Zhang 2017

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DOI: 10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60730-8

Smoothed particle hydrodynamics and its applications in fluid-structure


A-man Zhang (张阿漫)1, Peng-nan Sun (孙鹏楠)1,2, Fu-ren Ming (明付仁)1, A. Colagrossi2
1. College of Shipbuilding Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China,
E-mail: zhangaman@hrbeu.edu.cn
2. CNR-INSEAN, Marine Technology Research Institute, Rome, Italy

(Received November 24, 2016, Revised January 25, 2017)

Abstract: In ocean engineering, the applications are usually related to a free surface which brings so many interesting physical
phenomena (e.g. water waves, impacts, splashing jets, etc.). To model these complex free surface flows is a tough and challenging
task for most computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solvers which work in the Eulerian framework. As a Lagrangian and meshless
method, smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) offers a convenient tracking for different complex boundaries and a straightforward
satisfaction for different boundary conditions. Therefore SPH is robust in modeling complex hydrodynamic problems characterized
by free surface boundaries, multiphase interfaces or material discontinuities. Along with the rapid development of the SPH theory,
related numerical techniques and high-performance computing technologies, SPH has not only attracted much attention in the
academic community, but also gradually gained wide applications in industrial circles. This paper is dedicated to a review of the
recent developments of SPH method and its typical applications in fluid-structure interactions in ocean engineering. Different
numerical techniques for improving numerical accuracy, satisfying different boundary conditions, improving computational efficie-
ncy, suppressing pressure fluctuations and preventing the tensile instability, etc., are introduced. In the numerical results, various
typical fluid-structure interaction problems or multiphase problems in ocean engineering are described, modeled and validated. The
prospective developments of SPH in ocean engineering are also discussed.

Key words: Smoothed particle hydrodynamics, ocean engineering, fluid-structure interaction, bubble dynamics, underwater
explosion, hydrodynamics

Introduction ction to its typical applications in fluid-structure inte-

Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method ractions in ocean engineering.
and its related variants have been developing as a new The distinctive features of the problems in ocean
generation of computational fluid mechanics (CFD) engineering are mostly linked to the existence of a
solvers for complex hydrodynamic problems for deca- free fluid surface (when the air phase is neglected) and
des[1-9] and have been widely applied in a wide range moving or deforming wall boundaries. To deal with
of engineering problems[10-17]. The present work is these kinds of problems, different numerical solvers
devoted to a review of the recent developments and based on Eulerian, Lagrangian or Arbitrary Lagrangian
achievements of SPH methodology and an introdu- Eulerian (ALE) formulations are developed[18-21].
These numerical solvers are mesh-based or meshless.
The Eulerian mesh-based methods may demand com-
* Project supported by the National Natural Science Foun- plex algorithms and huge computational costs in the
dation of China (Grant Nos. U1430236, 51609049), the China tracking of the free surface, especially in simulations
Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2015M581432) with drastic free surface splashing jets. While in the
and the China Scholarship Council (CSC, Grant No. Lagrangian mesh-based solvers, the fluid surface and
201506680004). boundary are explicitly tracked. However, the proble-
Biography: A-man Zhang (1981-), Male, Ph. D., Professor
ms of the Lagrangian mesh distortion and re-mesh in
some violent fluid-structure interaction problems may
become cumbersome. By contrast with the mesh-based

methods, in Lagrangian meshless methods, e.g. SPH[22] the request for a uniform particle distribution to sati-
or Moving Particle Semi-implicit method (MPS)[23], sfy the conditions in the particle approximation, see
inherently the complex algorithm of the free surface the theoretical analysis in Liu and Liu[46]. As has been
tracking and the mesh distortion are avoided. The recently explored in Antuono et al.[47], only when the
Lagrangian motions of the material particles also particle distribution is in a sufficiently low disorder, a
supply a convenient way for the analysis of the flow convergence rate between 1 and 2 can be obtained.
features in a Lagrangian way, which is another merit This characteristic means that in SPH the multi-reso-
compared to the Eulerian methods[24,25]. As SPH is a lution for the particle scale cannot be as straight-
distinct representative of Lagrangian meshless metho- forward as the adaptive mesh-refinement widely used
ds and it has been widely applied in the field of in the mesh-based CFD solvers[48]. However, recently
hydrodynamics recently. Moreover, it has been proven different numerical techniques are developed to add-
in Souto-Iglesias et al.[26,27] and Shao and Gotho[28] ress the adaptive particle refinement (APR)[49-51], in
that SPH and MPS are closely related, or in other which not only the total computational cost is reduced
words, equivalent, hereinafter our review and discu- but also the local accuracy is drastically improved.
ssion are mainly based on SPH and its applications in The achievements of APR in SPH make the large scale
fluid-structure interaction problems in ocean enginee- simulation, which is quite common in ocean enginee-
ring. ring applications, become possible.
In the present review, the problems solved by The explosion problem is another important
SPH are classified into two categories namely hydro- branch in the fluid-structure interaction problems in
dynamic problems (e.g. water-body interactions, water ocean engineering, e.g. the high-velocity impact[52],
impacts, water entries and exits, flow past bodies, etc.) underwater explosion[53-56], contact explosion[16], etc.
and explosion problems (e.g. underwater explosions, In the simulation of these problems SPH can be more
contact explosions, etc.). The two categories of pro- reliable than other mesh-based solvers[46,56,57]. A pro-
blems have obviously different features. For the for- per equation of state is important for these problems
mer, the conservation of mass, momentum and energy since the fluid phases are usually regarded as com-
of the numerical solver is crucial for maintaining the pressible. Besides, SPH approximation formulations
numerical accuracy and stability in a long-term simu- of high accuracy is also crucial since a large defor-
lation, while for the latter, the fluid should be conside- mation of the material is usually involved, such as the
red as compressible and a large transient and violent fluid surface splashing, fragmentations, moving dis-
deformation of the structure (fluid boundary) are usua- continuities, large inhomogeneity and structure fractu-
lly involved. res. In these circumstances, perhaps the particles distri-
For long-term hydrodynamic problems, expen- butions are quite disordered or the kernel functions
sive computational costs are usually encountered. To near the boundary can be truncated. Therefore, recen-
obtain a fast and efficient simulation, on the one hand tly SPH equations of high accuracy[58-61] are developed
the adoption of advanced computing platforms can be to resolve these problems.
crucial, recently different high performance computing To model the structure responses in fluid-structu-
techniques, e.g. OpenMP[13,29], MPI[30,31], CUDA[32-34], re interactions, different methods have been developed.
OpenCL[11] are introduced and applied in the frame- The first way is to adopt an SPH-FEM cou-
work of SPH method to accelerate the computing. On pling[52,53,62-65]. The second way is to employ another
the other hand, different algorithms are also proposed particle based method namely shell SPH to model the
to reduce the amount of computation by SPH itself. In structure[66,67]. The third way is to adopt an elastic
the weakly-compressible SPH (WCSPH) method, e.g. SPH model to model the response of an elastic stru-
the well-known δ - SPH scheme, a fourth-order cture. Recently, this technique has been widely ado-
Runge-Kutta time-integration is adopted, which allows pted in the sloshing or dam breaking problems con-
for a relatively large CFL coefficient for the time sidering an elastic baffle[68,69]. Finally, it is worth
step[35-37]. While in the Incompressible SPH (ISPH) mentioning in Yang et al.[70-72], a coupling method of
method[38-41], the time-step is not restricted by the SPH and element bending group (EBG) is developed
stability reason but by the accuracy reason[42,43]. The for modeling the interaction between viscous flows
time step of ISPH can be 5 times larger than WCSPH, and flexible structures with free or fixed ends.
however in each time step, the ISPH requires a more The consideration of the air phase above the fluid
expensive computational cost due to the tracking of surface is also highlighted in the present work. Indeed,
the free surface particles[44] and the solving of the in most of the numerical simulations for free surface
Poisson equation[45]. Finally, after a compromise be- flows, the air effect is not considered since it is diffi-
tween the stability and accuracy, an equivalent efficie- cult to treat and also brings more expensive computa-
ncy can be achieved between WCSPH and ISPH[43]. tional cost. Recently, in Marrone et al.[73], it is pointed
Another cause that restricts the efficiency of SPH is out that energy evolutions can be similar when inclu-

ding or not the presence of air in a fluid-structure Similarly, the divergence of vector f ( x ) can
simulation. However, from the experimental and also be written as
numerical studies[74,75], the air effect can be crucial in
some problems, e.g. the effect of the bubble oscilla-
∇ r ⋅ f (r ) = ∫ [ f (r ′) − f (r )] ⋅ ∇ rW (r − r ′, h)d r ′ (3a)
tion on the load induced by liquid sloshing[76,77] or W
dam breaking[78], the cavitation effect on the denuda-
tion of hydraulic equipment[79,80] and rising bubble ∇ r ⋅ f (r ) = ∫ [ f (r ′) + f (r )] ⋅ ∇ rW (r − r ′, h)d r ′ (3b)
problems in the marine resource exploitations[17,81,82]. W

In the present work, multi-phase SPH formulatio-

ns[41,83-85] are reviewed and the surface tension effect In spite of the applicability of the second Eqs.(2)
is considered[85,86]. A 3-D rising bubble benchmark to the momentum equation, the first equation is more
case will be considered as an example to validate the suitable for the discretization of the continuum equa-
multiphase SPH scheme. tion. The reason is owing to the existence of a free
surface which makes the kernel function truncated, the
first equation decreases the errors introduced by the
1. The numerical models kernel truncations, see more analysis in Colagrossi et
1.1 Kernel and particle approximations In SPH, the domain is usually discretized into
uniformly distributed particles. The particles carry all
1.1.1 Classic SPH formulations the generic variables, e.g. pressure, density, velocity,
In SPH, a generic function f (r ) and its deriva- acceleration etc.. The continuous integration can be
approximated with the sum of finite particle volumes.
tives at a general position denoted by the vector r
This process is named particle approximation[46].
can be approximated with the kernel approximation by
Therefore, after a selection for these SPH approxima-
integrating over the compact domain Ω as
tion equations, the typical kernel approximations can
be rewritten in a particle approximation form as follo-
f (r ) = ∫ f (r ′)W (r − r ′, h)d r ′ (1a) ws:

∇ r f (r ) = ∫ f (r ′)∇ rW (r − r ′, h)d r ′ (1b) f (r i ) = ∑ f (rj )W (ri − rj , h)V j (4a)

W j

where ∇ r denotes the gradient with respect to r . r ′ ∇i f (ri ) = ∑ [ f (rj ) + f (rj )]∇iW (ri − rj , h)V j (4b)
denotes the positions all over Ω . W (r − r ′, h) is the j

kernel function where h is named as the smoothing

length. The radius of Ω is equal to an integer mul- ∇i ⋅ f (ri ) = ∑ [ f (rj ) − f (rj )] ⋅ ∇iW (ri − rj , h)V j (4c)
tiple of h depending on the choice of kernel functions. j

The kernel function must satisfy a number of condi-

tions, namely an even function, the normalization con- where the subscript i denotes the i - th particle, j
dition, the Dirac delta function property and the com- denotes the particle within the compactly supported
pact condition, for more details see Liu and Liu[46]. domain Ω of particle i . V j denotes the volume of
Due to the kernel properties, we have ∫ f (r ) ⋅ particle j . V j can be calculated by m j / ρ j , where

∇ rW (r − r ′, h)d r ′ = 0 . Therefore, the derivatives of m and ρ denote particle mass and density respe-
f (r ) can be written in the following two forms: ctively.
The selection of kernel function directly affects
∇ r f (r ) = ∫ [ f (r ′) − f (r )]∇ rW (r − r ′, h)d r ′ (2a) the computational efficiency, accuracy and stability of
W SPH simulations. An improved Gaussian kernel fun-
ction[84] was suggested for the simulation of free sur-
∇ r f (r ) = ∫ [ f (r ′) + f (r )]∇ rW (r − r ′, h)d r ′ (2b) face flows and multiphase flows[17,82]. However, as
analyzed in Dehnen and Aly[88], the increase of N H
In these Eqs.(2), we underline that the second equa- which is the number of neighbor particles may lead to
tion is more suitable for the discretization of the mo- pairing (or clumping) instability. Dehnen and Aly have
mentum equation since it allows an anti-symmetric recommended a series of kernels named Wendland
property between r and r ′ which is crucial for kernels. Regarding the determination of the smoothing
maintaining the momentum conservation when f (r ) length, usually a ratio κ = h / ∆x ( ∆x is the initial
represents pressure. particle spacing) is adopted. We underline that for 2-D

problems, 50 particles in the neighboring domain is If we multiply both sides of Eq.(5) with ∂W (r ′ −
enough for an accurate simulation. It corresponds to r , h) / ∂x and ∂W (r ′ − r , h) / ∂y , integrating on Ω and
κ = 2 for the Wendland C2 kernel. In 3-D simula-
omitting the terms with seconder order derivatives, we
tions, 113 neighboring particles can be enough, which
corresponds to κ = 1.5 for the Wendland C2 kernel.
∂W (r ′ − r , h) ∂W (r ′ − r , h)
1.1.2 SPH formulations of higher order of accuracy ∫WW
f (r ′)
d r ′ = f (r ) ∫
dr′ +
In some cases, the SPH approximations introdu-
ced above are not accurate enough or the errors con-
∂ f (r ) ∂W (r ′ − r , h)
verge to zero slowly, especially in the cases with
∂x ∫W
( x′ − x)
dr′ +
kernel truncations or disordered particle distributions.
In this part, SPH formulations with higher order of
accuracy are reviewed. Here we suggest several diffe- ∂ f (r ) ∂W (r ′ − r , h)
rent variants: normalization for the divergence app- ∂y W ∫ ( y′ − y)
d r ′ + O (h 2 ) (8)

roximation[89], corrected smoothed particle hydrodyna-

mics (CSPH)[60,90], finite particle method (FPM)[7,59] and
and kernel gradient free SPH (KGF-SPH)[91]. The
similarity of these variants is they can be derived by ∂W (r ′ − r , h) ∂W (r ′ − r , h)
the adoption of the Taylor series. Here we use a 2-D ∫WW
f (r ′)
d r ′ = f (r ) ∫
dr′ +
case for instance. The Taylor series expansion with
the first order completeness is ∂ f (r ) ∂W (r ′ − r , h)
∂x ∫W
( x′ − x)
dr′ +
∂ f (r ) ∂ f (r )
f (r ′) = f (r ) + ( x′ − x) + ( y ′ − y ) + O (h 2 )
∂x ∂y ∂ f (r ) ∂W (r ′ − r , h)
(5) ∂y ∫W
( y′ − y)
d r ′ + O (h 2 ) (9)

where x and y are the two components in x and

Solving Eq.(8) and Eq.(9) together we have
y directions of the vector r .
(1) The corrected smoothed particle hydrodyna-  ∂ f (r )   ∂W (r ′ − r , h) 
mics (CSPH)  ∂x   ∂x 
CSPH operators have been widely applied in SPH   = ∫ [ f (r ′) − f (r )] M −1   dr′
simulations. A typical one is the evaluation of the gra-  ∂ f (r )  W  ∂W (r ′ − r , h) 
dient of the density used in the δ - term in the well-  ∂y   ∂y 
known δ - SPH scheme[92]. Similar to what was done (10)
in Jiang et al.[60], if we multiply both sides of Eq.(5)
with W (r ′ − r , h) , integrate on Ω and we have where

 ∂W (r ′ − r , h)
∫WW f (r ′)W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′ = f (r ) ∫ W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′ +  ∫W ( x′ − x) ∂x
M =
 ( x′ − x) ∂W (r ′ − r , h) d r ′
 ∫Ω
∂ f (r )
∂x ∫W
( x′ − x)W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′ + ∂y

∂ f (r ) ∂W (r ′ − r , h) 
∂y ∫W
( y ′ − y )W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′ + O (h 2 ) (6) ∫W ( y′ − y) ∂x
d r ′
 (11)
∂W (r ′ − r , h) 
By omitting the terms with derivatives of f (r ) , we ∫W ( y′ − y) ∂y
obtain the interpolation formulation for f (r ) with the
first order accuracy as And therefore we have corrected kernel derivatives
allowing a second order accuracy as follows

f (r ) =
∫W f (r ′)W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′ (7)  ∂W C (r ′ − r , h)   ∂W (r ′ − r , h) 
∫W W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′ 
 ∂x
 
 = M −1  ∂x 
 (12)
 ∂W (r ′ − r , h)   ∂W (r ′ − r , h) 
Equation (7) is often used to filter the density fluctua-  
∂y  ∂y 
tion in WCSPH[93].  

Equation (10) has the second order accuracy even for FPM allows a second order accuracy for both f (r )
a truncated kernel function or in a disordered particle and its gradients for internal and boundary particles
distribution. Since the Eq.(12) cannot ensure a sym- alike. In case only derivatives of the f (r ) are needed,
metric property between r and r ′ , it is not often the differences of accuracy and stability between
adopted for the discretization of the governing equa- Eq.(10) and Eq.(13) still need further investigations.
tions. However Eq.(10) is often employed for the cal- Although here the formulations are merely derived in
culation of the gradients, for example in vorticity, 2-D, they can be extended straightforwardly to 3-D.
diffusive terms or deformation gradients in the evalua- (3) The kernel gradient free SPH (KGF-SPH)
tion of finite time lyapunov exponent (FTLE), see e.g. method derived based on CSPH and FPM
in Sun et al.[24]. Recently, another kernel interpolation formula-
(2) The finite particle method (FPM) tion has been developed[94]. In that method, the kernel
FPM can be regarded as an improvement of derivatives are never used, which helps to make the
CSPH introduced in the previous subsection[58,59]. In kernel interpolation free from the choice of kernel
FPM, for a 2-D case, Eqs.(6), (8) and (9) are solved functions since for some kernels, the derivatives are
together. With three equations and three unknowns, not as smooth as the kernel functions themselves. This
we have technique was initially named symmetric smoothed
particle hydrodynamics (SSPH) method, based on
    which Jiang et al.[60] developed a mixed corrected
 f (r )   W ( r ′ − r , h)  SSPH (MC-SSPH) and Huang et al.[91] developed a
   
 ∂ f (r )  −1  ∂W ( r ′ − r , h) 
kernel gradient free (KGF) SPH method. Recently, Xu
 ∂x  = ∫W f (r ′) N  ∂x  dr′ (13) et al.[95] extended this technique to 3-D dam breaking
    problems. Hereinafter, as long as the gradient of the
 ∂ f (r )   ∂W (r ′ − r , h)  kernel function is not used, similar to Huang et al.[91],
 ∂y   ∂y  this group of SPH variants is simply called KGF-SPH.
Instead of multiplying both side of Eq.(5) with
where ∂W (r ′ − r , h) / ∂x and ∂W (r ′ − r , h) / ∂y , in the KGF-
SPH, ( x′ − x)W (r ′ − r , h) and ( y ′ − y )W (r ′ − r , h) is
 adopted. Consequently, Eq.(8) and Eq.(9) is updated
 ∫ W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′ ∫ ( x′ − x)W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′
 WW by
 ∂W (r ′ − r , h) ′ ∂W (r ′ − r , h)
N = ∫ d r ∫ ( x′ − x) dr′

WW ∂x ∂x ∫WW
f (r ′)( x′ − x)W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′ = f (r ) ∫ ( x′ − x) ⋅
 ∂W (r ′ − r , h) d r ′ ∂W (r ′ − r , h)
 ∫WW ∫ ( x′ − x ) dr′ ∂ f (r )
∂y ∂y
∂x ∫W
W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′ + ( x′ − x) 2 W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′ +

∂ f (r )
∫W ( y′ − y)W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′ 
 ∂y ∫W
( y ′ − y )( x′ − x)W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′ + O (h 2 )
∂W (r ′ − r , h) 
∫W ( y′ − y) ∂x
d r ′ (14) (16)

∂W (r ′ − r , h)  and
∫W ( y′ − y) ∂y
f (r ′)( y ′ − y )W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′ = f (r ) ∫ ( y ′ − y ) ⋅
and therefore we have the modified kernel function
and its derivatives as follows ∂ f (r )
∂x ∫W
W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′ + ( x′ − x)( y ′ − y )W (r ′ −
   
 W C 2 ( r ′ − r , h)   W ( r ′ − r , h)  ∂ f (r )
∂y ∫W
    r , h)d r ′ + ( y ′ − y ) 2 W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′ + O (h 2 )
 ∂W C 2 (r ′ − r , h)  −1  ∂W ( r ′ − r , h) 
 ∂x =N  ∂x  (15) (17)
   
 ∂W (r ′ − r , h)   ∂W (r ′ − r , h) 
Solving Eq.(16) and Eq.(17) together, we obtain the
 
 ∂y   ∂y  kernel gradient free CSPH equations

 ∂ f (r )  
 ∂x  ∫W ( y′ − y)W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′ 
  = ∫ [ f (r ′) − f (r )]( M ′) −1 ⋅
 ∂ f (r )  Ω ∫W ( y′ − y)( x′ − x)W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′ (22)
 ∂y  
∫W ( y′ − y) W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′ 

 ( x′ − x)W (r ′ − r , h)  and therefore we have the kernel function and its deri-
( y ′ − y )W (r ′ − r , h)  d r ′ (18)
vatives allowing a second order accuracy as follows
 

where  
 W C 2′ ( x ′ − x , h ) 
   W ( x ′ − x , h) 

M =  ∫W
( x′ − x)2 W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′  ∂W C 2′ ( x ′ − x , h) 
  = ( N ′) −1 
 ( x ′ − x )W ( x ′ − x , h ) 

 ( x′ − x)( y ′ − y )W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′  ∂ x 
 ∫W C 2′
( y ′ − y )W ( x ′ − x , h) 
 ∂W ( x ′ − x , h) 
 ∂y 
 
∫W ( y′ − y)( x′ − x)W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′ (19)
∫W ( y′ − y) W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′ 
KGF-SPH is suitable for a wide range of kernel fun-
ctions[60,61]. Besides, as stated in Jiang et al.[60], the
and therefore we have kernel derivatives allowing a corrective matrices M ′ and N ′ are symmetric, which
second order accuracy for the generic gradient appro- helps to improve the numerical stability. Moreover,
ximations as follows the symmetric matrices help to save storage require-
ment as stated in Xu et al.[96].
 ∂W C ′ (r ′ − r , h)  With the kernel interpolation of second order
  ( x′ − x)W (r ′ − r , h)  accuracy, it is straightforward to extend these con-
 ∂x  = ( M ′)−1   (20) tinuous equations to discretized particle approxima-
( y ′ − y )W (r ′ − r , h) 

 ∂W (r ′ − r , h) 
tions, as been done in Eq.(4). Due to the limitation of
 ∂y 
  the paper length, for more details the readers can refer
to Refs.[60,61,95,96].
And similarly if we solve Eq.(6), Eq.(16) and Eq.(17) In spite of the higher accuracy of the equations
together, we obtain the kernel gradient free FPM as aforementioned, the governing equations are still dis-
follows cretized by classic SPH interpolating formulations in
most of the literature. The reason why the classic SPH
  formulations are mostly adopted is their superior pro-
 f (r )  perties of conservation and stability. The traditional
   W ( r ′ − r , h)  kernel and its derivatives are symmetric between the
 ∂ f (r )  −1  
 ∂x  = ∫W f (r ′)( N ′)  ( x′ − x)W (r ′ − r , h)  d r ′ particle pair, therefore the mass, momentum are stri-
  ( y ′ − y )W (r ′ − r , h)  ctly conserved, for example, in standard SPH and δ -
 ∂ f (r )  SPH. The matrices used to correct the kernels can be
 ∂y  singular when the kernel is truncated severely, which
(21) is harmful to the numerical stability.

where 1.2 Governing equations

 1.2.1 Governing equations for the fluid evolution

 ∫W W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′ (1) Classic governing equations: Form 1
N ′ =  ∫ ( x′ − x)W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′ Here we recall a set of governing equations which
 W are applicable for both free surface and multiphase
 ( y ′ − y )W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′
 ∫W flows as follows:

= ρi ∑ (ui − u j ) ⋅ ∇iWijV j (24a)
∫W ( x′ − x)W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′ Dt j

∫W ( x′ − x) W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′

Dui 1
∫W ( x′ − x)( y ′ − y )W (r ′ − r , h)d r ′ Dt
∑( p
i + p j )∇iWijV j +

ρ0 mi
α hc0 ∑π ∇ W V + g
ρi j ij i ij j
(24b) ρi =

= ui (24c) D ui 1  1
= −
ρi  Vi
∑ j
( piVi 2 + p jV j2 )∇iWij + FiV +

(ui − u j ) ⋅ (ri − rj )
pi = p ( ρi ) , πij = (24d)
ri − rj + (0.01h) 2 Fi S ] + g (25b)

Equations (24) is based on the kernel approximation cl 2 ρ0l  ρi 


and particle approximation introduced in Section 1.1.1. pli =   − 1 + pb (25c)
We underline that in the continuity equation, the γ l  ρ 0 l  

divergence for the velocity is calculated based on the
velocity difference ui − u j between the neighboring cg 2 ρ 0 g  ρ i 

pgi =   − 1 + pb (25d)
particles while in the momentum equation, the pre- g g  ρ0 g 
ssure gradient is based on the pressure summation   
pi + p j . The reason is due to the kernel truncation on
2hih j (ri − rj ) ⋅ ∇iWij (ui − u j )
the free surface, as stated in Section 1.1.1 and more FiV = ∑ j (Vi 2 + V j2 )
details can be found in Colagrossi et al.[87]. (hi + h j ) 2
ri − rj + (ε h) 2 Vi
The second term on the right hand-side of the (25e)
momentum is an artificial viscosity, in which α is
the coefficient to smooth the velocity field. c0 is the
Fi S
= βd
∑ (nˆ − j nˆ ) ⋅ ∇ W V
j i i
j i ij j
∇ ci (25f)
artificial speed of sound, determined by the weakly-
compressible hypothesis as c0 ≥ 10 max(U max , ∑ r −r ⋅ ∇W V
j i j i ij j

pmax / ρ0 ) where U max and pmax are the expected In Eqs.(25), a particle interpolation for the volume is
maximum velocity and pressure. For a viscous pro- adopted and the density is updated using ρi = mi / Vi ,
blem, α hc0 can be replaced by 2(d + 2)ν where d therefore the density approximation is free from the
is the spatial dimension and ν is the kinetic viscosity. restriction of the large density difference near the mul-
For an inviscid flow, the determination of α is usua- tiphase interface[83]. The momentum equation can be
lly set to ensure a local Reynolds number Reh = derived based on the principle of virtual work (PVW),
as shown in Grenier et al.[84] and Zhang et al.[17]. The
U max h /ν  O (10) for stability reasons[13,37]. The
equation of state for the denser phase is denoted by
linearized equation of state written as pi = c 2 ( ρi − ρ0 ) the subscript l and that for the lighter phase is deno-
can be adopted under the weakly compressible regime. ted by the subscript g where γ l = 7 and g g = 1.4
ρ0 is the reference density when the particle is on the are usually adopted as proposed in Colagrossi et al.[22].
free surface with a zero pressure. ρ0l and ρ0 g are the reference density when the pre-
Equations (24) can be used in either the free sur-
face flows or multiphase flows, some applications can ssure p is equal to pb which is the background pre-
be seen in Colagrossi and Landrini[22]. In the present ssure used to prevent the SPH specific numerical in-
work, Eqs.(24) are mainly employed for simulations stability, namely tensile instability, and keep the parti-
of free surface flows, e.g. wave propagations, wave- cles distributing uniformly[82,85].
body interactions, etc.. For the multiphase flow, we The viscous force FiV is calculated with the
recall another set of formulations in the following sub- method proposed in Hu and Adams[83]. On the mul-
section. tiphase interface, the dynamic viscous coefficient is
(2) Governing equations for multiphase flows:
Form 2 calculated using the harmonic mean value as ηij =
The second form of governing equations shown 2ηηηη
i j /( i + j ) . The surface tension Fi
can be do-
in the following is established for the simulation of minant in some cases, e.g. the small scale bubbly
multiphase flows without a free surface. The formula- flows. Here the surface tension formulation proposed
tions read as: in Adami et al.[86] is recommended. A variant of the
normalized divergence operator similar to the CSPH
Vi ≈ ∑ j χ ijV j = ∑ j
Vj =
∑ WV
j ij j

, introduced in Section 1.1.2 is applied for the curvature
σ (ri ) σ (ri ) σ (ri ) calculation of the water-air interface, but here the ma-

trix inverse is avoided thanks to the mathematical During the expansion of the explosive gas, the
work done in Adami et al.[86]. In Fi S , β is the sur- smoothing length needs to be updated according to
face tension coefficient. nˆi is the unit normal vector dh 1 h dρ
=− (30)
calculated as nˆi = ∇ci / ∇ci , where the color function dt d ρ dt
cij is defined as follows:
Different from the equation of state for free surface
2 ρi flows, the state equation for explosion problems should
cij = if particle i and j belong to consider also the inner energy, thus real sound speed
ρi + ρ j
of the fluid material should be adopted. For the water
modeling, Gruneisen form of the equation of state
different phase (26a)
should be adopted[57]. The standard Jones-Wilkins-Lee
(JWL) state equation is employed to model the produ-
cij = 0 if particle i and j belong to the same phase
cts of explosion. If the material strength is considered
(26b) for modeling the structure responses in contact explo-
sions or high velocity impact (HIV) problems, the
and ∇ci is calculated as Mie-Gruneisen equation of state for solid mechani-
cs[16,98] can be applied. The Johnson-Cook yield model
1 cii + cij can be employed to evaluate the dynamic yield stress
∇ ci
∑ j
(Vi 2 + V j2 )
∇iWij (27)
and the von Mises yield criterion is used to determine
whether the solid material yields or no[57,99].
ji j was defined in Zhang et al.[17] to inverse the nor- (4) Governing equations of higher accuracy: Form
mal directions for different fluid phases on both sides
The main difference between form 4 and the
of the interface as
forms 1-3 is the adoption of the kernel gradients. As
reviewed in Section 1.1.2, the KGF-SPH[91] can be
ji j = −1 if particle i and j belong to
derived based on CSPH or FPM. The kernel gradient
different phase (28a) ∇Ci 2′Wij are used to replace the kernel gradients in
Eqs.(24) to discretize the continuity equation and mo-
ji j = 1 if particle i and j belong to the same phase mentum equation. Many applications using these gove-
(28b) rning equations such as dam-breaking flows[95], 3-D
transient generalized Newtonian free surface flows[61]
In Eqs.(25), a summation density is adopted, it leads are published recently.
to kernel truncation near the boundary. But if we In summary, for governing equations, form 1 is
arrange air particles above the fluid surface, it can still widely used for various applications, particularly sui-
be applied for the simulation of flows with a water-gas table for free surface flows in ocean engineering, form
surface[85], but that brings about more expensive com- 2 is widely used for multiphase flows and form 3 is
putational costs. Regarding the the multi-phase model widely used to model HIV or underwater explosions.
in the framework of ISPH, see more in the paper by The form 4 allows of a higher accuracy in the simu-
Shao[41]. lations particular when the kernel truncation is trun-
(3) Governing equations for explosion problems: cated. In Jiang et al.[60], it is shown that with the MC-
Form 3 SSPH model, the modeling of rotating square obtains
For explosion problems like underwater explo- a more uniform particle arrangement and for the
sions in free field, underwater contact explosions, the deformation of the fluid patch, a smoother vorticity
continuity and momentum equations have the same field can be achieved with respect to traditional SPH
form with Eqs.(24). The main differences lie in the models. But since the symmetric characteristic, i.e.
equation of state which takes into account the inner
∇Ci 2′Wij = −∇Cj 2′Wij , is lost, with respect to the classic
energy. In addition, the variating smoothing length[97]
due to the big compressibility of the fluid phase is also kernel gradients, it is difficult for the kernel gradient
considered. The energy equation is written as ∇Ci 2′Wij to ensure a strict conservation of mass and
Dei 1 momentum for a long term simulation with a disorde-
Dt 2 ρi
∑( p i + p j )(ui − u j ) ⋅ ∇iWijV j − red free surface deformation. In addition, the treat-
ment for the singularity of the corrective matrix is still
an open problem. Therefore, for engineering applica-
α hc0
2 ρi
ij (ui − u j ) ⋅ ∇iWijV j (29) tions, the first three forms are mostly used at the pre-
sent stage and form 4 still needs further investigations

in different benchmark cases[50]. 1.3 Techniques for preventing high frequency pressure
1.2.2 Governing equations for the rigid body motions In WCSPH, since the fluid is assumed to be
The governing equations for the motions of six weakly compressible and an equation of state is ado-
degrees of freedom (6-DOF) of the solid body are pted to link pressure and density, the pressure field is
expressed as follows[100,101]: very sensitive to the density oscillations, which leads
to a main challenging issue in the WCSPH model. In
M U x = Fxfluid −solid + g , M U y = Fyfluid −solid + g , the last decades, several remedies have been proposed
to smooth the pressure field. Recently, a comprehen-
sive study is also carried out in Cercos-Pita et al.[104]
M U z = Fzfluid −solid + g (31) to study the diffusive terms. In the present section,
some widely used numerical techniques are reviewed.
I x Ωx − ( I y − I z )Ω y Ωz = Txfluid −solid (32a)
1.3.1 The density filtering technique
The density filtering is an efficient way to re-
I y Ω y − ( I z − I x )Ωz Ωx = Tyfluid −solid (32b) move high frequency density oscillations. Generally,
there are two widely adopted techniques respectively
I z Ωz − ( I x − I y )Ωx Ω y = Tzfluid −solid (32c) with the first order and second order accuracy. The
former uses the Shepard kernel interpolation[93] and
the latter uses the well-known MLS interpolation[22,29].
rG = U , θ = Ω (33) Moreover, generally for multiphase flows, the pre-
vious mentioned techniques are not applicable. How-
where U = (U x ,U y ,U z ) Ω = (Ωx , Ωy , Ωz )
and ever, recently a novel idea was proposed by Chen et
al.[78], in which the pressure filter technique based on
denote the transitional and angular velocity for the the Shepard kernel was modified as
solid body in different axis components. θ denotes
the vector of angle of rotation. M and
I = ( I x , I y , I z ) refer to the total mass and moment of ρinew =
∑ W m
j ij j
 j = ρ jV j , ρ j =
, m
p j − pb
+ ρi 0
inertia with respect to the gravity center G . The ∑ WV
j ij j ci2

function f denotes a time derivative of a generic (36)

variable f .
where ρ j is the density recalculated based on the pre-
Similar to Kajtar and Monaghan[102] and Bous-
casse et al.[37], the approximations of the forces and ssure of particle j but the speed of sound of particle
moments on the solid body are derived based on the i . The novel idea overcomes the limitation of the dra-
momentum balance between the fluid and solid body stic density difference across the multiphase interface.
particles as follows:
1.3.2 The Rusanov flux
mi m j Although the density filtering technique supplies
Ffluid-solid = ∑ ∑ α c0 h ρ0 ij ) ⋅ ∇iWij
( pi + p j -p
ρi ρ j
a useful way to smooth the pressure field, it has two
i∈fluid j∈solid
drawbacks. The first one is that it cannot satisfy the
(34) volume conservation since the hydrostatic component
can be improperly filtered[105]. The second drawback
i + j
mi m j  ρρ  is its additional computational cost which requests
Tfluid-solid = ∑ ∑ 
i∈fluid j∈solid ρi ρ j  2
- ρG  ×
another loop throughout all the particles. Considering

this point, in many works, the density filtering is con-
ducted every 20 time steps[22]. In this subsection, the
[( pi + p j − α c0 h ρ0 pij )∇iWij ] (35)
Rusanov flux is recalled to smooth the density field
which benefits also the pressure distribution. One
where rG is the position vector of the gravity center. merit is its value can be calculated along with the
For the coupling algorithm between the fluid and body density derivatives avoiding the apparent increase of
particles can refer to Bouscasse et al.[37] when a fixed computational cost.
ghost particle boundary is implemented and to Guo et Vila[106] and Lanson[107] used the Riemann solvers
al.[101] when a dummy particle boundary is adopted. to evaluate a numerical flux between the neighboring
When an ISPH model is adopted, two different kinds particles, but it leads to superabundant numerical
of coupling algorithms can be found in Shao and diffusion. Ferrari et al.[108] proposed to consider diffu-
Gotoh[103] and Liu et al.[38]. sion based on Rusanov flux only in the continuity

equation, which significantly reduces the numerical 1.4 Boundary conditions

viscosity while still allows a smooth pressure distribu- In SPH, many efforts have also been devoted to
tion. The formulation is written as the implementation of boundary conditions. Generally,
the boundary conditions in hydrodynamics can be
Dri mainly divided into two categories: free surface boun-
= ri ∑ (ui − u j ) ⋅ ∇iWijV j + DiFerrari (37a) dary and solid wall boundary.
Dt j

1.4.1 Free surface boundary

rj − ri For the free surface flows, two conditions (kine-
D i
= c0 ∑ ( rr
j − i) ⋅ ∇iWijV j (37b)
j rj − ri matic and dynamic conditions) have to be satisfied on
the free surface[87,111]:
(1) The fluid particle initially on the free surface
The Rusanov flux is independent of any artificial
should be always on the free surface, except for the
parameters, which therefore makes the scheme con-
water wave rolling and impact.
venient to be applied in different applications. How-
(2) The pressure on the free surface is equal to the
ever, in long term simulations, similar to the first
background/atmosphere pressure.
order density filtering technique, the Rusanov flux
The two above mentioned conditions can be im-
cannot preserve the hydrostatic equilibrium either[35,36].
plicitly satisfied in the framework of WCSPH if pro-
The main reason is the inconsistency due to the singu-
per governing equations are adopted as discussed in
larity of the density approximation close to the free
Colagrossi et al.[87]. However, in ISPH or MPS, it is
another story in which the free surface should be pre-
cisely detected and a free surface condition (dynamic
1.3.3 The δ - term
condition) should be imposed. At present, several good
To maintain the hydrostatic equilibrium in long
algorithms have been proposed to detect the free sur-
term simulations, the well-known δ - SPH was propo-
face particles[28,44,112-115].
sed[35,36]. When the δ - term is taken into account, the
continuity equation becomes 1.4.2 Solid wall boundary
Regarding the solid wall boundary conditions,
Dρi they can be divided into two categories: free slip
= ρi ∑ (ui − u j ) ⋅ ∇iWijV j + Diδ (38a)
Dt j boundary or no-slip boundary. In both the two diffe-
rent boundary conditions, a non-penetration condition
(rj − ri ) ⋅ ∇iWij has to be satisfied. To achieve this goal, usually two
Diδ = δ hc0 ∑ψ ij 2
Vj (38b) manners are adopted. The first one is to use a surface
j rj − ri integral on the boundary to satisfy the boundary con-
dition and the second one is to distribute ghost parti-
L L cles on and inside the boundary surface and extrapo-
ψ ij = 2( ρ j − ρi ) − ( ∇ρ + ∇ρ i ) ⋅ (ρρ
j − i) (38c)
j late the generic variables from the fluid particles to
these ghost particles. In the first category of boundary
where ∇ρ is a renormalized gradient of the den- treatment, the well-known techniques are normal flux
sity using the corrected kernel gradients in Section method[116] and the so called unified semi-analytical
wall boundary condition[117]. It is worth noting that the
1.1.2. With the second term on right-hand side in ψ ij ,
normal flux method has been successfully applied to
the singularity caused by the kernel truncation on the discretize the irregular ship hull in the simulation of
free surface is avoided. δ is not a free altered para- bow breaking waves in 3-D[30]. The well-known repul-
meter which is usually set at 0.1. The δ - term is an sive force boundary can also be classified into this
improved version of the so-called simple procedure to category since the repulsive force works in a similar
stabilize the pressure as proposed in Molteni and way to the boundary integral term[118] but it lacks con-
Colagrossi[105]. sistency. In the second category where ghost particles
are distributed, there are plenty of different techniques
1.3.4 Techniques adopted in ISPH or MPS models published. The simplest one is the mirroring ghost
The pressure fluctuation is also a major issue in boundary as proposed in Cummins and Rudman[119]
ISPH or MPS models. The error-compensating source and Colagrossi and Landrini[22], however it is only
term[109] and higher-order Laplacian formulation[110] restricted to the applications with regular shaped boun-
developed by Khayyer and Gotoh in Kyoto University dary shapes. In order to improve the mirroring ghost
are widely used. Besides, the hybrid PPE source boundary, fixed ghost boundary was proposed in
term[39,40] is also effective in reducing the pressure Marrone et al.[92]. A MLS interpolation is used to
noise. interpolate the fluid properties from the fluid particles

to the interpolation point, which matches the fixed WCSPH framework, the inflow-outflow boundary is
ghost particles one by one. The procedure for the relatively convenient to be implemented. The techni-
implementation of the fixed ghost boundary is rela- que proposed in Federico et al.[127] is the most widely
tively tough, especially in 3-D cases. Therefore, pro- adopted, see the applications in Refs.[13,24,50]. Rece-
cedures with a more convenient way in interpolating ntly in Kazemi et al.[128], another algorithm is propo-
the fluid properties to the boundary are proposed. In sed. In the SPH model where semi-analytical condi-
Adami et al.[120], a generalized wall boundary condi- tions and Riemann solver are adopted, an unsteady
tion was proposed and has been applied in many open boundary was proposed in Ferrand et al.[129].
ocean engineering applications, see examples in Recently, in the framework of ISPH, different open
Refs.[15]. In Liu et al.[121], beside the dummy particles boundaries are also proposed in Refs.[130-132]. It is
(or ghost particles) inside the boundary surface, a worth noting that when the Lagrangian Coherent Stru-
layer of boundary particle is also distributed along the cture is detected inside the flow, some modifications
boundary surface to prevent the particle penetrations. should be made on the inflow boundary in order to
This method was named the coupled dynamic SBT evaluate the FTLE, see more details in Sun et al.[24].
algorithm. This technique was successfully applied in
problems of water entry and exit[122] and sloshing[90]. 1.4.4 Non-reflection boundary
Recently, it is shown in Cercos-Pita et al.[123] the (1) Sponge layer
presence of some extra terms from the ghost particles As described in Lastiwka et al.[133], the pressure
does not affect the consistency of the SPH model, wave due to the fluid compressibility reflecting on the
which further proves that using ghost particles to boundary and propagating back to the interior fluid
model the wall boundary is reliable. domain is a non-physical behavior since they should
The difference between free-slip boundary and propagate freely across the boundary. A sponge layer
no-slip boundary lies in the implementation of viscous can be implemented near the stationary solid boundary
force. In order to satisfy the free-slip condition, the wall with a certain thickness s to prevent the non-
viscous force is imposed to be zero for a particle pair physical pressure wave reflection. This sponge layer
in which the two particles are respectively fluid and was originally used in Gong et al.[12] and then applied
boundary particles[120]. While in the implementation of by Sun et al.[15] in water entry problems. For the fluid
a no-slip boundary, the viscous force evaluation be- particles inside the sponge layer, the time derivatives
tween fluid and boundary should be carefully add- of the density and velocity should be multiplied with a
ressed. Up to now, different techniques have been term as
proposed concerning the accuracy, consistency, stabi-
lity and operability for regular or irregular boundary  Dρi  50 λ  Dρ 
 Dt  = (1 − 100−0.9 )  i  (39a)
shapes in 2-D or 3-D. Maciá et al.[124] carried out a  sponge  Dt 
theoretical analysis of the no-slip boundary condition
enforcement in SPH methods. Four different exten-  Dui  50 λ  Du 
sions of the velocity from fluid to boundary particles  Dt  = (1 − 100−0.9 )  i  (39b)
were investigated, namely, dummy particles fixed  sponge  Dt 
boundary velocity (U0M)[125], ghost particles with
antisymmetric mirroring (ASM)[120], the Takeda et where λ is defined as λ = ( s − d ) / s , d is the dis-
al.[126] imaginary particles and symmetric mirroring tance between the fluid particles i and the solid
technique (SSM)[13]. They proposed a renormalized boundary wall.
Takeda extension permitting a consistent redefinition (2) Improving viscosity near the wall boundary
such that all the operators converge to the correct The sponge layer works well for preventing spu-
values. However, as was pointed out in Marrone et rious pressure wave reflection, however in the simu-
al.[13] the local inconsistency does not jeopardize the lation of the propagation of gravity water waves, the
consistency of global quantities. This means that in reflection of the wave can also be damped by im-
practical applications, ASM and SSM are also app- proving the viscosity near the wall boundary. This
licable when the particle resolution is fine enough, see technique has been very well adopted in Wen et al.[134].
also the applications in Sun et al.[50]. (3)Non-reflecting Boundary condition
When an inflow and outflow boundary is imple-
1.4.3 Inflow and outflow boundary mented, the sponge layer introduced previously is not
Inflow and outflow boundary conditions are esse- applicable. Therefore in this circumstance, non-refle-
ntial for the applications in ocean engineering. A cting boundary condition introduced in Lastiwka et
representative example is the study of flow past solid al.[133] is recommended.
bodies. Free stream flow past the bluff body leads to a
periodical shedding of vortices which may induce 1.4.5 Particle packing technique
vibrations being harmful to the ocean structures. In the For the fluid-solid interactions with irregular

boundary shapes, the arrangement of the initial parti- mother particle) into several smaller particles (namely
cle distribution close to the solid wall boundary can- daughter particles) to achieve a finer particle resolu-
not be trivial. If the particles are not very well distri- tion in local regions. At the early stage of develop-
buted initially, spurious pressure waves can be genera- ment of this technique, SPH with variable smoothing
ted due to the particle resettlements. Thanks to the length was often applied, in which, the particle resolu-
particle packing technique proposed in Colagrossi et tion is gradually increased from the region of interest
al.[135], a uniform particle distribution around the solid up to the borders of the computational domain[138]. In
wall boundary can be obtained. In Fig.1, the particle a similar way, Koukouvinis et al.[139] refined the par-
distribution around a submarine shape is shown after ticles in certain regions at the initial stage, and during
particle packing algorithm was used. The zoom view the simulation, no more particles are refined. Recently,
on the right-hand side of the same figure demonstrates Tang et al.[140] applied this technique to water entry
a uniform particle distribution around the model stern problems in the context of MPS. The methods men-
with a complex configuration. tioned above are easy to be implemented since the
total particle number is fixed.
Starting from Feldman et al.[141], a dynamic parti-
cle splitting method has been proposed, which is very
attractive since only the particles (mother particle)
which enter the region of interest will be split. That
means the total particle number during the simulation
is always updating. It increases the complexity of the
algorithm. The most challenging problem lies in the
treatment of accuracy and stability on the splitting
Fig.1 The particle arrangement surrounding the submarine interface where the smoothing lengths and particle
shape after the using of the particle packing algorithm[135] arrangements have a sharp transition. The error is rela-
1.5 Adaptive-particle resolution ted to the adopting of particle splitting configurations
In order to well reproduce the physical pheno- and the assignment of the smoothing lengths of the
mena in ocean engineering applications, a sufficiently daughter particles. Feldman et al.[141] proposed two
fine particle resolution should be imposed. For exa- splitting patterns of hexagon and triangle, which allow
mple, in the numerical simulation of wave propaga- satisfactory accuracy at the splitting interface. Omi-
tions, it was shown in Antuono et al.[136] that particle dvar et al.[142,143] simplified Feldman’s method with a
number of the order of 10 should be distributed in the square particle splitting pattern in two dimensions and
wave height to avoid overdamping and achieve a con- a cubic pattern in three dimensions. An systematic
vergent solution. Another example is in the simulation investigation was carried out in López et al.[144]. An
of flow past a bluff body. In order to obtain a con- improved splitting error analysis was proposed in their
vergent evaluation of the force on the body, in parti- work, in which the error analysis was based on the
cular for reproducing the viscous force in the boun- derivative of f (r ) ( f (r ) is a generic physical varia-
dary layer, a particle resolution of D / Dx ≥ 80 should ble). However, since the smoothing lengths of the
be distributed with D being the “projected frontal daughter particles are constrained in order to avoid
side” of the rigid body, see more in Marrone et al.[13]. particle clumping, a non-uniform distribution of dau-
However in these cases, the fluid domain is quite large ghter particles has to be adopted in order to decrease
in order to mimic the free stream and therefore the the splitting error. This may create problems when a
adoption of single particle resolution leads to very particle shifting technique is adopted, see e.g. Sun et
expensive computational costs. al.[50], since the latter always tends to make the par-
In the mesh-based methods, e.g. FDM[137], the ticle distribution more uniform.
adaptive mesh scales are usually adopted, which im- After the daughter particles are transported out of
proves the accuracy in local areas but reduces the total the splitting domain, a particle merging technique
computational cost due to the reduction of grid ele- should be adopted as the one proposed in Vacondio et
ments. al.[145,146].
In SPH, due to the Lagrangian trajectory of the
1.5.2 Particle overlapping technique
particle, to achieve an adaptive-particle resolution is
In the particle overlapping technique, the mother
not as straightforward as what done in mesh-based
particle split in a certain region is still kept but swit-
methods. Despite the difficulty, special treatments are
ched off and turned on when they flow out of that
developed in recent years and will be reviewed in the
region. Therefore, the particle coalescing, which is
following subsections.
complicated for programming, is avoided. Sketches of
1.5.1 Particle splitting and coalescing the particle splitting and overlapping are depicted in
One technique is to split one big particle (namely Fig.2. Figure 2(a) shows the mother particle (Level 0,

blue), the daughter particles after the first splitting are based on the interpolation of the velocity from the
(Level 1, green) and the daughter particles after the daughter particles. While in MPS, the movements of
second splitting (Level 2, red). The splitting interface the mother particles are obtained by solving the
1 and 2 means the mother particles across the interface Poisson equation based only on the mother particles.
will be split into four particles and the corresponding And then the movements of the daughter particles are
daughter particles flowing out of the splitting interface solved by the Poisson equation based on the quantities
will be erased. Figures 2(b) and 2(c) show the en- on the splitting boundary where the quantities are
larged views of the two square boxes by dashed lines interpolated from the mother particles, see more de-
in Fig.2(a). Figure 2(b) shows the particle distribution tails in Tang et al.[115].
after the first splitting with two scales of particles
overlapping. Figure 2(c) shows the particle distribu- 1.6 Preventing of tensile instability
tion after the second splitting with three scales of par- SPH method suffers from tensile instability when
ticle overlapping. the pressure becomes negative. The behavior can be
described as the particles tend to stay in pairs or clu-
stered. As the tensile instability develops, numerical
fluid voids caused by the fluid material fragmentation
are observed in local regions. The most common ten-
sile instability phenomena appear in the simulation of
lid driven cavity[15] and downstream the flow past a
bluff body[13]. To prevent this non-physical behavior,
Monaghan[147] proposed to add an artificial stress
added into the momentum equation to prevent the ten-
sile instability. However, in WCSPH, the pressure is
linked to the density variation, which is directly rela-
ted to the evolution of the particle velocity. When an
artificial stress is added into the momentum, the velo-
city evolution is never consistent with the N-S equa-
tions, and therefore the pressure field becomes un-
stable and even worse than all, the numerical results
are wrong. An example is the well-known benchmark
test case called rotational fluid patch which has been
widely adopted to test the consistency, accuracy, sta-
bility of a numerical scheme[50,60,148-150]. In Le Touz et
al.[148], it was shown that after adopting the artificial
stress, the phenomenon of particle clustering was re-
moved, while another problem of pressure fluctuation
in the fluid center was observed. This is due to the
inconsistency brought about by the artificial stress.
Another remedy proposed to remove the tensile in-
stability is named the dynamic stabilization (DS) in
the framework of MPS, see Tsuruta et al.[150]. This
technique is suitable for an incompressible scheme
(MPS or ISPH) while in WCSPH schemes it has the
same drawback of introducing pressure noises.
For the flow without a free surface, background
pressure is the most suitable and convenient way to
prevent tensile instability, see the simulations of the
lid driven cavity[15] and flow past body[13]. As pointed
Fig.2 Sketch of the particle distribution in the particle over- out in Adami et al.[151], a drawback of background pre-
lapping technique ssure is the inducing of the spurious numerical dissi-
pation. Therefore in that work, a transport-velocity
For the time being, there are two different over- formulation for smoothed particle hydrodynamics was
lapping techniques developed respectively in the proposed. In another work of the same authors[152], the
frameworks of WCSPH and MPS. The overlapping difference between background pressure and tran-
technique in WCSPH was first proposed in Barcarolo sport-velocity formulation in SPH was analyzed. How-
et al.[49] and then further extended and generalized in ever, these techniques cannot be applied to free sur-
Sun et al.[50]. The movements of the mother particles face problems. Therefore in Oger et al.[149], a con-

sistent ALE formalism was implemented in the frame- correction scheme and also contributes to a better
work of Riemann solver based SPH (one of the varia- numerical stability. In either the modified prediction-
nts of WCSPH). That scheme is consistent and can be correction scheme or modified Verlet scheme, the
applied to violent fluid-solid interacting problems evaluation of the general variables is conducted at the
with a free surface. Recently in Sun et al.[50], an δ + - midpoint time step n +1 / 2 except the updating of
SPH scheme was proposed based on the well-known the particle position which is based on the velocity
δ - SPH by introducing a particle shifting technique, evaluated on the time step n +1 . It is proven that
which was originally proposed by Xu et al.[45] and with this modification, a larger CFL factor ( CFL ≈ 1 )
extended by Lind et al.[153] to free surface flows. In can be used.
Sun et al.[50], a novel technique was introduced to treat In ISPH and MPS models, the popular two-step
the free surface in order to make δ + - SPH suitable projection solution (prediction-correction) method is
for violent free surface simulations. Moreover, the shi- usually adopted, see more in Refs.[41,109,119,125,
fting was also generalized to multi particle resolu- 154].

1.7 Time-stepping scheme 2. The recent applications of SPH in fluid-structure

interactions in ocean engineering
1.7.1 Runge-Kutta integration scheme
For the modeling of hydrodynamic problems in 2.1 SPH simulations of hydrodynamic problems
ocean engineering, the well-known δ - SPH scheme[92] With the rapid development of SPH schemes and
numerical techniques, SPH has been widely and
and its further improved variant δ + - SPH[50] can be successfully applied in the simulation of fluid-stru-
adopted. In these schemes, the most adopted explicit cture interactions in ocean engineering. Particularly in
time integration may be the 4th order Runge-Kutta in- the WCSPH method, thanks to the benefits of its low
tegration[22,36,92]. The merit of such a time integration CPU costs, ease of implementation and parallelization,
scheme is the allowance of a relatively larger time large simulations can be launched on high-perfor-
step. The time step ∆t in the 4th order Runge-Kutta mance computational machines. In this section, diffe-
integration method is constrained by the maximum rent SPH simulations of hydrodynamic problems are
acceleration amax = max( ai ) (both the fluid and body presented.

particles), the maximum velocity umax = max( ui )

i 2.1.1 Simulation of liquid sloshing
(both the fluid and body particles) and artificial sound Sloshing is a process of violent fluid motions
speed c0 as inside a tank[155]. It has a wide application in ocean
engineering, particularly important for the research
and analysis of liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers,
 h
∆t ≤ min CFL1 , oil tanks and other large scale liquid containers. SPH
 amax has been successfully applied to sloshing simulations
by many researchers. Sloshing in different conditions
  are modeled, validated and investigated. To successfu-
 h   lly model this violent fluid-structure interacting pro-
CFL 2 min (40)
i  c0 + umax + h max φij   cess, a robust SPH scheme with a stable pressure app-
 j  roximation is crucial (e.g. using techniques for pre-
venting high frequency pressure fluctuations as pre-
where the CFL coefficients are heuristically found sented in Section 1.3). Colagrossi et al.[87] conducted a
to be: CFL1 ≤ 0.25 and CFL 2 ≤ 2.0 . theoretical analysis on the free surface conditions in
WCSPH, explained why the surface condition is im-
1.7.2 Prediction-correction scheme plicitly satisfied in the framework of WCSPH and a
In the modeling of a multiphase flow, a modified sloshing test case was also tested and validated in that
prediction-correction time stepping scheme was pre- paper by using the results of a BEM solver. Delorme
sented in Zhang et al.[17]. In that work, the bubble et al.[156] carried out an experimental study to validate
rising and bubble interaction were simulated in 3-D. It SPH results in the sloshing modeling. The influences
was shown that the modified prediction-correction of viscosity and of density re-initialization on the SPH
scheme has a better numerical stability. In Molteni results were discussed. After that, the proposal for
and Colagrossi[105], a similar time-stepping scheme δ - SPH further improved the SPH scheme allowing
was studied, and was named modified Verlet scheme, much more stable pressure approximations[92], re-
which has a form similar to the modified prediction- moving the singularity on the free surface[36] and

giving a fast dissipation of the high-frequency energy

in the water wave impact[157]. A good solid wall boun-
dary is also essential. Chen et al.[158] carried out an
investigation on the pressure on solid walls using SPH
method. An improved boundary technique was also
proposed in that work. Fixed ghost particle boundary
works well in 2-D simulations and was adopted in
Bouscasse et al.[155] to investigate shallow water slo-
shing. A 3-D simulation was made by Luo et al.[159]
recently. In Cao et al.[10], sloshing with a baffle was
investigated using a dummy particle boundary. Rece-
ntly, in Hwang et al.[68], sloshing flows interacting
with elastic baffles were modeled and investigated.
Considering the coupled sloshing seakeeping effects, a
SPH-FEM coupling technique was recently developed
in Serván-Camas et al.[63]. After plenty of validations,
SPH has been proven to be a reliable numerical tool to
analyze sloshing flows in different conditions.

2.1.2 Water entry and exit of a circular cylinder

(1) The water entry of a circular cylinder Fig.3 The snapshots of the water entry of a cylinder at t =
Water entry of a rigid body is an important phe- 142 ms from different views
nomenon in ocean engineering operations. From relea-
sing lifeboats, freak wave impact on ship structures to
the launching of missile projectiles, the water entry
can be quite often encountered. In the study of these
problems, the circular cylinder water entries are the
most representative ones since it is the shape mostly
adopted as structural components in the construction
of offshore platforms. 2-D simulations and investiga-
tions have been carried out thoroughly, but 3-D stu-
dies have mostly been conducted in experiments[160,161].
Recently, 3-D water entry problems are very well stu-
died in Nguyen et al.[162] by using a Navier-Stokes
solver. Fig.4 Time evolution of the vertical displacement
In the present subsection, 3-D water entry of a
circular cylinder with the length of 0.20 m and dia- Table 1 Parameters for the water exit tests
meter of 0.05 m is simulated. The vertical velocity Test number No. 1 No. 2
when the cylinder just touches the undisturbed water
surface is 6.22 m/s. The cylinder mass is 0.533 kg. Froude number Fr 0.4627 0.7644
The adopted SPH model is the well-known δ - SPH Reynolds number Re 1 000 1 000
model. A free-slip wall boundary condition is applied
on the cylinder surface and on the wall of the outside (2) The water exit of a circular cylinder
water tank whose geometrical scale is with the length Water exit, compared to water entry, has been
of 0.625 m, width of 0.375 m and depth of 0.45 m. An much less investigated[163]. Beside the challenge from
experimental study was conducted for this case in Wei the dramatic free surface deformation, the water exit is
and Hu[161]. also tightly related to the viscous effect which beco-
The numerical results are shown in Fig.3. Similar mes particularly important when viscous flow separa-
cavity shapes can be observed between the experime- tion occurs. While in the water entry, the viscous force
ntal and SPH results. Only half of the fluid particles can be less important since the non-viscous flow sepa-
are shown in order to more clearly demonstrate the ration at the initial slamming stage is mandatory.
cavity shape induced by the cylinder motion. The con- Therefore, many works addressing slamming load
tour on the fluid particles shows the velocity variation during the water entry by BEM are published, see
while the contour on the cylinder surface shows the Refs.[164-167]. The water exit problems are mainly
pressure distribution. In Fig.4, a good agreement is tackled in experiment or CFD solvers considering the
also obtained for the vertical displacements. viscous stress, see Refs.[122,168-170]. Recently, Ni et

Fig.5 The process for the water exit of No. 2 test

al.[171] simulated a complete water exit of a fully-sub- number Re = UD / ν , where U is the velocity of the
merged body through an enhanced BEM, mainly focus cylinder, g being gravity acceleration, D being
on the free surface deformation: free surface breaking cylinder diameter and ν being kinetic viscosity of the
and detachment. Wang et al.[172] adopted a viscous fluid. The parameters are shown in Table 1 correspo-
modification based on the results of BEM to evaluate nding to the experimental study[173]. Here the Reynolds
the load on a 2-D circular cylinder during the water number we use is 1 000, which on the one hand allows
exit process. a satisfactory numerical stability for the SPH simula-
Taking into account the viscous effect, in this tion, on the other hand considers the viscous effect on
subsection, 2-D water exit of the cylinder is investiga- the flow separation. According to the experiment, the
ted with the recently developed δ + - SPH scheme. The cylinder starts at Vt / R = −5.5 and after a short time
numerical results are validated by the experimental acceleration, the cylinder reaches the expected Froude
data[173] and the other numerical results[163,172]. number at the time of Vt / R = −5 .
The water exit tests are characterized mainly by The processes of the water exit for the test No. 2
the Froude number Fr = U / gD and the Reynolds at four time instants are plotted in Fig.5. A good

agreement for the cylinder position and the free sur- separation which is not taken into account in BEM.
face deformation is achieved between δ + - SPH[50] Besides, the results of BEM at Vt / D > 1 are not pre-
and CIP[163]. Through the SPH results, we can see sented due to free surface breaking which terminates
clearly how the vortices are detached from the cyli- the simulation. Therefore, we can summarize that for
nder at different time instants. In the cores of these the water exit problem, SPH can be a numerical solver
vortices, the pressure is negative. The movements of more appropriate.
the vortex affect the total drag force acting on the
cylinder. Additionally, on the free surface, the pressu-
re is always zero, as the cylinder gradually app-
roaching the free surface, the total drag force which is
equal to the pressure difference between the cylinder
top and bottom is decreasing.

Fig.6 The time evolution of the coefficient of the vertical drag

force acting on the cylinder during the water exit
Fig.7 Time evolutions of the wave elevations at different hori-
In order to give a more clear comparison, time zontal positions. SPH results are validated by the experi-
evolutions of the force coefficients for test No. 1 and mental data[175]
No. 2 are plotted in Fig.6. The vertical force coeffi-
cient is evaluated by ce = Fv /(0.5 ρ V 2 D) . The SPH
results are compared with some reference solutions in
the literature. A fair agreement is obtained between
the results of SPH and CIP since the viscous forces
are both considered in the two solvers. The experi-
mental results are accompanied with some fluctua-
tions due to the automatic control of the hydraulic
system used to enforce the test cylinder to exit the
water[163]. However the overall trends of the force
evolutions of the experiment and numerical results are
in accordance. It is worth noting that the results of Fig.8 Time evolution of the wave elevation at x / H = 7.6
BEM is a little larger during the time range of with three different particle resolutions. SPH results are
Vt / D = (−5,1) . This is owing to the viscous flow compared with the experimental data[175]

Fig.9 The snapshots of the interaction between the floating body and the freak wave at different time instants

2.1.3 Wave-body interaction can be adopted: the piston wave maker or the flap one.
Wave-body interaction plays an important role in The former is more suitable for the shallow water
ocean engineering. In rough seas, the wave induced wave generation while the latter is better for relatively
motion, wave impact and green water loading can lead deeper water waves. In Antuono et al.[136], different
to a disaster for the offshore structure. Recently, SPH water waves were studied, including standing waves,
has been widely applied to model these kinds of inte- regular waves and wave packages using piston or flap
ractions[15,37,103,174], particularly for the cases involving wave makers, and the SPH results were validated by
violent freak waves with structure motions presenting the numerical results through a BEM-MEL solver or
large amplitudes. the experimental data. The results demonstrated that
To model such a complex interacting process, WCSPH with the diffusive terms developed in
three aspects should be considered carefully. (1) The Antuono et al.[36] is robust in modeling different water
water wave generation using a wave maker. (2) The waves in particular for nonlinear waves with wave
wave damping at the end of the numerical water wave rolling and breakings. Regarding the wave damping,
tank. (3) The coupling between the fluid and floating the non-reflection boundary introduced in Section
body considering 6-DOF motions[162]. In the water 1.4.4 can be employed. Liu et al.[154] also introduced a
wave generation, generally two types of wave makers non-reflection internal wave maker algorithm in the

framework of ISPH. The advantage of this algorithm H / dx = 80 where H is the undisturbed water height
is the wave generations are not affected by the refle- and dx is the initial particle spacing for discretizing
cted waves. the fluid domain. A good agreement between the SPH
Regarding the 6-DOF coupling motions between results and the experimental data is obtained in Fig.7.
the fluid and floating body, in Bouscasse et al.[37], a A convergence study for the wave elevation is also
technique was introduced when the fixed ghost parti- presented in Fig.8. As the particle resolution is increa-
cle boundary[92] was implemented. In Sun et al.[15], a sed, the wave elevations converge to the experimental
coupling method between the floating body and the data[177]. With the highest particle resolution of H /
fluid based on the dummy particle boundary was pre- dx = 80 , the interaction between the freak wave and a
sented. The governing equations introduced in Section floating body is simulated. The floating body can
1.2.2 can be applied for the updating of the rigid body freely heave and pitch but the surging motion is pro-
positions. hibited. The snapshots of the motions of the floating
As an example, the interaction between a 2-D body are depicted in Fig.9. The time history of the
floating body and a freak wave introduced in Zhao et body motions and the wave elevation at x / H = 12.7
al.[175,176] is simulated here by using a coupling are plotted in Fig.10. A fair agreement is obtained
technique based on the dummy particle boundary. Pre- between SPH and the experiment, which demonstrates
viously, this case was studied experimentally and the robustness of the present SPH scheme in modeling
numerically by a CIP method[175,176]. For more details wave-body interactions. We underline that even thou-
regarding the case set-up, see Zhao et al.[176]. In the gh a 2-D simulation is conducted here, the SPH sche-
following, the SPH results are presented comparing me containing a dummy particle boundary is very
with the experimental data. straightforward to be extended in 3-D cases.

Fig.10 Time evolutions of the motions of the floating body are

plotted in the first three subplots and the wave elevation
at x / H = 12.7 is plotted in the last subplot Fig.11 Time evolution of the inflooding water through the
opening of a floating structure
Firstly, the freak wave generation by using a 2.1.4 Simulation of the water flooding and sinking of
piston wave maker is validated. The time evolutions a damaged floating structure
of the wave elevations at x / H = 7.6 , x / H = 12.7 , During the lifetime of a surface ship, the crash,
x / H = 17.5 , x / H = 22.2 and x / H = 27.4 are stranding or underwater explosion may make the ship
plotted in Fig.7. The adopted particle resolution is lose its integrity. The water flooding through the

damaged hole of a ship and the water spreading throu- and the undistributed free surface and g is the gra-
gh the openings inside the ship structure are big threa- vity acceleration. For the flow past a cylinder in free
ts to the ship survivability[101]. Therefore a numerical stream, the inflow boundary is imposed at x = −8D
model to predict the dynamic floating state of a and outflow boundary at x = 24 D . The lateral boun-
damaged ship in different inflooding conditions is sig- daries are imposed at y / D = ±8D to avoid the blo-
nificant, which can provide a reference for the ship
operations and sea rescues. To our knowledge, Idel- ckage effect. Three levels of particle resolutions are
sohn et al.[178] first proposed to model the sinking adopted in this simulation. Close to the cylinder,
process of a damaged oil tank using particle methods. within the radius of R2 = 1.75D , the particle spacing
In Le Touzé et al.[179], SPH was proven to correctly is D / Dx = 100 . Within the region of 1.75D < R1 <
simulate transient flooding behavior that occurs during 2.25D , the particle resolution is D / Dx = 50 and in
and immediately after a side collision between two the rest of the fluid domain, D / Dx = 25 is adopted.
vessels. Recently, in Zhang et al.[29], numerical and After a short time acceleration, the inflow speed rea-
experimental studies were carried out to study the mo- ches the expected inflow velocity U . In order to
tions of a damaged floating structure. A fairly good quickly enter the vortex shedding stage, we use a free
agreement was obtained between the results of SPH slip boundary for the upper half of the cylinder while
and experiment. Fig.11 shows the time evolution of a no-slip boundary for the lower half when tU / D < 5 .
the flooding process of a damaged floating structure.
When tU / D ≥ 5 , a no-slip boundary condition is
The structure has a length of 46 m, width of 16 m and
imposed on all the cylinder surface. The pressure and
height of 8.5 m, consisting of three water-tight cabins
vorticity distributions at tU / D = 64.5 are depicted
with the same scales. The water draft is d = 4.2 m .
in Fig.12. A negative pressure region can be observed
There is a circular opening with a diameter of 3.0 m
in the cores of the vortices. We underline that the
located in the position which has the height of 1.6 m
background pressure[13] is not adopted here. Thanks to
from the bottom and the distance of 2.5 m from the
the shifting technique, the particle clustering and the
first bulkhead. Through the opening the water gradua-
non-physical flow cavitation can be avoided in the
lly floods into the cabin and a coupled motion be-
tween the fluid and structure occurs, see the snapshots δ + - SPH when a small time step is used. The time
at different time instants in Fig.11. evolution of the drag and lift force coefficients are
plotted in Fig.13 along with the results by using the
2.1.5 Flow past a circular cylinder by using adaptive- recently developed diffused vortex hydrodynamics
particle resolutions (DVH) method[180]. As can be seen from the curves of
Flow past a bluff body is a classic test case for force coefficient, fair agreement between the two
CFD solvers. It also has important applications in the solvers is observed.
ocean engineering, for example, the applications in the
preventing of vortex induced vibrations in flow past
risers, offshore platforms and transmission pipelines.
The flow features are dependent on Reynold numbers,
Froude numbers and the boundary conditions, e.g. free
stream condition (risers), flow past a body close to a
free surface (offshore jacket platforms, transmission
pipelines) and flow past a body close to seabed (sub-
sea pipelines).
SPH suffers from the so called tensile instability,
which can induce a non-physical flow cavity down-
stream the body[13]. The newly developed δ + - SPH
scheme which contains a particle shifting technique
can help to avoid this numerical cavity. In this sub-
section, flow past a circular cylinder at the Reynold
number Re = UD / ν = 1 000 is simulated firstly and
then in the next subsection the cylinder is transported
close to a free surface at a Froude number of Fr = U /
Fig.12 The flow past a circular cylinder at Re = 1 000
gD = 1 to see the effect of the free surface on the
vortex shedding. In the definition of the Froude num- 2.1.6 Flow past a circular cylinder close to a free
ber, U is the inflow velocity, D is the cylinder surface
diameter, L is the distance between the cylinder top Differing from the flow past a body in free stream,

the flow past the body close to a free surface is far less
investigated by hydrodynamic community. Some dis-
cussions of this topic can be found in Refs.[181,182]
and recently in Refs.[183,184]. The SPH scheme vali-
dated in the previous subsection is employed here to
simulate the flow past a circular cylinder close to a
free surface. The Reynolds number adopted here is
still Re = UD / ν = 1 000 . Owing to the benefits from
the δ + - SPH scheme[50], the numerical cavitation due
to the tensile instability behind the cylinder is avoided.
The Froude number is set at Fr = U / gD = 1 as
stated before. Initially, the cylinder center is placed at
(0,0) . The inflow boundary is set at x = −6 D and
outflow boundary at x = 18D . The fluid bottom is at
y = −4.5D and the undisturbed free surface at y =
−1.5D . It is worth underlining that to our knowledge,
Re = UD / ν = 1 000 is the highest Reynolds numeri-
cal employed for the simulation of flow past cylinder Fig.14 The flow past a circular cylinder close to a free surface
positioning in the vicinity of a free surface. at t ( g / D )1/2 = 21.55 , Re = 1 000 and Fr = 1

2.1.7 Splashing bow wave of a high-speed ship model

In this subsection, an example of the application
of SPH to the breaking and splashing of bow waves of
high speed ships are presented. Contrasted with the
simulations in Sun et al.[24] and Marrone et al.[14], in
order to make this case easier for the readers to repro-
duce, we adopt a simplified ship hull similar to the
one invented in Sun et al.[185]. The water draft of the
ship is one fifth of the ship height.
In Marrone et al.[14] the breaking wave pattern of
a fast ship has been studied in detail for different
forward ship speeds. In that work a 2-D+t SPH model
was used and the vortical structures due to plunging of
the bow wave are tracked using passive markers which
are initially positioned on the undisturbed free surface.
The same technique has been also adopted in Landrini
et al.[186] combining with vorticity contour plots. In
Fig.13 Time evolutions of the drag and lift force coefficients on
this subsection, a case study is conducted to show the
the circular cylinder at Re = 1 000 (Results of DVH benefits of using the finite time Lyapunov exponent
(FTLE) for capturing the bow breaking wave fea-
from Ref.[180])
tures[24,185]. In the present study, the water depth of the
In Fig.14, the vortex structure downstream the fluid domain is 5 times deeper than the ship draft.
cylinder is depicted by using the vorticity and FTLE[24] Comparing with the water depth of 2 times of the ship
distributions. Comparing the vorticity field with the draught as adopted in Marrone et al.[14], the present
one in Fig.12, we find that the Von Karman vortex study avoids the shallow water effect on the ship wave
street is completely suppressed by the existing of a propagation.
free surface. Beside the vortex shedding from the cyli- The ship Froude number considered here is Fr =
nder, it is also found that the wave breaking generates U / gL = 0.5 with L being the ship length and U
strong vortices which interact with the vortices from the forward ship speed. Figure 15 depicts a panorama
the cylinder. This is different from the results shown view of the ship waves along with the simplified ship.
in Sun et al.[24] since here the Reynold number has The particles belonging to the free surface are identi-
been increased to 1 000 rather than 180. In such a high fied through the algorithm presented in Marrone et
Reynolds number, dipoles composed of two large vor- al.[44] and plotted in blue. The other particles are plo-
tices of opposite signs are observed, see Fig.14.

tted with a contour plot of the FTLE indicated with rising velocity are plotted in Fig.17. As the particle
λT . Only the particles having a λT larger than 0.2, resolution is increased, it is clearly shown that the
which detect the Lagrangian coherent structures (LCSs) SPH results converge to the reference solution.
related to the two submerged vortex tubes, are plotted.
Through the use of FTLE it is possible to reduce the
amount of data for representing the flow feature, which
is a remarkable advantage for the analysis and for the
storing of 3-D SPH data[185].

Fig.15 Breaking wave pattern generated by the simplified ship

model at Fr = U / gL = 0.5

2.1.8 Rising bubble dynamics

Rising bubble is a familiar physical phenomenon Fig.16 The comparisons of the bubble shapes at different time
in ocean engineering from the exploring and proce- instants
ssing of marine resources (e.g. nature gas, combusti-
ble ice) to small scale bubbles generated by ship wave
breaking and propeller cavities. With a multiphase
SPH scheme, the rising bubble problems can be simu-
lated properly. Since Colagrossi et al.[22], many efforts
have been devoted to modeling of rising bubbles. In
Grenier et al.[84], an interface sharpness force was pro-
posed and it plays an important role in preventing the
non-physical penetration on the multiphase interface
due to the implementation of the surface tension
model[186,187]. In Sun et al.[82] and Zhang et al.[17], a
comprehensive multiphase SPH model combining di-
fferent numerical techniques from different models
are employed to simulate the rising bubbles in 2-D Fig.17 Time evolution of the rising velocity
and 3-D respectively.
Here, with the multiphase SPH scheme [17,82], a 2.2 SPH simulations of impact and explosion problems
benchmark of a rising bubble in 3-D is simulated as an Underwater explosion is an important branch in
example. The parameters for the 3-D benchmark of the ocean engineering research. In the off shore opera-
rising bubble can be found in Adelsberger et al.[188]. tion, the explosion may cause structural destruction
To the best of our knowledge, this may be the first which may even lead the platform bilge to capsize.
attempt that the 3-D rising bubble is quantitatively For example, in the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of
validated using SPH method. Mexico, the “Deepwater Horizon” platform sunk due
The bubble shapes at different time instants are to the explosion which made the structure lose its inte-
compared with the results of DROPS[188] as shown in grity. In naval engineering, the underwater explosion
Fig.16 in which the fluid domain is discretized in the is a main threat that makes the warship lose its sur-
particle number of 90×90×180. A fair agreement is vivability[53]. The shock wave by the explosion first
obtained between SPH and the reference solution. A creates local damages and then the pressure load gene-
convergence study is carried out with three different rated by the explosive bubble may cause the ship to
resolutions, respectively discretizing the fluid domain lose its longitudinal strength[189-193]. SPH method has
into particle numbers of 30×30×60, 60×60×120 and been proven to be a good numerical method to predict
90×90×180, under which the time evolutions of the the shock wave load of underwater explosions[55].

2.2.1 Underwater explosions in a free field the FEM is devoted for the elastoplasticity, damage
It is important to predict the pressure load gene- and fracture of ductile structures. The “Glue” algori-
rated by an underwater explosion since the former is thm[53] for the fluid-structure coupling is adopted. The
an important reference for the design and evaluation Johnson-Cook strength and damage models (see Table
of the strength and survivability of marine structures. 2) are used to model the structure.
2-D simulations were carried out to validate the SPH An air-backed plate subjected to an underwater
results by comparing with the solutions of other nume- contact explosion is simulated since the air-backed
rical results[16,55]. In Zhang et al.[54] and Ming et al.[99], plate is an element of the ship structure that below the
an axisymmetric SPH method was developed in the water line. The geometry parameters of the plate and
cylindrical coordinate system to simulate the under- stiffeners are shown on the top of Fig.19. The TNT
water explosion when the TNT charge has the chara- charge with the weight of 0.16 kg attached to the
cteristic of rotational symmetry. A validation for the center of the plate is detonated. The snapshot at t =
axisymmetric SPH on predicting the shock wave load 2.0 ms is shown on the bottom of Fig.19, from which
is plotted in Fig.18. The present result is calculated a petal cracking is observed.
with a finer particle resolution than the one used in
Ming et al.[99]. Here the particle spacing is ∆x =
0.00532 m. The pressure is measured at R = 6.834 m
far away from the center of a spherical TNT charge
with the weight of 8 kg. A fair agreement is achieved
between SPH and experimental data. The advantage
of this technique is its efficiency when compared with
purely 3-D simulations. However, it cannot be applied
to problems with general boundary shapes.

Fig.18 Validation of the shock wave pressure calculated by an Fig.19 Parameters and results of the contact explosion problem
axisymmetric SPH model

Table 2 The parameters for the Johnson-Cook model 3. Future works

A / MPa B / MPa C n Particle methods have been recognized as the
next generation of numerical tools for multi-physics
460 320 0.022 0.36 simulations. Developed for more than three decades,
m ε0 / s−1 D1 D2 - D5
SPH has been proven a successful method solving
violent fluid-structure interactions. Despite the great
1.0 1.0 0.1 0 success, there are still some challenges that constrain
the application of SPH to industry circles. In the futu-
2.2.2 Underwater contact explosions by using an SPH- re studies, a few items urgent to be solved or optimi-
FEM coupling technique zed are summarized as follows:
The shock wave load generated by an underwater (1) In Eulerian CFD solvers, adaptive structured
explosion is validated in the previous subsection. In or unstructured grids have been adopted successfully to
this part, the SPH method is coupled with a FEM simulate multiscale flows with variable resolutions[48].
solver to simulate the contact explosion which is a However, in SPH most of the simulations are still done
great threat to the warship or other marine structures. with single particle resolution. More attentions should
Recently, in Ming et al.[53], a systematic investigation be paid to the development of models with adaptive
is conducted by using the SPH-FEM technique, in particle resolutions or particle refinement and de-
which SPH is devoted to model fluid dynamics and refinement.

(2) Inflow and outflow boundaries should be ex- from kernel approximations, governing equations, va-
tended to curved or other irregular inlet or outlet shapes. rious numerical techniques to different applications in
At present, almost all the inlet boundary is a straight ocean engineering is presented. Formulations of kernel
wall, which in some cases wastes a lot of computa- approximations with different orders of accuracy are
tional resources. For example in Colagrossi et al.[194], recalled. Boundary conditions are reviewed. Techni-
the simulation of a ship bow wave, a straight inflow ques for achieving a simulation with multi particle
boundary demands more space in which some particles resolutions are introduced. Techniques for breaking
do not contribute to the bow wave generation or deve- the Lagrangian particle structure and preventing ten-
lopment. In the same paper, the shape of the inflow sile instability are also reported.
boundary of Level Set method is a cured one, which We supplied abundant application cases which
shrinks the scale of the fluid domain. are representative in fluid-structure interactions in
(3) Techniques for preventing Lagrangian particle ocean engineering. The applications are classified into
structures (LPS) or tensile instability need improve- two categories: hydrodynamic problems and explosion
ment. Particle shifting with strict conservations of mo- problems, which are based on different equations of
mentum and energy should be developed to break state and have obviously different features. The va-
LPS[149]. For example in the famous benchmark test rious cases show the potential of SPH method to be
case called rotating square fluid patch[50], the disorde- further extended and applied in the fluid-structure in-
red particle distribution due to LPS can completely teractions in ocean engineering.
make the numerical results go in a wrong direction. In
flow past body in high Reynolds number, the particle
shifting cannot be sufficient to prevent the tensile insta- Acknowledgment
bility and therefore more robust techniques should be This work was supported by the CNR-INSEAN
developed. within the Project PANdA: PArticle methods for
(4) A particle re-distribution can be developed. In Naval Applications, protocol number No. 3263, 21
the explosion problems, after the explosive gas is too October 2014.
much exploded, the particle distribution becomes quite
diffused and therefore the accuracy of the particle app-
roximation on the interface between explosion produ- References
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