress for her prom
C. Andres accompanies Kelly to choose the dress
D. Andres gives Kelly suggestion in chosing the dress
35. Where will Kelly Probably go then?
A. To exit room
B. To the cashier
C. To the changing room
D. To another dress counter

36. Lala: You look pale.

Jimi: I've got a serious headache.
Lala:  ....................

A. Let me take you to the restaurant.

B. What about a glass of avocado juice?
C. Let me take you to the hospital.
D. Would you like fried or steamed chicken?

37. Tom: This question is so difficult to answer.

Jerry: ............................
A. Just don't answer it.
B. Let's stop studying and go playing.
C. Would you like a cup of coffee?
D. Let me help you working on it.

38.  Tommy: Oh my God, I left my book at home.

Ayu: ...........................
A. Shall I take it for you?
B. Just forget it.
C. Let me take you to school.
D. I'll treat you chicken noodles.

39. Eric: Sir, I think I'm lost.

Indra: .............................
A. Can I help you? I know this place.
B. Let me help you carrying your bag.
C. May I help you? I have a dog too.
D. Shall I clean your shoes.

40. Vika: I don't understand chemistry at all.

Novi: .................................
A. How about having dinner with me?
B. How about going to the beach?
C. How about studying together with me?
D. How about calling the police?

II. Essay.

Question 1-3 refers to the following text

Dear Mr. John Doe:

I came across your advertisement in Entrepreneur Magazine and I became very interested in learning more
about the position available within your organization, especially theDigital Marketing Manager position.
Please be assured that after you review my resume, you will find that I am a well-qualified digital marketing
specialist eager to successfully promote campaignsthat drive interest among potential buyers. With eight years of
advertising andpromotional experience and five years as a social media specialist, I amcommitted to providing
the finest level of account management and marketingsolutions. My high professional standards, excellent
communication skills, andenthusiasm are a perfect match for your organization.
I would very much like to be a part of your team. Please feel free to contact mewith any questions by phone at
123.456.7890 or by email at saIIysmith@gmaiI.comI look forward to discussing this position and the
contributions I can make to yourteam structure.

Yours Sincerely,

Sally Smith


1. What is the writer's reason of writing the letter?

2. What position is the applicant interested to?
3. How many years of work experience does the applicant have?

Question 4 and 5 refers to the following dialog

Rino : Are you sure can lift all the books by yourself?

Martin : Sure. It’s not that heavy. And the library is not really far.

Rino : 4.. . . . . . ?

Martin : No. It’s OK, I can manage. Thanks, by the way

4. Fill in the blank with suitable expression.

5. Where will Martin bring all the books?


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