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Routine is important for each and every one of us. Without a routine, we are
thrown into a state of disarray, often unsure of what we should be doing or even
what day of the week it is. For children, having a routine is particularly important,
especially for the sake of their mental health and behavior.

Here are the six components of health:

Physical- in terms of physicality, children in our community are always exercising

early in the morning, they give time for their endurance, strength and flexibility
improvement. Performing this kind of exercises in just 30 minutes a day.
It is a key component of health and must be a part of our self-care routine, however
if we stop here, we are missing many components of our health.
Recreational games: (based on the observation)
 Basketball, a game played between two teams of five players each on a
rectangular court, usually indoors. Each team tries to score by tossing
the ball through the opponent's goal, an elevated horizontal hoop and net
called a basket.
 Table tennis, also known as ping-pong and whiff-whaff, is a sport in which
two or four players hit a lightweight ball, also known as the ping-pong
ball, back and forth across a table using small rackets. A point is scored
when a player fails to return the ball within the rules.

Intellectual- children as well as teens in our community are very active with in
terms of intellectual capacity. Last 2020 Linggo ng Kabataan, our barangay was
the top 6 among 44 barangays that was also competed, we have different categories
that we had joined such as journalism, news writing and poem writing.
Luckily, we were on the top list.
Recreational games: (based on the observation)
 Pinoy Henyo, a game which encourages deductive skills by guessing
statistical terms and concepts.
 Quiz bowl, a game in which two teams compete head-to-head to answer
questions from all areas of knowledge, including history, literature,
science, fine arts, current events, popular culture, sports, and more
 Chess, is a board game for two players. Each player starts with sixteen
pieces: eight pawns, two knights, two bishops, two rooks, one queen and one
king. The goal of the game is for each player to try and checkmate the king
of the opponent. Checkmate is a threat ('check') to the opposing king which
no move can stop.

Spiritual- 70% in our community is born again, especially teens and children,
having a sense that life is meaningful and has a purpose and that we are guided in
our journey. They are also embracing the meta-physical and reaching beyond the
physical realm of existence and experiences.
Recreational games: (based on the observation)
 Bible Pictionary, List several scenes from the Bible onto pieces of paper
and place into a bowl. Divide the group into two teams. Have one member
of each team pick a piece of paper and draw out the scene on a large piece
of paper or dry-erase board. The other members of the team will try to
guess what scene from the Bible is being drawn. The team that guesses the
most scenes correctly in the time frame allotted will win a prize.
 Bible Telephone, have everyone in the group line up side by side. Pick a
short verse from the Bible and each person will whisper it to the person next
to them. This will continue down the line until the verse reaches the last
person, who will then repeat what they heard aloud.

Environmental- We surrounds ourselves with a healthy work and living

environment free of hazards and focused on conservation of all-natural resources
and the role we play in bettering the environment. We also respect the nature and
gaining personal fulfillment from our surroundings.
Recreational games: (based on observation)
 Hide and seek, old and popular children's game in which one player closes
his or her eyes for a brief period (often counting to 100) while the other
players hide. The seeker then opens his eyes and tries to find the hiders; the
first one found is the next seeker, and the last is the winner of the round.

Social- Children in our community are interacting and communicating well with
others. They can easily a touch and being comfortable with, to contribute and
engage in a healthy living environment. Including people in all aspects of our lives
is tantamount to social wellness.
Recreational games: (based on observation)
 Musical chair, a party game in which players compete for a decreasing
number of chairs, the losers in successive rounds being those unable to find
a chair to sit on when the accompanying music is abruptly stopped.

Emotional- Children in our community are being in touch with their emotional
presence, being aware and comfortable with their own thoughts and feelings. They
are able to express one’s thoughts, sensations and to be able to absorb those of
Another great release for them is when their emotions are running high is to
journal. They enjoy getting their thoughts out of their mind and onto paper.
Recreational games: (based on observation)
 Guess the facial expression, both players would face in a similar direction,
the guesser should start to guess the possible expression that the opponent
would do it at the same time. If both of them having a similar facial
expression then the guesser should ask the guesses its either truth or dare.

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