Document No. 10105905 - Noble Drew Ali Vast Estate Trust and Original 1099 Form

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Moorish American Consular Court, Competent Jurisdiction

Pursuant to P.L. 8 Stat. 484

Moorish National Republic Federal Government North East Amexem

Territories and Dominions
 ~ An Unincorporated Moorish Science Temple for America ~ 
The True and De Jure Natural Heirs and Inheritors to the Land
 ~ I. Self. Law. Am. Master. ~ 

Document No. 10105905 – Noble Drew Ali Vast Estate Trust and Original 1099 Form

Exhibit A – Attachment to Name Change Decree with the COUNTY OF YOUR BIRTH [ Page 1 of 1 ]
~ Divinely prepared by Supreme Judiciary Member of the above stated Sovereign Government from the Moroccan Empire, North West Amexem ~

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