Nguyễn Thị Bình Minh

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Full name: Nguyễn Thị Bình Minh

Class: IBK8
Student ID: DTQ1853403010021


I, Introduction
Maria Onyango, Emma Liwenga and Francis Mugabe (2013) demonstrated the
importance of knowledge sharing in climate change adaptation in several
African countries. The authors have shown that African countries are vulnerable
to climate change due to their low adaptability. Therefore, knowledge sharing is
an important tool to influence behaviour change and improve adaptive capacity
among individuals in the community because it promotes learning and
knowledge acquisition. Research results have shown that indigenous knowledge
is a useful tool in rainfall forecasting, knowledge sharing helps to improve the
effectiveness of institutions and policies in preventing climate change in
localities. Therefore, to improve adaptive capacity, knowledge sharing among
individuals should be promoted.
Sekaleli T.S.T and Sebusi K (2013) conducted a report on farmer response and
adaptation strategies to climate change in Mafeteng district, Lesotho. This study
focuses on analyzing the impact of climate change on the agricultural economy,
thereby proposing solutions for the government in Mafeteng district. The results
of the study indicate that farmers in Kolo and Ts’akholo have experienced a
decline in yield due to the effects of climate change. Due to increasing levels of
land degradation, drought and scarcity of rainfall in Mafeteng district, and low
returns from agriculture, there is a growing need for climate change-adaptive
farming technologies. higher. From this situation, Sekaleli TST and Sebusi K
proposed an urgent solution that NGOs and local governments should share
information and knowledge and other basic resources on farming. in climate
change for people. In particular, communication channels should be maximized
to help more farmers access information on climate change.
According to Vietnam, one of the ten countries that will be most affected by
climate change In the past few years, the agricultural economy in the North has
been on a downward trend due to the effects of climate change.( Hao, 2018).
According to local monitoring data, the average annual temperature in many
districts in the Northern mountainous region increased by 2-3oC, sunshine and
drought occurred more frequently; cold winters, lots of frost, severe cold spells,
increased damage while in summer, off-season rains and heavy rains cause flash
floods and flash floods (, 2018)... small to agricultural
production activities of people in mountainous areas, specifically reducing
productivity, increasing investment costs, causing soil erosion and degradation,
and changing crop structure in many localities.
Adaptation to climate change in agriculture has been mentioned by many
researchers in Vietnam. Vietnam is known for its diverse geography and
climate. This diversity helps Vietnamese agriculture have many opportunities to
develop in the market. However, here may also be detrimental to Vietnam in
adapting to climate change. In each region, the impact of climate change is
different. If the North often faces flash floods and landslides, people in the West
and Central Highlands are concerned about drought and salt water. Therefore, to
adapt to climate change, it is necessary to have separate solutions for each
Indigenous knowledge is considered a useful tool to help people adapt to
climate change. Indigenous knowledge has a high adaptability to the
environment of the people where such indigenous knowledge has been formed,
experienced and developed. Indigenous knowledge is the result of observation,
drawing experiences from daily life and in agro-forestry production, in resource
management and community management, formed directly from the process of
labor and labor. activities of all people in the community, gradually perfected
and passed on to the next generations. Therefore, the application of indigenous
knowledge in climate change adaptation is the key to success for sustainable
livelihood development, especially for ethnic minorities.
Nguyen Thi Thuy Mai (2018) with her research on adaptation to climate change
in the agricultural field of coastal people in Tien Hai district, Thai Binh
province has also shown that knowledge sharing plays an important role in
development. economic development of households in this area. The author has
conducted a study of 400 households in 8 coastal communes: Dong Hai, Dong
Long, Dong Hoang, Dong Minh, Nam Cuong, Nam Thinh, Nam Hung, and
Nam Phu engaged in farming, animal husbandry, and farming. , fishing. The
research results show that the factor of social capital has a positive impact on
the ability of households to adapt to climate change. Households with many
relationships with friends, relatives, etc. will easily adapt to climate change.
Survey results and in-depth interviews in the two study areas show that these
relationships are mainly used by people to exchange and share knowledge,
experience and market information.
II, Research question;
- What factors will affect farmers' knowledge sharing in agricultural farming in
Dai Tu district, Thai Nguyen province?
- How does knowledge sharing affect farmers' ability to adapt to climate change
in agricultural cultivation in Dai Tu district, Thai Nguyen province?
III, Research objectives
* Main research objectives: Assessing the status of farmers' adaptability to
climate change in agricultural cultivation in Dai Tu district. The effects of
knowledge sharing on improving resilience to climate change.
* Detailed research objective:
- Assess the status of adaptability to climate change in agricultural cultivation of
farmers in Dai Tu district.
- Evaluation of knowledge sharing activities in the community to respond to
climate change of farmers in Dai Tu district.
- Assessing the impact of knowledge sharing on adaptation to climate change in
agricultural farming of farmers in Dai Tu district.
- Proposing some solutions to improve the adaptability to climate change in
agricultural farming of farmers in Dai Tu district.
IV, Research design
The research will use qualitative research method. The group will collect
primary data through interview form (PVS) of a number of farmers on the status
of climate adaptation in Dai Tu district, Thai Nguyen province, Vietnam.
* Research process:
- Define research problem
- Documentation review:
+ Assess the status of adaptation to climate change
+ Assess the status of knowledge sharing
+ Assess the impact of knowledge sharing
- Proposing some solutions to improve adaptability to climate change
- Nguyễn Thị Thúy Mai (2018). Thích ứng với biến đổi khí hậu trong lĩnh vực
nông nghiệp của người dân ven biển huyện Tiền Hải, tỉnh Thái Bình, Luận văn
tiến sĩ.
- Maria Onyango, Emma Liwenga and Francis Mugabe (2013). Knowledge
Sharing And Institutional Capacity Building For Climate Change Adaptation.
International Journal of Innovation Sciences and Research. 1 (7), 23- 32.
- Hào, V. (2018). Biến đổi khí hậu tại vùng núi Đông Bắc-Bài 1: Những ảnh
hưởng tiêu cực đến kinh tế-xã hội.
- Sekaleli T.S.T và Sebusi K(2013), Farmers’ Response and Adaptation
Strategies to Climate Change in Mafeteng District, Lesotho. African
Technology Policy Studies Network,, ATPS WORKING PAPER No. 74
- (2018). Nghiên cứu xu thế thời tiết khu vực miền núi phía
Bắc phục vụ phát triển kinh tế - xã hội.

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