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Kosmos 1408

Kosmos 1408 (Russian: Космос-1408) was an electronic signals intelligence (ELINT) satellite
operated by the Soviet Union. It was launched into low Earth orbit on 16 September 1982, replacing
Kosmos 1378. On 15 November 2021, it was destroyed in a Russian anti-satellite weapon test,
resulting in space debris in orbits between 300 and 1,100 km (190 and 680 miles) above the Earth.
The threat of potential collision with debris forced the crew of the International Space Station (ISS)
to take shelter in their escape capsules.

• 1 Purpose and launch
• 2 Destruction
• 3 See also
• 4 References

Purpose and launch

The satellite was part of the Tselina-D system of ELINT military surveillance satellites.[2][3] It was
developed by Yuzhnoye/OKB-586, and had a mass of around 2,200 kg (4,900 lb),[4] with an
expected lifespan of around six months.[5] It replaced Kosmos 1378 in the Tselina system.[4]
Kosmos 1408 was launched on a Tsyklon-3 launch vehicle on 16 September 1982,[5] from Site
32/2[6] at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome.[4] It was placed in low Earth orbit, with a perigee of 645 km
(401 mi), an apogee of 679 km (422 mi), and an inclination of 82.5°. Its orbital period was 97.8

On 15 November 2021, the satellite was destroyed, generating a space debris cloud that threatened
the International Space Station.[2] The seven crew members aboard the ISS (four American, two
Russian, one German)[7] took shelter in the crew capsules[8] so they could quickly return to Earth
if debris struck the station.[9] The satellite had been in an orbit at an altitude just above the ISS
orbital altitude,[3] and the debris passes by the ISS every 93 minutes.[10] The crew sheltered for
only the second and third passes through the debris field, due to an assessment of the debris risk.
[11] The debris also poses a risk to other low Earth orbit satellites.[9]
The United States Department of State subsequently accused Russia of having targeted Kosmos
1408 during an anti-satellite weapon test, using a ground-based missile against their own defunct
satellite,[10] saying that it was "dangerous and irresponsible".[7] The following day, Sergei Shoigu,
the Russian minister of defence, acknowledged that the debris was due to a Russian missile test, but
argued that it posed no threat to any space activities.[7]
The A-235 missile ("Nudol")[6] was launched from Plesetsk Cosmodrome.[9] The system has been
undergoing testing since 2014, but this was the first satellite it had destroyed.[6] The Outer Space
Treaty, which Russia has ratified, bans some types of military activities in space, but not anti-
satellite missiles using conventional warheads.[12]
The US spokesperson, Ned Price, said the event generated about 1500 pieces of debris that can be
tracked by ground-based radars,[10][13] and hundreds of thousands more that are more difficult to
track.[9] The debris is expected to continue in orbit for several years, potentially decades.[14] As of
16 November 2021, the debris was orbiting at altitudes between 440 to 520 km (270 to 320 miles);
[9] by 17 November this range increased to 300 to 1,100 km (190 to 680 miles).[15]
NASA administrator Bill Nelson stated that, "With its long and storied history in human spaceflight,
it is unthinkable that Russia would endanger not only the American and international partner
astronauts on the ISS, but also their own cosmonauts" with two Russian cosmonauts on the ISS out
of seven astronaut personnel, and the "actions are reckless and dangerous, threatening as well the
Chinese space station."[16]

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