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Developable FreeForm Envelopes

What are they?
i s a single cur ve d sur f ace .
D e ve l o p a b l e s u r fa ce s a re ruled sur faces , which
means that at ever y point of itself there exists a
straight line which remains within the sur face.
Howe ve r not all ruled sur face are deve lopable. Th ese sur f aces have a 0 gaussian

G aussian Cur vature, zero (developable), negative and positive cur vature

I n shor t, it allows architec ts to use freeform cur ve d enve lopes

for their buildings the negative So what?
fac ts of double cur ved sur faces. Th e problem with double cur ved sur faces is that
yo u’re restric ted within the choice of mate rials and yo u have to resor t to expensive
technologies in order to “stretch” the mate rial.
Single cur ved sur faces can be easily be obtained by folding a o f m ater i a l
thanks to an (inexpensive & fast) sheet bender.

Sheet Bender in action

Co nes and Cylinders are basic developable shapes, they can be obtained by bending a flat sheet of metal

D a nny te K l oese
Is it ncew? been k nown for a longtime in many areas of enginieering. Especially
in the domain of aeroplane industr y it has proven it ’s usefullness. I n the architec ture
What is possible? What is impor tant to notice is that developable free -
fo r m e nve l o p e s c a n b e s u b di v i s e d i n 2 c ate go r i e s :
“Pure D evelopables ” , which are envelopes of which the whole can be co nsiderated as a
we began to use this k i nd of sur faces since the 50’s thanks to the constant innovations in d e ve l o p a b l e fo r m . Fo r mw i s e yo u’re l i m i te d o f t h e fo r m s you c a n o b t a i n .
concrete. However the forms used within the buildings remained simple because the And the second one, “Com po s i te D eve l o pabl e s ”. Which are enve lopes which in themself
technologies at that time didn' t permit to design more complex forms . are not a developable sur face but which are composed of developable sur faces.
I t's only since the last decade of the the past centur y that the complexit y of the projec ts
co uld evolve thanks to development of computer graphics.

Drawing showing the straight tangents at A t ypical compositive de ve lopable, e ve r y modul in itse lf is Fra n k G e h r y , Expe rie nce M us i c Proj e c t . Pure de ve l opabl e
ever y point within the envelope. developable. forms.

The easiest way to create deve lopable sur -

face s is to “ l of t ” 2 freefo rm ra ils to gether.
How to create them?
Howe ver this will gi ve yo u just A re sult, not the re sult. Bet ween t wo rails there exist an
g uid es” -
Cristo Obrero Church, Eladio Dieste maticly, so it ’s a time costing process.
Designed in 1950 built in 1956

Three developable sur faces created each by identical lof ting rails, however each
sur face has it ’s own “.ruling guides”
Projec t during construc tion Restaurant at Xochimilco, Felix Ca ndela, 1958

The innovations within concrete (and

late r- on plastics) from the 50’s-70’s So it's cheaper, that's all?
we’ve been using since thousands of years in construc tion. The problem is that it ’s really
hard to represent and create cur ved sur faces with a paper and pencil, so we need to make
use of digitally driven techniques. The idea is nice but while a computer is able to show a
per fec tly cur ved sur face on the screen, in real life it ’s much harder to obtain such a shape.
Single cur ve d sur f aces is a compromise
can design complex cur ved envelopes while remaining almost the simplicit y of pythago -
re a n g e o m e t r i e s.
Unrolled sur face of each variation.
Paper Folding, a possibility? Origamis (paper folding) have been
practised since more then 400 years.
However only recently people started started to
experiment with curved folding lines instead of
straight ones. This innovation drastically
Algorithmic Modelisation a necessity?
changed the aspect of paper folding. It allows to
obtain elegent single curved surfaces. This tran-
sition however made it much more difficult to
create the origamis. By example it’s almost
impossible to obtain the forms only by hand. The Creating a developable surface isn’t complicated in
folding lines have to be burned by a laser before- itself. The simplest way consist of creating two curves
hand, and normal paper is often too weak for and them lofting them together. To gather more
these forms. Due to these increasing complexi- control of the surface guiding lines can be used.
ties it takes a long research and find a single Nothing more simple.
pattern. This might also be the reason why it’s Things get complicated when you want to manipu-
hardly possible to find any developed pattern to late these developable surfaces or trying to work
fold on internet. further with the properties of the surface, in order to
able - find new forms.
Thanks to plugins, like Grasshopper or Rhinoscript-
we’re able to work with the properties of
Thanks to Grasshopper I was able to change the width of the surface based
developable surfaces, instead of just creating them.
on the intensity of the bend at a local point, creating a shape fully based on This allows us to gain acces to more complex forms.
the surface properties

It’s by example also possible to change the depth of a volume based on the This experiment by Rodrigo (Culagovski), subdivides the surface based on
intensity of the curvature the curvature of it. More it’s curved more it’s subdivided

Mixing both diagrams together can create interesting forms. In this case it
remains simple, because both curves are identical.
On the right another exemple of curved paper folding found on internet . On the left a personnal test of paper folding, with straight
folding edges, even with this kind of model it can get very tought to create the origami without he appropriated experience.
Frank O. Gehry
Who is he? Frank O. Gehry is an architect
First attempt of
known for his buildings
based on deconstructivism. This new architecture style
mainly focuses it's interest on the envelope form, which
often seem unpredicable. He was one of the pioneer using ,
computerized techniques with Dennis Shelden.

Weatherhead School, The shape of this building can be obtained

Designed in 1999 by lofting two different curves together. Be-
cause of the fact that it’s a curved surface
Der Neue Zollhof DusselDorf it can be unrolled.
Built in 1999

Guiding Lines
Thanks to guiding lines we
gain more control of the
lofted surface. The
examples on the left side
show multiple alternatifs
Designed in 1997
of Der Neue Zollhof .
These four surfaces have
been created thanks to a
Grasshopper diagram
which automates the

Built in 2006

Gehry basic 3D modeling tools

Experience Music Project,

Designed in 2000
Frank O. Gehry, Walt Disney Concert Hall

Front Entrance Perspective

70 Curves, guiding the surfaces

All Surfaces the unrolled Unrolled surfaces of the front enveloppe

South West Axonometry South West Axonometry North West Axonometry North East Axonometry
How to translate it in models? Sources
Performative architecture: beyond instrumentality, Branko Kolarevic, Ali Malkawi
Free form structural design, By Martijn Veltkamp
Digital Gehry: material resistance, digital construction, Bruce Lindsey, Frank O. Gehry
Contemporary architecture and the digital design process, Peter Szalapaj
Frank O. Gehry : The Complete Works, Francesco Dal Co


Different types of models using developable surfaces

Paper Folding might also be a solution but creating a folding pattern is more difficult then it looks

Like developable surface posseses a straight line within itself at

every point, It might be a good opportunity to work with this
property within making models itself, and expressing the ideas.

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