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Moorish National Republic Federal Government

 ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ 

Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World
Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / 'The North Gate'
 ~ Temple of the Moon and Sun ~ 
The True and De Jure Natural Peoples – Heirs of the Land
 ~ I.S.L.A.M. ~ 

I Am ___________________________________, in Propria Persona, Sui Juris, Prorprio Solo

and in Proprio Heredes at all times.
I am a descendant of the Great Pharaohs of Kemet, and of the Moabites and Canaanites.
I am an Aboriginal Indigenous Moorish American National and I am exercising all of my
rights at this time and at all points in time.
You are Commanded to state your NAME and Nationality on the record and for the record
immediately without further comment.
I am the Law, I am the Government and you do not have jurisdiction over me, and I
Commanded you to set me free immediately, return my property immediately, cease and
desist ALL ACTIONS and contact, take your leave and NEVER return.
This is your 'Due Process" of my "Notice of Intent to Lien" you if you do not do as
Commanded and take your leave.
"Amen, dico vobis, quæcumque, alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et Ego in caelo et, quaecumque solveritis
super, terram erunt soluta et in caelo"

"Amen, dico vobis, quæcumque, alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et Ego in caelo et, quaecumque solveritis
super, terram erunt soluta et in caelo"

"Amen, dico vobis, quæcumque, alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et Ego in caelo et, quaecumque solveritis
super, terram erunt soluta et in caelo"

I Am ________________________________________________

Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples' Documents: Northwest Amexem / North Africa / North America / 'The Moroccan Empire'
– Continental United States: 'Temple of the Moon and Sun': Non – Domestic, Non – Resident, Non-Subject – Being the
Rightful Heirs and Inheritors of the Land.
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