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Indonesian Journal of Applied Statistics ISSN 2621 – 086 X

Volume XX No. XX Month Year

A Title: Something about a Topic (14 pt bold Times)

First author1, Second author2, and Third author3

Affiliation of first author
Affiliation of other authors

Type the corresponding author’s e-mail address here (E-mail)

Abstract. Start your abstract here... (must be in English). Use 10 pt Times font for
the abstract with one/single line spacing, and 6 pt spacing for the next heading. Left
and right indent 1 cm. Maximum length 300 words.

Keywords : 3-5 keywords

1. Introduction

For this section title use 11 pt, bold, Times, title case with 6 pt spacing to the
body text. For the body text use 11 pt Times with 1.5 (one and half) line spacing between
lines. Use A4 paper, the margin for Top, Left, Bottom and Right are 3.5 cm. The
maximum page length should be 15 pages, including text, tables, figures and references.

The introduction must consist of background, aim, and objective, problem,

research location, and research subjects. Manuscript should comprise original,
unpublished material and not submitted for publication elsewhere.

2. Second Section

First paragraph. First paragraph. First paragraph. First paragraph. First paragraph.
First paragraph. First paragraph. First paragraph. First paragraph. First paragraph. First
paragraph. First paragraph. First paragraph. First paragraph.

2.1. A subsection. Proses titik merupakan kumpulan titik-titik acak di suatu daerah.
Berikut definisi mengenai proses titik

Definition 2.1. (Proses Titik) Apabila variabel acak berada dalam

interval , memiliki , dan banyaknya titik adalah

terbatas, maka merupakan proses titik.

2.2. A subsection. Materi subbagian 2.

Indonesian Journal of Applied Statistics ISSN 2621 – 086 X
Volume XX No. XX Month Year

Theorem 2.2. (perkalian matriks dengan transisi langkah) matriks

stokastik langkah

Lemma 2.3. Probabilitas dari dua atau lebih transisi pada saat adalah


(2) ,

Proposition 2.4. Suatu proses stokastik memiliki sifat Markov jika dan

hanya jika untuk setiap distribusi bersyarat pada dengan diberikan

adalah fungsi yang hanya bergantung pada .

Corollary 2.5. Jika keadaan transient, maka , untuk .

3. Results and Discussion

The results and discussion are composed of a research result as displayed as

words, tables, and figures. The discussion consist of an interpretation of the result and

Figure 1. Figure title

Table 1. Table title

No. Data
1. No vertical borderline
2. No horizontal line inside the data

Indonesian Journal of Applied Statistics ISSN 2621 – 086 X
Volume XX No. XX Month Year

4. Conclusion

They comprise important conclusions within the whole part of article, and must
be related to abstract content. It can be as full sentences or pointers.

Acknowledgements (section (no number) style)

This part may describe the source of research fund used in the research. This may
also give an appreciation to institutions or persons who help in research and report

References (section (no number) style)

The template will number citations consecutively within brackets [1]. Two or
more references at a time may be put in one set of brackets [2,3] . The references are to be
numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text . See our example as follows.
However, when the observations follow some non normal distribution, particularly one
that has no longer or heavier tails than the normal, the method of least squares may not be
appropriate [1]. A number of authors have proposed robust regression procedures
designed to dampen the effect of observations that would be highly influential if least
squares method were used [2,3]. Koenker and Portnoy [4] said that a robust technique
that is often used is the M-estimation. References should be listed in the following style:

[1] Birkes, D. and Dodge, Y. Alternative Methods of Regression. John Wiley & Sons
Inc. New York. 1993.
[2] Li, S.Z., Wang, H., and Soh, W.Y.C. Robust Estimation of Rotation Angle from
Image Sequences Using the Annealling M Estimator . Journal of Mathematical
Imaging and Vision. 8: 181-192. 1998.
[3] Susanti, Y., Pratiwi, H., and Handajani, S.S. Paddy Availability Modelling in
Indonesia Using Spatial Regression. IAENG International Journal on Applied
Mathematics (IJAM). 45(4): 398-403. 2015.
[4] Koenker, R. and Portnoy, S. M Estimation of Multivariate Regressions. Journal of
The American Statistical Association. 85: 1060-1068. 1990.
[5] Abdulrachman. Statistik Pertanian (Agricultural Statistics). Departemen Pertanian
Indonesia. Jakarta. ISBN: 979-8958-65-9. 2008.
[6] Barnett, J. and Lewis. Outlier in Statistical Data. John Wiley & Sons Inc. New
York. 1978.
[7] Heriawan, R. Statistik Indonesia. Badan Pusat Statistik Indonesia, Katalog BPS:
1101001. Jakarta. 2008.

Indonesian Journal of Applied Statistics ISSN 2621 – 086 X
Volume XX No. XX Month Year

[8] Heriawan, R. Produksi Tanaman Pangan. Badan Pusat Statistik Indonesia, Katalog
BPS: 5203014. Jakarta. 2008.
[9] Husni, M., Sudi, M., and Mewa, A. Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Produksi,
Konsumsi dan Harga Beras serta Inflasi Bahan Makanan. Jurnal Agro Ekonomi,
22(2): 119-146. 2004.
[10] United States Geological Survey,
quakes/search/ , diakses pada tanggal 18 Februari 2017.
[11] Pratiwi, H., Earthquake Insurance Model in Indonesia using Spatio-
Temporal Point Process Approach, Disertasi, Matematika Universitas
Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, 2015.

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