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Journal of Water Process Engineering 43 (2021) 102259

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Effect of hydrodynamics on autoflocculation and gravity sedimentation of

Chlorella vulgaris
Lin Li a, b, Wenhong Chen a, b, Yuyu Wang a, b, Yao Zhang a, b, Huaimin Chen c, *
Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Wetland and Watershed Research, Ministry of Education, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang 330022, Jiangxi, China
School of Geography and Environment, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang 330022, Jiangxi, China
School of Materials Engineering (School of Environmental Engineering), Changzhou Institute of Industry Technology, Changzhou 213164, China


Keywords: Autoflocculation followed by gravity sedimentation is a promising method for harvesting of microalgae. How­
Flocculation ever, the effect of hydrodynamics on spontaneous flocculation of Chlorella vulgaris is yet uncertain. In this study,
Chlorella vulgaris where quantitative analysis was conducted to study the effect of hydrodynamics on autoflocculation of Chlorella
vulgaris, it was found that hydrodynamic turbulence enhanced autoflocculation efficiency by 40–53.3%. Auto­
flocculation efficiency increased first and then decreased with the increase of turbulence strength. With shear
strength of 0.0069 N/m2 and energy dissipation efficient ε of 0.45 × 10− 3 m2/s3, the average floc size and
settling velocity achieved their maximum at 373.5 ± 36.4 μm and 2.17 ± 0.29 m/h respectively. However, after
shear strength exceeded 0.0115 Nm− 2 and energy dissipation efficient exceeded 1.25 × 10− 3 m2/s3, the Chlorella
vulgaris flocs started to disaggregate under the shearing effect. Hydrodynamic turbulence not only increased the
probability of contact between Chlorella vulgaris cells, but also the enhanced the accumulation of EPS, which
serves as bridge for autoflocculation after binding with the bivalent cation presented in the aqueous medium.
Under hydrodynamic conditions, Chlorella vulgaris flocs start to settle by gravity, with separation efficiency
reaching up to 94.5 ± 4.5%. Therefore, hydrodynamic control presents a new approach for low cost harvesting of
algae products.

1. Introduction products are mainly harvested by centrifugation, which involves high

energy consumption. Low energy consumption concentrating process as
Under the context of global resources scarcity, development of clean pretreatment prior to centrifugation can be used to significantly reduce
and renewable recourses from microalgae biomass is of broad prospec­ the overall energy consumption for harvesting of microalgae products
tive and significance. Mass production of microalgae, which requires no [8]. Membrane filtration is an alternative technically feasible. However,
arable lands and thus avoiding land competition with other traditional it has such disadvantages as membrane pollution, high membrane
plants, has not been widely practiced [1]. Currently, the major bottle­ replacement cost, etc. In addition, membrane filtration performance is
neck for commercial utilization of microalgae as bio-energy is the har­ also dependent on microalgae density [9,10]. Chemical induced floc­
vesting of microalgae [2]. Separation of microalgae from aqueous culation and gravity concentrating, as a promising method to reduce
medium accounts for 20–30% of the total biomass utilization cost due to microalgae harvesting cost and energy consumption [11], involves
their high water content, which is difficult to remove [3,4]. Because of addition of chemical flocculants, which not only increases operating cost
their small size and similar density to water, microalgae tend to form but also leads to contamination of microalgae products. In this study, a
suspension in aqueous medium with low biomass concentration (about flocculation process without addition of chemical flocculants was
0.1–2 g dry weight/L) [3,5]. As a result, the settling velocity of micro­ investigated to realize preliminary concentrating and separation of
algae in aqueous medium is lower than 10− 6 m/s. microalgae by gravity sendimentation [12].
Commonly used methods for harvesting of microalgae include floc­ According to previous studies, autoflocculation occurs when envi­
culation, gravity sedimentation, centrifugation, filtration, ultra- ronmental conditions are changed. Microalgae was found to flocculate
filtration and flocculation-flotation [6,7]. At present, microalgae spontaneously and settle by gravity with the presence of bacteria

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H. Chen).
Received 17 March 2021; Received in revised form 4 August 2021; Accepted 6 August 2021
Available online 18 August 2021
2214-7144/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Li et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 43 (2021) 102259

[13,14]. Autoflocculation and gravity sedimentation of microalgae were

observed as a result of increased excretion of extracellular poly­
saccharides (EPS) under nitrogen and phosphate limiting conditions
[15,16]. However, the EPS are negatively charged, which would prevent
the microalgae from colliding with each other and forming flocculation
because of the electrostatic repulsion [17]. Some studies have shown
that the cation (such as Ca2+ and Mg2+) will reacted with the EPS,
forming bridge which allows for improved floc size of microalgae
[18,19]. Hydrodynamics could increase the frequency of algal collisions.
In examining the impact of hydrodynamic on microalgae growth,
Hondzo and Lyn observed autoflocculation in Scenedesmus quadricauda
[20]. Microalgae autoflocculation was detected when Leupold et al.
investigated the impact of turbulence on chlorella photosynthesis [21].
Under turbulent conditions, Gutiérrez et al. [22] conducted experiments
to investigate the effect of flocculants on flocculation of microalgae used
in urban sewage treatment, where flocculation of microalgae occurred.
However, the effect of hydrodynamics on flocculation characteristics of
microalgae has remained unclear. Fig. 1. Experimental Setup (unit: mm).
This study of experiments were conducted in annular tanks made of
PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate). The effect of hydrodynamic on
beyond this flow rate. Hence, the flow rate of the water stream, which
autoflocculation of microalgae was quantified under various flow re­
was controlled by varying speed motor, was set at 0 (control group,
gimes with different flow rates. The floc characteristics was quantified in
running at 5 cm/s, 3 times/day, 3 min per time), 5, 10, 15, 25 and
terms of floc size, average settling velocity, and flocculation efficiency,
35 cm/s (experimental group, continuous operation) respectively. The
etc., to evaluate the potential of hydrodynamics in harvesting of
experimental setup was sterilized in advance with UV light of 30 W for
microalgae for mass production.
2–4 h prior to experiments, which were conducted in illuminated
incubator, with temperature of 29 ± 0.5 ◦ C, illumination intensity of
2. Materials and methods 45 μmol photons/(m2 s), and light-dark cycle of 14:10 h.
On day 5 after inoculation, when the mixture began to exhibit
2.1. Algal strain and medium evident autoflocculation characteristics, the algae samples were
collected to measure floc diameter, settling velocity, extracellular
Chlorella vulgaris has been used in various sewage treatment studies polysaccharides (EPS) and flocculation efficiency.
due to its high pollution resistance and high treatment rate [23,24]. In
the study, the unicellular Chlorella vulgaris strain FACHB-30, which was 2.2.1. Floc diameter
obtained from Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Science, During sedimentation, Sony Camera (SONY FDR-AX30, Japan) was
were axenically transferred into a 250 mL conical flasks, followed by used to take images, which were used by image processing software to
addition of 100 mL aseptic BG11 culture medium [25]. The conical measure the settling velocity and diameter of Chlorella vulgaris flocs
flasks were cultivated in illuminated incubator, at temperature of under various hydrodynamic conditions [29]. The long axis a and short
29 ± 0.5 ◦ C, illumination intensity of 40 μmol photons/(m2 s), and light- axis b, which represents the length of the longest axis and the length of
dark cycle of 14:10 h. The flasks were shaken manually three times a the shortest axis of a floc respectively, were measured using the image
day. Under these conditions, the Chlorella vulgaris existed as unicellular processing software. The floc diameter was calculated based on equation
morphs and collected for use at exponential growth phase. √̅̅̅̅̅
d= ab. More than 300 flocs per sample were measured to determine the
In order to observe the self-flocculation effect of Chlorella vulgaris in
average diameter.
the process of advanced treatment of effluent, the aqueous medium used
was the effluent collected from the outfall of a sewage treatment plant in
2.2.2. Settling velocity
Nanchang, Jiangxi province, China and without any pretreatment before
During gravity sedimentation experiments, camera was used to re­
use. The heavy metal content was determined using ICP-AES method
cord the sedimentation path of Chlorella vulgaris flocs inside the PMMA
(iCAP-7400, Thermo, USA). TN, TP and CODMn were determined using
cylinder (diameter: 10 cm, height: 50 cm). Chlorella vulgaris flocs were
standard methods [26]. The content of water samples were shown in
collected and transferred gently using pipette into the sedimentation
Table 1.
cylinder, where effluent water was used as sedimentation medium. The
settling velocity was calculated based on modified Stoke’s equation
2.2. Experimental setup [30]. The number of Chlorella vulgaris flocs used for statistics was 300.

Strain was batch-cultured in annular tanks made of PMMA as shown 2.2.3. The EPS content and zeta potential
in Fig. 1. Driven by varying speed motor, the impeller blade forced the To investigate the impact of EPS on sedimentation of Chlorella vul­
water stream to move around the tank. Our previous study showed that garis flocs under different hydrodynamic conditions, the EPS was
the growth of Microcystis was inhibited at a flow rate of over 35 cm/s in extracted by method of [31], and determined by Phenol‑sulfuric Acid
the same device [27]. Zhong et al. [28] also found that the Microcystis Method. Sample of the same volume was taken to measure the algae dry
had the largest colony size at a flow rate of 32 cm/s, and then decreased

Table 1
Effluents wastewater parameters unit (mg/L).
Item Ca K Mg Na Al Ba Cd Co Cr Cu

Content 34.4 11.86 7.412 58.04 ND 0.0166 ND ND ND ND

Item Mn Ni Pb V Zn Fe TN TP CODMn
Content 0.0159 0.0127 0.0178 0.0224 0.0099 ND 15.54 1.15 9.19

L. Li et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 43 (2021) 102259

weight by drying method with 60 ◦ C. Finally, the EPS content (mg/g) regime, was calculated based on Eq. (3) as below:
was normalised by the algae dry weight. Zeta potential of algal cells was ( / )1/4
measured using Zeta potentiometric analyzer (Zeta Plus, Brookhaven ηk = ν3 ε (3)
Instruments Corp., Holtsville, NY). Shear strength was calculated based on Eq. (4) as below:

2.2.4. Flocculation efficiency τ = μγ (4)

Flocculation efficiency (FE) was calculated based on Eq. (1) as shown Kinematic viscosity was calculated based on Eq. (5) as below:
below [13]:
μ = ρν (5)
FE(%) = (1 − ODt /OD0 ) × 100 (1)
Rate of strain was calculated based on Eq. (6):
where OD0 and ODt refer to the absorbance measured at 680 nm of the
aqueous medium respectively at time zero and time t after the motor was γ = (ε/ν)1/2 (6)
switched off.
where ρ is density of the liquid, which is approx. 1 mg/mL; ν is viscosity,
which is approx. 10− 6 m2/s.
2.3. Flow regime measurement and quantitative hydrodynamic analysis
3. Results and discussion
Acoustics Doppler tachometer (16 MHz MicroADV) was employed
for flow regime measurement. Turbulent flow can be treated as a big 3.1. Images of Chlorella vulgaris autoflocculation regime
vortex, which is unstable and tends to break up into smaller and smaller
eddies till it is ultimately converted into heat energy by viscous stress. Under experimental conditions, autoflocculation occurred in both
This heat energy is dissipated equally in all directions. Statistically, there control group and experimental group on day 1 after inoculation, but the
is no energy variation along all direction [32]. Energy dissipation rate experimental group exhibited more evident autoflocculation charac­
(ε) is used to represent the conversion of kinetic energy into heat energy teristics. The floc size increased with cultivation time. Fig. 2 presented
[33]. Kolmogorov length refers to the length scale of the smallest eddies, the images recorded during autoflocculation of Chlorella vulgaris on day
at which level the turbulent kinetic energy is dissipated into heat by 5 after inoculation. As shown in image a, b, c, e, f and g, which corre­
viscosity [34]. Energy dissipation rate and shear strength are key pa­ spond Chlorella vulgaris flocculation regime at flow rate of 0, 5, 10, 15,
rameters in evaluating the hydrodynamic characteristics of fluid flow 25 and 35 cm/s respectively. After allowing the same sedimentation
[35,36]. E(ω), the power spectra, was obtained based on spectral anal­ cylinder corresponding to image e to settle for additional 16 min, as
ysis of flow velocity, and average E(ω) was obtained based on the cor­ illustrated in image g, the Chlorella vulgaris flocs settled to the bottom by
relation between ω and E(ω). The energy dissipation rate was calculated gravity with desirable algae and water separation performance. This
based on the Eq. (2) as below: suggested that hydrodynamically induced autoflocculation can be a
( )− promising approach for harvesting of Chlorella vulgaris.
ε = E(ω)2/3 w5/2 α− 3/2
u′ 2 (2)
3.2. The effect of hydrodynamics on autoflocculation of Chlorella vulgaris
where ω is angular frequency; α is a constant with a value of approx. 0.8;
u′ 2 is the mean square of the horizontal velocity fluctuation. After 5 days’ cultivation, the autoflocculation characteristics of
Kolmogorov length, the scale of the smallest eddy in the turbulent Chlorella vulgaris were analyzed as shown in Fig. 3. In the control group

a b c d

e f g

Fig. 2. Autoflocculation of Chlorella vulgaris under hydrodynamic conditions, Figure a, b, c, d, e, f and g respectively corresponds to flow rate of 0, 5, 10 15, 25, 35
and 25 cm/s (scale: 10 mm).

L. Li et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 43 (2021) 102259

500 than the scale of the smallest eddy (ηKolmogrov is 387 μm) (Table 2). And
when shear strength above 0.115 × 0.1 N/m2, the flocs started to
disaggregate (Fig. 3). As shown in Fig. 4, the ζ -potential of the aqueous
400 medium in experimental group varied from − 10 mV to -5 mV, which is
Average floc diameter (μm)

closer to 0 mV than that of control group. The flocs formed in experi­

mental group, though more stable than those formed in control group,
300 were still less stable compared with those generated under ideal floc­
culation conditions, where the ζ-potential of the aqueous medium equals
to 0 mV [40].
3.3. Analysis of hydrodynamic effect on autoflocculation and
sedimentation of microalgae
Autoflocculation characteristics of Chlorella vulgaris in aqueous me­
dium was analyzed as shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6. It can be seen from
0 Fig. 5 that the autoflocculation efficiency under hydrodynamic effect
0 5 10 15 25 35 ranged from 84 ± 3.1% to 95 ± 5%, considerably higher than that of the
Flow rate (cm/s) control group under static conditions, which was (62 ± 3%) (p<0.01).
The autoflocculation efficiency was highest at flow rate of 15 cm/s.
Fig. 3. Average floc size of Chlorella vulgaris under different hydrody­ As an important parameter in evaluating flocculation efficiency, the
namic conditions. settling velocity of Chlorella vulgaris flocs varies depending on floc size,
structure and density [41]. The average autoflocculation settling ve­
(static conditions), the standard floc diameter was 108 ± 9 μm. In the locity for control group and experimental group was 0.515 ± 0.05 m/h
experimental group with flow rate from 5 to 35 cm/s, the standard floc and 1.47–2.17 m/h respectively, with the highest settling velocity
diameter increased in turn from 230 ± 28 μm to 373 ± 46 μm and then occurring at flow rate of 15 cm/s. The significant increase in settling
decreased to 227 ± 26 μm, with the maximum floc size occurring at flow velocity under hydrodynamic conditions may be contributable to the
rate of 15 cm/s and ε of 0.45 × 10− 4 m2/s3. The floc size in the exper­ increase in microalgae density as a result of increased EPS accumulation.
imental group and control group demonstrated significant difference With low investment and energy consumption [42], autoflocculation
(p<0.01), suggesting fluid flow significantly promotes autoflocculation and gravity settling can be used for harvesting of algae from the high
of Chlorella vulgaris. As shown in Fig. 4, hydrodynamic conditions rate algal pond, which is used for domestic wastewater [43]. Based on
considerably increased EPS content of Chlorella vulgaris cells (p < 0.01), PNK (Ponder-Nakamura-Kuroda) theory, the clean water production
with the maximum EPS content reaching up to 142 ± 17 mg/g dry efficiency Qc is associated with projected settling area (on the horizontal
weight at flow rate of 15 cm/s. The EPS with negative charge will plane) and algae settling velocity of the treatment work as shown in Eq.
reacted with the cation present in the aqueous medium (such as Ca, Mg) (7) [44,45]:
[19,37], forming bridge which allows for improved autoflocculation of ( )
Chlorella vulgaris. In laboratory experiments under static conditions with Qc = NWbv sinθ + cosθ (7)
calcium ion concentration of 15 mg/L and 100 mg/L, Wang et al. [38]
observed that microalgae floc diameter reached 55 μm and 105 μm where N, b and W are the number, spacing, and width of the plates,
respectively, which are smaller than the floc size observed in the respectively; v is the flocculation settling velocity, which is 2 m/h; L is
experimental group in this study. This may be caused by fluid flow, the length of the plate, which is 1 m; b is the width of the plate, which is
which increased the contact probability of algae cells. In addition, 2 cm; θ is the included angle between the horizontal line and the object
appropriate shear strength, by inhibiting the release of daughter cells to be settled, which is approx. 65.
from the mother cells, also promoted spontaneous flocculation of algae If an open algae pond is used to treat wastewater with capacity of
cells. Fluid flow, in turn, limits the floc size [39]. The floc size of chlorella 80,000m3 per hectare per year, which is equivalent to 300m3 per day,
vulgaris at 15 cm/s flow rate was 373 ± 46 μm (Fig. 3), which is smaller the plate separator required for harvesting of algae is less than 1 m2.
However, whether Chlorella Vulgari could further in-depth treatment of
the effluent of the sewage treatment plant needs to be further explored
200 0 in future studies.
Extracellular polysaccharides
Extracellular polysaccharides (mg/g)

4. Conclusions
160 -10

Based on hydrodynamic quantitative analysis, hydrodynamic

ζ-potential (mV)

120 -20
Table 2
Fluid mechanical parameters as a function of rotation rates in an annular PMMA
80 -30 tank.
Rotate Flow Energy Kolmogorov Viscous Rate of
speed rate dissipation rate scale stress strain
40 -40
(rpm) (m/s) ε × 10− 4 (m2/ ηK × 10− 3 (m) τ × 0.1 γ (s− 1)
s3) (N m− 2)

0 -50 0 – – – – –
0 5 10 15 25 35 8 0.05 0.05 0.671 0.023 0.576
Flow rate (cm/s) 24 0.10 0.20 0.474 0.046 1.153
40 0.15 0.45 0.387 0.069 1.729
72 0.25 1.25 0.300 0.115 2.882
Fig. 4. EPS content and ζ -potential value under different hydrody­
100 0.35 2.45 0.253 0.161 4.035
namic conditions.

L. Li et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 43 (2021) 102259

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